His Identity

Chapter 43

Rita woke up the next morning, planning to see Camille whom she hadn’t seen for a while. After the dinner party the previous day, Rita moved out of Senator Wilson Brabra’s house. Much to her satisfaction, Magdalene didn’t make a fuss about her staying. It seemed to her that she was just as willing to let Rita go which she was thankful for.

Rita got up from her bed, making her way towards the bathroom to do her toilet business. When she was done, she placed a call to Camille to see if she would be home.

“Hi, Camille good morning. How are you doing?”, Rita said, smiling into the phone.

“Hello dear, I’m alright. How are you?”, she asked.

“Quite well, thank you. Would you be at home, I was planning on seeing you today”.

“Oh dear, I’m not home. I’m at my friend’s on the outskirts of town. I was feeling alone and decided to stay with her for a while”, she said.

Rita was secretly bummed that she didn’t call her to keep her company but she reasoned that she might just want to stay with someone who was her age group.

“Camille, you could have called me to come keep you company. You know I’ll come immediately”, Rita said.

“I didn’t want to bother you. You’re working and being the President of a big organization like the Andersons is a lot of work. Don’t worry dear, I’m fine”, Camille chuckled.

“Okay, if you say so. Don’t worry so much about Rodrigo, he’ll return soon. I assure you”, Rita smiled.

“Thank you dear, I believe so too”, Camille sighed.

“I’ll talk to you later” Rita said, before cutting the call.

Immediately, she dialled Francis number. She wanted to know how far they’ve gone in finding him.

“Hi, good morning Francis”, Rita said.

“Good morning ma’am”, he clipped.

“Anything new yet? Have you been able to find him?”, Rita asked.

“Nothing yet ma’am but when I do, I’ll place a call to you”, he said.

“Okay, thank you. Please, try harder”, Rita begged.

“We’ll do our best ma’am, you have nothing to worry about”, he said before cutting the call.

Rita sighed, sitting back on her bed. She believed that Rodrigo would be found but when was the question. All these days, she had remained strong, holding on to his promise. She vowed to continue to hold on until he’s found.

She got up from her bed, making her way downstairs to have breakfast. When she got to the dining room, she met her parents who were already having breakfast.

“Good morning darling”, her mother beamed.

“Morning” Rita mumbled.

“Oh come on, why the frown”, her father chuckled.

“Nothing, just tired”, she lied.

She was a bit tired but not as much as they thought. Rita wasn’t in the mood to have any conversation with them but she had to bear it since it’s a must the whole family must have breakfast together.

Her mother passed her the kettle of tea, taking care not to spill the hot liquid all over the table. Rita poured some of the rich liquid into her cup as she took a small sip.

“So, any progress about finding Rodrigo?”, her father asked in between meals.

Rita sighed, sipping her tea. The issue with Rodrigo was a sour subject to her and she didn’t know if she was ready to divulge everything she had learnt to them. She decided against it because for one, she knew her mother would rat everything out to the first person she spoke to.

Rita didn’t want that, she didn’t need all the publicity that accompanies a missing person. She would find Rodrigo herself without anybody’s help.

“Fine… We’re making headway, better than I expected”, she said vaguely.

“I see, do you need any help?”, her mother asked.

“No, I don’t. Thank you”, Rita said.

Getting help from her mother would be the last thing she did. A help from her mother would tie her to her and she would constantly remind you why you shouldn’t disrespect her.

“Well, I hope he’s found”, her father said.

“I hope so too”, Rita said quietly.

Everyday of her not seeing Rodrigo was making her scared. Different thoughts ran through her mind on the possibilities on why he hasn’t been found. Top on the list was the thought of his death. Rita shuddered, her thoughts taking on a dark twist.

“I’ve.. got to go”, she stammered.

She left the dinner table hurriedly, rushing towards her room. She didn’t want her parents to see how affected she was about Rodrigo’s disappearance. She didn’t want them to see her cry in case the water gates open up. She closed the door behind her, climbing unto her bed. She sighed, refusing to give into the tears that threatened to fall.

Rita took a deep breath just as Rodrigo had taught her and soon, her racing heart was back to normal. She picked up her phone, dialing Theresa’s number. She needed to leave the house for a few hours.

“Baby girl, what’s up”, Theresa said.

“I’m okay. You at home?”, Rita said.

“Yeah, Mateo has been having a fever so I’m home”, she sighed.

Rita could sense that her friend was worried. Ever since she knew Theresa, if there was one thing she feared, it was ailments. Despite her tough girl exterior, Theresa would turn to mush if somebody was Ill. This was all as a result of her mother’s death, her mother was terminally ill before she died, right in her daughter’s hands.

“Okay, I’m coming. Don’t worry, everything would be fine” Rita assured.

“Thank you, I’ll inform the security you’re on your way”, Theresa said.

Rita smiled before cutting the call. She threw on some clothes, packing her hair into a loose ponytail. She applied a light coat of lipstick since the weather was getting cold and her lips were dry.

She made her way downstairs, snatching her car keys from a side table. When she got outside, she was surprised that a lot of snow had filled the driveway and the entirety of the compound. Rita carefully backed her car away from the house, careful not to speed. As she drove, she decided to put on the car radio since the car was too silent.

The first thing she heard was a missing report about a man who had just been found. According to the newscaster, the man was a male with no memory of where is he is and who he was.All content is © N0velDrama.Org.

Rita slammed on the brakes when she saw the red light had been on for a minute now. Her mind was totally on the report as she turned the volume up a notch.

“He’s about 5’8, brown hair and a lean build”, the reporter said.

Rita’s heart was pounding. The description matched Rodrigo and she was having a hard time breathing when the green lights instructed them to move.

“His age is expected to be between fourty five and fifty”, the reporter said, finally.

Rita sighed, taking her mind off the reports. Rodrigo wasn’t even half of that age, he was only in his thirties and this description didn’t match him.

She got to Theresa’s house and drove in without any questions from the security men at the gate. No doubt, Theresa had already informed them about her arrival. She parked the car beside the house, climbing out. Rita walked towards the huge double doors, ringing the bell.

Soon, the door opened to reveal her friend’s pretty face which wasn’t so pretty now due to the frown marring her face. Rita could see that her friend was beyond worried with the way her body tensed up when she hugged her.

“Where is he?”, Rita asked.

“In his room. Come along”, Theresa croaked.

Rita had always loved coming to her friend’s house. Even though it was a bungalow, the features in it rivaled that of a mansion. The security system attached to the house was of top most quality and the murals gave it a regal look.

They got to Mateo’s room soon and when Rita saw the boy, her heart broke. He was indeed sick, he had a pale look and he seemed lighter than usual when she carried him.

“Have you taken him to the hospital?”, Rita asked.

“Yeah, the doctor said it’s nothing to worry about. He said he’s only teething that soon, his temperature would return to normal”, she said.

“Then you don’t need to worry, i actually suspected this. You see, teething is actually synonymous to children especially of this age. He’ll be fine girl, it only means your boy is growing older”, Rita smiled.

She placed him back on his crib. He snored lightly, gripping his stuffed toy. They left his room, making their way to the living room so they wouldn’t disturb him.

“So, how are you?”, Theresa smiled.

Since Rita had been in the house, this was the first easy smile Theresa had given her. She could tell that she was a bit relieved that her son would be fine.

“I’m just there, trying to survive. If you ask me, which you did, I just feel numb”, Rita chuckled.

“Oh darling, everything’s going to be okay. You just have to stop worrying and start believing that, it will be fine, trust me”, Theresa smiled, giving her hands a gentle squeeze.

“I know and I’m hoping that soon all these would make sense”, Rita said.

“So, what would you like to have?”.

“Ohh please, I’m not a guest. I’m going into the kitchen to ransack the fridge”, Rita laughed, rising to her feet.

Theresa joined her, smiling as she followed Rita to the kitchen. Rita opened the fridge, in awe of the various snacks that was loaded in it.

“I’m just going to have some youghurt”, she said.

Rita brought out a big bowl of her favorite youghurt, scooping a healthy portion inside a cup.

“I’ve been hiding the youghurt from Mateo ever since his illness began”, Theresa chuckled.

“That must be hard, considering how he likes this treat. How’s the baby coming, have you told Marco yet?”, Rita said, taking a spoon of ice cream.

“No, I haven’t. I’m just waiting for the right moment to tell him. With Mateo’s illness, he hasn’t really been himself. But I promise, when all this is over, I’ll inform him”, Theresa smiled .

“Okay, but do that on time. I’ve learnt that men do not like it when their wives hide something as important as this to them”, Rita said.

“Honestly. Do you know I have a feeling that this would be a girl”, Theresa said, rubbing her stomach.

“I hope so, I can’t wait to hold my goddaughter in my hands”, Rita smiled.

“So, what’s been happening with you and Edmundo?”.

“Nothing much just that I’m avoiding him and he’s doing the same. I really don’t want him near me again”, Rita said.

“I really wish that one day, you’ll be free from him” Theresa said.

“I don’t wish babe, I know I’ll be free from him. It’s only a matter of time”.

“I like your faith, I wish I had it too”, Theresa said.

Rita smiled, eating more of the youghurt. Theresa busied herself with making her homemade spaghetti that Rita seemed to love.

As Rita thought about everything happening to her, she knew the end was near.

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