His Identity

Chapter 17

Rita couldn’t believe this was happening to her. She couldn’t travel with Edmundo when she was so close to nabbing the thief who had been stealing from her company coupled with the fact that she was yet to discover who was behind that attack in Los Angeles. Rodrigo couldn’t do it all alone, he needed her and there was no way she would leave him alone.

“I’m sorry, I can’t go. I have so many things to do here that requires my attention”, she said as politely as she could.

“There would be no excuses Rita. You must go with me, it’s a must”, he said, walking back to his seat.

“Why don’t you tell your many concubines to accompany you”, Rita screamed.

“Don’t test my patience woman. You’re coming with me and there’s no argument about that”, he said.

“And can you force me?”, she said.

“I don’t need to force you, I know just how to make you go”, he said, stroking his beard.

“Which is?”.

“Your father”, he smiled sadistically.

“You wouldn’t”, Rita said, horrified.

“Oh I will and I can, there’s no stopping me. Remember who I am, Edmundo Brabra son of the nation’s Senator”, he said.

Rita stayed quiet for a while. Edmundo knew her weakness and it was her father, one word from him to her father would make her change her mind. He knew it and that’s why he didn’t hesitate to use it against her. She always knew him to be so heartless and callous but never like this, this was beyond wicked.

“How long would you be staying?”, Rita asked.

“A week”, he said.

“Fine… I’ll go”, she said sadly.

“Good choice although you didn’t have much of a choice”, he said, rising to his feet.NôvelDrama.Org © content.

“Get out of my office”, Rita said with all the hate she could muster.

“Oh darling, I’m already on my way. I’ll pick you up on Friday, we’ll use my jet. And oh, tell that chaffeur of yours that he won’t be needed”, he said before walking out of her office.

Rita slumped on her seat as the first drop of tears fell from her eyes. She didn’t understand why her life seemed to be going this way. Why her parents seemed to pay a deaf ear to her pleas against marrying Edmundo. As it stood, there was no way she could prevail over them. They were bent on her getting married to him and there was no stopping them.

“Ma’am, your chaffeur wants to see you. Shall I send him up?”, Yasmin said, through the intercom.

Rita knew that Rodrigo sensed that she’ll be in a bad mood hence his wanting to see her. She couldn’t see him now, couldn’t see the handsome face she had come to love. She’ll be going away with Edmundo for a week and she didn’t want Rodrigo’s face to be the last thing she saw before leaving. It was best he stayed away from her until the time she came back, it was for the best.

“No, don’t send him in. Please, kindly inform him that I wouldn’t be needing his services until further notice. He hasn’t been relieved of his duties, just on a little suspension that’s all”, she said.

“Okay ma’am, I’ll relay your message to him”, Yasmin said.

Rita sobbed harder, pulling out a tissue from her side drawer. Her eyes were red rimmed as she stared our of the window. A little bird fluttered past and for one brief moment, Rita wished she could be free like the bird.


At the close of work that day, Rita walked briskly towards her car. She was going to drive herself home since she had relived Rodrigo of his duties. On getting to her car, she discovered that he was already outside waiting for her even when she had made it clear that he wouldn’t be working anymore for the time being.

“Rita”, he said.

“Rodrigo”, she said, quietly.

He moved towards her with the intention of holding her but she held up her hand, stopping him in his tracks. A look of pain crossed his eyes and Rita almost broke her resolve there and then. Even though she didn’t want to see him until she left, she couldn’t help but feel touched at his insistence by coming here

“Please, you have to go”, she said, walking towards the car.

“Why? Did I do anything wrong?”, he asked, quietly.

“No, gosh no you didn’t. I just don’t want us to see each other for a while, please that’s all I ask”, she said.

Rodrigo shut his eyes, no doubt going over the pain of her refusal. Rita couldn’t stop the tears that slid down her eyes at the moment. She hated seeing him this way but if she was to stay strong on her own, this was the best way.

“Alright, I’ll back off but that doesn’t mean I’ll stop searching for whoever was behind that shooting”.

“Thank you”, she said, getting into her car.

Just before she left, Rodrigo called her, a deep pain in his voice at having to see her leave. There was nothing he could do but watch her.

“Don’t let him rule your heart”, he said before walking away.

Rita remained there for several minutes, going over his words. That was a cryptic message, one she knew was referring to Edmundo. She didn’t know what to think as she slowly drove away from the building.

She got home soon, heading straight for her room whilst ignoring her parents greetings. She wasn’t in the mood to converse with them. She got to her room soon, heading to bed without removing her clothes. That night, she slept fitfully, her mind focused on how she would survive the next week.

The next morning, a day before she was to travel with Edmundo, she left the house very early, needing to catch up with some leftover work that she ignored the previous day. She got to the office very early, earlier than most of the staffs who worked under her. The only person that seemed to be in the whole building were the security men who manned the entrance point.

Rita walked briskly towards her office, ignoring the greetings from the men. This was the first time she would be doing something like this. She felt bad over her attitude. Settling down in her chair, she pulled out the first file she was to work on. She scanned the file, going through over everything her Dad had briefed her on earlier.

As she read on, her phone gave a silent beep, indicating that she had a message. Swiping her phone, she discovered that the message was from Edmundo, reminding her about their intended trip the following day. She ignored the message, dropping her phone on the table. She decided she was just going to ignore Edmundo for the duration of their stay together. Maybe then she would be able to bear staying with him.

“His stupid ways and his stupid attitude”, Rita muttered.

For the rest of the day, Rita was in a foul mood, thinking about her trip tomorrow. For one singular moment, she wondered what Rodrigo was doing and if he missed her as much as she missed him.

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