Her, To Home

Chapter 37

“Are you sure it was her, Dean?”

He didn’t bother to raise his head and just silently nodded. He heard a smack from beside him which he ignored as he stared into the night in which his Sara was lost somewhere.

“I don’t understand. The thing with her sister happened a long time ago, why now?” Drake asked, keeping his eyes on the road.

“Because I came back.” Dean said and paused, slowly turning to look at Drake as he questioned, “You knew her? That girl?”

Drake rolled his eyes and replied, “You are the only oblivious person who didn’t. Everyone knew of her. If she was simply in love with you, maybe I can believe that you wouldn’t have noticed but Dean, she was creepily obsessed with you. It used to give me creeps but I never knew that you weren’t even aware of her existence.”

Dean stayed silent. There was no way he would remember her. Even those girls who have told him they liked him on his face were forgotten within seconds and that girl everyone seemed to know of had never even approached her. The only reason he even recognizes her was because she looked a lot like June. From as long as he could remember, other than Sara, girls weren’t usually his thing. Even the couple of girls he slept with, he couldn’t really describe them. He would recognize them if he saw them but that was all where it ended.

But was it really a revenge game for June? Would June really simply hate him to this point because her sister ruined herself over him? But that wasn’t his fault. Even the most unreasonable person would have seen that. He wasn’t even aware of her affections, why should he be responsible to answer them? No, it must be something else. Something he must have missed.

“We are here.”

He looked up and saw the police station. After not being able to get through Sara and June’s phone, he had called Sara’s mother who had confirmed his suspicious. He had called his people to locate them but he knew they had to inform the police so they could bring forward June parents.

When the entered, Sara’s mother and Jamie talking to a detective. There was a silent couple sitting behind just staring in space as if they couldn’t understand the reality. Dean grimed and walked closer with Drake.

“Dean!” Jamie called out his name, his worried eyes searched his in answer which he didn’t have but he was going to get them. Instead of coming towards the detective, he turned to June’s parents and demanded, “Where is she?”

The soulless couple turned their blank eyes towards him, neither of them answering his question. Seeing that Dean leaned closer and shouted, “Where the fuck is your daughter?!”

“Mister Woodland! Calm down. We still don’t know if their daughter is involved or not!” The detective came forward to push him back.

“Dean, are you sure it was June? It can’t be. There must have been a misunderstanding.” Sara’s mother said, her eyes were filled with tears as she looked at him the same way Jamie had, like he had answers.

Jamie just stared at him for a while and then walked closer to him, putting his hand on Dean’s shoulder he tried to calm his worry as he questioned, “Was it really June?”

Dean stared back at him and nodded slowly. It seemed like that was all the surety Jamie needed because he cursed and turned to June’s parents.

“Where is your daughter, Mister Parker?” He demanded, less rudely than Dean had but his voice had held a warning.

When the couple still stayed silent, Sara’s mum rushed forward and slapped June’s mother. The sound echoed into the station and silence fell as everyone looked at them. Dean wasn’t surprised, he knew the only reason Sara’s mum had been polite was because she held some doubt towards June’s involvement, since that clear of course she was going to bring out her frustration outside.

“What did she do to my daughter!?” She demanded as she grabbed Mrs. Parker shirt. Dean and Jamie both came forward to pull her away before police took action towards her.

“Mrs. O’ Brian. We don’t have any reason to believe that Ms. Parker was involved!” The detective tried to calm them down.

“Yes, they do. You should ask them. June’s sister went crazy due to Dean according to her.” Drake finally spoke. His words once again paused the room and they finally got a reaction from the Parker couple.

Mrs. Parker looked at Dean and slowly rise up, walking closer to him she suddenly attacked him. Dean wasn’t in mood to deal with the psycho family. He already had enough on his plate so he simply pushed her away, making her fall on the ground with a bang.

“You! You ruined my daughter’s life! It was you!” She screamed, glaring at Dean. Mr. Parker didn’t rise but simply stared at him, as if his wife wasn’t on the floor.

Dean sat down and leaned closer to the crazy woman, his eyes burning in anger as he demanded, “Oh, really now. How did I destroy someone I have never even met?”

“You bastard! You liar! You were the one who impregnated her and then left her! She begged you! She pleaded to you! You heartless bastard!” Through Mrs. Parker loud sobbing, her words passed as if cold wind, freezing everyone.

Dean was also shocked but he was the first to recover. Not because he didn’t care but because this was something, he was sure about. He had never slept with anyone. Nor had he ever gotten drunk enough to slide it as a mistake so he had nothing to worry about. From the talk he heard in the gathering, the girl had gotten pregnant around the time he was leaving at that time, he was long past even sleeping around. His facade had lasted only a month and then he went back to his normal life. He could swear on his love for Sara that he never touched another girl after that.

“Are you saying, Not only was I stupid enough to sleep with your psycho daughter but somehow also made her pregnant? Do you believe that I am crazy enough to let someone like her be responsible for my child or anyone’s child? I have never slept with your daughter. Get that in your thick skull!” Dean growled and rise up, turning to Drake.

“Search around who she hung out with. Anyone from school or see if she may be hired someone. I think she did because I had never seen or heard June getting along with anyone else. Find out if someone recently accepted such jobs.” Dean said and before the detective could stop him, Drake was already out of the door with the phone on his ear.


Dean turned to look at Jamie who though held no doubt in his eyes was staring at him in confusion. Dean sighed and took a seat and started speaking, “June’s sister was in love with me back in high school. I had no idea before today. I think love would be a polite term, they said she was obsessed. I had heard that she had gotten pregnant and then had a miscarriage due to which she was admitted in a hospital for mental illness. I think June also believed her sister which was why she took away Sara. I though her hostility towards me was due to just simple jealousy or envy but she had approached Sara from the very first day for simply that purpose.”

Mrs. Parker was still sobbing but it was Mr. Parker who asked, “So, you weren’t the father?”

Dean looked at him and shook his head as he replied, “I was not. I have never even met her alone before. Considering it took place in last few days on high school, I never left Sara’s place in those days. I was leaving for a while, why would I waste that time on someone else?”

“She was lying…” Mr. Parker whispered as he closed his eyes.

Dean didn’t answer. He didn’t know if she was lying or was simply so deep in her obsession that it all become an illusion for her. He was also starting to doubt whether the girl was even pregnant in the first place. Maybe even that was something she had started to believe herself. Would it had been better if he knew about it? Would it had been better if he had clearly rejected her? But then for that, she needed to admit to him that she had liked him. Her feelings were so deeply buried that it had slowly ate insides, taken over her mind and now, someone else was paying the price.

“We have tried to track their cellphone and Ms. Parker’s car but we only found them in the middle of nowhere. There were no cameras so we aren’t sure how they traveled away.” The detective explained.

“Can’t you track every digital activity in past few hours of that location?” Jamie asked.

“We are already on it. It would take some time for the results to come forward.”

Dean rubbed his face. Surprisingly, he wasn’t really scared. He was frustrated but he didn’t hold any fear. When he had first heard about it, it had scared him to the point where he couldn’t breathe but he had slowly calmed down because somewhere in his mind, he believed that June wouldn’t hurt her. If she wanted to hurt her, she had many opportunities in past two years. He was probably the reason she had snapped. The only grudge she had towards Sara was that she loved him.

He suddenly remembered the car accident that had happened few weeks back. He frowned in concentration. Even his people weren’t able to find who had done it. He had always believed that the target was him but he thought it was probably a past enemy but maybe, just maybe it was also done by June.

He took a seat and just silently stared at his hands. Feeling someone sit beside him, he turned his head to find Jamie staring at him. He wanted to say something to calm his worry, wanted to offer words which didn’t held any doubts but he couldn’t find any and those he could, he wasn’t able to speak them out loud.

“It will be okay.” Jamie said and for once, Dean wanted to believe him. Though he wasn’t worried, his patience was running thin. He had promised Sara to never kill again but maybe, he might make an exception for June.

They waited for an hour. In that hour, Dean made few calls. All of his people were on the search for any sign of suspicious. They were searching bars, hotels, motels, empty houses, every incoming car, everything which could hold Sara but there didn’t seem to be any luck. Till suddenly Dean’s phone rang.

Seeing the unknown number, Dean didn’t question and picked it up.

“Hello, Dean.”

Her voice paused him for only a second before he waved his hand and pointed towards his phone. The police quickly started the tracking system while Jamie and Sara’s mother also came closer to him.

“Where is Sara?” Dean demanded.

“She is very hurt, just like my sister was. I told her everything you have done and she never wants to see you again.” June voice was soft, creasing but it just sounded sickening to Dean’s ears.

“Oh, tell her to tell me that herself.” Dean simply said, his lips moving in a cruel smile.Content property of NôvelDra/ma.Org.

As if his O’Brian would ever believe someone else over him.

“She wants to. Why don’t you meet us? Alone?”

Dean met the detective eyes who was urging him to keep the conversation going as he asked, “Where?”

“You would know soon.” June said and with that she hung up.

Dean hungrily stared at the detectives who simply shook their heads. Cursing he wanted to smash the phone on the ground but controlled himself.

When his phone rang away after few seconds, he quickly picked it up hoping it was June again with the location but it was a breathless Drake.

“We found her, Dean.”

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