Her Savior

Chapter 23 The Cleanse

“Shani, please come inside, I’m Ian and this is Blair.”

“Oh my…” Shani looked at the hand mark on Blair’s pale neck.

“… I’m sorry for not being able to come sooner. Let’s do this now shall we?”

“I’m grateful that you’re here now,” Blair said as she ushered her to come inside.

“He’s full of vengeance Blair, and your fear for him feeds his strength. He’s growing stronger because of it, but don’t worry I’m here now. I’ll get rid of him.” She smiled sweetly at her.

Ian stood back and watched Shani while standing close to Blair for her support. He had only heard of her from Lisa and Dave, his captain had met the witch before.

He still couldn’t believe that he was living in a town where the supernatural has been a part of its people for hundreds of years back. The things he saw and experienced, he would not believe if he hadn’t seen it for himself.

And he couldn’t imagine the paperwork that his captain has to compromise for closing several of their paranormal and out-of-the-ordinary cases.

“Please sit here, Ian, you can let go of her hand. She’s safe in the circle.”

Shani instructed as she made Blair sit within the circle that she just made with the black sand. She was chanting her words in a language that they both didn’t understand. But Blair was calm, so he retreated and watched her from outside the circle.

Candles were lit, the lights were dimmed. Shani was back to her satchel and took out some incense and started lighting them as she circled Blair while still chanting her words. The candles flick several times, then it gets bigger.

“Calm down Blair, say nothing, don’t let him scare you. I’m here, I’ll protect you. Trust me okay?”

Shani said calmly as she prepared her and said that she was going to summon him and cast him back to his dimension where he belongs. Blair nodded to her words and smile at Ian telling him silently that Blair was okay.

It only took moments until a shadow appeared, Blair looked shocked and Ian was trying hard to hold himself back. He did not want to disrupt the seance that Shani was holding.

“You are not welcome in our world…”

“You stupid witch you think you can stop me?” his voice was cold and harsh, Ian could see that Blair was teary already.

But Shani was calm and keeps on burning her incense and voicing her spell over and over again.

“… your attachment with her is done. She will be under my protection…”

Shani sprinkled the dust that she had prepared earlier, and the shadow hissed and diminished, but was trying to appear back again. It was forming himself into a silhouette of a man, with his face clearly shown.


Ian thought as he recognized him, just like his picture on the case file that he saw previously.

Blair was targeted, she screamed when he almost reached her. But Shani was quicker as she swiftly raises her voice and blows the sand onto his face making him shrink back and howling in pain.

Then within seconds, he was gone. The place was a mess, but Ian kept looking at Shani as in seeking her permission to go get Blair back into his arms. Blair was in tears, he could see that she was scared shitless from the entity.

“She’s safe. He’s gone.”

That was all he needed to hear when he leaped to get her and carry her body into his arms. Blair hold on to him tightly and cried in his embrace.

Shani let the couple have their moment while she gathers her stuff then make a new batch of protection sand to be dusted on the charm she was leaving behind and some incense and candles for them to burn just to give the place a good vibe whenever she was feeling vulnerable.

“I think you need to leave a big tip to the cleaning lady.”

Shani smiled as she opens the conversation. She needed to talk some more before she leaves the couple to go back to the coastal region.

Ian wiped Blair’s tears and let her stay on his side, as she was still in shock from the previous seance.

“Shani, thank you very much for all of this.”

“Ian, I’m here to help… Blair may I?” Shani pointed to the bruise on her neck. Then hover her hand inches from Blair’s neck when she gives her the approval.

Shani voiced out her spell, while Blair kept her hold on Ian. But then she felt the soreness was slowly diminishing until it was completely gone.Text property © Nôvel(D)ra/ma.Org.

“You’re healed. It’s the only kind of bruise that I could heal with my power.” She smiled warmly at the couple, then continue by explaining to them about her amulet just in case the entity decided to have a comeback.

“You mean, he could show up again?” Blair asked as she feels her body tensing from the information.

“Not when you have this amulet. I have sealed him to another dimension. But I don’t want to be too confident and put you in harm’s way. There is a very slim to none chance that he could get back. But with the amulet, you’re protected.”

“And the very important thing is you should be braver, he had been sucking your energy from years of abusing you. And even after he’s dead you’re still afraid of him and that fear feeds him to become the bad entity that we saw earlier.”

“Oh God … this is my fault.”

“No Blair, it’s your ex’s. I believe everything happened for a reason.” She pointed at Ian and Blair’s closeness and the undeniable love they have for each other.

It warmed Shani’s heart knowing that she will have someone who loves her to help her get through this ordeal.

They talked for another half an hour before Shani leave them and let Blair rest for the day.

“So one problem down,”  Ian stated as he closes the door behind him.


“Hey baby, you have me I’ll be with you every step of the way.”

He cupped her face and kissed her slowly, she sighed and slitter her hand to his chest and step closer into his embrace.


“Hmm?” he paused his kisses and waited for her.

“Will you help me forget about him?” she asked while unbuttoning his shirt slowly then slipping her hand and feeling his warmth.

“Baby, I’ll do anything you want.” He said shedding his shirt dramatically to the sofa making her laugh. 

“Really?” she asked biting her lip, secretly wanting to feel more from him.

She giggled when he swiftly carry her to the bedroom and lay her next to him. He helps her with her blouse then strips her naked while trailing his kisses all over her body. She was looking at him with lust, then back to biting her lip when he took off his jeans and boxers in one go.

They have been having sex a couple of times already, but every time it felt like a new experience for her. She kept on feeling not sure about herself while he kept making her feel as if she was the most beautiful woman on earth.

“What is it Blair?” he asked hovering sexily above her body.

“I don’t want you to treat me like I’m fragile.”

He knows right away what she wanted from him, and it made him want to protect her even more. The possessiveness was up another level, the way she trusted him to treat her in another manner was making him so proud of her.

He knows she was a strong woman, but he didn’t realize that she was changing so fast in front of his eyes, and it was making him fall deeper for her.

“I love you, Blair, so much.”

He said looking deep into her eyes and searching for any doubts. But he couldn’t find any, as she was showing off determination and lust which he gladly shared with her.

She was moaning under him the second he kissed her with a new passion inside him. She was wanting his desire, he was willing and wanting to give his all for her.

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