Her Raging Flame [English Version]

Chapter 33

“Stop staring at me Dave. With my state right now, I don’t need your questions.”

I wiped the tears from my cheeks and looked out of the moving car.

My mind is going back to Mav’s unit and to the scenes after that. How I wish I could erase the pain in his eyes but as far as I want to do it, my responsibility stops me.

I think Maverick’s angry face will be planted in my head. Gone is the warmth in his eyes as he looked at me. Suddenly, the care and the passion I always read in his eyes since we were on the island are lost. It was replaced by anger, bitterness, and disgust. His eyes became cold to me. Earlier, I saw no sign that he believed me.

It’s all doubt all over his face. I can’t blame him for that. I did it to myself. I did it to us.

He looked at me from the driver’s seat.This is from NôvelDrama.Org.

“I actually quite have an idea. I turned on the device when you know.. You know.. You guys are so noisy so for the sake of my well-being, I turned it off again. I don’t know why you guys want to end up this way after you know. Love is that complicated, huh.”

I didn’t respond. Instead I asked him about his mission.

“I got some important information. I happen to know about his schedule. I believe his assistant is discussing it with him. I only have audio, that’s why it’s hard to know who he’s talking to. We could use the identity of that person. It’s a good nudge that we were able to access the security pool on the floor. Anyway, two days from now, there will be a luncheon party at the house of.” He stopped for a while and looked at me.

“Go on,” I urged him.

“Yes, there will be a luncheon party hosted by Mrs. Fuentebella inside their mansion and Lagma is invited. I’m doing everything to get an invitation.”

I was not surprised anymore. It seems that destiny has no real intention of diverting Maverick’s path from mine.

“Yes, please.”

“Are you really okay with this? Maverick will surely be there. With what I witnessed, you guys are not in a good relationship now,” he reminded me.

“Maverick is not part of my plan, Dave. This mission is the number one reason why I’m here. With Maverick’s presence or absence, nothing will change. I messed it up big time. It didn’t go as well as I thought. It’s only me and you right now.”

He sped up the car.

“I take it as a compliment. By the way, I’ve forwarded the information Mr. Rowald sent me in your email. Just read it later and then tell me what to do. I didn’t look at it, I swear. He told me he didn’t have time to meet you and it’s a security concern if he’ll send it to you via electronic means.”

“Thank you.”

My chest is still heavy due to how the events unfold. I didn’t say a word until we got to my apartment. After saying goodbye to Dave, I went straight to bed to lie down. I was not drowsy enough but the strange weight due to what had happened made my eyelids heavy.

I slept with his shirt on and his face lingering in my head.

I also woke up an hour and a half later because of a nightmare. My parents and my sister are angry at me. They kept on telling me of my commitment. They looked and felt so real in my dreams. I want to hug them but their furious faces stop me.

Chasing my breath, I went out of the room to drink some water. I gasped for air. I sat on the floor and leaned my head on the sofa. I looked at the wall clock. It is past two in the morning. It’s too late for me to go back to sleep.

I wiped the sweat on my face and straightened my hair then stood up to get my laptop. I opened the e-mail and started reading the information Rowald had sent. It was as if I had lost strength in the discoveries.

As if what happened before wasn’t enough, I should really know these new things by now. I stood up again and got another bottle of water to drink. Then I slumped on the floor and leaned my back against the refrigerator. I closed my eyes and let the tears flow. I now get why Rowald did all this. It’s all about that fucking group again. I wanted to be angry with him but I still didn’t have the strength. I felt like a puppet being played around. First, my parents and now Rowald.

So I have already decided. With Maverick’s help or the lack of it, I will continue it. I’m so tired from all of this. I just want it all to end. Whether I’m going to cry later or laugh, I don’t know if I’m going to do nothing.

With that thought in my head, I wiped off the tears in my face and went to my room. I have to prepare.

Whatever the result is, I know it can easily make or break me…and Maverick.

I took off my sunglasses a bit to catch a glimpse of the guests at the exclusive luncheon party organized by Maverick’s mother at the Fuentebella’s mansion.

Luckily, Dave had managed to clone an invitation letter for me to prevent any security personnel from intercepting my plan for the day.

The theme is just casual so I know I’m not out of place with my mustard yellow puffed sleeve square neck dress, summer hat, and gladiator sandals. I completed my look by wearing a pair of hoop earrings.

The Fuentebella’s house is a revelation of how opulent the family is. It’s a modern-day mansion. It’s far from the Philippine architecture a la Vigan-style of our mansion in Monte Vega. This piece of magnificence before me has a wonderful façade of full glass exterior design.

When we entered through the private gate and into the patterned driveway, I knew right then that I’m dealing with a family of great money.

I was greeted earlier at the entrance by Maverick’s mother. There is no denying her resemblance to her son. Mrs. Fuentebella has softer features than his son but her eyes really reminded me of him. Dark, brooding, and piercing. She is a woman of warmth, power and elegance and of timeless beauty. It is obvious by how she is given the highest respect by the guests. No wonder. She once held the highest position in her maiden family’s business empire.

She looked at me for a second as if asking who I was before deciding to move on to another guest behind me. If she had asked me, I would have answered her with my alibi that I’m invited by her business associate.

I was led into the spacious living room with warm wood panel accents and a custom spiral woodcase stairs as the first things that will catch your eye. We were led again by the uniformed woman into a backdoor where the luncheon party is happening in a massive gazebo. About fifty guests were scattered on the lawn. Others are already having fun in the pool. I chose to sit in the sitting overlooking the lush greenery of the garden malapit sa buffet area. A waiter offered me a refreshment which I gladly accepted.

The weather is windy. Perfect weather for a good get-together. I saw Maverick’s younger brother, Gideon, with his wife Sheri who are busy entertaining the guests.

I recalled the information I have with him while sipping my strawberry limeade drink. Gideon Fuentebella is 25 years old, a painter and a music enthusiast who married Sheri Estrella, cousin of Dave.

I smiled as I remembered that clever boy camping in my apartment again. What kind of hocus pocus did he do to get the invitation? I’m betting my newly manicured fingernails and toenails that he used Sheri.

I looked around the place. The notorious Luther and Cholo are nowhere to be found so no one will know me now except Maverick if he is here. Compared to the gala night with more visitors, they probably won’t recognize me here.

My senses flared at his familiar presence. I don’t have to ask why I am feeling this way. There is only one human in this world who has this effect on me. I turned toward the other side and saw Maverick coming out from the back door. I raised my brows when I saw that he’s not alone. On his right and holding him possessively is a woman I knew from a magazine. A socialite and a runway model, Monica Santabella. My lips pursed. Yeah, this is the true Maverick. A great playboy.

But where is Cahil Asturia?

I focused my gaze on Maverick. He still looks as dapper as ever even with his black Bermuda shorts and very casual white shirt showcasing his strong pair of arms and legs. I hate to admit it but the girl beside him also looks good with her summer dress and flirty smile.

I drank heavily from the glass I was holding when I saw Maverick place his hand on the woman’s back to support her as they went to a group of people. I couldn’t stop the tightening of my chest at the sight. A lump formed in my throat. He looks so happy and relaxed with her that I wonder if he is hurting now as much as I do.

“You should be wary of that girl. From day one, she had her eye on Maverick.”

I quickly turned to the voice of a woman who was sitting on the other side of my seat. I arched my brows at Cahil Asturia who is every inch a class of her own in her white racerback dress.

“Why would I?” I tried to keep off my eyes on the pair but the rumble in my head wouldn’t let me.

Cahil laughed which made me look back at her.

“Monica is one sly girl, a desperate one I think. She will do anything just to get whatever she wants and your man is her number one target. Did you know she stalked Maverick for more or less two years now? Even when she is in a committed relationship, she can easily break up with her current boyfriend if she finds out that Maverick is single again. The girl is creepy.”

I chuckled.

“Well, would it make you say that I’m creepier than her if I told you I stalked Maverick from day to day for the last four years? I can even make his coffee with my eyes closed.”

I took off the shades I was wearing and stared at her shocked expression.

“Why? Can’t believe it? It’s what desperation does to people.” I put a finger beside my ear and draw a circle on it. “It makes them crazier.”

I looked back at the couple who were now sitting with Maverick’s mother and talking happily.

“But I still don’t like her. Makes my blood boil.”

“Me too. So what are you gonna do about it?” Cahil responded.

I shrugged my shoulders. “Nothing. I didn’t bring her here so I don’t have any right.”

I tasted the bitterness in my words.

“Uhm no. If you think Maverick invited her to be here, then you’re wrong. She invited herself in.”

I turned to her.

“Why would I believe you?”

“Girl, you should be. Maverick and I didn’t come here together. Hey, don’t look at me like that. I don’t have any romantic feelings for your guy. We’re like siblings for Pete’s sake! Just the thought of it makes my insides curl!”


I smiled at her. “I like you.”

Cahil smiled back at me.

“I like you too but I’ll like you more if you take Maverick out of his misery now. My ears are hurting already from all the calls from his mother because apparently, that man has been out of the zone for a while now. I know it’s all about you so please, make him happy again.”

My attention was caught when Lagma entered the lawn. He is a bit overdressed for the event. He was wearing a polo shirt and slacks as if he was trying to wrap himself around it. I slipped the shades into my bag and stood up and looked at Cahil.

“You know what, I never really liked Asturia but you might be an exception. But sorry to disappoint you, I did not come here for Maverick. My petty jealousy is not my number one concern now. But I might hit two birds with one stone.”

I strutted my way across the well-mowed grass and approached the long table where the food is being served. Instead of taking food, I asked for another drink after handing over the glass.

“Thank you.”

I winked at the waiter and crossed the direction towards Lagma who was sitting near the poolside area. I sat beside him and held out my free hand.

“Hi!” I excitedly said to mask my real emotions.

I smiled at Lagma who was now looking at me with a blank face. The man had a formidable force in him. He’s really scary when you see him face to face. I’m feeling the exact feeling I feel when I’m with Maverick. Under his eyes, I felt so weak and so small.

“Hello,” he formally responded after accepting my hand.

His hands were calloused which reminds me of my cousin’s hands. This is the hand of someone who had pulled countless triggers.

“Who are you?” he said.

I grinned.

“Oh, you don’t remember me Mr. Lagma Rey? How sad. Look at me. I’m sure you will remember someone who looks like me. Come on.”

I watched as his expression turned dark.

“Okay. Let me refresh your memory. My name is Femella Alcantara, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Napoleon Alcantara. And yes, I’m the last of the clan of Alcantara. My pleasure to finally meet you, Lagma. I used to only see you in my father’s office and now, you hold one. I’m more than elated to see how far you’ve come. Never thought I’ll see you in flesh here. At last, after eight years of searching for you, I’ve finally found you.” I smiled a lethal one. “Aren’t you glad to see me too?”

I got no reaction from him. That’s what I feared. The more he refuses to admit, the more it will get difficult. That’s why I was shocked when the man grinned and squeezed my hand tightly. His face startled me. If I just didn’t know there were so many people in this area, I might have run out of fear.

“Congratulations Femella. I have hoped to see you again. How are you?”

The way he said it pisses me off. As if he didn’t do something to me and my family. As if he didn’t steal someone away from us for too long.

I pulled my hand from him and drank from the glass. I shot him a disgusted look.

“Really? You have the gall to ask me that? Of course my life has never been good. I feel like living inside hell every day since what you did eight years ago. Ever since you abducted Trisha, my world has never been the same.”

He did not budge from sitting. He just stared at me looking like the most innocent man in the entire country.

“Trisha? Who’s that?”

My teeth chattered in anger. It was as if everything around me had turned red. I tightened my grip on the glass. I had the urge to break the glass against his face but Maverick’s stare from the distance distracted me. I let our eyes connect for a moment to calm myself before turning my attention back to Lagma who was also staring at Maverick.

“Hasn’t it been enough that you’ve benefited from her for eight years? Do you really have no conscience? Are you still human, Lagma? Give my sister back to me. Give Trisha back to me.”

I fought off the urge to cry. Not in front of this man. I will not cry in front of him. I will not show any weakness in the face of this demon.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about, Ms. Alcantara. You are mistaken if you think I had anything to do with the loss of your sister. I am indebted to your father so I cannot do what you are accusing me of. I will let this one slide because I understand you. But let me warn you, do this again and taint my reputation, I will not spare you anymore.”

I can’t believe what I heard. What a liar!

Oh well! Lest I forget, there is no thief in this world who will admit that he is a thief so why would a kidnapper confess he’s one?

“Yeah. Keep on denying. Someday, your claws will bite back at you. And I swear, it’ll be just around the corner. I will make sure that your beloved organization will cause you your biggest heartache yet. Choose, Lagma. El Draconem or Trisha?”

I smiled triumphantly when I got what I wanted from his expression. A sudden flash of darkness crossed his eyes.

“I’ll kill you,” he warned me dangerously.

A weary smile appeared on my face.

“Sure, be my guest. Kill me by all means. I will gladly choose death than live this life without any inch of happiness thanks to you. But make sure you do it fast and easy. I might convince Maverick any moment to take what’s rightfully his. Where will you be if that happens?”

He grabbed me by the arm and held it tightly. It was as if my arm was about to be torn apart by the pressure he put but I did not show any pain. Instead, I faced his raging eyes and said my piece.

“I’ve tailed you for weeks. I saw how much you treasure the organization. Now I wonder, would you let it go for my sister?”

“Is there any problem here?”

I didn’t blinked from staring at Lagma even though I knew Maverick was in front of us. Gradually, he loosened his grip on me.

“No. There’s no problem here. I was just catching up with an old friend,” I said when he finally let me go and without saying a word stood up and took big steps towards the house.

I let out my held breath and then looked up at Maverick who was frowning.

“Hi! Fancy meeting you here. Oops, don’t say anything nasty please. I’ve already had enough for the time being. I can’t take it anymore if you’ll say something you know… sad and painful to me now. Just save it for another day.”

He sighed. “What are you doing here?”

I adjusted my seat and stared at him. Longing kicked in me instantly while looking at him.

“I’m not here for you, Fuentebella.”

He paused for a moment before bursting into laughter.

“So now it’s Fuentebella again? What happened to Mav?”

“Will you listen now to whatever I have to say?”

He gritted his teeth. “Stop it, Femella.”

“Yeah, I should. Sorry for that. Are we back to strangers now?”

I laughed to hide the bitterness in my voice.

“Mab, come on. I want you to meet a friend.”

Monica suddenly appeared behind Maverick.

It took quite a good amount of restraint in me to not roll my eyes when Monica gripped Maverick’s hands while giving me a side look. I was still focused on their hand when Maverick cleared his throat.

“I’ll be with you in a sec. I’ll just escort a visitor out,” he said to Monica.

I stood up and wore my sunglasses. I plastered a fake smile on my lips.

“No need. I’m leaving on my own. I had fun. Enjoy the rest of the day.”

I took a step forward and kissed him on the cheek before my lips dropped to his neck and lightly bit his skin on it. He gasped and held my waist. I smiled again at the revelation.

He still wants me.

I smirked at Monica. I

Her face was very red as she stared at me sharply. I turned around and gracefully walked away. My disappointment grew when Maverick didn’t even bother to go after me.

I lost the confidence I had felt before. Maybe he just didn’t want to embarrass me so he didn’t push me away. With a heavy heart, I walked to the driveway and got inside the car. The driver quickly started the engine.

When we were on the highway, I got off and took a taxi. It’s up to the driver to return the vehicle to the car rental shop along with the substantial tip I gave him.

I ordered the taxi driver to just drive around the city. When I got bored I went to a restaurant to eat. I spent the day thinking about what to do next between my meals. I’m sure I already got Lagma’s eye from now. I have to be careful from now on.

When it got dark already, I decided to go home. I called Dave to tell him not to cook anymore. I ordered something for the both of us. I went down to the entrance of the village and walked towards the apartment. The taxi driver had an emergency so I voluntarily got off. I was turning to the second corner of the street when I bumped with a man.

“I’m sorry-” I froze in my feet when I felt a needle pierced through my arm.

It happened so fast that I couldn’t move. I was not able to struggle anymore because the man was holding me with iron force. My eyes widened in panic when I tried to wriggle away from him. I can’t see his face. There was a black cloth covering his whole face. It also didn’t help that he was wearing a cap.

“The next time you do something again, I will blow off your head by then,” he whispered and pulled out the syringe from my skin.

The man was gone but I still couldn’t move. My knees are shaking with fear. I can still feel the needle in my arm and whatever substance he put in my body.

I tried to take a step but I could no longer feel them. I let go of the plastic bag I was holding and its contents exploded on the road. I shouted for help while crying but I couldn’t seem to hear my voice either. My legs wavered and my vision failed. The surroundings danced at the same time as the darkness embraced me.


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