Her, his desire


” I want to make a comeback into my modeling career ” Sadie said with all the courage she gathered. It wasn’t easy but she really did blurt those words out. She just had to say it out to Nathan because he’s the only one who can help her out now. Its always been her dream as a girl to be a model but it died down because she wanted Carly her sister to have all the fame in the entertainment industry. Sadie quitted her dream because her sister asked her to. Carly believed Sadie was outshining her. Everything she has ever done in all her years was for the happiness of her family. She loved each and everyone of them but they repaid her back with pure hatred. After Sadie woke up, that hatred for them germinated in her. She despise her family so much and she will make sure they crawl on their knees to her pleading for forgiveness. Perhaps, it might be too late. The Sadie they have made is different.

The weak Sadie has died and is replaced with another. The one her family knows nothing about. This time around, she will make sure she gets everything they denied her of, including her positions. A glint could be seen in Nathan’s eyes. His Sadie really want to go back into modelling? That will be very perfect! That’s what fits her perfectly created body. Seeing Sadie will make you think she’s a model because of her endowed shape. Why will he deny her of that? This is a very big opportunity for him to bring her to his company. ” Of course, I know a lot but I prefer you work in my company. We are in need of new models and I know you will be perfect for it ” Nathan lied, there’s nothing like needing new models in his company. He just wants to be anywhere his Sadie is. Sadie shook her head. That will be too obvious, she doesn’t want that. Sadnath entertainment industry is the most biggest. How can she just go there without achieving something big for herself? It will give room to less busy people to talk about her and it will be so clear that it was Nathan that employed her as their model and besides. She’s just a B – grade model. If there’s anything she knows very well is the fact that Nathan’s company do not employ B grade models. All their models are A rated and they have been in the industry for long. She wants to create fame for herself without anyone’s name attached to it. Nathan will be needed only if it’s very important. Sadie doesn’t want to use him or her position as a new found friend. Firstly, she finds it difficult to understand why Nathan chose to help her. She will definitely ask him when she gets comfortable with him but will she ever get comfortable with Nathan Rogers? He’s not just a nobody! ” I.. uhmm. I could have loved that but I don’t find myself worthy enough to work in your company …” She paused observing Nathan’s face only to see him frowning. ” Don’t get me wrong Sir… Nathan, I will work with you but not now. I need to work with an agency below yours to build up myself ” Sadie defended making up excuses that fits perfectly. Nathan nodded his head in understanding thinking to himself. Isn’t her type so rare? Who will see an opportunity to instantly become famous and throw it away? She wants to make a name for herself and he understands perfectly well. Sadie his is perfect kind of lady. No matter how much time it’s going to take, he will claim Sadie his. ” I understand, you don’t need to explain yourself. Let’s just focus on you getting better first then, I will discuss that with you ” Sadie nodded like a car and once again, the car became pregnant with silence. This time around, more comfortable for Sadie. She relaxed her back touching her patched up stomach, she just can’t wait to get better. This stomach is what’s hindering whatever plan she’s having right now. The car pulled into a giant gate that abruptly opened itself. If she isn’t sitting right beside Nathan now, she could have let out a squeal like a teenage girl whose crush just confessed his love for her. Wow! No doubt he’s really the richest guy among others. Nathan didn’t wait for the chauffeur to get the car door open for him. Like a gentleman he is to only Sadie, he jogged to her side of the car and opened the door for her. Sadie muttered a thank you as she looks around in awe. How can someone own this kind of beautiful place huh? The mansion is so magnificent goodness! Everywhere is made of golds. Including the ground they walk on. Like what? Isn’t that waste of money?

He probably didn’t feel any loss. Someone like her from a average home and was denied all the right to be like others in her family, she will learn how to manage money, not to waste it like this. But damn! This place is the most beautiful place she’s ever been to in her entire house. Sadie moved around like a lost puppy. ” I will give you a tour of the mansion later but for now, you need to rest ” Nathan said taking her mind from her thoughts. Sadie gulped down nothing as he stretched out his hand to her. She glanced at it then at him. When their eyes met, she quickly looked down. ” C’mon, let’s go in ” Nathan urged with praying for her to take his hand. He unconsciously closed his eyes for a few seconds the moment her tiny hand landed in his. Just that one action jinxed his body. Unknown sensation swept through his body electrifying him . He came back to himself hearing someone clear her throat.

It was Sadie! His ears turned red and he began walking into the house with Sadie. Nathan just hope he’d be able to cope with her presence. He might loose his mind one day and do something stupid! ★★★★★★★★★★★★ ” I am worried Honey ” Mrs Gabriella said to her husband. She’s really been worried about Sadie’s whereabout. It been five days and she’s not back from whatever hospital Lani might have taken her to. Thinking of that brat Lani, she gritted her teeth in anger.

That girl! Gabriella wonder how Lani got to know of her plan and she transferred Sadie to another hospital. She hope she won’t spill that to Sadie, heck! Even if she do, Sadie will never believe that her mother will want her dead! Mr Meyers raised his head up from the book in his hand gazing at his wife. ” What for?” He asked. ” About Sadie, aren’t you wondering why she’s not back?” She asked and Mr Meyers shrugged. If she likes, let her not come back again forever. At least, it will make him so happy and contented. Especially if he hears of her death! With the way his wife told him how deep Carly stabbed her, he’s sure she won’t survive it at all. ” Why are worried about her, do you care?” He questioned and gabriella scoffed. Care? What care? For who exactly huh? ” I am just concerned about the fact that she will be safe out there you know, if she’s here. We can easily get rid of her ” She explained. Mr Meyers thought of that and it could be true. ” How about you meet her friend that took her to the hospital and ask of her?”

He suggested. Gabriella’s mind wander back to the to reply the nurse gave her when she asked of the hospital Sadie was transferred to. *Its better you don’t fine out because that will be your doom* What did she mean by that statement? She shrugged it off with a believe that it’s just Lani, is it Lani she will be scared of? She chuckled in her mind and nodded. She really needs to find that brat before she turns Sadie’s mind against them. ************************** ” How are you feeling now?” Nathan asked sitting beside Sadie but he made sure there was a good distance between them. He can’t risk making her uncomfortable and he can’t risk turning himself on either. She’s just like something she can’t do without, anything that is hers makes him feel whole. Even a mere body collision of hers and his will wake up all the demons in him. He really needs to take things slow with her so she won’t see him as a creep! ” I feel a lot better now, I don’t feel pain anymore ” Sadie’s eyes beamed. She’s really tired of being pampered. ” That’s really good to hear, I am glad you are getting better” She nodded at his response, the next moment, she began fiddling with her fingers. ” Did you need anything?” Nathan asked seeing that her mood just changed all of a sudden. Or wait, did he say anything he wasn’t supposed to say? ” About the agency I will work for Nathan, I really want to resume modelling as soon as possible and you know, you told me I should get better first, now I am very fine ” She rushed her sentences looking down. Nathan breathed out! He thought he made her sad. ” About that, I am sure you know LBC right?” Sadie’s head snapped up immediately while she nodded. Of course, who doesn’t know LBC? Its the third most popular modelling agency. ” I emailed them through your account yesterday and….” He paused to see her reaction with a smile tugged on the side of his lips. ” And?” Sadie asked with her his glinting. Why’s she feeling nervous?This content is © NôvelDrama.Org.

What if they reject her huh? That thought made her happiness die down coupled with the fact that Nathan is not saying anything. She knows there won’t accept her as one of their models. They won’t pick her when they have more experienced people. ” they asked you to resume work by tomorrow, congratulations Sadie “

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