Her Freezing Heart

Chapter 8- Amara

Chapter 8- Amara

Pain. That’s all I am feeling in my chest or is it my heart? Am I having a heart attack? Nahh! That can’t

be the case. I am too young for it anyways. But why is so dark? Why can’t I see anything? Am I

floating? What was that? I spun around to find a ball of light in front of me. What is this place? This light

feels familiar. It feels like someone I know. But who?

The ball of light started to change its shape. I have seen this before. This is how I met Ryder. As soon

as the light took a definite shape, I ran towards him but I couldn’t touch him.

“Papa. Why can’t I touch you?” I asked.

“Because we are not in the physical world.” He answered making me more confused.

Did I die? But I don’t remember dying. A gasp left my lips when I remembered what had happened. I

didn’t get to meet anyone before I left the world. Why so sudden though? I was fine yesterday.

“You are not dead princess.” Papa said snapping me out of my thoughts. “But you need to wake up


“What? But then what is all this?”

“I can’t tell you that now. Come home. I want to see you one last time before I go on.” He said in a sad


“Where are you going papa?” I asked terrified of the thought that crossed my mind. He can’t go now.

“What do you mean by one last time? Are you not coming back?”

I want to be wrong. I don’t want him to go. He can’t go now.

“Don’t cry pup.” When did start I crying? “You knew from the beginning that this time will come. Besides

you need to come home for something more important than that. I know you are in pain sweetie but

you need to come home. First you need to wake up.”

“I don’t want to lose you.”

My legs gave away. I felt him come closer to me.

“Wake up Amara and come home. This is my last request.”

No. I don’t want to leave him. What if I don’t get there in time? What if he died before I can see him?

“I will be waiting for you till you get here.”


I asked looking at him from my blurry eyes.

“I promise.” He said with what looked like a smile. I didn’t notice before but papa is crying too. He never

cries. So why now? “Wake up and come home princess.”

I felt myself being pulled backwards with jerk. No. Stop pulling me. Let me go. Papa just stood there

smiling at me. He was going farther away. I closed my eyes and screamed in frustration. I opened my

eyes again but the brightness of the room made me flinch. This isn’t the same dark place. I looked

around to find a person standing next to me with wide eyes.

“Steven.” I croaked.

The hell! I sounded like a freaking toad.

“You woke up.” He said like he couldn’t believe it.

Huh. When did he start caring for me? Where am I anyways? This isn’t my bunk bed. Where is Aaron?

Why is there an IV in my hand?

‘Wake up and come home.’

Who said that?

‘Come home.’

I looked around the room but there was nobody other than Steven.

‘Come home.’

Papa. He is dying. I need to go home. I jolted up in siting position but slumped back down immediately,

groaning in pain. My body hurts.

“Don’t move. Cassidy is on her way.” Steven said giving me a glass of water which I drank greedily.

“I need to go home.” I said after the empty glass was removed from my lips. It hurts to even talk. What

is wrong with me? Steven tensed. What’s wrong with this one? Where am I? Is this his apartment? “Is

this your apartment?”

“Um… yeah. You passed out on me when I opened my door.” He replied.

“Oh. I thought it was my apartment door.” I said blushing. That was his hard, cold chest then.

“Does it hurt anywhere?”

Is he worried about me? This is new.

“Everywhere.” I mumbled. “I need to go home.”

“You are in no condition to go anywhere.” He said sternly but another emotion crossed his eyes. Was it


“How are you feeling Amara?” Cassidy said startling me.

When did she came in? She sat on the side of my bed.

“My body hurts like hell. Especially my chest.” She nodded and sat down on the side of the bed. She

started examining me.

“She was screaming before she woke up.” Steven added.

I was screaming?

“How long was I out?” I asked.

“Three days.” Cassidy said.

What? But why?

“What is happening to me?” I asked.

Cassidy and Steven both looked at each other with a worried expression. Am I dying?

“How about you rest first? We can talk about this later. It’s nothing serious so don’t worry about it.”

Cassidy said calmly.

Nothing serious, my ass. They are lying.

“I am going home.” I told them.

“I know.” She said.

Steven was looking at her weirdly. He looked almost angry. What is going on over here and how does

she know I am going home?

“Where is Aaron?” I asked.

“Work.” Steven said with gritted teeth.

Huh! Something does not seem right.

“Cassidy can I go to my home town tomorrow?” I asked.

“Off course.” She said smiling. “Do you mind if we come with you?”

“What?” Steven shouted from behind her.

“Not you Steven. Just me and Grayson. You can’t go there. I would like a little vacation and it will be

better if you have doctors with you. I mean you won’t be fully recovered by tomorrow and we don’t NôvelDrama.Org owns this.

know the exact cause yet so it will better that way.”

I am having a feeling that she won’t let me go alone and I don’t think Aaron will be able to come with

me. But I am going to live at the cabin. What am I supposed to do? I will make them live at Alec’s

apartment. That would do.

“Okay.” I said rolling my eyes.

“We will be living with you at the cabin.” Cassidy said narrowing her eyes, shocking the hell out of me.

“How?... What?... No you can’t” I blundered like a fool.

“Amara I am a witch and Grayson is a warlock.” She said slowly making my eyes widen in shocking.

What the freaking hell? “Austin and Steven are vampires.” She continued when I couldn’t speak.

I looked at Steven who was glaring at Cassidy.

“Why are you telling me this now?” I managed to ask.

“I thought it’s the right time to tell you. I saw your pack symbol too. I knew you were mated to a

werewolf but I didn’t knew you were a part of the pack.” What the fuck? This is giving me a headache. I

need to get out of here. “So how are you a part of this pack?”

“The alpha adopted me.” I stammered.

“We are not going to hurt you Amara. I am just trying to map the situation here. The pain you

experienced is not even an ounce to the pain you will be going through when you go home but you

have to go home. It is necessary.” She said seriously.

“What are you talking about?” I asked horrified.

“You will know when the time comes but don’t give up. You are stronger than you think you are. You

deserve better. Whatever happens, don’t give up.” She is scaring me. What is wrong with this women?

“For now, you need to rest so you will good enough to travel tomorrow.” She said standing up.

She injected something in my drip freaking me out.

“It will help you sleep. I will book the tickets for tomorrow and pack your cloths for the journey. Don’t

worry you will be alright. We will help you.”

Whatever she put in my drip was starting to take effect. I felt sleepy. Cassidy left the room with an

angry Steven hot on her tail and I blacked out again.

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