Her Forbidden Alpha

Chapter 69

Her Forbidden Alpha by Moonlight Muse Chapter 69

Chapter 69 You Were My Dream

Elijah ran through the forest, the passing trees were a blur. Rafael, Liam and Alejandro were alongside him with many wolves following behind. With each passing second his worry for her grew, he couldn't feel anything through the bond, but he also knew she was alive. It was the only thing that was keeping him sane. Still knowing her father was a psychotic maniac didn't help.

They saw some wolves ahead and knew they were on the right track, it also meant Zidane knew they were here. Nothing was said as the plan was already put in place. The wolves at the front burst through their ranks, before Zidane's wolves could follow the rest lunged at them. Elijah growled, feeling a loss of his own pack. It only pushed him further, slowing down when he saw the three women he hated so much. The wolf-less women, it seemed even the third had survived... Alejandra stepped forward, spinning his weapons in his hand.

"I'll handle them." He said, his quiet rugged voice cold as ever. Rafael looked at him and Elijah knew they were mind-linking. He saw Alejandro frown before giving a curt nod. Rafael nodded as if satisfied and motioned for Elijah to carry on. The moment they rushed forward, the women jumped forward each holding a weapon. Alejandro threw his first weapon at one, who jumped aside to avoid it, in a flash he grabbed the second by her neck.

Elijah tossed the third aside as he ran past her but before she could lunge at his back a dangerous menacing growl that held complete power made her stop. In fact, every wolf there slowed down, all including Elijah. Turning to the young boy, not missing his blood-red eyes.

"Go." Alejandro said, something about his voice was almost a command and he didn't question it, turning and rushed ahead. Liam still carried Harrison on his back, the boy looked rather shocked at what had happened, even holding fear in his eyes at the sight of Alejandro's red eyes. That was not a colour a wolf ever had for eyes... but what confused him more was the boy looked younger than 18.

"It's straight ahead, there!" He said.

*Leave him here with two wolves' Elijah said through the mind link before running ahead.

*I'm coming kitten, hold on," He thought through the link, hoping she could hear him. He could feel she was near, picking up hints of her scent although they were mixed with so many others. 'Hold on..."

Minutes later the entrance to the cavern was easy to spot, a line of wolves stood there and he noticed that all of them were bulky and well trained. Cade stepped forward.

"You should really stop butting into other people's business." He said coldly. Elijah didn't care, he wasn't someone who was going to see reason and he had no time to waste. He growled threateningly, a clear indication as all of them rushed forward. Zidane's men shifted as they clawed and ripped at each other.

*Elijah go!" Liam said through the link, knocking Cade aside. Rafael was fighting three other wolves. Elijah took the chance and entered the cavern; it was a lot larger than he had expected. The smell of blood and wolfsbane filled his nose, stronger than the intoxicating scent of his mate. His mate that now lay in a pool of blood, just seeing her in that state dug painfully at his heart.

Zidane stood over her, a weapon raised to attack her once again. Elijah growled in rage, jumping across the cavern and knocked Zidane back. The man shifted into a huge wolf before he even hit the floor, he was black and white and the evil look on his face matched the darkness of the man himself. Saliva dripped from his mouth and his manic eyes were burning with pure evil. He snarled at Elijah.

Elijah growled back, anger burning within him, wanting to burn him for everything he had done to Scarlett. Keeping his eyes on Zidane he licked Scarlett's face, relieved she was still breathing. He yanked her chains off her, not caring how it burned his paws, and flung them aside. The clang of the metal hitting the ground was drowned out by Zidane's roar of rage as he lunged at Elijah.

Elijah lowered himself and threw himself straight at the lunging wolf, in size he was bigger than Zidane but the man was indeed strong. Their wolves fought and ripped at each other. Elijah didn't feel any of the pain, anger and adrenaline fuelling him, the nightmares haunting Scarlett filled his mind. This man had ruined her childhood and he would make sure he paid for that.

Scarlett opened her eyes, the pain was lessening, had he stopped? She knew she wasn't dead, for the pain was still present. Her heart hammering when she smelt a familiar scent. Elijah. She looked around hearing the growls and howls of wolves at war, some were close and echoed around the empty walls. She recognised both, seeing a bloody Elijah fighting against Zidane, who looked even bloodier. Elijah had him currently pinned to the ground, as he bit into his side. Scarlett got up, her top was completely torn from all the brutal attacks with the knife to her back, holding on by the shoulder slightly. Her chains were gone and although she felt weak, she could stand. It would take a short while for her to regain her strength and she couldn't wait, she was going to deal with Zidane too.

She saw Zidane look at her, his eyes lighting manically. Throwing Elijah off him he was about to jump for Scarlett but was stopped when Elijah threw him to the ground once again.

'I'm fucking sorry sweetheart; sorry I was late" He said through the link. She shook her head not wanting to distract him, yet at the same time she wanted to tell him.

"You came and that's all that matters.' She replied softly. He glanced at her, his eyes softening despite the blood that was dripping from his jaw. Just then the sound of a howl of pain echoed from near the entrance to the cavern and Scarlett moved closer to the wall.

"Stay clear of the fight." Elijah mind linked, his voice strained as he and Zidane came dangerously close to her and Zidane tried to lash out at her but was dragged back by Elijah. She nodded, keeping to the side as she moved away from the fight.

It was then several wolves came rushing in, one of them lunged at her until Liam in wolf form knocked him aside, she recognised the attacker as Cade. He was bigger than Liam's wolf but even then Liam was impressively strong, putting up a good fight with the Beta. Liam ripped through his side throwing him to the ground, turning he looked her over, his eyes filled with relief seeing she was ok.

She was about to smile when she saw Cade silently getting up, her eyes widened in horror as she watched it happen as if in slow motion. He lunged forward but his aim wasn't Liam, he was coming right for her. She knew from the glint in his eyes, he was aiming for the kill. Elijah too saw the move but he was too far and trapped in a fight with Zidane, fear consumed him as he shouted out, watching as Scarlett raised her arms in reflex, just as Liam rushed forward to protect her. "Watch out!" She shouted but it was too late, the moment when they had both been distracted had cost them. Scarlett felt the pain in her chest as she watched Cade's claws rip through Liam as his large form shielded her. His eyes widened in shock as his warm blood dripped onto Scarlett.

Rafael rushed towards them, throwing Cade off Liam before he could fully rip his heart out. Liam collapsed forward, shifting back into his human self. Scarlett caught him, cradling his body before placing his head on the ground.

"Fuck!" She cried out in panic, his chest was a gaping mess, a wound that even a werewolf would not recover from. Her heart pounded in her chest as she pressed her hands to a wound that was too large. She heard Elijah's angry growl but she had no time to look. "Fuck no... no..."

"It-it's ok." Liam said coughing, pain contorting his face although he tried to smile.

"Why did you do that?! I can heal better than you!" She shouted, watching his blood mar her hands. She looked around before pulling off the torn shirt she was wearing that was falling to pieces, pressing it against his wound but it was futile, he was losing too much blood.

"If dying meant I saw you strip for me, I would have done it sooner." He said cheekily winking at her, trying to smile despite the pain that rocked his body. Scarlett shook her head, not able to play along, trying to fight the tears that were welling in her eyes.

"Don't say that! You can't die Liam no..." She whispered; her hands shaking, her heart was thumping loudly in her chest and she felt sick. She wished she had the ability to heal, why wasn't that the gift she had?

"Don't waste your tears on me Scarlett... I'm not worthy of them." He said softly, his face was draining of colour and with it, Scarlett knew his life was creeping away.

"Don't say that please Liam, don't let go." She whispered looking around for help, for anything that could help him. Even if she knew it was futile... He tried to smile raising a trembling hand he brushed her tears off her cheek, cupping her face.

"I wish I didn't have to... But it's ok if I had to die, I'm glad it was saving you." His soft words tore painful at her chest, not even realising when she let out a loud sob.

"No, no, Liam you have things to do! Dreams to accomplish... A mate to find..." She broke off crying for the friend she didn't even get to know properly, a man who had always wished her well from the side-lines.

Now remembering the small things he always did for her... things she had taken advantage of and had never realised. From passing her a water bottle after training or giving her a shaded spot, complimenting her when she looked good or asking if she was ok when she was quiet...

His blood coated her hands but what would always remain in her mind was the fact he was trying to hide his pain from her.NôvelDrama.Org © 2024.

"The only dream I had was you." He said softly, his voice barely above a whisper. Their eyes met, soft brown against sage green. The sounds of the fighting around them drowned out and Scarlett felt her heart break as she shook her head. She couldn't form any words seeing the strong love in his eyes for her. Instead she leant down, pressing her lips softly against his. She felt his gasp of surprise against her lips before he kissed her back ever so tenderly, tears still streamed down her cheeks. She didn't move back, not until his hand that cupped her cheek dropped to the ground and his lips became still.

Liam was gone.

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