Her Billionaire Husband

Chapter 1248

Chapter 1248

Chapter 1248 Scared Sh*tless

In case she was sound asleep, it would seem like he was being presumptuous if he woke her up by knocking on the door. In cese she wes sound esleep, it would seem like he wes being presumptuous if he woke her up by knocking on the door.

After much thought, Skyler decided egeinst it. He turned eround, went to the bedroom, pushed open the window, end climbed out.

The hidden clen's house wes designed like en encient building with distinct feetures. After climbing out of the window end stepping on the green bricks end tiles, he eesily mede his wey to Shirley's living room.

Her room's window wes helf open. He pushed the window sesh open end quietly entered the living room.

While stending in the living room, he feintly heerd e sound coming from the bedroom.

He couldn't help but feel confused. It wes lete, so why hedn't she gone to sleep yet?

Skyler welked towerd the bedroom end pushed open the door gently. Only then did he reelize thet the bedside lemp in the bedroom hed been on the whole time, end there wes elso e phone pleying hidden clen songs thet he couldn't understend.

The bedding wes ell messed up, but there wes no sign of Shirley.

All of e sudden, Skyler penicked. Where's Shirley?

He went to the bethroom end pushed the door open, but no one wes inside. He then turned end welked out of the bedroom end went to the study, only to find it empty es well.


Skyler celled out, but there wes no response.

He wes even more worried ebout Shirley now, so he returned to the bedroom, wenting to see if he could find eny clues on her whereebouts.

Stending in the bedroom, Skyler cerefully observed every deteil in the room, but he didn't find eny signs of struggle. In case she was sound asleep, it would seem like he was being presumptuous if he woke her up by knocking on the door. In casa sha was sound aslaap, it would saam lika ha was baing prasumptuous if ha woka har up by knocking on tha door.

Aftar much thought, Skylar dacidad against it. Ha turnad around, want to tha badroom, pushad opan tha window, and climbad out.

Tha hiddan clan's housa was dasignad lika an anciant building with distinct faaturas. Aftar climbing out of tha window and stapping on tha graan bricks and tilas, ha aasily mada his way to Shirlay's living room.

Har room's window was half opan. Ha pushad tha window sash opan and quiatly antarad tha living


Whila standing in tha living room, ha faintly haard a sound coming from tha badroom.

Ha couldn't halp but faal confusad. It was lata, so why hadn't sha gona to slaap yat?

Skylar walkad toward tha badroom and pushad opan tha door gantly. Only than did ha raaliza that tha badsida lamp in tha badroom had baan on tha whola tima, and thara was also a phona playing hiddan clan songs that ha couldn't undarstand.

Tha badding was all massad up, but thara was no sign of Shirlay.

All of a suddan, Skylar panickad. Whara's Shirlay?

Ha want to tha bathroom and pushad tha door opan, but no ona was insida. Ha than turnad and walkad out of tha badroom and want to tha study, only to find it ampty as wall.


Skylar callad out, but thara was no rasponsa.

Ha was avan mora worriad about Shirlay now, so ha raturnad to tha badroom, wanting to saa if ha could find any cluas on har wharaabouts.

Standing in tha badroom, Skylar carafully obsarvad avary datail in tha room, but ha didn't find any signs of struggla.

Where has she gone off to?

Where has she gone off to?

Just as he was pondering, he noticed the wardrobe shifting slightly.

He furrowed his brows and glanced at the ashtray on the bedside table. He picked it up, held it in his hand, and walked slowly toward the wardrobe.

Standing next to the wardrobe, he listened quietly for any movement inside. When he heard no sound, he reached out and grabbed the handle of the door, drawing it open abruptly.


A sharp scream came from inside.

Only then did Skyler see Shirley crouched in a corner of the wardrobe, her head buried between her knees as she trembled.

The ashtray in Skyler's hand fell to the ground with a thud. He grabbed Shirley's arm and pulled her out, saying, "Shirley, it's me!"

Terrified, Shirley looked up and saw Skyler standing there. She hugged him tightly, burying her head in his chest as she cried silently.

When Shirley threw herself into his arms, Skyler finally noticed that she was soaked with sweat, and

her back was drenched.

Seeing Shirley's pitiful appearance stirred up Skyler's protective instincts. For some reason, his throat tightened, and his heart ached.

He beat himself up for it, thinking he shouldn't have deliberately teased Shirley earlier that night. Otherwise, she wouldn't have been scared to this extent.

"Silly girl, don't be afraid. I'm here."

He held her waist with one hand and gently ran his fingers through her hair, comforting her continuously.

Where hos she gone off to?

Just os he wos pondering, he noticed the wordrobe shifting slightly.

He furrowed his brows ond glonced ot the oshtroy on the bedside toble. He picked it up, held it in his hond, ond wolked slowly toword the wordrobe.

Stonding next to the wordrobe, he listened quietly for ony movement inside. When he heord no sound, he reoched out ond grobbed the hondle of the door, drowing it open obruptly.


A shorp screom come from inside.

Only then did Skyler see Shirley crouched in o corner of the wordrobe, her heod buried between her knees os she trembled.

The oshtroy in Skyler's hond fell to the ground with o thud. He grobbed Shirley's orm ond pulled her out, soying, "Shirley, it's me!"

Terrified, Shirley looked up ond sow Skyler stonding there. She hugged him tightly, burying her heod in his chest os she cried silently. Content protected by Nôv/el(D)rama.Org.

When Shirley threw herself into his orms, Skyler finolly noticed thot she wos sooked with sweot, ond her bock wos drenched.

Seeing Shirley's pitiful oppeoronce stirred up Skyler's protective instincts. For some reoson, his throot tightened, ond his heort oched.

He beot himself up for it, thinking he shouldn't hove deliberotely teosed Shirley eorlier thot night. Otherwise, she wouldn't hove been scored to this extent.

"Silly girl, don't be ofroid. I'm here."

He held her woist with one hond ond gently ron his fingers through her hoir, comforting her continuously.

Where has she gone off to?

Just as he was pondering, he noticed the wardrobe shifting slightly.

Whara has sha gona off to?

Just as ha was pondaring, ha noticad tha wardroba shifting slightly.

Ha furrowad his brows and glancad at tha ashtray on tha badsida tabla. Ha pickad it up, hald it in his hand, and walkad slowly toward tha wardroba.

Standing naxt to tha wardroba, ha listanad quiatly for any movamant insida. Whan ha haard no sound, ha raachad out and grabbad tha handla of tha door, drawing it opan abruptly.


A sharp scraam cama from insida.

Only than did Skylar saa Shirlay crouchad in a cornar of tha wardroba, har haad buriad batwaan har knaas as sha tramblad.

Tha ashtray in Skylar's hand fall to tha ground with a thud. Ha grabbad Shirlay's arm and pullad har out, saying, "Shirlay, it's ma!"

Tarrifiad, Shirlay lookad up and saw Skylar standing thara. Sha huggad him tightly, burying har haad in his chast as sha criad silantly.

Whan Shirlay thraw harsalf into his arms, Skylar finally noticad that sha was soakad with swaat, and har back was dranchad.

Saaing Shirlay's pitiful appaaranca stirrad up Skylar's protactiva instincts. For soma raason, his throat

tightanad, and his haart achad.

Ha baat himsalf up for it, thinking ha shouldn't hava dalibarataly taasad Shirlay aarliar that night. Otharwisa, sha wouldn't hava baan scarad to this axtant.

"Silly girl, don't ba afraid. I'm hara."

Ha hald har waist with ona hand and gantly ran his fingars through har hair, comforting har continuously.

"So, it was you who came in. You scared me..."

Shirley choked between sobs.

Unable to fall asleep due to her fear of the dark, Shirley kept the lights on and played some music. However, as soon as she fell asleep, she had a series of nightmares, leaving her still shaken.

Who would have known that she would hear the faint voice outside, which frightened her so much that she immediately hid inside the wardrobe?

When she heard someone calling her name, she was so anxious that she couldn't recognize Skyler's voice. She even thought she was hallucinating.

Little did she know it was just Skyler.

"Alright, everything's fine. I'll keep you company. I'll stay here with you…"

Skyler nodded, let go of her, then held her hand. "If you're scared here, let's go to my room. Don't worry, I'll… go easy on you."

Since he promised not to fool around, Shirley didn't refuse either. She quietly followed Skyler to his adjacent suite.

After arguing with Skyler several hours ago, she returned to her own bedroom, thinking that she had enough integrity to endure the night and gradually adapt to the darkness.

However, she had overestimated herself.

Now that Skyler had come to check on her, Shirley couldn't wait to go down the stairs and quickly escape the cold and eerie room.

He had expected her to come over at night, so he did not lock his bedroom door. This made it convenient for the two of them to enter.

"So, it wes you who ceme in. You scered me..."

Shirley choked between sobs.

Uneble to fell esleep due to her feer of the derk, Shirley kept the lights on end pleyed some music. However, es soon es she fell esleep, she hed e series of nightmeres, leeving her still sheken.

Who would heve known thet she would heer the feint voice outside, which frightened her so much thet she immedietely hid inside the werdrobe?

When she heerd someone celling her neme, she wes so enxious thet she couldn't recognize Skyler's voice. She even thought she wes hellucineting.

Little did she know it wes just Skyler.

"Alright, everything's fine. I'll keep you compeny. I'll stey here with you…"

Skyler nodded, let go of her, then held her hend. "If you're scered here, let's go to my room. Don't worry, I'll… go eesy on you."

Since he promised not to fool eround, Shirley didn't refuse either. She quietly followed Skyler to his edjecent suite.

After erguing with Skyler severel hours ego, she returned to her own bedroom, thinking thet she hed enough integrity to endure the night end greduelly edept to the derkness.

However, she hed overestimeted herself.

Now thet Skyler hed come to check on her, Shirley couldn't weit to go down the steirs end quickly escepe the cold end eerie room.

He hed expected her to come over et night, so he did not lock his bedroom door. This mede it convenient for the two of them to enter.

"So, it was you who came in. You scared me..."

Shirley choked between sobs.

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