Hell Marriage

Chapter 47: Lies

Chapter 47: Lies

Author’s POV

Alaina took Carrissa to an underground room in the palace, only she, Connor and Nicholas knew about this place, it had been their hideout when they were young, but she was certain, neither Connor nor Nicholas would remember to look here, Carrissa’s save for the night.

With Calvina’s help, she took enough food there to last Carrissa for three days, even though she’s gonna be leaving there tomorrow and will probably get killed tomorrow, little indulgence doesn’t hurt, now does it?.

She can atleast let Carrissa believe she’s gonna be alive for at least another day after tomorrow.

“Eww, the heat here’s overwhelming!” She exclaimed.

“At least, it’s better than getting killed.” Alaina said, glaring at her in the dim light.

“Whatever” Carrissa said, dusting off a chair,This is the property of Nô-velDrama.Org.

the room is exactly the same way she had left it, except for some dust, nothing much has changed. Alaina thought as she moved about the room, inspecting things.

“Are you sure this food will last me for two days let alone three?” Carrissa said, Alaina turned to see Carrissa eyeing the food and fruits, Alaina went to the trouble of getting two sachets of blood in addition to the drinks, fruits and foods. All in the name of indulging her, you feed and take care of sheeps Before sacrifing them right?. It was exactly what Alaina was busy doing.

“Normal beings would manage that for five to six days, but you’re not normal are you?” Alaina asked glaring at her, but Carrissa just stared at her, as if she can’t understand what she’s saying.

“Fine, you’ll get more, I’ll be back in two days anyways” Alaina said rolling her eyes.

“Where are you going?” Carrissa asked.

“I told you not to worry about that” Alaina retrothed, planing to leave the room.

Carrissa stared at her, as if she had lost the ability to speak.

“Look, I’m going away to plan our next move, I want us to plan our next move carefully, even after she leaves, I still have to kill her right?” Alaina said lying through her teeth, forced to reply Carrissa, if Carrissa decides to opt out now, then everything will be ruined.

“After killing her the game doesn’t end there, you still have to get close to Connor, and with the current situation, you can’t just come out into the open, Connor will kill you if you even dare, do you understand why I have to go now?” Alaina said, taking her time to explain after seeing the stare Carrissa gave her.

“OK” Carrissa shrugged.

“When I get back, we’ll go to the next phase of our plan” Alaina said.

“But till then, make sure you get the Job done before I get back, or there won’t be anything to plan, and you certainly won’t be getting Connor” Alaina said walking out of the room.

“Whatever bitch, you can’t get the job done yourself because I’m better than you, and I’ll prove it, by making sure Ava leaves the palace” Carrissa said under her breath.

Elora’s POV

He sat on the back porch, staring faraway into the fading sunset.

He didn’t even notice I was there, he’s been down even before the ball, I thought the ball was gonna cheer him up but it didn’t, I didn’t move away from him, and refused every male that wanted to dance with me last night, hoping it will help, actually I just wanted to be there for him, since his Companion ‘The lady’ Got destroyed, he’s been down and didn’t talk much, I asked mum to invite him over today because I honestly thought he needed time away from the palace, and after Learning how much the car meant to him.

But since he arrived here since noon, he has been like this, staring at the sky, a faraway look in his eyes.

I thought coming here would help, but… He seem to be sinking deeper into himself.

I sat down beside him, he didn’t even look at me.

“Coffee?” I asked, holding a mug towards him, he didn’t even glance in my direction.


“Guess you’d take it later then” I said dropping the mug on the floor beside him

I took a sip out of mine, and rested my head on his shoulder.

That seem to wake me up from his open eyed sleep.

“Hi” He said.

I wrapped one arm around him.

“Have you ever had fairy like dreams about getting married?” I asked, not knowing what prompted me to ask that. But I felt his gaze shift to me, I gave him time to answer.

“No” He whispered, his answer came after what seem like ages.

“You know, I use to have them when I was young even when I grew up, how I’ll meet my partner and how I’ll fall in love with him, what he’ll look like, the places we’ll visit together, the talks we’ll have, spending the rest of my life with that person, doing things that makes him happy, wondering if he’ll support me in life or not. Wondering what kind of person he’s going to be”

“But you know, all my dreams never included a vampire, or getting married to one either” I said, taking another sip.

“Why are you telling me this?” He asked after a moment.

I stared up at him, placing my jaw on his shoulder.

“Because, even though I know you probably won’t believe this, my dreams were more important to me than life itself…., but I let them go after I met you” I whispered.

He looked straight ahead, and swallowed.

“My point is, we always have to let go of the past we can’t change and accept the present that we can live and enjoy” I whispered,

“I have nothing, the lady….” My heart lurched at his words.

“You have me” I said whispering.

“And when you decide to leave?, what am I supposed to do then?” He asked with emotion evident in his voice. He stared at the sky once more.

“I won’t” I answered, the depth of his pain, undid me.

“Because we’ll be married by then?, and you won’t be able to leave because duty forces you to stay?, look we can stop the wedding if you like, I don’t want you to feel like I’m pressurizing you……”

“No, I want to go through with this wedding.” I said shaking my head, I won’t leave just because he thinks I should.

“Why?” He asked simply.

“Because I love you” I whispered, tears stung my eyes.

He jerked his head towards me.

“Why?” He asked again.

“I mean why would you love someone like me?, except for my money, there’s nothing else I can offer, I’m already quite taken by you, but I’m not sure about my feelings for you, danger comes with marrying a vampire, especially one like me.” He said, staring intently at me.

“Then let it come, look I don’t really care about anything, I love you and I want you, and I honestly don’t even know why I do”

“And until I’m able to tell you why I love, promise me, you’ll forget about the past, and just let me love you OK?” I said.

“OK” He sighed


“I promise” He said, hugging me to himself.

Connor’s POV

I stared at the dark sky. The day brought loads of trouble, and now it’s going to sleep merrily.

After the meeting with Nicholas and Cyprian this morning, and the boy admitting to the fact that he drove Nicholas car, Nicholas made peace with Cyprian, but he still looks extremely withdrawn from all around him, then his mother- in- law called him, and he went over there.

I didn’t inform him about Carrissa, he already has enough on his plate, I couldn’t get him involved in another worrying issue,

Carrissa has dissapered from the face of the earth. I searched everywhere and anywhere. The palace has been ransacked, knowing the kind of person Alaina is, she might have helped Carrissa escape, and I think she did help her escape in some way. So I ordered guards to watch her every movement, and after the missing food from the kitchen, and one of the guards said they saw some heavy basket with a maid, I had had suspicions about the maid since few weeks back, but I couldn’t place anything on her, she has been calling strange contacts outside the country and it’s possible Alaina’s working with her, and if Alaina’s working with her then the heavy basket contains food and?, Alaina asked for blood yesterday night, I thought it was strange to crave blood in the night but gave it to her anyways, after all she suffered Nick’s terror, but she looks OK to me, except the blood’s not for her and if the blood’s not for her, then?.

She wants to give the blood to a vampire?, is she Hiding Carrissa?

Of course she’s hiding Carrissa!, but where?, I searched…. Holy shit!, I think I know where, why didn’t I think of this earlier?

I brought out my phone and dialed a number.

“Lucas, get me Alaina and the maid”

“No, the outer court, and quickly, I’ll be there” I disconnected the call.

Ava’s POV

I walked into Mine and Connor’s room tiredly.

I went to Cyprian after he came back from Connor’s office and tried to apologize but he didn’t even look at me nor speak to me, I went to the orphanage home afterwards, I haven’t even seen Connor today, I thought maybe we’ll go on a date today since we couldn’t yesterday, but he said no when I called him, Carrissa’s still out there.

The room was pitch black. What’s happening here?, I didn’t switch off the light when I was going out, so what’s this, I stumbled over a chair while trying to get to the switch. What’s this doing here?.

“Easy darling, we don’t want you to get hurt, now do we?” A voice said, I shuddered slightly, who the fuck is here?

“Who’s it?”I asked, I staggered over to where the switch is.

“An old friend” The voice came again.

I flipped the switch and light poured into the room.

“That eager to see me uhn?” The voice said, laughing lightly.

I twirled around, and saw her.

“Carrissa!” I whispered.

I should have known!, the voice and the way she speaks are hers and hers only!

“It’s been awfully long, how are you doing?, you look nice, oh don’t tell me how I look, the dungeon wasn’t so fair” She smirked, she sat on the bed, legs crossed.

“What the heck are you doing here?” I was angry suddenly, after all she has done, she doesn’t have the right to be here.

“To advise a friend.” She smiled.

“I’m not your friend” I snapped.

“Easy cow girl….”

“You’re the one, you gave me that paper, you were there yesterday!” I gasped, Realization drew on me.

“You played such nasty games with me”

“You realized that just now?, humph, you’re not as smart as I thought after all” she said, adjusting herself.

“You’re out of your mind, I’m calling Connor right now!” I opened my purse.

“Go ahead, you can call whoever you want, but aren’t you curious to know why everyone thinks your beloved husband is a murderer?” She asked.

“No, my husband is not a murderer, I don’t want to know anything!” I yelled at her

“Oh come on sweetie, I know you do” She smiled.

“I said……”

“What you said doesn’t matter, I’ll tell you anyways, your beloved Husband and sweetheart killed the two most important and closet people to beings on earth, be it humans, werewolves or vampires” She said, studying the room.

“What a lovely painting” she gazed at the sun’s painting in our room.

“You’re crazy, stop this rubbish right now!” I was finding it hard to breath.

“I’m sure he must have taken you to see his mother?” She asked studying me, while tilting her head to the side, as if she struggled to remember something.

“Get away from me.” I said harshly.

“You saw the other child in the painting right?, the child that looks just like him” She continued as if I didn’t say anything.

How did she know?.

“You asked him who the other baby was right?”

“Judging by your look right now, I guess you didn’t, what should I expect?, you’ve always been a fool” She said sighing.

“Go away” I cried out.

“Well I’ll tell you who he is, he’s Connor, your Husband, Logan’s twin brother.” She said, what is she saying, Connor?, Logan?

“Tsk tsk tsk, you fool, don’t look so shocked, don’t tell me you didn’t ask your husband why Logan was written on the markings of your mark instead of Connor?” She asked.

“What?” I was shocked beyond Anything.


“What?, don’t tell me you don’t even know it’s there? Wow, how many more lies will he keep telling you?” She asked, tapping her cheek with her fore finger.

“Lies, you’re the one telling Lies” I said. I didn’t know I was moving backwards till my back came in contact with the wall.

“Take a look in the mirror baby, if you think I’m lying” She laughed lightly.

The door suddenly burst open and he stood there, fury on his face.

I glanced at Carrissa. She looked scared for a second, then look at me.

“He killed both of them, he killed his brother for the throne and power, then killed his mother for standing in his way!” She said hurriedly.

I sank to my knees. If everything she said so far shocked me, this sent the shock right through me.

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