Gina, And Her Triplet Alphas

Chapter 23

Third-person Narrative.

With just a few hours until midnight, everyone was already gathered in the well-decorated palace hall, anticipating the arrival of the future Luna.

There was a lot to eat and drink among the social elite, and even the commoners, otherwise known as the omegas, were not left out as they were all seen partying around a huge burning fire outside the palace.

While the entire pack was engulfed in celebration, the only people who seemed not to be thrilled by what was happening were the triplet alphas.

They were all seated in Denver’s room, talking and trying to find a way out of being engaged with Gwen.Material © NôvelDrama.Org.

They were all concerned with the fact that they might never get to see Gina again after they left her house.

“What if we decide not to show up in the hall?” Devon suggested thoughtfully.

“Then we will be disrespecting everything that we have been taught until now,” Derrick answered.

“We can’t just keep quiet and be forced to marry someone we do not care about,” Devon retorted.

We can try to love Gwen, I mean,

“You may endeavor to love her because you have turned her into your little slut, but you can’t impose her on Denver and me,” Devon said angrily.

“I am not imposing anything; I am only trying to be factual here,” Derrick fired back angrily at Devon.

“Enough,” said Denver, standing up from where he was sitting to stand between his brothers.

“We do not have a choice; aside from the fact that Gwen is our fated mate, her father is also our dad’s best friend.” “If we don’t follow through with what is to happen tonight, we won’t only be breaking Gwen’s heart; we will be breaking the friendship between her father and that of our father,” Denver said, slowly shifting his gaze from one person to the other.

Even though he felt he might be the one to go against his words, he needed to show his brothers that he had everything under control.

He had not once stopped thinking about Gina since they left her house. The truth was, the only reason he was here in the palace was that he was the eldest son and his two younger brothers looked up to him.

“We need to get ready now before dad starts sending people to come to get us,” he said to his brothers.

Meanwhile, back in Gwen’s father’s house, so many celebrations are ongoing for the entourage that is expected to escort Gwen back to the palace after her transformation.

A few minutes before midnight, Gwen was taken to her father’s garden, dressed in an expensive white silk flowing dress that her father had bought for her despite knowing that it would be shredded to rags during the transformation.

Her father ordered the maids to throw rose petals at her feet as she walked into the garden, and she beamed with joy as she impatiently waited for it to be midnight already.

At the stroke of twelve, Gwen stood up from the chair she was sitting on, took a deep breath, shut her eyes, and prepared herself for her first-ever transformation.

But nothing happened.

She stood there, waiting for even the tiniest pain to hit her, just as she had been told over time. But as seconds turned into minutes, she was soon to realize that her transformation might just never happen, at least not that night.

She was confused at first as to why she wasn’t transforming, but slowly her confusion turned into anger.

Although she noticed that her sense of smell had greatly improved, it didn’t take away the fact that she was wolfless.

On seeing what was happening, one of the maids who were with her ran to call Gwen’s father to inform him of what was happening.

Meanwhile, Lucas Amel’s castle was bursting with activities, Lucas has been telling everyone who cared to listen of how great and powerful his daughter will be right after her transformation.

He was still speaking with one of his guests when the maid ran towards him with her head bowed.

“The Luna in waiting asked me to come and get you,” the maid said respectfully.

He immediately sensed that there was some sort of trouble because his daughter was supposed to come before him as soon as she transformed.

Without wasting a second more, he excused himself and went with the maid to find out what was happening.

He got to the garden and found his daughter getting paranoid over her inability to catch her wolf. Even though he found it strange that his daughter did not get her wolf, he was quick to foremost placate her.

He assured her that she had nothing to be scared of as he was going to make sure that she was mated to the triplets just as the prophecy had stated.

It rarely ever happens that an alpha she-wolf does not get their wolf on their twenty-first birthday, and this had him apprehensive.

Worried that his guest might come to know of what had happened and how the palace would come to know of this, he ordered his guards to arrest the maids who were with Gwen as a way of silencing them from talking about what had happened.

He told his daughter not to worry because nobody was going to know about her disability and that she should go and get prepared to meet her triplet mates. After all, they wouldn’t mind whether she was wolfless or not, as long as they could perceive her scent as their mate.

Moreover, there have been cases where alphas have been mated with humans. Although he was one of the people who had strongly opposed this type of union from the onset,

As he must, time insists that such a couple be banished from the pack so as not to incur the curse of the moon goddess.

To him, the only mating pact that was orchestra by the moon goddess was a situation whereby everyone sticks to their various social status.

Gwen did as her father had told her; she went to her room to dress up. While her father assigned another set of maids to her.

She was beautifully dressed in a gold outfit, with a huge golden crown placed on her head. She was truly looking like the Queen the father wanted to see.

Meanwhile, back in the commoner sections of the park, little sobs were heard coming from the backyard of the former alpha chef’s house.

It was Gina who was sobbing about her inability to get her wolf. She was being consoled by her mother, who told her that it was normal for omegas not to get their wolves at age twenty-one and that her wolf would appear when she least expected it.

Unknown to her mother, Gina was crying because she knew it would be difficult for her to survive in the wild alone as a wolfless omega.

Her plans for running away centered primarily on her getting her wolf.

She needed her wolf to defend her in the wild whenever she found herself in trouble. But with no wolf, she is as good as dead the moment she steps out of the pack. And which package will be willing to accept her when they find out that she is wolfless?

This only meant that she would have no choice but to remain in the palace as a maid until some sort of help comes to her.

Another thing that was silently eating her up was how she was going to face the triplet now that it was obvious that she was wolfless.

She was so sure that once the triplets were mated to Gwen, they were going to go back to being jerks to her.

She quietly puts on her clothes and tells her mother that she is going back to the palace before anyone notices that she has been gone for a long time.

Her mother informed her that she should come and pick up the things the triplets had bought for her, but she refused, notifying her that she didn’t need them.

Her mother then insisted that she should at least come and say goodbye to her father, who was still waiting for her in the sitting room.

She reluctantly went into the sitting, and as soon as she walked in, she was welcomed by a sweet scent radiating from the sitting.

She subconsciously sniffs around, looking for what could have such a great scent that made her mouth water.

Furthermore, she soon found out that the scent was coming from the shopping bags that the triplets had earlier brought with them.

She noticed that each bag had a slightly different smell from the other; while one scented woodsy, like an after-the-scent of a rainy day in the forest, the other one smelled like freshly homemade coconut candy, and the last one was scented like freshly baked chocolate cake.

Even though she seemed to like all the mouth-watering scent she was getting from the bags, she couldn’t help but wonder to whom the scent belonged.

Her first guess would be that the scents belonged to the shopkeeper, who possibly may have helped the triplet pack the items into the various bags.

She was almost tempted to check out what each of the triplets had bought for her, but the thought of them possibly being mated to Gwen stopped her.

It was no use thinking about them when she knew that they were far beyond her reach.

She left the gifts and went to bid her father goodnight before heading out of the house.

Disaffectedly, she walked slowly back to the palace, hoping that no one had noticed her absence.

She was a few steps from entering the palace when she saw Gwen arrive with her entourage. There were various cars packed at the palace gate. Gwen, on seeing Gina, ordered the guards with her to go and bring her.

Gina was brought before Gwen, and she was told to resume her duty of holding her dress by its hem, not for once, paying attention to the fact that Gina’s eyes were still swollen from the tears she had previously cried.

Gina did as she was told as she stood behind Gwen and held her dress; the gate opened, and they went in.

They got to the hall, and as soon as the door opened, everyone stood up to welcome Gwen, including the triplets.

As soon as Gina entered the hall, she found herself getting excited once more after the three sweet scents she had perceived from the triplets’ shopping bag hit her nostrils.

She starts looking around, wondering which of the servants had that beautiful smell.

In her distraction, she had subconsciously stopped in her tracks to look around.

By this time, they were already at the center of the hall, and, noticing that Gina had left her dress, he angrily turned, intending to go to her and hit her.

And that same moment, as she lifted her hand, the triplets ran to Gina’s side, with Denver holding Gwen’s hand in the air.

Don’t touch her, she is our mate, he said to Gwen, while, Devon and Derrick snarled at a stunned-looking Gwen.

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