From Frying Pan to Strange Fire

Beyond my control

Grace couldn’t believe her ears after everything Joan told her. It was not even up to an hour since they arrived at the hospital and so much has happened already. So much that they both knew trouble was already close to their doorsteps.

At the close of their shift, Grace, determined to help her friend escape the mess she had created for herself, led her to the travel agency to complete all the necessary documentation needed for Joan to leave the country as soon as possible.

While they were there, Joan couldn’t sit still. She was physically trembling and her mind was a mess. She was yet to deal with one trouble and here she was trying to get out of another. She couldn’t tell if this was just ill luck or if she was being punished for something she did in her past life.

“Relax, Jo. This shouldn’t take too long.” Grace tried to calm her down, seeing how she was up on her feet and pacing about again for the fourth time since they arrived.

“I can’t. What if he wakes up and comes looking for me? What if he tells the whole world what I did? I’m trying to escape one prison. I don’t want to end up in another. I don’t want to go to jail.” Joan cried out with a near whisper voice, her face showing how distressed she was.

“You’ll be out of here before that happens. You won’t go to jail.”

“I could swear he made me do it. I just can’t prove it. He held my hand and he was talking inside my head.” Joan repeated what she told Grace initially, which added to the latter’s worry.

“Stop saying that. He was still unconscious when we got to the room. How can an unconscious person make you have sex with him?” Grace probed, getting concerned about Joan’s mental well being.

“I swear it. I can’t prove it but something strange happened in that room. I didn’t want to do it but something made me.”

“It’s the drink, Jo. It’s the drink making you think that way. There’s no way an unconscious man could have done all you said he did. But it’s fine. Let’s talk about it when you are far away from here and safe.” Grace let out a sigh and Joan plopped her butt down, also letting out a sigh.

This was the first time she did something this stupid and she regretted it. She should have listened to Grace and just stayed home. But all she wanted was to take her mind off her problems. How would she have known that something like this would happen?

“It’s ready. You’re all set.” The good news they had been waiting for finally arrived when the agent approached them, handing Joan an envelope.

“Thanks Vince. I owe you one.” Grace flashed him an appreciative smile which he returned with a wink.

“Anytime Gracie.” He responded before walking away.

It was already 6 pm and great relief could be seen plastered on Joan’s face as she drove with Grace back to her house – the one she shared with Richard – which was soon to become her former house.

The only reason she was returning there was to collect her belongings. Little did she know that she would meet more than she expected when she walked inside with Grace.

Her father and mother were seated in the large living room, together with Richard, Belinda, and Mrs. Charles. The group of five turned their eyes in her direction when she walked in.

“The prodigal daughter returns.” Mr. Elvin, her father, uttered, eyeing her.

“Dad-” Joan started speaking but was cut off by her father.

“Dad? Am I still your dad? You refused to take my calls, turned off your phone so I will not speak to you, while going about jeopardizing everything I’ve been working for. Is that how you treat someone you call your father?”

“Dad, please. How can you just pick on me like that without even caring to know what happened?” Joan asked, surprised at how hurt she felt by the sudden attack from her father. He had never taken her side, not even once, and she should be used to it by now. But this strangely hurt her to the core. Every rubbish she had taken from Richard and his mother was because of him. Still, he had never for one day made her feel like she’s worth something.

“I don’t need to hear anything from you. I already know everything I need to know and I demand you go on your knees and apologize to your husband and mother-in-law right now.” The man said to her utmost surprise.

Grace, who tried not to interfere, raised her brows and widened her eyes at the ridiculous thing she just heard. She has known Joan and her family for over a decade and knew the kind of person Mr. Elvin was. But out of all the foolish things he has done, this one made her want to jam her head against the wall.

“Apologize for what? I did nothing to them. They should be apologizing to me for disrespecting me.” Joan stood her ground, but her father was already fuming, although he was doing everything possible to hide it.

“You don’t have to do something before you apologize. Haven’t you heard the saying “the wise woman builds her home but the foolish one destroys it?” Wisdom says you should find out where you have erred for your husband to decide to take another wife and apologize or make amends. But you are proving stubborn.” Mr Elvin stated, bringing a smile to Mrs. Charles and Belinda’s faces.

“I can’t believe you’re saying this, dad. But I’m sorry to disappoint you. I want to be foolish for once in my life. I am done with this marriage.” Joan stated, shocking her father and mother.

“You will do no such thing, you ungrateful child. You owe your life and everything you are today to me and this is how you chose to pay me back? How dare you bring shame to me after all I’ve done for you?” Mr Elvin flared.

“Don’t jump into hasty decisions, my child. You know how much your father has invested. Do this for the sake of family. Apologize so that we can move on from here. We can sort out other issues later.” Mrs. Elvin chipped in, her voice breaking in a way Joan hated to hear. Whenever she sounds like that, it usually breaks Joan’s resolve.

“Mum… I’m sorry. You know I would always listen to you, but things have gone beyond my control-”

“Then let’s not waste any further time. If you are tired of this marriage and family, the divorce papers are here. All you have to do is sign it and be free.” Mrs. Charles cut her off while pointing at the pieces of papers on the table, impatience dripping from her voice and tone.

“Don’t you dare do it, Joan. If you do, you cease to be my daughter.” Her father threathened.

“Please Joan, let’s settle this amicably. Marriage is hard, I know. But things will get better. This is a minor issue we can solve without going to the extremes. Listen to me, Joan. I am your mother.”Content is © by NôvelDrama.Org.

There was only one person Joan couldn’t bear to see heartbroken. That person was her mother. She would have given in to her mother’s plea, but recalling how twisted her situation was at the moment, she became confused as hell.

In the heat of the moment, three knocks hit the door, distracting them all from their present predicament.

Richard moved to answer the door. As soon as he opened it, the tip of a gun was placed against his forehead by a masked man, prompting him to take backwards steps while the masked man followed him into the house.

“Who are you? What do you want?” Mrs Charles asked in shock, fear written all over her face as she jumped to her feet.

“It’ll be in your best interest to speak no more words. Your utmost silence can save your life.” The man uttered in a terrifying voice.

Following the masked man were four others, heavily armed, who moved to stand at strategic positions. Mere moments later, another man walked into the house, one they were all familiar with.

He was Mr. Trevor Baliante.

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