From Bully To Beloved


“You too goof.” She had hit him on the arm, pleased that she had caught him giving her the once over.

“You’ll have to tell me how the semester has been.” He looked away from her quickly. “But not now, I’m busy.”

“Oh, okay.” She jumped up quickly from his bed. She had sat down eagerly; ready to tell him about her first kiss and how boys had started to notice her. “I wanted to tell you about Harry.” She spoke eagerly as she walked to the door.

“Who’s Harry?” He looked at her with a frown.

“My quasi-boyfriend.” She grinned at him.

“Boyfriend? Aren’t you too young for a boyfriend Bianca?”

“No.” She twirled and danced around. “Not at all.”

“Well we can talk later. I’m busy now.” He walked her out of his room and she felt a sliver of disappointment run through her. Bianca didn’t see Jaxon again that summer; he had gone to London on an emergency business trip and stayed. And they had never had the same easy friendship on any of her subsequent visits. She didn’t know what made him distance himself from her like that. On the surface, they had the same casual easy friendship but it was strained with tension and odd comments.

Bianca sighed as she thought back to their relationship. Now they had added a whole new layer to their dynamic and she wasn’t sure if it would bring them closer together or drive an even bigger wedge between them. Especially if he found out that she lied about being on the pill. She resolved to herself that she would never let him know the truth.

She knocked on his study door hesitantly. She was scared to make a decision. Scared to move forward in his crazy world with his crazy contract and plans. She walked into the room when he beckoned her in because she knew she was too scared to walk away.

“Did you get your water?” He smiled at her softly. He looked calm and gentle and he reminded her of the Jaxon from her childhood.

“Yes. Thanks. It was high quality H2O.” She grinned at him and he laughed at her quote from ‘The Water Boy”. They had spent many a weekend watching Adam Sandler movies.

“That’s good to hear. I wouldn’t want you drinking non high quality H2O.”

“Yeah.” She looked at him cautiously not sure what to say or if she should sit down.

“Sit Bianca, you are making me uncomfortable just staring down at me.”

“Ok.” She sat opposite him and looked at his desk. It was strewn with papers and folders and a MAC laptop. “Is that the new MacBook Pro?”

“Yes, I got it a few weeks ago.” He nodded and his expression changed. Suddenly he looked serious and annoyed. “But that’s not what you came to talk about, is it Bianca?”

“No.” Her voice was quiet. “It isn’t.”

” Let’s cut to the chase Bianca. What we have done cannot happen again.” He looked at her harshly. “Do you understand me?”

“What?” She looked at him furtively, trying to not let him see the panic and hurt in her eyes. “I thought you want me to be your assistant?”

“I made a mistake Bianca.” He grimaced and looked away from her. “It won’t happen again.”

“What?” Her voice was angry.

“There’s no need to be upset Bianca. I will still get you into the internship program.”

“I don’t want to be in the internship program.” Her voice sounded like she was pleading and she winced. “I want to be your assistant.”

“No you have to finish school.” He looked at her coolly.

“I already withdrew from my classes for the semester Jax.” Her voice was strong. “This will be a good experience for me. It will help me in my career.”

He grinned at her. “Well, who knew you had it in you to be calculated Bianca?” He frowned to himself. “Maybe you aren’t as pansy as I thought.”

“Excuse me?” She glared at him. “I’m not a pansy.” Except around you she thought to herself.

“Well I hope not. Not if you want to succeed in this business.”

“So, am I still going to be your assistant?” She looked at him passionately, praying with all of her might that he would say yes.

“I’ll have to think about it.” He looked at her curiously. “I’ve never seen anyone so excited to be an assistant before.”

“You were the one who told me I was going to do the position in the first place.” She cried out.

“That was a different kind of assistant position.” He looked at her and licked his lips. “But that is no longer on the table.”

“Oh.” She wanted to ask him exactly what that position would have consisted of and ask him to still consider her but she wouldn’t resort to begging. She wasn’t that far gone and she would die of a broken heart before she would let him know just how deeply she cared for him.

“So we’ll start in a week.” He wrung his hands as he spoke to her. “You can help me here in the study and then you’ll start fulltime in the City in 2 weeks.”

“Ok.” She tried to hold back her grin but she couldn’t. “Sounds good.”

“Oh and Bianca.” He called after her as she walked out of the study.Belonging to NôvelDrama.Org.

“Yes.” She turned back to look at with sparkling eyes.

“Don’t get into any trouble.”

“I’ll try not to.” She laughed as he groaned and ran up the stairs to her room to write in her journal. She lay on the bed and opened a new page. She was excited that finally she had something to write that was positive and happy as opposed to gloomy and naive. She was going to write a poem to express her feelings but she bit her lip and paused. Everything hadn’t gone exactly as she wanted it to: she wanted Jaxon to want her and love her. She had hoped that after they had slept together he would have realized that he had feelings for her and that he wanted to be with her. But the opposite had happened. Not only did he not declare his love for her, he didn’t even want to sleep with her again. Had she been that bad? Maybe she had been too eager. She sighed. She didn’t even know what the other type of assistant position had really consisted of but she wanted to know. She was also worried that he would get someone else to fit that role. Pangs of jealousy reverberated through her and she wanted to cry. She needed to think of a way to get him back into her bed and maybe then she could try and reconnect with him again. Break through the shell he had developed. She also wondered what Cherrel had been talking about the previous evening.

What had Jaxon done that had been so bad? Because it had to have been really bad if Cherrel wouldn’t tell her. Cherrel told her everything; she was incapable of keeping a secret. Bianca knew that she needed to find out. She wanted to know about Jax more than she wanted to write about her feelings so she put her journal down and decided to go and see what she could get out of Cherrel.

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