Forged in the Flames

Chapter 74

Chapter 74

Chapter 74 Dealing With The Crazies Part 2 (Nikolas POV)

I stared at my mother, waiting for her to say what she wanted to say.

I knew it might have something to do with Aliana because I could see her calculating her approach, but I decided I would not interrupt her so she could finish.

The encroaching headache did not help matters either. However, holding out a bit longer was possible as long as she did not push me over the edge. I was standing too close and could fall off at any moment.

“Son, I am sorry for everything you have gone through. Believe me or not, I want to see you excel,” She said, and I got impatient.

“Please get to the point. I have so much to do, and I still have to take the prince sightseeing,” I said to her, sounding more impatient than I intended.

My tone had hurt her feelings. I could see it, so I exhaled to calm down.

“I am sorry, Mother,” I managed to apologise, and she nodded with misty eyes. Her tears did nothing to me, but there was no need to rub it in.

“That girl isn’t good for you, Niko. She will cost you everything. You wouldn’t know what I just found out,” She said, and I wanted to shut her up, but I chose to hear it all first.

“What did you find out about Aliana now, Mother?” I asked her, and she sighed.

“I know you have said you will settle down with a Lycan when the time comes, but it seems this girl does not plan to walk away when the time is due. She wants to remain in your life permanently. I mean

like a leech,” She said, and I was getting to my limits with her because of her choice of words, but I still chose to remain calm.

“I do not plan to release her, either, so get straight to the point,” I said, sounding bored. Her countenance changed, but she tried to mask her anger.

I did not need to pretend with her anymore. She had failed at the one task I needed her for, so her opinion did not matter anymore.

“There is a rumour that she might be pregnant. I know she is on birth control. Doctor Newton confirmed it. I think she hasn’t been taking her meds. I think she is doing this deliberately. You need to have her tested to be sure because if it is true, then getting that crown would be a thing of the past. Fredrick will come after you, Niko. I am sure she knows and wants to get revenge for what you did to her father,” my mother said, and I wondered where my mother had heard the rumour from.

“Who told you this?” I asked her, and she was reluctant to respond.

“Does it matter, dear,” She said, and I banged my hand on the table before I could get a grip of myself.

“Of course, it matters, mother. It matters a lot,” I said through gritted teeth, and she nodded quickly, getting scared.

“Erica heard people talking about it, so I reached out to Dr Newton this morning, and he said it wasn’t possible because she was on birth control, but if I can talk to you so he can run an examination on her, we would know.

I told him to go ahead, but he refused, saying that is your call to make. That is why I am here. I think we need to know so we can stop this madness before it gets out of hand. If it turns out negative, then we can stop the rumour with the facts,” she said, and Bane began to growl. She actually believed she was

making sense and doing the right thing. My mother was living inside her head because she would know I was getting angry if she was sensitive.

I planned to deal with Erica mercilessly. I remained silent while my mother waited for a response.

Soon I controlled myself and leaned forward to speak to her.

“If you do not learn to mind your business, I will send you to Snow, where you belong,” I told her, and she was in shock.

She had no idea how much anger I had pent up, and now I had to deal with this nonsense.

“Meet me in the office,” I linked Erica while my mother was still recovering from what I had told her. I meant it, really. Knowing now that Erica was going about snooping on her behalf was sickening.

“Niko, why will you say that to me? I am just trying to protect your interest. I know you are fond of that girl, but…” She said, and I lost it.

“I am not fond of Aliana, mother; I love her, so please stop this nonsense. I do not care about how anyone feels about my choices. We might not be able to be together because of the unity law, but I love her still. If you truly love me, Mother, you will stop looking for ways to be rid of her. You will stop trying to hurt her at every given opportunity. I love her, mother. Nothing in my life has ever made sense like it does with Aliana. You need to stop this nonsense,” I told her because I was tired of the lies and pretence.

She was in complete shock. Utterly speechless, and I did not care. She had it coming.

I had a lot to deal with, and amidst the pyramid of problems I had, all my mother cared about was getting rid of Aliana.

I looked at her and sighed.

“Niko, you can’t love her; Fredrick will attack us,” She said, almost on the verge of tears.

“I can love whoever I damn, please. I might not be allowed to be with her, but I can love her. I need you to stop looking for ways to be rid of Aliana. She has done nothing to you. She wasn’t even conceived at the time of the uprising. She is innocent, so please stop. I do not want to hear anything about Aliana from you again. If you do not like her, you can do me a favour and keep your opinions to yourself and keep your distance,” I said, and she wiped away her tears.

Erick walked in, looking nervous.

My mother turned to look at her and was surprised to see her in the office.

“Leave Erica out of this, Niko,” my mother pleaded silently, but she was in the middle of it. “Good morning, Alpha?” Erica said, sounding nervous, and I did not bother to respond to her greetings.

“You told my mother you heard rumours about Aliana being pregnant. Where did you hear this?” I asked her, and she looked at my mother, afraid.

“She can’t save you from me, Erica, so it is best you tell me the truth now”, I warned Erica.

“A half-breed friend that works at the Werewolf Clinic said she suspected that Aliana was there for a pregnancy test,” she said, and I sighed.

“And then you decided to pedal the news,” I said, and she shook her head quickly.

“I only reported to Luna, Alpha. I did not tell anyone.” She said, and I linked Qusack to join me in my office. I planned to make an example of Erica and her halfbreed friend.

“Your friend works at the werewolf clinic?” I asked, leaning back on my chair, and she nodded quickly. I could smell her fear and nervousness.

“What is her name?” I asked her.

“Kristine,” She said on the verge of tears.

“When did you start making friends with half- breeds?” I asked her, and she was nervous.

“I find it odd that you have a half-breed friend, Erica, knowing how horrible you are to them,” I asked, and he shook her head.

“We are just acquaintances,” she said, and I chuckled.

“Or she is just your informant.” I corrected her, knowing she indeed got the information from someone in the clinic.

“What do you give her in exchange for the information?” I asked her, and she looked at my mother.

I knew it wasn’t as easy as it looked.

“I knew hanging with my mother would get you into trouble. Gezel was smart enough to walk away, but you remained. What did my mother promise you, Erica, and what have you been giving this Kristine woman in exchange for information on Aliana?” I asked, and she shook her head.

“She isn’t my friend, Alpha. Luna asked me to watch Aliana when you were travelling to Snow. That day I followed her and found that she had visited the clinic. I managed to ask Kristine to monitor her and report her activities at the clinic to me. I paid her with two pieces of bronze coins,” she said quickly, and I looked at my mother, who did not seem a bit worried.

“I needed to be sure she isn’t planning anything harmful while you are away,” My mother said, trying to justify her actions, and I reserved my words.

“What did my mother promise you in exchange for this level of loyalty?” I asked Erica, and she could not speak.

“If you do not volunteer the answer, I will have Qusack force it out of you, and we both know he can be merciless like me. Now, mind you, I will know if you are lying,” I warned her, and her l*ips quivered, 1 Belongs © to NôvelDrama.Org.

Tears rolled down her cheeks, and she kept looking at my mother.

Her eyes pleaded with my mother to bail her out, but my mother had her own skin to worry about, so she just ignored the girl.

It was amazing how quickly my mother could abandon someone loyal to her against all odds.

It made me start carving a picture of what might have really transpired in the past. It was clear she wasn’t loyal. I wondered how deep her deception ran.

Qusack walked in at that moment, and Erica began to cry.

“Qusack, Erica had been spying and pedaling lies. I want her dealt with mercilessly,” I told Qusack, and Erica began to wail.

“This is unnecessary, Niko. Stop acting like a madman. Erica is a Lycan, for goddess’ sake. Remember the allegations levelled against you at the committee,” she said, and I laughed.

“Do I look like I care? My territory, my rules, and Erica has broken my rules,” I said coldly, and Erica began to cry.

I could see her confidence begin to wither. It was slowly dawning on her that my mother could not help her.

Why did she have to let it get this far?

I must commend her for her loyalty. Rarely do Lycans exhibit such a level of commitment. I knew there must have been a desirable incentive to make her do this.

“Your mother told me if I could find anything damning about Aliana that she would get rid of her and ensure you marry me,” Erica blurted out in tears.

I did not know when I started laughing.

Even Qusack could not help himself.

I laughed so hard because it was amusing. I did not expect Erica to be stupid, but she clearly was. “Mother,” I said, looking at my mother. She could not maintain eye contact with me and looked away, ashamed of herself.

Realising that she had been played, Erica began to beg and plead that I forgive her.

I could not believe that Erica was hoping I would marry her. My mother’s method was low.

“Have her dealt with and fish out Kristine, a half -breed that works in the werewolf clinic.

Patients’ businesses in the clinic are highly confidential; Kristine does not seem to agree with the rule,” I said, and Qusack figured out what had happened.

He dragged Erica away to deal with her.

This was me doing damage control, so no one would pedal that news in future.

Once they were out, I focused my attention on my mother. My smile was gone entirely, and I stared at her coldly.

“This should be the last time you will try this, Mother, or I will send you out of Forest. I owe you nothing. I have preserved your life and cared for you through thick and thin; I will not allow you to ruin mine

because of your sentiments. If you do not like how I run my business, you can leave, but let this be the last time I would warn you to stay out of my way.

I have too much to deal with that I cannot afford to have you as a problem. Am I clear?” I asked her, and she was silent.

I did not allow her to recover when I asked her to leave my office.

Once she left, I composed myself and thought of how to deal with Newton. Qusack was having him followed we decided to feed him false information and watch him until he slipped off. He might have murdered the Lycan in the woods, but that did not prove he was a spy. Once he is caught red-handed, I can deal with him appropriately.

I rounded up what I was doing in the office, then linked Aliana to inform her that I planned on showing Piotr Riverhead; I also permitted her to hang out with Natasha and prepare for an unplanned picnic we will have in the evening.

I left my office and headed up the stairs towards Piotr’s room. While I walked, I prayed that all this would end soon and I could have the life I wanted and welcome my children into a world without hate and prejudice

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