Forced by fate – Destined to be his Wife

Rong Cai Prt 1

TangShi stretched out and rotated her shoulders to ease their stiffness as she put down her mixing bowl and spatula, pleased with the natural paint they had been learning to make all day. She now had several soft colors and some ground dried plants and herbs laid out before her to use in tomorrow’s class. This was the most enjoyable and unexpected lesson she had ever had and bode well for her days here after this. A first success, and she was thrilled to be here under the watchful but also gentle care of Master. Cai.

He was exactly how Linlin had imagined him. An old man with soft grey hair that was kept neat and trim around his head, but his beard was long and tapered into a point midway down his chest. He was on the older side in age, but utterly adorable. He was wrinkled and tanned but a smiley fellow who loved to spend his days wearing the traditional Manchu style of clothing that compromised of a long-fitted cotton coat that buttoned high to the neck, over loose pants. His were navy in color and lacked any kind of artwork or embroidery in case he got paint on them. She assumed this was his uniform of choice when teaching his students and he was exactly how she imagined a professor of fine arts with a lifetime of experience should look. He fitted the tranquility of this place well. He was approachable and friendly and seemed like the most patient man she had ever met.

TangShi picked up her phone and checked her call list for the hundredth time today. All day her mind had been on her work mostly, but the pull of distraction had her hoping to see a message or call from YuZhi even once today. Her heart sinking when she saw there were no missed calls or unread texts.

He knew it was her first day, but he flew to Hong Kong a few days ago for work. The morning after he kissed her and stayed out all night and hadn’t been in touch much. An occasional text to give her the keypad entry code for his apartment and some instructions on moving their before her term started. He was still pushing her to move closer to his office, despite his weird distance, and arranged for ZhengLi to sort her out with keys and other things she would need to transition there.

TangShi and Linlin had done just that and moved her out of the house with the help of Xiaosu and gotten her settled in YuZhi’s own apartment on Puming road in Pudong quickly. All packed and moved in one afternoon. It was a penthouse apartment with three bedrooms, and she had been shocked to find the building had many perks. A gym, pool, clubhouse, among the amenities, a maid service and even an onsite restaurant to list a few. It was a spacious and modern bachelor pad with every luxury you could imagine. It felt like she wasn’t worthy to live in such high-class surroundings, but it was also strange to spend the first days alone there after weeks of sharing a bed with YuZhi. It was huge and empty after coexisting in a family home.

YuZhi was avoiding her, and she knew it. That night he dropped her home in silence and never returned until next morning to pack a case and left without saying much to her. It was awkward and hurt her and she had cried for an hour after he left, feeling like she had done something wrong. Unlike the days of his being cold and mean when he saw her, this time it felt like he was blanking her as though she didn’t exist. She couldn’t understand how one simple kiss could have made him U turn and cast her off like an unwanted coat. Her heart was aching, and she was depressed that despite being close, he had pushed her away. She felt like she had lost her closest friend.

“Looks like you have the hang of it. Well done.” A male voice came at her from behind and caught her off guard, so she jumped in fright, giggling at the silly reaction. Turning she saw Rong Cai standing close behind her as he peered over her shoulder to admire her handywork and he smiled softly, eyes full of warmth when she glanced up. It was the first she had seen him since their tour here a few weeks ago.

“Thank you. It’s fun and I never imagined we would learn how to make supplies this way.” She blushed with his praise but slid out to stand up and face him as his close proximity was making her uneasy in a seated position. She was never good at talking to men even though they had met before, but that had been at least two weeks and her shyness had returned.

“You look perfect for this place. Your dress is pretty and suits the beauty of the view.” He nodded at her simple white cotton dress, which was long and flowy, paired with a pale pink cardigan that fitted her upper body neatly. She had gone for comfortable and simple today and was glowing with a romantic vibe and a long, curled ponytail to keep her hair out of her face..

“Thank you. I felt overdressed when I saw the other students wearing overalls.” She laughed softly and nodded to other people in the background who were still working hard.

“Would you like to take a walk with me before you pack up for the day? I have somewhere in the garden to show you that you will love.” He beamed at her, aware of the fact he still felt giddy and fluttery in her presence. The initial attraction of the first day he met her had not faded and he was mesmerized by her natural charm. His heart beating faster as her smile drew him in. He had been counting down the days to her starting here to meet again and annoyed when her first day he had to travel out of town for a meeting. He had rushed back to catch her last half hour.

“Sure. I could use one to loosen my muscles. I have been leaning over for too long.” She stepped out to let him lead the way. Nodding gracefully and politely.

“You know, we are so happy you decided to study here. I feel you may be our student with the most promise this semester. I have high hopes for you, Miss. Lei. I wish I could have been here to welcome you.”

“Please, call me TangShi. I feel like in time we might be friends and I’m not one for formalities.” She walked with her hands clasped in front of her, hanging low, and kept her eyes down on her steps. They made their way through the class to the wide glass doors opening to the ornate garden, which felt like a paradise to her. Her tone polite and friendly as she tried to relax in his presence again. This was a magical place nestled in the center of Shanghai’s financial district in a tiny secret nook. It was almost as though it defied logic and brought her a sense of peace and tranquility.

“I like that. Maybe as friends we could go out to eat sometimes, on lunch, or whenever you need a break. I’m usually around and free.” He knew he shouldn’t be encouraging a student away from the school mid-day but for her he would make an exception. Trying to keep his enthusiasm under wraps and make the invite sound innocent and normal.

TangShi smiled, her cheeks heating as she blushed at the offer and her mind ran instantly to YuZhi and the lack of eating with him these days. She couldn’t shake the melancholy of him leaving her out in the cold after sharing such a magical night together and somehow it made an invite like this seem lacking. She missed him and didn’t want to fill the void with some other male dinner partner.

“Your classes are done for the day, right? Maybe you would allow me to take you for dinner before you go home. If you’re not busy?” He knew he was pushing his luck and his nerves piqued as his heart rate spiked. Hands clammy at asking her out but he couldn’t bypass it in hopes she might be interested in dating him.

TangShi didn’t see the invitation was a loaded one with an underlying intent and innocently assumed he was being polite and welcoming.All rights © NôvelDrama.Org.

“I promised Linlin to have dinner with her to celebrate tonight. She is the one who helped me enroll here, so I can’t let her down.” She declined, glad to have a legitimate excuse.

“I see. Maybe another day. I would love to introduce you to some of my favorite hidden gems in Shanghai. We have so many good food places that most people don’t know about. I think you seem like the kind of girl who loves to eat good food in cozy places that have a great atmosphere.”

“Miss. Lei, we are all cleaning up now.” A voice echoed their way, breaking up their conversation and she glanced back to acknowledge the young girl calling her. Somewhat relieved that she was being pulled back and avoiding this conversation continuing. It’s not that Rong wasn’t nice, she just didn’t want to complicate things and start making plans with him. She felt like he was being too forward about hanging out so soon.

“I’m coming.” She nodded and smiled graciously back at Rong Cai. “I must go and pack up. Thank you, anyway. I can see whatever it was later, Linlin promised to pick me up.” She brushed him off knowing she couldn’t linger today. Linlin would pull up outside the main doors as soon as her scheduled end of class came around and she didn’t want to idly hang around.

“I’ll hold you to that.” Rong Cai called after her, disappointed with the refusal and the instant end to showing her the koi ponds, but he couldn’t help but smile after her as she walked away. She was beautiful and warm, and he knew in the next weeks he would enjoy growing closer to her. He had set his sights on her and wasn’t the type to give up a pursuit.

TangShi set about putting away all the ingredients and equipment and storing the paints and tools in her own locker by the side of the door. She cleaned up the spills and drops and put her desk space back to rights before packing up her own belongings and pulling her bag onto her shoulder. Motioning a wave to her classmates as they began to leave, and she gave a gracious goodbye to Master. Cai before she too filed out from the airy open-air room. Making her way down the central pathway and catching sight of Rong Cai coming her way as she got to the main doors, walking out from the shade into the bright evening sunshine.

“TangShi, hold up. Just a minute.” Rong Cai followed her at speed, smiling her way and caught up to walk her the last few paces to the car park outside while he held the gate open. “I wanted to give you this.” He held out a long cream envelope that he slid from his inner jacket pocket, with a pretty scroll of cursive on the front which was her name in English. Blinking at it and then him and looking confused, TangShi accepted it carefully.

“What is it?”

“An invitation to a gallery show next week. A friend of mine has his first show and I thought you would like to go with me. It’s a small gallery and there will be hours d’oeuvres, champagne and a nice atmosphere. It’s a style I think you would appreciate.” He gazed at her fondly as she opened the envelope and pulled it out to read the gold embossed card that held all the details. Her face stiffening and blood running cold as she was unsure how to reject something like this. It felt weird that he wasn’t handing every student one as they left.

YuZhi sat in his black four by four and watched TangShi talking to the young man who walked her out a few seconds ago, trying to decipher who he was and what he handed to her. He shifted in the driving seat to edge forward and leaned his wrist on the steering wheel while he glared and squinted their way, in two minds about getting out. His mood nosediving with the appearance of this good looking and obviously interested dude who was all smiles at TangShi. His body language couldn’t be mistaken.

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