Forced by fate – Destined to be his Wife

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“I’m so full. We ate too much.” TangShi flopped back on the couch, nursing her food baby belly and groaning as Linlin picked up the takeout containers from the coffee table and dumped them in the kitchen.

“You could use a little extra fat; you’re so thin lately.” Linlin appraised her with a critical eye. Glad that since moving here to YuZhi’s apartment she seemed less stressed out and unhappy in life and was back to being her fun and sunny friend. The diet that nasty Aunt had forced on her had made her lose weight and it was her job to fatten TangShi back up again. Feeding her anyway she could.

The girls had met up after TangShi was finished with school and had gone shopping, before heading here for take out and relaxing with a movie. YuZhi and ZhengLi had been MIA these past few days, something to do with an entertainment center being built in Shanghai and it was causing them endless issues with funding.

“What shall we watch?” Linlin wandered back and pushed her deadweight of a friend over so she could climb on the long space beside her to get comfy. Shoving her with a cushion to make her move.

“Hmmm anything. I am so sleepy I may fall asleep. I don’t have your energy and I was at school all day before you dragged me to walk miles.” TangShi protested, sitting up to turn and curl up against Linlin instead. The girls intertwined arms and legs, snuggling up as she browsed menus on the huge TV on the fireplace wall. YuZhi liked his gadgets, and his house had all the best technology.

“Nothing romantic, I am not in the mood.” Linlin huffed and then pouted as ZhengLi crossed her mind. Lately his absence was getting on her nerves even though he had a valid excuse. It had been over a week since their last date, in which he abandoned her and four days since he last called or text her. They had no definite plans for anytime soon either and it felt like she was being ghosted. She refused to be the one to reach out and chase him.

“Still mad at him for having a job?” TangShi poked her in the cheek, grinning and adoring her stroppy best friend. Still amused with this denial that ZhengLi was more than a passing fad, and that her feelings for him were growing.

“Hmmm.” Linlin snorted, waving towards the window, that TangShi should close the blinds as a way to avoid the question, and she did so obediently. Picking up the remote to plunge the room into darkness.

The door entry pad tones going off made them both sit up slightly to look in that direction and TangShi impulsively checked her watch.

“It must be YuZhi. He’s early for once, it’s only eight.” She knew that wasn’t early by normal standards but sometimes he didn’t come home until after ten or later. Lately he had been after midnight more frequently and as she was asleep she didn’t see him until breakfast. Linlin had been her chauffer most days as her own part time college was near where TangShi went to school.

TangShi and he had reached that companiable easiness again where they had left the bad feeling in the past and had settled into cohabiting in peace. Having their own rooms meant they saw one another less than before with his schedule and she was missing him. Getting used to his habits in their own spaces and also spending time alone, more than she ever did when home.

The two men wandered into the apartment carrying heavy box files and YuZhi blinked around in surprise at the lack of light. Balancing his load on his leg, reaching up to feel out the switch despite this place having an automatic system and then almost blinded the two women as he illuminated the apartment on high.

“Hey!!” Linlin squeaked and covered her eyes at the assault. They had been in low light before the blinds were shut so this was a shock to their retinas.

“Well, well. This is a welcome surprise.” ZhengLi’s smooth tone came over like warm honey as he put his boxes on the floor and casually wandered over to them to haul Linlin over on the couch. “I missed my she devil and yet here she is. Looking irresistible, like a little prize.” He smirked, sitting down and sliding her towards him so he could put an arm around her shoulders, which she batted away.Exclusive content from NôvelDrama.Org.

“Do I know you?” She snorted and crossed her arms giving him the cold shoulder. Sulking about the lack of him in her life but it only amused him.

“Linnybooo, you know I’ve been busy. Show me some love.” ZhengLi leaned in and kissed her on the cheek, earning a palm to his face as she shoved it away and remained stiff and unyielding. Refusing to look at him.

“Hey, Tang.” YuZhi ignored the two of them, used to this push pull behavior of that pair, and wandered straight to TangShi, perching his ass opposite her on the coffee table so they were only a couple of feet apart and reached out to hand her something. “Here. They were giving these out to the employees today and I knew you would want one.”

TangShi sat up promptly, spying the small cupcake box in his hand and leaned for it with excitement. Despite being stuffed she always had space for cupcakes and beamed at him. Happiness in the small things always lit up her entire face and made YuZhi relax.

“Cake! Thank you!!” TangShi blushed at his thoughtfulness, coiling her legs underneath her while she focused on opening it. Basking under his content gaze at watching her happy with her gift.

Linlin wasn’t the only one who felt TangShi had lost too much weight these past months and YuZhi made sure to bring her snacks and treats frequently and keep the refrigerator stocked so she ate. All the medicines aunt sent for her were resigned to a cupboard by him where she couldn’t see them as he didn’t really agree with forcing her to take anything until she was pregnant.

“We have a lot of work, so we decided to come home and do it here. We won’t disturb you guys. I guess it’s movie and junk food, huh?” YuZhi nodded at the array of unopened sweets and crisps on the table beside him and had spotted all the takeout containers in the kitchen when he walked in.

“Hmmm. Undecided on what to watch as someone is against love and fluff today.” She side eyed Linlin who was being coaxed and whispered to by a smiling ZhengLi and the pair were battling with hushed words and juvenile hand slapping. TangShi sighed at them.

“They’re entertaining for sure. Love’s young dream.” YuZhi mocked in sarcasm and got up patting TangShi on the head gently before wandering back to his boxes of files. Deflated by the thought of the long night ahead.

“Have you eaten?” TangShi got up and paced after him, giving those two space as it seemed like they were getting a little too touchy feely to be around.

“Not yet. We worked through dinner and packed up for home soon as we got most of it done.” YuZhi piled two boxes on the counter and put one between his feet as he figured out which he needed first.

“I can make something. Beef noodle soup, or seafood porridge? TangShi offered, coming up beside him.

“No, go enjoy your downtime with your friend. I can order in and take it to my study with Zheng. You look tired. Don’t cook for me.” YuZhi impulsively reached out to brush her hair from her face, his thumb trailing over her cheek softly in that way he had developed of stroking her. TangShi’s cheeks warmed, and her inner happiness bubbled up.

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