Forbidden Love: My Daddy's Best Friend

Forbidden 52

Forbidden 52

Night Caller

It’s been two weeks since we went to the house, and I am home a lot while Jasper, my dad and others from the club get the house sorted. Jasper being Jasper had to change everything about the house so it is taking longer.

I have seen my mum a few times, but I am keeping my distance. More so my dad doesn’t feel the need to let her in if he isn’t ready. Today is a day Jasper has been home all day. I went shopping, got some new clothes and things and he spent the day with Damiana. I have just put it away, and begun getting changed.

When I walked in with the bags, he told me to get ready and we were eating together. So I have. Although, he may hate me after tonight. I laugh slightly and walk back through. I watch as his back is to me as he puts the food on plates.

“Baby girl, sort the table please.” I smile, he just gave me a reason.

“Okay, daddy.” I clear the table purposely leaning over it, I feel the dress ride higher as I do. I hear him moving and I reach to straighten the tablecloth that is already straight.

“Shit.” I smile at his word. He had forgotten about this dress, he had thrown out everything he had bought me when I left, so I had to go and find the exact same dress. The one he said he would find a reason for me to wear even if it was just as I cleaned.

“Are you okay Daddy?” I don’t move, and just stay leaning over and pretend to be sorting out the tablecloth.

“Sit, now baby girl,” I smirk and do as he says, moving I sit and watch

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as he puts down the plates and sits opposite me. His eyes are wide and I know I have won this round. He stays quiet and just stares at me.

“You said we needed to talk Daddy?” He had, but now he seems to be lost. I clamp my lips closed to stop myself from laughing.

“Yeah, erm…” he rubs the back of his neck.

“Sounds interesting Daddy.” I bite against my lip, my finger pressing the button and I moan as the vibrations begin.

“I need to go to the house, after this. That is what I needed to say, baby girl.”

Well, shit. There goes my plans. I huff and nod, and begin eating.

“Hey!” I look up shocked. “Don’t get all moody, and pouty, you were enjoying yourself taunting me, so continue, just keep in mind I have to go and sort out things at the house.” He laughs and I nod, well he could always fuck me senseless quickly before leaving.

I smile at the thought. Sitting we eat and talk, and he now accepts that knocking down walls wasn’t the best idea, but it’s too late now. Although it made things take longer he promises me one more week and we will be there. I smile at the thought.

I watch him and press the button on the remote the vibrations begin. again and I bite against my lip before stopping them again. I plan to play and see how long it takes him to realise.

“I am going to refill the water.” I just need a moment to calm down, rushing I stand and refill the jug, as I am walking back to him. vibrations start and I jump, his hand catching the jug as I drop it.

“I’m not a fool baby girl, I could hear the vibrations. Next time, don’t try to hide the control on your chair. It’s a shit hiding spot.” He places.

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the jug down and pushes me back. “First the pictures of you trying things on baby girl while you were shopping. Then purposely sucking fucking sauce off your finger while I tried to cook, then the dress, and bending over, now playing without my permission?”

He looks at me amused. His hand wraps around my throat. “Now, I plan to make you scream.” The vibrations become stronger and I grasp onto him, my eyes begging him to let me finish but they stop as I am

about to.

I watch as he does the signal for kneel, moving I do without arguing or complaining. I don’t wait for his order, instead, I open my mouth, and he groans. Even if his plan wasn’t to fuck my face, it is now. I laugh slightly to myself.

“God you’re a perfect fucking brat.” I watch as he unfastens his trousers. “I should be leaving baby girl, but now, I’m going to be late.” He grips my hair and uses my mouth to pleasure himself. His thrusts push his cock deeper into my throat. The words ‘good girl‘ and ‘fuck‘ groaned from him as he gets closer to the edge. I can see he plans to stop before he finishes but I have other plans.

He’s too busy enjoying his pleasure to notice me moving. My hands. grasp his belt at either side and pull him to me. I gag against him and hear him swear, he tries to pull my head back by the hair, but I pull him closer using his belt.

His grip tightens on me. “Release me baby girl, or when you do, I will fuck you repeatedly and stop as you’re about to finish, then you don’t get touched for two days!” Shit, two days? I glance up at him giving him a cheeky look. Moving back I grin and watch as he pulls me to stand, his hands throwing me over the side. The vibrations begin and I moan, his cock pushing into my ass.

He doesn’t go slow, fed up with my attitude he is fucking me hard and

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quick. My body shakes and every time I am close the vibrations stop and he stays still. I bite against my lip to stop my crying out and begging but I fail.

He doesn’t listen, he keeps going, and ten minutes later I’m worn out and still pinned there. The orgasm is building in me as I hear him. groan, his hands holding me against him as he comes. The vibrations stop and I whine.

His hand grips my hair, and he pulls me to stand. “You won’t finish tonight baby girl. Not until tomorrow, you don’t deserve to finish yet.” His words are cold but full of love. I don’t argue. He picks me up and carries me to the bedroom.

Leaning over me he kisses my lips. “Now I need to leave. Get some sleep before she wakes and needs feeding.” Kissing me, he is sorted and gone within a few minutes. Well, this sucks. Reaching into the drawer I pull out the toy. Grabbing the phone I hit record and film myself. The toy moves faster and harder as I fight to finish. The orgasm explodes within me and has me crying out, my body shaking as I do. Falling back on the bed, I wait.

After twenty minutes I know he won’t be able to come back, so I hit send and watch the video get sent to him and smile. I am getting punished, I know I am.

A few minutes later my phone lights up.

You get points for recording it for me baby girl, be ready for one hell of a punishment, you weren’t allowed that orgasm. Now sleep, I will see you in the morning x

I laugh and lie back, feeling myself passing out. I wake up and glance around confused. Damiana hasn’t cried? I look on the side and see a


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Drink baby girl, I came home to grab something and fed her x

I drink the water and hear her crying. Standing I wrap the robe around myself, but look around confused unable to work out where the crying is coming from. As I step towards the crib darkness descends and I find myself falling to the floor and unable to wake.

Waking my head hurts, and I feel weak. I go to get up but can’t move, my mind racing to catch up. I’m on a chair? Did Jasper come back? I groan and slowly begin to open my eyes. I’m tied to a chair? What the fuck. Screaming I pull against the rope.

Joel is dead! What is going on? I feel myself panic and wonder if Jake and Oliver got out. I pull harder against the rope and freeze when I hear a woman’s voice.

“Mummy’s here.” I look around confused. “Good girl.” What the fuck? I try and see through the fog, and watch the woman walk out with Damiana in her hands. NO! I feel myself panic and begin pulling against the rope.

“You’re awake.” Her words are soft.

“Put her down!” I scream and fight against the rope.

“Don’t shout with the baby around. She is perfect.” She smiles and I watch as she walks through the room while feeding Damiana. “Thank you for this, it’s the final part of our little family, she is the final part.” I stare at her.

“Put her down!” Why is she here? NôvelDrama.Org © content.

“I can’t, I’m feeding her. What sort of mother would I put to put her down when she is hungry? Anyway, she’s all packed and ready to go.” She smiles and I look at the bag at the door.


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“What are you doing?” I feel myself panic and pull against the ropes.


“You can stop that, it won’t work. I know how to tie knots well. I came to get our daughter, I knew you would fight so I slipped a little something in the water and left it for you.”

“You drugged me!” I stare at her.

“She’s finished. Such a big girl.” Her words have me shivering. I can’t let her leave, I need to keep her talking.

“Hayley, what are doing?” I look at her.

“Taking home our baby. Now we have her Jasper will come back.” Is she fucking crazy?

“No, she isn’t your baby!” She turns and frowns at me.

“She is more mine than yours. Jasper is only here for her, he doesn’t love you.” She picks up the bag and I panic.

“Please, please don’t take her!”

“I’m not taking her. She was always mine, do you realise how often I watch her sleep? She is so peaceful, an angel. Our little Hope.”

“What? She isn’t called Hope!” I scream and she hits me.

“I said don’t shout around the baby. I’m going to take her home now, we can finally be a family.” I scream and fight against the rope more watching her leave. Crying I keep trying but it is no good. I can see my phone. I try and shuflle the chair across the floor.

The closer I get the more I feel like I can do it until the chair tips and my head hits the floor. Fighting against the darkness that is building I

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scream. I don’t know how long I stay on the floor screaming before my voice goes and I cry. I can’t do fuck all. I have no way of getting out of the ropes.

I watch as the sun rises, my head hurts, and I know I’m bleeding. I hear the door unlock and glance up watching my dad and Jasper walk in laughing covered in paint, their eyes come to me, and I watch Jasper rush through to Damiana as my dad pulls me up and begins to unfasten

1. me.

“Baby girl, where is she?” Jasper stands at the door shaking. My head hurts too much, and I feel sick. “Harley! Where the fuck is she!” I watch as my dad pushes him back.

“Give her a chance!” My dad finishes untying my legs.

“Princess, what happened?”

“I don’t know. I woke up, heard her cry, I went to get her and passed out. I woke up tied to the chair. Hayley had her, and she was telling me she was hers, I tried to keep her talking but she took her. She told me now you’re a fucking family!” I scream looking at Jasper. My head drops and I cry.

“I’m getting the club members together.” My dad stands.

“Call the police!” Fuck his club and them helping.

“No, neither of you do fuck all.” I turn and look at Jasper shocked. “I will go get her. I know where Hayley lives.

“He’s right, princess. If the police show she will run, at least with Jasper he has a chance of getting in the house and getting to her.”


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“No princess, if she thinks they are a family, she will let him in. Let him go get her, it’s the safest option.” I nod and fight back the tears.

“Baby girl, I will get her back. I won’t leave until I have her, I promise.” Kissing me Jasper leaves, I don’t even know what is happening. How did she get in?

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