Forbidden Love: My Daddy's Best Friend

Forbidden 257

Forbidden 257

Chapter 257

I woke up and let Daisy sleep through the morning. We don’t need to be out so early and after staying up until early morning with D and then getting up a few hours later with Marc she needed sleep, so I let her.

After having dinner we set off, and she sits quiet, the same

awkwardness grows. I know it’s caused be me pushing her out, and hurting her. She still isn’t the same woman from the start who sat and talked to me at night.

I need to give her a chance to realise I made mistakes but don’t plan to leave her again. I stop outside a building and we walk in together. It’s a underground poker club. It has a story though, I get her a drink, and we sit playing and she is good. I thought that time at the Casino was beginners luck as D suspected. Only it isn’t, somehow she wins, and I don’t know how.

Three hours later I pull her through to the small restaurant attached and we sit to eat, her eyes on me and she is confused.

“This place, was the first business that my dad bought in this city. At that time the city was still run by the government, it wasn’t working but they had control of it. He bought this building and within it, he built his connections.”

She looks around shocked

“It doesn’t matter if you buy the cheapest, most unstable business you can still win over those with buy the billion pound glitz business. Within a year he had met our mother and she had me and within four years he had bought out another eight businesses. He earnt the respect of the city, the

police were failing, women were getting raped daily, kids were kidnapped, women abused on the streets, sons were getting killed for the most stupid crap.”

I shake my head, no one knows the full story, but she will.

“Why didn’t the police do more?” She looks at me and I laugh.

“Everyone in the who had money paid them to be blind. There was no one person. You see men would kill other men for money, for stealing from them and shit. No one stood up for the women. My dad over the course of a week, tracked down some of the worst men and slaughtered them.”

She stares at me shocked.

“The fathers, and husbands were grateful. The police couldn’t kill them, but they also couldn’t lock them up because they were taking their bribes. That was the day everything changed. People vowed to follow our father, protect him if he protected their wives and children. He did, he refused to let women be sold, he refused to accept people in the city who used drugs to get women.”

“How did he die?” She looks at me waiting.

“I’m getting here puddin. We were all under ten, word had gottena round that someone who was moving from city to city kidnapping women was here. Our dad left with his guards to find him, only it was. a trap from a rival city. Our dad died that night, but the city lost as well, as no one in this city stood back, they all stood against the city and fight back.”

“He sounded amazing.” She smiles at me and I nod.

“He was, but he was also cold and calculated. Anyway, after our father died, our mother as you know dated so many men, she always feared the city going back, so she dated mostly my dads guards. Some of the guys weren’t of course. But most were and stood by our fathers same morals and principles.”

“Cal, thank you for telling me.” She smiles and I shake my head.

“That’s why this place will never go and never change. It all started here. For months my dad and mum slept on the floor in here. They lived here, I was born here.”

She stares at me shocked. NôvelDrama.Org exclusive content.

“See, people think we always had the city, the money, the power. We didn’t puddin, we were born into nothing.” She moves and cuddles me. “Which is why I know I would love you, with or without the city and the money puddin.” I kiss her and pull her to me.

“None of you told me that, about when you were younger.


“Because while it made us what we are today and brought us here, it’s painful, knowing our mother lived that life for so long. I remember it, I remember she would take us out on picnics, just so we could escape. this place while it was full of people.”

“Your mum was amazing Cal.” I nod at her words.

“You would be an amazing mother puddin. Your so selfless, you are like my mum was. Born from nothing, never having things so she didn‘ t feel the need to have it all, but she sure as hell made sure we did.”

I stay quiet, it feels weird talking about it, but she should know the whole story.

“I love you Cal.” I look up at her shocked, and she laughs. “And yes I will marry you, to save you sitting here nervous wondering if I will.‘ She holds out her hand and I want to joke and ask her what she is going on about. I won’t though.

Instead, I reach into my pocket and take out the box, putting the ring on her finger I slot it into the other two.

“You realise I can’t marry all three of you, right?” She looks at me like I’m crazy.

“Forget that for now, let’s go.” I pull her up and drive for a while before stopping at a small path. I get out with her and we walk through the trees. She stays quiet the whole, walk and then stands shocked at the


“Okay, I never saw a trechouse before in person, but this is a fucking mansion.” I laugh at her words and help her up, she looks around it amazed.

“We’re not stopping. Up.” I push her towards the steps, going up she looks around amazed. “We’re staying here tonight puddin, just to lie here under the stars.” It’s beautiful, the whole of this floor is glass.

We sit, watching the sun set and talking to each other, before eventually lying down in each other arms and looking at the stars. I watch as she falls asleep against me while talking, and to be honest by the time she falls asleep, she’s talking shit, nothing makes sense. It’s cute, she tries to fight off sleep, but just rambles on until her body forces her to sleep. Kissing her I stay watching the stars until I follow and sleep.

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