Forbidden Heat

Reiner – Why Are You Here?

Reiner – Why Are You Here?

The other staff only nodded, and I wasn’t sure whether they didn’t want to speak up or were just too

tired to do so.

“I get it. I’ll try to hire more hot girls,” Jamie said with a laugh.

He was clearly enjoying himself.

“I wouldn’t mind if you hired some buff guys who could carry multiple trays of food at the same time,” I

suggested. Content is © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

Kat burst out laughing at my straightforward suggestion.

“I wouldn’t mind that. We need more hot male colleagues,” Kat agreed a small laugh.

While Kat was just teasing and enjoying herself, I was being serious.

“Ok…Ok. I’ll look into that, and I’ll let you guys know. I’ll hire two or three more people and see how it

goes,” Jamie quickly agreed before the conversation would get out of hand.

“Thank you, Jamie,” I said with a sweet smile.

With how well his business was doing, I was sure that he could afford two to three more headcount to

walk the floor.

My body was sweaty from working so hard that busy night that I decided to change into more relaxing

clothes before I went home. I knew that Charles was waiting, so I rushed through everything so that he

wouldn’t have to wait for too long.

“How are you going back?” Kat asked curiously.

I knew that she suspected that Charles would be driving me back.

“Charles is waiting for me out front. He’s driving me back. Do you need a ride too?” I asked in case she

needed one.

I knew the cat lived nearby, but I was sure that Charles wouldn’t mind dropping her off.

“I don’t need one. Enjoy your time,” Kat said enthusiastically.

I think she was looking forward to my ride with Charles more than I was looking forward to it myself.

After changing and packing everything away in my bag, I waved to everyone and said my goodbyes for

the night. Honestly, I couldn’t wait to get back home to get some shut eye. Sleep was high on my

priority list right now.

When I open the door and walked out of the bar, Charles was there waiting for me, just like he had

promised. I felt a little guilty for taking up on his generosity. He was such an honest man, but honestly, I

couldn’t feel the same way that he felt. I felt guilty, but it seemed like Charles was willing to take care of

me even though he sort of knew that I didn’t return his feelings. Perhaps he thought that my feelings

could change. I didn’t blame him for being hopeful because I knew very well that human emotions

could change. My feelings are no different, and perhaps my feelings would change too one day.

“Did you wait long? Sorry, I was sweaty so…I decided to change,” I said apologetically.

“Don’t worry so much. It’s fine. Ready to go?” he asked as he offered me his large hand.

It wasn’t the first time that he would hold my hand, and we’ve done more than handholding, but I still

felt a little nervous and hesitant to take his hand. He smiled warmly at me, and I found myself smiling

back with ease. Slowly, I reached out my hand and he took it in his.

“The car is parked right around here,” Charles said as he began walking forward.

Although I knew that Charles was trying to walk slower so that I could keep up with him, the fact that I

was struggling with the many things that I was holding made it difficult for me to keep up. I had my bag

from the office, my bag of outfit and also a shoe bag. We didn’t get very far before Charles realized that

I was struggling with everything that I was holding.

“Let me carry them for you,” He offered.

His hand gestured to all the things that I was holding.

“That’s OK, I can manage,” I replied with a weak smile.

He was already doing so much for me and I was giving him nothing in return. His outstanding level of

kindness and dedication made me feel guilty to the core.

“Just give it to me. It’s Ok,” he said a little impatiently.

And I had to give in and hand him everything that I was holding except for my handbag. Thank you for

always helping me out. I thanked him honestly. I wish there was something I could do for him in return,

but I wasn’t in the position to offer anything.

“That’s alright. I keep telling you not to think too much,” Charles replied with a smile before we started

walking towards his car once again.

We were almost at the main road when I tripped disgracefully over my own foot. As I braced myself for

my fall, Charles was there to support me immediately. His arm wrapped itself around my waist as he

supported me and kept me from falling over on my face. My little fall gave me quite a fright and I was

thankful for Charles’ help again. It always seemed like he was there to help me whenever that I

needed. I could feel the warmth of his arm around my waist as I straightened up again.

“Watch your step…” Charles warned, a little too late.

“Sorry and thank you for helping me just now,” I said before smiling at him to hide my slight


“You don’t need to thank me, just try not to fall next time…I might not be here to catch you next time,”

Charles said teasingly.

He was right. I knew that he was teasing but that he was still right. In a sense, I couldn’t keep relying on

his kindness to support and save me forever. He was only teasing, but he was right. One of these days

he may no longer be with me. He reminded me that I needed to stand on my own two feet.

I was too wrapped up in my thoughts that I didn’t realize that someone had approached us. Charles, on

the other hand, reacted immediately by pulling me behind him protectively. That was when I realized

the shadow of a tall and large man standing right in front of us.

“Why are you here?” the man asked, and I knew that the question wasn’t addressed to me.

--To be continued…

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