Filthy Secret

Chapter 63



Hadley was my addiction.

I tried controlling it but ever since I first met her at that coffee shop, it took everything in me not to crush her to me and devour the

fuck out of her mouth.

With her shoulder length light brown wavy hair that brushed her shoulders in a way that made me weak in the knees, I was done.


Her full mouth begged for my gentle bites. Her pale skin that seemed to glow whenever I was near. But what drew me in the most was the pain in her chocolate brown eyes. She thought she kept her agony hidden but little did she know, I could sense it. Hell, I could almost taste the sweet sting of whatever it was that seemed to bother her on a daily basis. It got to the point, I craved it.

As Hadley slept peacefully beside me, I couldn’t help but watch the way the moon light kissed her shoulder. Or how it left a glow on her cheeks, replacing the blush I put there with its own.

A sour taste filled my mouth.

I chastised myself, knowing it was ridiculous to get jealous of the moon light but at the same time, I couldn’t help it.

I was obsessed with her.

Hadley whimpered, turning away from me. Soft words left her lips, but I couldn’t make them out. It had been an ongoing scene between us.

Whatever nightmares creeped into her mind late at night always made me wonder if there was more to her past than what she told me.

I didn’t know much.

Not that it mattered.

She told me she had been brutally raped after a night of drinking. I was sick and twisted when it came to the sex I liked but there was even a line that I wouldn’t cross.

She continued to whimper, her small body shaking.

I should have been a gentleman and cover her with the blankets or at least wrap her up in my arms, but I didn’t do either of those things. Instead, I watched her struggle because it turned me on. It had happened more often than not. It would get to the point where her nightmares would have her screaming herself awake. She would then search the room, make sure she was safe and come find me. When she did, she would attack.

That was what I looked forward to.

I wanted her to have nightmares.

I wanted her to struggle.

Because than I knew that once she woke, she would need me to make her feel better.

As if on cue, she sat up, her head whipping back and forth but no scream graced my ears.

Too bad.

When her head turned to the left, her eyes locked on mine. Even in the dim lighting of the moon, I could see that they were dark. I could feel them burn into me.

I sat up at the same time she ripped the blankets off of me.

Hadley straddled my waist, slamming her body down on mine in a surprisingly rough move for someone so small. A low groan left the back of my throat as I laid back and let her ride my throbbing cock.

She may have thought she was in control because I let her use me to her liking but little did she know, I was the one in control. I was the Master of this game, and she was my puppet.

For now. For always. Forever.



Tonight was my first official date with Hadley. We had hung out at the coffee shop quite often since meeting a few weeks ago, but I never counted those times as actual dates.

Hadley was a difficult one to read. I grew up around powerful people my whole life. I had learned from my father how to be ruthless but polite at the same time.

It was a mind fuck to say the least.

One moment I was buying you dinner, talking business and the next I was owning every single property you thought you had your hands on. If I felt like it, I would have your wife or daughter, sometimes both, trembling beneath me before you could even sign your name on the dotted line.

I had spent years learning the ins and outs of my father’s business. But as much as I loved him, things needed to change. He was too nice. He let people walk all over him even though he had spent many nights denying that little fact.

I yearned to be different than him. I craved control and would do anything for it. I didn’t care who I brought down in the process. That included the women I was sleeping with.

As much as I enjoyed stewing over how I would take over my father’s company, I had a date to prepare for.

Once I was dressed, I gave myself a once over in the mirror. My dress pants were black, along with my shirt. The sleeves were rolled up to my elbows and the top three buttons were undone. Knowing Hadley would approve, I tried to keep it casual but classy.

As if on cue, my phone dinged.

Hadley: I’m excited for our date but also nervous.Belongs to NôvelDrama.Org - All rights reserved.

My cock twitched.

Me: I’m excited as well.

But not nervous. If anything, I was on edge. I hadn’t dated a woman in a while, my last one being a bad break up.

Hadley: I’ll see you soon!

Me: I’m on my way, Beautiful.

I stuffed my phone in my pocket, grabbed my keys and left my condo with a small smirk on my face.

I could almost imagine the blush that hit Hadley’s cheeks. She was beautiful but she was the type of woman who didn’t know exactly just how beautiful she was. With her pale skin and dark shoulder length hair, she was an artist’s wet dream. Her brown eyes helped as well. They were big, surrounded by long eyelashes. She was curvy but took care of herself and her body. Every night since meeting her, I went to bed to thoughts of her and woke up hard as hell.

I looked forward to showing her how beautiful I found her. To showering her with gifts and letting her realize my appreciation for her beauty. Besides the fact that she was nice and not like the previous vipers I had dated, she would be something refreshing. I wasn’t sure how my parents would take to her. Especially when she didn’t come from money. But a part of me didn’t overly care.

Once I pulled up in front of Hadley’s small home, I couldn’t help but wonder how tonight was going to play out.

Would she let me hold her hand?

Would she let me give her a kiss goodnight?

Hadley wasn’t shy but she was definitely guarded. She had walls that were locked up tighter than Fort Knox.

When Hadley appeared at the door, my blood stirred.

Getting out of the car, I walked to the passenger side and leaned against it. I should have brought flowers or at least greeted her at the door, but I didn’t.

My palms were sweaty.

Looked like I was nervous.

I didn’t do nervous.

“Hi,” Hadley said, coming toward me.

The tiny hairs on my body tingled at the huskiness in her voice.

“Hi. You look beautiful.” Breathtaking was more like it. Her full lips were painted a deep red. A black dress hugged her voluptuous frame. It sat just above her knees and held a deep vee that showcased cleavage I couldn’t wait to sink my teeth into.

“Do I look okay?” she asked, chewing her bottom lip.

I reached up, pulling her lip from the onslaught of her teeth. “You look more than okay.” It took everything I was made of not to pull her into my arms and kiss her. “We should go.” I pulled away from her and readjusted my pants.


I looked back at her over my shoulder.

A flush had hit her cheeks, her eyes locked on my waist.

“Careful, Hadley.” I grinned. “Or else we’ll never make it to dinner.”

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