Feral Omega: A Dark Reverse Harem Omegaverse Romance (Ghost Alpha Unit Book 1)

Chapter 40

The deep ache in my body reminds me I’m still stretched wide, locked tight to the alpha buried within me. Valek.

Even spent, the imposing mountain of a man is all rigid muscle and warm skin pressed against me. My blood ignites at the thought, the nearly painful sensitivity coalescing into a storm of lust.

The heat isn’t burning through me like when it first began. Now, it’s more like an ember left to smolder, just waiting to be ignited again.

The thought should horrify me, but instead, pleasure curls in my belly at the prospect of completely unraveling in their arms.

Plague removes his mask, his long raven-black hair spilling over his shoulders, his gorgeous face unveiled. I gaze up into his pale blue eyes. The strange, uncertain vulnerability there, the raw openness, sends a shiver down my spine. This man, so shrouded in mystery and danger, lets his walls crumble in my presence.

‘You were so brave, little omega,’ he murmurs, his voice a soothing balm to my frayed nerves. ‘So strong, enduring all of that. For us.’

His praise washes over me, warm and comforting like a soft blanket. I feel cherished, treasured. Valek’s arms tighten around me possessively, a low rumble building in his chest. But even in his primal state, he tolerates Plague’s presence.

And I know it’s only for my sake.

Plague leans in, his breath ghosting over my lips, and I tremble in anticipation. The first brush of his mouth against mine is electric, sending sparks racing through my veins. I melt into the kiss, savoring the gentleness, the reverence in his touch.

Emboldened, I deepen the kiss, pouring my longing into the slide of our lips. Plague matches my fervor, worshiping me with every caress, every stroke of his tongue.

I lose myself in the security of Valek’s embrace and the ardor of Plague’s kiss. The outside world fades away, narrowing down to this moment, this connection.

Plague’s hands roam my body, mapping every curve with reverent touches. I arch into his caress, silently begging for more, even as Valek growls his approval. They’re both so attuned to my needs, to my desires, anticipating what I crave before I even realize it myself.

In turn, I lavish Plague with attention, trailing kisses along his jaw, down the column of his throat. He shudders beneath my ministrations, a soft moan falling from his lips. The power I hold over him—over both of them—is intoxicating.

I never imagined mating could feel like this.

That I could feel in control, even as I surrender it to these alphas.

My fingers trail down Plague’s chest through his open shirt, mapping the contours of his muscles, the ridges of old scars. I’ve never allowed myself to be this close to alphas before, to touch one with anything other than fear or revulsion.

But here, in this moment, curiosity overrides my ingrained instincts.

Plague’s fair skin is warm beneath my palm, his heartbeat strong and steady. I trace the lines of his scars. Each mark, each blemish, holds a tale of its own, a piece of the puzzle that makes up the enigma before me.

I let my hand drift lower, over the toned muscle of his abdomen, and to the base of his massive cock through his slacks. My face warms as I realize what I’m doing, but I can’t help but be curious. I’ve never had the chance to explore an alpha like this, or wanted to.

‘Better take those off,’ Valek says in a wry tone. ‘Give the little lady what she wants.’

Plague breathes a laugh, but he makes quick worth of his fatigues, shucking them off before rejoining me at my side. ‘Do whatever you like,’ he says, his tone low and inviting.

A shiver runs through me as I wrap my fingers around the thick base of Plague’s massive shaft, marveling at the heat, the weight of him in my palm. They’re all so huge. Plague’s shaft has a slight upward bend and I can’t help but imagine how it would feel to have his tip angled into my spot.

Valek chuckles, a deep rumble that vibrates through his chest.

‘Curious little kitten, aren’t you?’ he purrs, his thickly accented voice dripping with amusement. ‘Go on, explore him. He’s all yours.’Content provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

His encouragement emboldens me, and I stroke upward, relishing the velvet-soft skin stretched taut over rigid flesh. Plague’s breath hitches, his abdomen tensing under my tentative caress. I glance up at him through my lashes, drinking in the way his pale eyes darken with desire, his sculpted lips parting on a soft exhale.

‘That’s it, sweet omega,’ he murmurs, tangling his fingers in my hair. ‘I’m all yours.’

The strange vulnerability in his gaze steals my breath. This powerful alpha, capable of such violence, surrenders himself to my inexperienced hands without hesitation. I trail my fingers along the thick vein running up his length, circling the flared head, slick with evidence of his arousal. He groans, a guttural sound that shoots straight to my core.

Valek resumes his worship of my body, his calloused hands roaming over my sensitive skin. His lips find my neck, teeth grazing the tender spot where my pulse thrums, sending electric sparks skittering down my spine.

I arch into his touch, caught between the exquisite torture of his teasing caresses and the heat of Plague’s flesh beneath my palm. It’s almost too much, the dual sensations overwhelming my senses, but I crave more. More of their touch, their scent, their unwavering devotion.

Emboldened by their responses, I let my fingers travel down over the length of Plague’s shaft and wrap around his knot, gripping it tightly. His body tenses and he gives a low groan as he leans into me.

‘Fuck,’ he breathes. It’s the first time I’ve heard the serious, overly logical alpha let loose and show any human side to him, and I feel a rush of power at the thought that I have this kind of command over him.

I let my fingers explore Plague’s knot, tracing the contours, feeling it pulse beneath my touch. He’s so hard, so thick, and I can’t help but marvel at the power I hold over him in this moment. This enigmatic, dangerous alpha, always so composed and in control, now unravels at my inexperienced caress.

‘Ready for me to pull out?’ Valek asks, his lips brushing against the shell of my ear, making me shiver.

I’m afraid it’s going to hurt, even if his knot has gone down somewhat in the time we’ve been locked together, but the prospect of Plague taking his place is too tempting to resist, so I nod.

Valek begins to ease out, his knot catching against my pelvic bone as my body tries to hold him in.

‘Just relax,’ Plague murmurs, kissing my throat, reaching between our bodies to stroke my clit. ‘Take a deep breath.’

I do as he says, but it takes a few minutes before Valek’s gentle attempts to pull out finally succeed, leaving me feeling empty and aching for his fullness once more. But the anticipation of what’s to come, of being claimed by Plague, softens the disappointment.

‘She’s all yours,’ Valek rumbles, his accented voice thick with approval.

I feel some of his seed trickling out of me, and the feeling of being stuffed full is far more enjoyable than I want to admit. But I’m in heat, and my omega instincts are preening at the fact that they’re finally being satisfied.

Plague’s hands settle on my hips as he easily lifts me up, his grip firm yet gentle as he guides me to straddle his lap. I feel the scorching heat of his erection pressing against my slick folds, Valek’s seed mingling with my own omega slick, and I tremble with need. Plague’s pale eyes bore into mine, the intensity in their depths stealing my breath.

‘Are you ready, little omega?’ he murmurs, his thumb brushing over my bottom lip. ‘I don’t want to hurt you.’

The tenderness in his touch, the concern in his voice, sends a wave of warmth flooding through me. I nod, leaning into his caress, silently granting him permission to claim me as his own.

For now, at any rate.

With a reverent touch, Plague guides himself to my entrance, the broad head of his cock parting my folds. I gasp as he stretches me wide, the delicious burn of his invasion sending sparks of pleasure skittering along my nerve endings. He pauses, giving me time to adjust, his gaze never leaving mine.

‘Breathe, sweet little omega,’ he coaxes, his fingers tracing soothing patterns on my hips. ‘Let me in.’

I exhale slowly, consciously relaxing around his girth, and he sinks deeper, filling me inch by glorious inch. It’s almost too much, the sensation of being so utterly possessed by him so soon after being knotted, but I crave more. I need him to consume me, to make me his in every way possible.

When he’s finally seated to the hilt, his knot pressing against my entrance, I let out a shuddering breath. Plague’s arms wrap around me, holding me close, his heartbeat a steady rhythm against my chest. In this moment, I feel cherished, treasured, like the most precious thing in the world.

He begins to move, slow, shallow thrusts up into me that send waves of pleasure crashing over me. I cling to his shoulders, my nails digging into his skin, anchoring myself to him as he takes me higher and higher. His lips find mine, the kiss a searing brand, a promise of the passion to come.

‘Let go, little one,’ he purrs against my mouth.

And I do. I surrender myself to the sensations, to the exquisite drag of his cock inside me, to the heat of his skin against mine. His hand travels across my spine as I begin to grind against him, bucking my hips to take more of him. More, deeper, faster.

I’ve never been in control like this. Never been able to fully pleasure myself how I saw fit on an alpha’s cock. It’s exhilarating in a way I never knew this intimacy could be.

Plague’s rhythm builds, his thrusts becoming more forceful as they match mine, more demanding. I meet him stroke for stroke, my hips rolling against his, chasing the release that hovers just out of reach. The coil of tension in my core winds tighter and tighter, threatening to snap at any moment.

‘Damn,’ Valek growls, reminding me of his presence. When I look up, he’s watching us—watching me, specifically—with a dark hunger in his gaze. ‘Gonna have to try that position sometime.’

‘I can recommend it highly,’ Plague says in a wry tone, his voice slightly strained with exertion as he places small kisses along my neck and sweeps my hair back over my shoulders.

I dig my fingers into his hair, too, finally allowing myself to savor the feel of those long, dark strands. So soft, such a contrast to the raw, untamed power of the rest of him.

‘Come for me, sweet omega,’ Plague commands, his voice a low growl that sends shivers down my spine. ‘Let me feel you.’

His words are my undoing. I shatter in his arms, my body convulsing around his as another orgasm crashes over me. I never imagined it was possible for mating to… feel good. Let alone so many times.

While I’m still riding the waves of bliss, Plague uses the opportunity to push down on my hips and I gasp, feeling the swell of his knot slipping past my entrance, the stretch bordering on painful for a moment before my body adjusts.

The sensation of being so utterly filled, so completely possessed by him, steals my breath. It’s overwhelming, intense, just like it was with Valek.

But I’m more prepared this time.

I know what’s coming, how to ride through the initial tension and discomfort.

Plague gives a feral growl against my throat, unleashing a side of him I’ve never seen before. I find myself wondering if anyone has, and the thought is more appealing than it has any right to be.

Plague’s arms tighten around me, holding me close as we’re locked together. His lips brush against my temple, his breath warm on my skin. ‘That’s it,’ he murmurs, his voice a soothing balm to my frayed nerves. ‘You’re doing so well, taking my knot.’

‘She is,’ Valek agrees in a throaty voice, stroking his hardening cock as he watches us, like he can’t get enough. ‘Such a good little omega.’

Their praise washes over me, igniting a warm glow in my chest. I’ve never been cherished like this, never been told I’m doing something right. In the Center, it was always about what I was doing wrong, how I wasn’t submitting enough, wasn’t pliant enough.

But here, in Plague’s arms, with Valek watching me like I’m the most enticing creature he’s ever encountered, I feel seen. Appreciated for who I am.

Plague’s thrusts grow faster, sharper, his hips driving up into me as he chases his own release, and I can tell from the sounds of Valek’s slick hand moving up and down his shaft that he isn’t far behind.

Plague comes first, giving a low, guttural, purring growl into my throat, his teeth grazing my flesh. I only realize how vulnerable I would be if he decided to mark me when it’s too late to do anything about it, but he doesn’t. He turns his head at the last moment as his seed pulses up into me, and he grips me tighter, grounding my hips down onto his swollen knot.

Valek releases a deep groan, and I look up in time to see his release pulsing through his fingertips, his head falling back against the headboard, his white-blond hair spilling into his hard face. The sight sends another throb of pleasure deep inside me, and I tighten instinctively around Plague’s knot.

I let my head fall against Plague’s shoulder, nuzzling into the crook of his neck. His scent envelops me, that intoxicating mix of citrus and snow and something uniquely him. It’s comforting, grounding, anchoring me to this moment.

Plague’s hand strokes down my back, his touch gentle, reverent. ‘I know it’s a lot, little one,’ he soothes. ‘But you’re so strong, so brave.’

His words bring tears to my eyes, the sincerity in his voice almost too much to bear. I’ve spent so long being told I’m broken, irreparable, that to hear someone say they admire me is overwhelming.

Even for something like this.

I hide my face against his shoulder, not wanting him to see the emotions playing across my features. But Plague seems to sense my turmoil. He cups my cheek, tilting my face up to meet his gaze. His pale eyes are soft, filled with an emotion I’m afraid to name.

‘Don’t hide from me,’ he murmurs. ‘You never have to hide from me.’

I let out a shuddering breath, leaning into his touch. It’s still so foreign to me, this tenderness, this care. But I find myself craving it, yearning for more. I press my lips to his, pouring my gratitude, my strange growing affection, into the kiss.

Plague responds in kind, his mouth moving against mine with a gentleness that belies the strength I know he possesses. His tongue brushes against my lower lip, a silent request for entrance, and I grant it willingly. He explores my mouth with languid strokes, savoring every inch, every secret place.

As we kiss, I feel the knot of tension in my chest slowly unravel. The fear, the uncertainty that’s been my constant companion for as long as I can remember, begins to dissipate in the face of these alphas’ gentleness, but I’ve no sooner let that wall down than I find myself building it back up.

This is heat.

It will pass, along with these strange new feelings.

Won’t it?

Plague’s hands roam over my body, his touch at once possessive and reverent. It’s as if he’s learning every inch of my skin. I arch into his caress, silently begging for more, even as I’m still locked tight around his knot.

The intimacy of the moment, the connection between us, is almost too much to bear. I feel raw, exposed in a way I’ve never been before.

‘Fuck,’ Valek breathes, his voice husky with sex and satisfaction.

‘Mmh,’ Plague’s agreement sends vibrations through my chest as I lay on top of him, my legs spread across his lap, my pussy impaled on his length and his thick knot.

As the last waves of pleasure ebb, exhaustion begins to creep over me. The events of the day, the intensity of our mating, catch up to me all at once. I sag against Plague’s chest, my limbs heavy, my eyelids drooping.

Plague seems to sense my fatigue. He shifts, cradling me close as he leans back against the headboard. ‘Rest,’ he murmurs, his fingers combing through my hair. ‘I’ve got you.’

Valek reaches over, resting a hand on my thigh, tracing lazy circles on my cooling skin. ‘We’ve got you,’ he corrects. ‘You’re safe.’


That word once felt like a joke, and now…

Now, it feels like a dream.

One I’ll have to wake up from any moment.

For now, I let my eyes drift closed, secure, and at some point, we shift positions—or rather, they move me—so I’m lying on the bed, nestled between them, with Plague’s knot locked inside me and Valek at my back, one strong arm draped protectively around me.

Is this what it feels like for other omegas?

To be cared for?

Cherished and surrounded by a pack who tend to her every need?

This can’t be real.

It just… can’t.

But for now, I can’t help but purr.

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