Chapter 33

Daisy’s POV

I didn’t know how to get home after I left Sidney’s car. I was on the empty street with no panties beneath. There were goosebumps all over me because I was scared as I stood on the empty street. I didn’t want to go back to Sidney. I knew he was going to take advantage of me.

I began to walk down the road shivering as I folded my arms around my bosom. I was praying within me so I won’t end up being gang-raped when a car stopped in front of me. I thought it was a drunk guy coming back from the club who wouldn’t hesitate to rip me off my remaining dress and rape me till I pass out. So I continued walking without looking back to see who it was.

“Daisy?”The stranger called more like a question. I turned abruptly when he called my name, to see the guy coming out of the car. It was Stanley, of all people.

What the hell is Stanley doing here of all places? I asked inwardly.

“Daisy”, he called again and moved closer.

“Stanley, what are you doing here?”

“I should be asking you that, Daisy”, he chuckled lightly. “What are you doing here by this time of the night? Did your boyfriend dump you?”

“Shut the fuck up”, I snapped at him. I turned back to continue my walk.

“I’m sorry, Daisy. I didn’t mean to annoy you”, he pleaded and pulled me back.

“Let go of me, you Idiot. I haven’t forgiven you yet”, I shouted at him.

“I’m sorry, it’s been three years already.”

“You almost raped me, you idiot”, I slapped his face.

I was angry at Sidney and myself for being stupid but seeing Stanley again after three years, my anger increased.

He rubbed his hand over the spot I slapped him. He chuckled again. I know I was not supposed to do that but I couldn’t help it.

“I was mad at you for rejecting me. I’m sorry”, he apologized.

“Get into the car, let me drive you home”, he offered.

“You haven’t apologized to me properly.”I stood my ground stubbornly with my folded arms.

“Come on, Daisy. You slapped me already. I don’t know you to be like this.”

“People change”, I muttered and walked past him to get into the car.

I had no choice but to allow him to drop me. He was my last option.

Even though I dislike him, I have to swallow my pride before something bad will happen to me on my way home, I thought.

He got in after me and smiled. “People really change.”

“But you haven’t changed a bit”, I retorted as he drove away.

“I have”, he affirmed. “I am more mature.”

“Matured my ass.”

“Your ass, Indeed”, he laughed again and I glared at him.

“Where to?”

“Stanford Avenue.”

“Where are you coming from?”He asked me with concern.

“Date turned wrong”, I muttered.

“Really? That guy must be blind to let you go. Did he try to rape you too?”

“Stanley”, I groaned. I wanted him to be quiet. He got the message and kept quiet until after a while when he asked all of a sudden.

“Did you date Damien during high school?”

“Damien?”I asked in confusion.

“Yeah. The guy that rescued you the other day.”

“Is that his name?”

“You don’t even know his name?”He was surprised. “He came looking for you.”

I was dumbfounded by his statement. Did he just say Damien was looking for me?

“Oh, God”, I voiced out aloud and facepalmed myself.

“Daisy, you know I like you, right?”He asked but I didn’t reply. “I like you so much. That’s why I got so mad at you when I saw you with him. I can come to pick you up tomorrow for a date if you don’t mind.”

“Can you just shut up?”I yelled in annoyance.

“Sorry”, he said. We were in a familiar neighborhood already. When I looked out of the window, I discovered it was Ellah’s school which was not too far away from Nina’s home.

“You haven’t told me what you are doing here, Stanley”, I reminded him. I didn’t want to get lost in the thought of Damien whom he said was looking for me. I was surprised. I never knew Damien went looking for me.

I began to see sense in what Nina said about me looking for him if he didn’t look for me. I figured I will have to be friends with Stanley for me to get to know or see Damien, without letting Stanley know the connection between us. That was why I decided to let go of my anger and strike up a conversation with him.

“I go to school here in Las Vegas. I lost my dad so mom wouldn’t let me go out of America because of the family business.”He replied.

“It’s so nice to meet you.”

“Same here.”

“Do you have Eric’s number?”

“Maria’s boyfriend?”


“Sure. So what do you say about my proposal? I’ve been so unfortunate with relationships and it’s obvious you are too. It won’t be bad to accept me now.”

“Stanley”, my anger was back.

“I really like you, Daisy.”

“Stop the car”, he was getting on my nerves and I had enough for a night already.NôvelDrama.Org owns © this.

“Daisy, don’t be like that. You should hear me out” he grimaced.

“Stop the car”, I shouted again. When he slowed down, I got out of the car before he could pull over.

As I ran down the estate, I remembered I forgot to take Eric’s number from him.


Damien’s POV

Didi and I had sex before dad and I left for China a day after Yashmi’s birthday party. I left purposely without saying goodbye to Didi.

Dad was unusually quiet and I tried as much as I could to make him say something, to tell me what the problem was but he wasn’t ready to confide in me. So I let him be. I decided to give him the space he needed till I went back to school.

I was preparing to go clubbing with Leo, my friend when I got a call from India. It was Didi. That was almost a month after going back to China.

“You f**k me and left without a goodbye”, she yelled into the phone.

“Your mother mustn’t hear that, Didi”, I warned.

“I don’t fucking care. I thought you were different”, she cried and I began to feel guilty.

“Didi, don’t make it look like I forced you. You seduced me, remember?”

“Seduce you?”She laughed. “I hate you.”

“I didn’t ask you for sex, Didi. Don’t make this hard on yourself.”

“So I gave it to you willingly, then?”

“No, that’s not what I mean. You are a beautiful girl…”

“Do I sound like I care for a compliment from you right now?”

“Alright, I’m sorry.”

“You are sorry?”

“Yes. I am deeply sorry.”

“So you are not going to marry me?”

“What the hell! Marry you? Is that why you seduced me? So I will get to marry you?!”She couldn’t answer. “Oh Goodness, I am disappointed in you.”

“You said you don’t have a girlfriend, Damien and I like you.”

“Is that all it requires to get married to someone? I never knew you were this desperate.”

“I’m sorry. I have my reasons too.”

“What stupid reasons do you have?”I couldn’t contain my anger.

“Mother wants me to marry her friend’s son. Everyone believes I’m still a virgin. I don’t even like him and I don’t want to face humiliation when he gets to know I am no longer a virgin.”She explained.

I was speechless. “You should have said all of these before now.”

“I’m sorry”, she muttered. “So are you going to marry me?”

“What the hell is wrong with you?”I was angry again. “You know what? The answer is no. I don’t want to marry you.”

She began to cry and I was about to hang up the call when she said. “What do I do, Damien?”

“Tell them you don’t want to marry him. You are an adult for goodness sake.”


“I’ll talk to you later. I need to go somewhere.”

“Damien, please…”, she began to beg and I hung up on her. Then I blacklisted her number.

I don’t intend to go to India again so there is no possibility of us ever meeting. I just hope she doesn’t get pregnant because that will be the answer to her prayers. I thought and sighed.

I slumped to the seat beside me and began to think of what dad would think of him if it gets to him.

Didi is desperate already and can decide to inform Lakshmi who will, in turn, tell dad. I just hope she doesn’t get pregnant, that will only complicate things further and dad might force me to marry her, just like he was forced to marry Lakshmi. To fulfill all righteousness, I thought.

“What fucking righteousness?”, I said out aloud and hit my hand on the desk in frustration.

“I’m too young to be a father”, I stated with a groan.

“You are too young to be a father?”Leo questioned as he came in. “Did you impregnate someone?”

“Never mind”, I stood up and took my coat.

“Shall we?”

“Sure”, I said and followed him out. His car was right outside the dormitory and we hopped in.

Leo was a crazy driver. He was speeding and I feared for our lives. I got my mind off my worry as I kept shouting at him to slow down.

The moment we got to the club, I forgot about everything. But then, my past came knocking. Vivian. She came to where I was seated with Leo.

“Hello to the hottest guy in the house”, she said behind me and I knew instantly that she was the one. My girlfriend of 2 years. My first love who betrayed me and almost turned me into a player.

She made me despise girls and treat them like trash. Like they aren’t worth anything. Well, I guess they all deserved it because the girls coming my way were bitches.

They were the type of girls that go for rich and handsome guys, as well as men with beasts that can fully satisfy them. I had all these and they were always at my beck and call, even when I was treating them like trash.

That was my mentality about girls until I met Daisy. Daisy. Daisy. I haven’t met any woman like her. No woman made me feel the way she made me feel. No woman looked more beautiful than Daisy. I really wished she was my first love. And last.

“I never thought we would ever meet in China of all places. I’ve been boasting to my friends over there with pride that I took your virginity. It’s something to be proud of, isn’t it?”I folded my fist as I turned back to face her. She was looking bitchy as always. I was trying to refrain myself from hitting her.

She hadn’t changed a bit since the last time we saw her. That was when I broke things up with her.

How did I even find her attractive in the first place? How did I fall for her? I asked myself. She isn’t even beautiful. Not as beautiful as Daisy.

She betrayed me and I hated her like hell.

“And did you tell them how I caught you with my best friend, pants down?” I asked back with a smirk and folded my arms. Leo was right beside me and he was with a confused expression on his face.

I continued. “Pants down, breathing heavily like a horse and screaming for him to hit you harder?”I stared at her pale face. “I guess you didn’t tell them that. You are not proud of that?”I asked. There was no response so I turned back to face Leo.

“Where are the others?”I asked him.

“Over there”, he pointed to the far end of the room and I nodded at him. “Let’s go.”

“Damien, I asked you to forgive me, didn’t I?” Vivian dragged me back.

“Get your filthy hands off me”, I snatched my hands away from hers. “You are a bitch and I don’t roll with bitches.”

“Really? What the hell is wrong with you? Fine, I cheated on you and I apologized. You didn’t care to hear my side of the story.”

“Hear your side of the story? Do you expect me to listen to your cock and bull story? I caught you red-handed.”

“Everybody cheats.”

I laughed out loud. “Really? You are a bitch.”

“Don’t you call me that again, Damien”, she warned.

“What will you do, bitch?” I moved threateningly towards her.

“Damien”, she cried. I was used to her fake tears.

“I’m done here!”, I exclaimed.

I grabbed Leo’s hand and we walked to the other side of the room, as I tried to calm my nerves.

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