Enslaved By The Ruthless Vampire Lord: Her Second Chance Mate



Rhys’ smile sent a wave of unease through Naya. Despite his seemingly light-hearted demeanor, there was something in his eyes that made her uneasy. She knew that she had to tread carefully around him, lest she incur his wrath.

They walked into the department store, and Naya felt overwhelmed by the sheer opulence of it all. The walls were lined with designer clothes, the racks bursting with expensive brands. She suddenly began to feel out of place, like a poor girl who had wandered into the wrong part of town.

She was used to this kind of life but then, it just felt very strange to her.

“Welcome to my humble abode,” Rhys said with a grin, waving his hand around like a grand host. “Take your time browsing, my dear. We have everything a woman like you could ever desire.”

Naya forced a polite smile as she perused the racks of clothing. Despite Rhys’ insistence that she take her time, she could feel his gaze on her, making her skin crawl.

“Pick whatever you want, I can get you the whole store if you want..” he said as Naya scoffed inwardly.

“As if..” she mouthed.

“I heard that!” Rhys said but Naya looked away from him as she settled her eyes on the clothes instead, they were so much to pick from.

“or do you want my help,” Rhys chided, his voice dripping with fake amusement.

Naya glanced at him skeptically, her brow furrowing. She knew there was more to this than just generosity. There was something calculating about Rhys, something that made her uneasy. But despite her doubts, she couldn’t resist the opportunity to indulge in such finery.

“No thank you..” she muttered as she began to walk away from him.

If it was shopping he wanted her to do, she would wholeheartedly grant his wish for him and go shopping.

Besides, her sister Zara loved things. She loved luxury, and Naya was sure to pick up some things for her.

She began to look at the clothes, there were so many to pick from. Her eyes looked back in the direction where Rhys was, but he had already disappeared, she shrugged her shoulders looked away,, and focused her attention back on her shopping.

With Rhys nowhere to be seen, Naya felt a bit more at ease. She decided to make the best of this strange situation and began to browse the clothes with a critical eye. She thumbed through racks of designer dresses and coats, picking out items that caught her eye. Some were far too flashy for her tastes, while others were more understated and elegant. But each piece of clothing was undeniably luxurious.

As she shopped, she began to feel a bit guilty about taking advantage of Rhys’ generosity.

But then, she waved that thought off. He was the selfish one, not her.

He played her, made a fool of her, he made her feel things she had never felt before, he knew of her dreams, of what she wanted the most, but he took advantage of that and made her his fucking submissive.

Hell yes, he was much worse than her. Naya thought as she began to go for limited editions.

“If he wants me to shop, then I’ll shop until I drop,” Naya muttered under her breath, a rebellious fire burning in her chest. She snatched up limited-edition items without hesitation, adding them to her growing pile of designer clothing.

The more items she collected, the more she felt a twisted sense of satisfaction. She was taking her pound of flesh from Rhys, and it felt good.

But as her shopping spree continued, she couldn’t shake the feeling that he was still watching her though he was not around, still playing some elaborate game that she didn’t fully understand quite well.

Skincare, bags, and shoes were not left out as Naya basically picked everything a luxurious woman would need.

Naya continued her shopping spree with a vengeance, piling her cart high with luxurious skincare products, handbags, and shoes. She ignored the skeptical glances from the shop attendants, who could barely conceal their shock at her audacity. But Naya was determined to teach Rhys a lesson. If he wanted to indulge her, then she would indulge herself to the fullest extent.

“He’ll regret this,” she thought with grim satisfaction as she added a pair of diamond-encrusted heels to her pile of clothes.

Her eyes caught a dress which she immediately became interested in, the stuff she’d been picking was picked up out of revenge and anger, but this particular dress caught her eye and Naya wanted it immediately.

The beauty was enthralling, without wasting much time, she walked over to where the dress was.

Her eyes caught the price tag, the particular was worth over thousands of dollars, but she cared less, after all, Rhys was a rich man.

She eagerly reached out to get the dress, but almost at the same time, another lady reached out for it.

“Excuse me..” Naya said politely to the lady, who just appeared out of nowhere.

“I took it first, let go..” Naya said but the lady even held the dress tighter, not wanting to let go.

Naya narrowed her eyes at the woman, her patience wearing thin. “Look, I don’t know who you are or where you came from, but I spotted this dress first. Let go of it now.”

The woman, who appeared to be older than Naya’s age, was having none of it. She tightened her grip on the dress, glaring at Naya with defiance.

“Finders keepers, lady. This dress is mine.”

Naya let out a huff of frustration.

“Seriously, get something else. I took this first. Now piss off” Naya rolled her eyes at the lady, who obviously meant trouble and Naya was going to give it to her.

The woman narrowed her eyes at Naya, her features contorting into an expression of pure malice.

“How dare you speak to me like that, you little nobody? I’ll have you know, I’m Lady Sophia Gaston, daughter of Lord Ashton Gaston. You don’t deserve a dress of this quality.”

Naya’s blood boiled at the woman’s arrogance.

“And who are you? You must be one of the beggars who just come in here, thinking this is a cheap store and you’re even human. You must be the bold type. Now get lost, or I’ll feed on you, you worthless human..” Sophia threatened but Naya was unfazed as she glared at her.

She couldn’t wait for Sophia to touch her, she would only answer to Rhys.

Then she would know who’s more powerful, the vampire lord or some stupid lord Ashton.

Sophia Goodwill eyed Naya scornfully as she wondered who-or rather, what-she was dealing with because Naya appeared so brave.

The air around them seemed to grow heavier as the two women glared at each other, sizing up their potential opponents.

“You’re nothing but a vile creature, feeding on the blood of others. You have no place in society,” Naya spat.

Sophia let out a cold laugh.

“And what would you know about society, you pathetic human?”

“I don’t care, get your hands off this dress. Because I took it first and got lost!” Naya yelled at her angrily.

Just because Sophia’s father was a lord, did not mean she would be biased.

“I’ll deal with you, just watch..” Sophia stated as she began to look around the store.NôvelDrama.Org content.

“Darling, Walter! Darling!” Sophia called in a loud voice as Naya shook her head pitifully.

Sophia was just a spoiled brat, was she calling her boyfriend or husband?

Naya smirked as she watched Sophia’s face redden with anger and embarrassment. “Are you calling your nanny or something?” she mocked.

Sophia’s eyes blazed with fury, but she didn’t respond. Instead, she turned her attention to a tall, broad-shouldered man approaching them from across the store. The man, Walter, was finely dressed and looked like a rich individual.

He nodded towards Sophia, but his expression was neutral as if he was used to dealing with her outbursts.

“Yes baby..” he replied standing beside Sophia as Naya concluded that he was just a pawn to Sophia.

“This woman is troubling me!” Sophia pointed at Naya angrily.

“Deal with her and get her out of my sight immediately..” Sophia fumed in anger, she looked like a volcano that would erupt anytime soon.

Naya smiled a cold, cruel smile that made Sophia and Walter pause for a moment. “So, this is your lapdog? How pathetic,” Naya taunted. “And you, Walter. What a spineless excuse for a man. Doing your mistress’ bidding without question.”

Walter’s face flushed red with anger. Sophia, however, was visibly panicking, not used to having anyone talk to her this way.

“Remove this thing from my presence immediately!” she ordered, her voice shrill.

“Get lost, you assholes! A spoiled brat and a dog!” Naya spat at them.

“How dare you!’ Walter voiced out in anger as he suddenly raised his hand to hit Naya.

Naya did not see it coming, it happened so fast.





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