Enough For Him

Chapter 37

PresentAll rights © NôvelDrama.Org.

” stop it dad” Leon’s barked from my side seeing how uncomfortable I was becoming. I didn’t want to make it too obvious but till this day he still managed to intimidate me like that.

Upon seeing my nervous state Leons dad softened his stare and leant back. ” alright , I’ll get straight to the point. Me and your father have never seen eye to eye its not new news to anyone” I swallowed my spit. That must be the understatement of my whole entire life.

They really aren’t that different I never quite understood why they didn’t get along.

” But we didn’t go through all that shit for you two to ruin your relationship in a few days. You my son, begged me for years to finally accept Charlize and now that I have you fuck it up” I was slightly relieved that the attention was no longer on me.

Leon was taking it on like a champ. I doubt he expected anything less.

” Dad we didn’t really have to have this conversation infront of liz too” Leon groaned from beside me.

Both our fathers looked at eachother sharing a private moment.

” why shouldn’t we. We’re family after all” now this is where I draw the line.

I laughed, and didn’t feel ashamed about it at all. We were never a family, me and Leon ight have been but our dads made it impossible for us.

So for him to say this now is beyond me.

” you never thought of me as family simon. I was not fit to be with Leon. Emily was probably your desired daughter in law so really this little speech is pointless and a waste of my time” I too leant back crossing my arms.

” lizzy” Leon objected not liking my words at all.

I shrugged turning to simon again. For once it looked like I made him uncomfortable but not for long.

” Emily maybe be the suitable fit for someone like Leon but I think we can all agree she is not fit for my son I made your life very difficult growing up and I regret it because I know it was the foundation for many of the issues that you are facing now” shocked would be putting it mildly.

I had assumed Emily was the perfect candidate for their family, he can be sure that his family image will be secure with her.

“Over time I noticed how much Leon loved you. I realised that the more I rejected the idea of you two Leon would only try harder. I was the fault as to why Leon was distracted and not focused on his career. It was never you liz”

My eyes lifted, for once I could see a real emotion swimming in his eyes. He never stayed long enough to have a real serious conversation with me.

He never spend time getting to know me which hurt because from I heard from Leon and the guys Simon was an inspirational man.

Leon slowly reached over tightening his fingers around my own. I felt at peace when did this knowing that ever since I met Leon he constantly had my back.

Constantly defended me, protected me and most importantly loved me.

My own dad saw the movement and smiled to himself ” we’re sorry that it took us this long to figure this out. But you have our full support now. You made a mistake son, and you’ve paid for it but now its time to forgive eachther and Leon, you need to forgive yourself” dad said speaking up.

He held out his hand. Leon glanced at it coughing to clear his throat and reaching out and shaking my fathers hand firmly.

When Leon leaned back he stared at me, seeing the sadness in my eyes. I had waited for this moment for years. When I graduated top of my course, got a really good job, even when I was pregnant, all I wanted was for our families to unite.

Leon slowly ran a hand through his hair. ” Thank you but this is not my decision anymore. Liz needs some time and I have to give it to her” I closed my eyes. The pain in his voice was too much for me.

I sighed with relief when I felt the car come to a stop. Simon wa the forst one to exit. When we stepped out recognised Leons family home instantly.

“I”ll take you home if you want ” Leon whispered into my ear as he joined me.

I was about to agree when simon spoke up ” Not so fast kids, I want to show you both something ” he didn’t leave us any choice as he walked inside his home with my father following closely behind.

” any ideas” I asked Leon as we walked inside. He stood away from me shaking his head.

Fair enough. I followed their voices to the office. I haven’t been inside this house in so long. When I reached the office simon reached up on the shelf pulling down a box wrapped in a big red ribbon. He opened it up bringing out a few books and papers before a cream envelope was handed to me.

” My wife wrote this a month before passing. She wanted me to give it to you. Its your decision if you want to read it or…” I didn’t wait for him to finish. I slid my nail across the opening and pulled out the letter.

Dear Charlize

I know you’re probably wondering why you’re reading a letter from me, as I’m writing this i’m starting to wonder this as well. The fact that you are reading this means that my stubborn husband has finally reached out to you. Knowing him its probably not a method i would have agreed with. I know we were never close and whatever you read here has no elevance to you but i cant leave this world without getting this off my chest.

when i told Leon i was diagnosed with cancer he spend days by side taking care of me. if we can agree on anything it has to be that Leon is the most kindest soul. when he was by my side he only really had one wish and that was to talk to you. I procrastinated the idea for way too long and in the end it was too late as the cancer really started to fight me. If i had the chance to speak with you i would let you know how much i appreciate you for loving my son. The men in our family are strong willed and passionate men who fight for what they want and Leon fought for you with every fiber in his being i know that.

I would watch both of you from a far and see the love you had for eachother. The way you would comfort Leon when he felt sad, depressed, angry and even hungry. Leon never let his eyes stray when he was with you and behind closed doors many arguments were based on Leon fighting for you. Now that the cancer has nearly taken me i now realise that i shouldve defended you, supported you and loved you like my own but instead i wasted precious time and now all i can do is regret that time i wasted.

I need you to know that I think you and Leon are prefect for eachother. Leon changed when he met you. Not in the way I predicted. He was more independent, driven and confident but most importantly he started to become responsible and he took a lead role in caring for everyone close to him. I have to thank you for that because you influenced him in a way I couldn’t imagine any of those other girls he told me about. The news about your pregnancy was a wake up call. Leons reaction to the news was th biggest wake up call fro me and for simon aswell but he never liked to show it. As long as Leon and you are together I can leave this world knowing that my son is happy. If you ever get the chance to please watch for my husband. He wont tell you but he has a soft spot for you.

I never was able to give you any advice but please Lizzy follow your heart.

I smiled seeing that she underlined the last three words multiple times. I hadn’t relaised it but when Leon brough a tissue to my eyes I relaised that I had cried. Leon’s mom never really spoke to me much but I knew that she watched me, assessed me.

Without this letter I would never had known that she felt this way. My father and simon stood with the letter reading it. They didn’t give me much choice and I wasn’t too bothered that they were reading something addressed to me.

” you have my blessing liz, take the time you need but please give Leon a chance because that boy loves you” simon said at the door as we waited for Leon to bring the car to the door.

I placed my hand on his shoulder ” Take care simon” I said before walking down the steps and getting into the passenger seat.

Leon wasted no time in pulling away and heading home.

When I realised he was taking me home, my home my mind drifted back to those words.

Follow your heart

If I follow my heart all I have to do is not let this man to left out of my sight. But then again am I I rushing into this shouldn’t I at peast go home and think this through before making any crazy decisions.

I felt my phone vibrate in my coat pocket. I grabbed it and opened up the messenger app. George ad sent me a picture of jayson sleeping peacefully on his chest as they watched a movie.

” Easy peasy sis, don’t worry about your boys” he said in his message.

I looked over at Leon, I watched him rub his hands on his jeans like he was swating even though it was cold out today. We even had the air conditioning on.

I locked my phone.

” Take me home Leon” I said quietly but just loud enough that he could hear me over the music playing throough the speakers.

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