
Chapter 28- Arabella

Chapter 28- Arabella


Um what? Did he just refer to me as his mate? That can’t be right. Right? He looks serious though.

“You do not deserve a wolf nor do you deserve a mate. You are an utter scumbag. Stay away from my

niece or I will make sure to tear you into pieces.” Uncle Ryder spat.

Zeno looked like someone had punched him in the nuts. I mean guts. You go Uncle Ryder. Tell that

asshole who is the boss here.

“Just because you were feeling horrible doesn’t give you the right to make other people’s life miserable.

You are a disgrace for a human being.” Xander said angrily.

I never saw that coming. Sweet Xan being aggressive. I got to be careful around him from now on. I

didn’t know he was capable of the emotion called anger. Zeno looked to be trembling in fear.

The serious atmosphere was broken down by a very squealing mother of mine who jumped on poor

Xander and started kissing him all over his face or is it muzzle?

“Aunty Amy you are embarrassing me.” He whined but I could see he liked being smothered in kisses

by mom as he made no effort to stop her.

But it all ended when Uncle Ryder’s jealousy picked up and he pulled mom towards himself by the

back of her shirt. Xander protested and mom tried to go back to him, but she was pulled back again.

“What the hell Ryder?” Mom protested.

“Tell him to get his own sister.”

How can a grown ass Alpha be this jealous of his own son?

“At least let me check on my daughter.” Mom said irritably.


Uncle Ryder let mom go, grumbling something under his breath. That duo is utterly comedic.

“Pumpkin you okay?” Mom asked me.

“Yes mom. Just a little surprised.” I replied and leaned on Ajax.

I can see mom pulling one of her ‘I want to tease the hell out of you’ face. Why is she looking at me like

that though? Then it clicked me. Ajax is my mate. Well he said he is and mom believes that too.

I could feel the heat start to crawl up my neck but I didn’t move away from Ajax. He is too warm for that.

Mom is not going to let me live this down any sooner anyways.

“Love we are going off the topic here.” Dad said clearing his throat.

It was mom’s turn to be embarrassed. She looked around and turned redder than a tomato. She turned

around and buried her face in Uncle Ryder’s neck.

Cute. Material © NôvelDrama.Org.

In all this, Zeno was completely forgotten. I felt Ajax vibrate a little as he growled. I looked at whom he

was growling at to find Zeno trying to get near us. More like me.

Zeno ceased his movements hearing Ajax growl but tried to get to me again. Without warning Ajax

lunged at him and pinned him to the ground, his sharp canines’ inches from Zeno’s face.

Oh my holly burritos. This is turning dirty real fast.

Doesn’t that boy like ever learn? Why the heck was he even hugging me in the first place? Idiot.


That’s not a pretty site.

Uncle Leo and the other uncles came running near the snarling magnificent wolf but backed away as

he bared his teeth to them.

Ajax looks to have lost it. Shouldn’t uncle Ryder be doing something?

I turned my head to look at him to find him watching the show with a wolfish grin and mom was

standing right beside him looking equally amused. What am I going to do with these two?

Zeno struggled under Ajax but his eyes were focused on me. The expression in them was maddening.

A shiver ran down my spine from the way he was looking at me. Like he wanted to possess me. Ajax

moved and blocked me from his view. Zeno started to trash more but whimpered.

I looked down find that Ajax had lightly dug a claw in Zeno’s chest. Okay this is getting worse. Why isn’t

anybody interfering?

“You are still looking at her like she is some piece of meat?” Ajax’s voice was dangerously low. “I have

a wonderful mate but I don’t know why I have to get a shitty human like you.” What? “Give me one

reason as to why I shouldn’t kill you. You don’t have any, do you? Because of you I might never have a

chance to be with my mate. Once I am inside you, she will hate me for the things you did. She will

leave me for your wrong doings. SHE WILL REJECT ME.”

No that can’t be true. He is joking right? No. This can’t be happening. Zeno can’t be my mate. He is

cruel and a disgusting person. I don’t want to be with him. But what about Ajax? He doesn’t deserve

any of this. Why does everything have to turn like this? Why? I just found my mate and I might lose him

just like that.

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