Dying in silence

Chapter 39 The end of it all.

My heart thumped with excitement as I saw him.Text content © NôvelDrama.Org.

Oh, my.

He stared at me quietly before moving his eyes to the guy.

He gazed at him confusedly and the guy scoffed.

“What?, you’re also surprised?”he asked.

Darrel sighed and nodded.

The guy began walking to him with the knife.

I quickly scrutinized Darrel with my eyes and saw he wasn’t holding any weapon.


“Darrel, he is with a knife!.”I yelled out but it turned into a muffle instead because i was gagged with a tape.

Instantly, there was a blackout.


I strained my eyes in the darkness, trying to see if I can detect anything.

Where are they?

“What the fuck!”I heard the guy cursed angrily.

“Darrel?”I muffled and started whimpering.

Mama mercy!

“Fontana, be patient for some time, okay?”Darrel said.

“Why not switch the light back on and let’s fight man to man, without any weapon”the guy said.

“Oh, sounds like a deal”Darrel replied.

The next thing, I heard the sound of door opening.

“Wait, did he just ran away?”the guy chuckled.

A brief moment passed and I was also getting scared that Darrel might have ran away.

Oh, God.

“You really wish”Darrel voice sounded and I found myself sighing in relief.

Thank God.

Then, the light flickered back on and was surprised when I saw some cops beside him, aiming their guns at the guy.


Roosevelt POV

“It’s been a while, Longworth, how have you been?”I asked after connecting a call with him.

“Who’s this?”

“Wow, don’t tell me”I laughed.

“I guess it has really been a while for you to forgot my voice”I added.

“Roosevelt?, why are you calling me”he asked.

I could already discern anger from his voice.

“Well, I thought someone would love to save his… only daughter that is at the…”I said, staring out of the car at the building.

“You prick!, what have you done to my daughter?”he cuts in gruffly.

“Calm down man, if you really wanna save your daughter, be here in five”I said.

“What the… I swear, Roosevelt, that if you touch a strand of her hair, I will cut your arm off!..”he yelled angrily.

“Is that a threat, Mr Longworth?. Anyway, she’s being held in a shopping mall like this, they just opened it. Just make sure you’re there in the next five minutes”

“You won’t like the consequences, Roosevelt, I bet it. What’s the name of the mall”

I sniggered before hanging up.

I brought down the phone from my ear and smiled smugly.

Fontana’s POV

“Drop your weapon and raise your hands up”an officer commanded.

The guy looked shocked to death as he stared at them then back at me.

Then, slowly, he bent down a little before sliding the knife on the floor and Darrel ran to me.

“Hey, are you okay?, are you hurt?”he asked worriedly and checked my body to see if I’m just anywhere.

He touched my face and smiled.

“I’m glad you’re okay”

“Good, now raise your hands”the cop said.

He raised his both hands up and an office came over and handcuffed him.

“You’re under arrest for the attempted murder of miss Fontana. You have the right to remain silent and defend yourself in the court”he said while handcuffing him.

After he was done, he took him away and the others turned to us.

“Thank you, Mr Darrel, we appreciate. We need more of people like you in town”one of them said.

“Yeah, anytime”Darrel replied as he turned to him.

The officer nodded before they left.


“I miss you”Darrel said and removed the duct tape from my mouth.


I breathed out and puffed some air into my mouth.

I glanced at Darrel and he was looking at me softly.

“Me too”I replied.

“I thought you’ve cut me off your line, but when i later learned you guys moved here, I knew your father might have got you another contact”he explained as he untied the rope on my hands.


My wrist hurts badly.

“You are right. He deleted my whole contact on the day we are leaving and I also thought you’ve decided to dump me”I pouted.

He stifled a laugh and when i glared at him playfully, he bursted out in laughter.

“Someone is afraid of being dump!.”he laughed.

“Hey, stop it. It isn’t funny”I scolded but he laughed the more.

“Okay, fine, alright.”he said and stopped laughing.

“And what’s with that guy?, I expect to see Fred and not an entirely… different guy”he asked.

“It appears we’ve been fooled from all this while..”I sighed.

“What?, let’s get out of here first”he said and helped me up.

His eyes beamed as he trailed his eyes from my face down to the dress I was putting on.

“This looks good on you”he complimented.

Oh, of course.

I smiled and nodded.

“Wait, don’t tell me that prick came here when you’re still in your…”

“No, no, no”I quickly interrupted, waving my hand off.

“That was a relief. So, do you want to change into your clothes back?”he asked.

“Should I?”i asked back.

“Well.. considering how pretty you look now and… you know, we’ve seen ourselves for too long… just leave it on like this, I love it”he smiled and winked at me.


I wonder how he will react if he learned Fred picked the dress for me.

No, not Fred anymore.

We stalked out of the room only to see some crowd were gathered infront of it.

*Why would someone try to kill a being like him…*

*Thanks to that young man, the lady wasn’t killed in there..*

“Don’t you feel lucky having a cool boyfriend like me?”Darrel turned to me and asked.

I smiled and shrugged.

I bowed my head as we walked past the people and out of Mall.

A car reversed to us immediately and the backseat window whined down.

A man came into view and he glanced at Darrel then back at me.

“Now, I know why you almost went crazy because of her.. she’s a beaut..”the man said to Darrel.

“Of course, Dad”Darrel smiled.

Huh?, dad?

This… this is Mr Roosevelt..

He glanced at me and I bowed to him then he smiled.

“Nice meeting you, your dad will soon be here”he said.

Wait.. dad?

Darrel and I glanced at each other.

“Speaking of whom, looks like he is here”he added.

I looked up and saw some cars driving towards us.

They parked in front of us and the headlights shoned brightly at our faces.

Dad got out from a car and the guards also trooped out from the other.

They marched towards us and when they got to where we stood, dad pulled me away from Darrel to his side.

“Is this your capture?”he demanded angrily.


“No, he saved me, he called the cops here, the real capture is with the them”I explained.

Dad sighed and turned to the car where Mr Roosevelt was.

“Hi”Roosevelt smiled.

“Hello, good job scaring the life outta me”dad glared at him.

Roosevelt laughed,”I will take that as an appreciation”

Dad also laughed and moved towards him.

“Thanks man, thanks”I heard him say.

“You own me.”Roosevelt replied.

“You can name your price, I would…”

“Seriously?, you’re still one arrogant dude, you haven’t changed one bit. You think I did this for money?, c’mon, you should know me better, I’m born to be kind right from the womb..”Roosevelt scoffed.

“So, I’m born to be arrogant from the womb, you say?”dad asked.

“No that’s not what I meant. I don’t need your money, I want us to go to your house and go settle things.”Roosevelt said.

Dad stared at him for some minutes before nodding.

Oh, finally.

We all went to our ride and then headed to the house.


We all offloaded from the cars and started walking towards the entrance.

Dad opened the door and we all got in except for the guards who stood outside.

“Who said I’m not loving this”Darrel said beside me and I nodded.

I’m also loving this.

Dad ushered Mr Roosevelt to sit on the couch and he sat down.

Darrel and I sat down on the plush couch.

“What would you like?”dad asked him.

“I’m good”Roosevelt replied.

“No, you not, vodka?”dad insisted.

“Ah, yes”Roosevelt gave a small laugh as dad walked towards the bar.

“I’m I missing something?”mom voice sounded from the stairs and we all turned to her.

“Mom”I called.

“Mrs Longworth, I presumed this is the second time we will be meeting”Roosevelt said and offered her a cheerful smile.

Mom seems uncomfortable seeing him around.

“Mom, it’s okay, I will give you the details later”I told her.

Dad came back with a bottle of vodka with two shot glasses.

He settled it infront of Roosevelt and uncorked it then poured some in the glasses.

Mom came down from the stairs and went to take a seat.

“Who did you think is trying to kill your daughter?”Roosevelt suddenly asked as he took one shot of the drink.

Dad sighed before sitting beside him.

“You know, I kinda suspected you”dad replied.

Roosevelt scoffed and shook his head then glanced at us.

“One of your board investors is behind all of it and he also had an intern in your home who gives him every information that he needed”he expounded.

“What?”dad said in shock.

“He had a man who always takes care of his dirty job like this and that guy that tried to kill her tonight was sent by him”he further explained.

“Wait… are your serious?, who’s that man”dad asked angrily.

“You will be surprise, Longworth. He’s actually one of your trusted men and he’s also the reason behind why I told you to let us drop the contract the other time”

“I sent my son to the state because he threatened to kill him if i didn’t do what he asked me to do which is getting you to drop the contract with me”he added.

Mom glanced at me and furrowed her brows.

“Did something happened?”she asked.

“I want you guys to know what i did wasn’t intentional. And I’m sorry for not telling you this earlier. I hope you forgive me and let get back together like those days”Roosevelt pleaded.

“You’re forgiven, besides, we aren’t meant to be enemies forever”dad replied and he smiled.


“Let’s go discuss the rest somewhere else”dad suggested as he stood up.

Mr Roosevelt nodded and also went on his feet and they both headed out to the balcony.

I turned to mom and sighed.

Then, I went ahead to explain every little details to her about what happened tonight.


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