Deadly Storm

Chapter thirty five

Sarah's POV

"So what do you think?"

"I think you are beautiful, Sarah. I'm sure this guy wont bail on you."

I'm on the phone with Lauren while I'm getting ready for tonight. A few days ago I went shopping for a dress for the dance and now I'm wearing it.

It’s a simple red strapless dress that’s only knee length. The delicate diamonds rest on the waist as belt. It’s very beautiful.

"You look absolutely gorgeous."


Kathrine comes into the room after take a quick bathroom break. "Alright missy, lets do your hair."

I sit down in my desk chair and starts.

After what seems like a couple of hours, she finally finishes my hair.

"There you go, take a look."

I got up to view my hair. Kathrine's really good at doing hair.

My hair is braided on one side then wrapped around my head, as the extra pieces are tucked underneath

"Thanks Kathrine."

"You're welcome."

"Have fun you guys."

"We will."

Lauren ended the call and we are off. Walking downstairs my dad caught us.

"Hey let me get my camera."

We waited in the living room until my dad came back. When he did, we stood side by side smiling. "There, my daughter is all grown up."


He smiled .

"Have fun you two."

"We will."

Kathrine and I got into her car and drove off to the school.

"I can't wait for this."

"Neither can I."

She parked the closest to the entrance. Once we go out, we saw a lot of kids dressed up and heading in with their dates. I saw Jason in a tux waiting at the entrance. I walk up to him smiling.

He took one glance at me and man was he shocked. "Woah, you look beautiful."

"Thanks, you look handsome."


"Ready to go?" He held out his elbow for me to take.

"Why yes I'm ready to go."

I looped my arm around his and we descended into the school.

In the gym, most of the space in the centre is the dance floor with the music blasting from the giant speakers that sat on either side of the DJ booth. Lights of all colours, blue, pink, red, purple, shine down on us.

On the perimeter of the gym are tables to sit down at and on our side of the gym is a table for the snacks and drinks.

"Woah, this is amazing!" I exclaim.

"Sure is."

We walked over to a table and sat down. I scan the gym for my friends to know where they're at. "Punch?" He asks.

"Sure please."

He left the table to get us a drink. While I waited, Blade came and sat in the spot Jason was in.

"Hello, Ramose."

"Harper, enjoying your evening?"

"Yes. What do you what?"

"What I want is got you to be careful about tonight. That Vanlee kid."


"Because yoI don't know who this kid is, you just ran into him and bam, he asks you to the dance."

"Why do you care?"

"I don't. I'm just saying. Some people came that I don't even recognize. Keep alert."

Just then he got up and left just as Jason came around.

"What's that all about?"

"I don't know."

He passed me my drink and I thanked him. Taking a sip of my punch as it filled my thirst.

"This is delicious."

"It is."

A slow dance song came on. "I will always love you," by Whitney Huston.

"May I take this dance?" He offered his hand. I took his hand and smiled. "You may."

He guided me to the dance floor. I wrap my arms around his neck as he did with my waist. We swayed to the music as did the other couples.

"You look very beautiful tonight."


The song ended and we head back to our table. "That was a great dance," he says.

"It was, and I'll gladly do it again."

For the time being, we go for know one another better. We had two more dances after the first one. It was a good night. I spotted Kathrine and Lennix and Sabe. I haven't seen Keir and Blade for the night either, not after the encounter earlier.

"Hey, I would like to show you something. Follow me."

I did just that. He lead me out of the gym and down the hallway. He glanced back to make sure I'm following him. I smile and he returns it. Content is © by NôvelDrama.Org.

Stopping at a classroom, he scanned the area like he's making sure no ones stalking us.

Gesturing inside, he closed the door behind me. "What are we doing here?"

I hear a click which I'm pretty sure he locks it. He smiles at me and stalks over. I walk back out of instinct.

"What are you backing away?"

"I. . . I. . ."

He held out his arms to rest his hands on my shoulders. He pulled me into a hug as his head dropped to my neck. Pecking my neck I couldn't help but moan. "You know, you're gorgeous in red, you should where it more often."

Jason continues to kiss my neck almost sucking it. My moans escape as I couldn't help myself. He forcefully grabbed my wrists, pinned them to his chest. I tried prying out but no use.

He must work out a lot cause he's strong.

"Please . . . Let me go. Stop."


His grip tightened where my wrists felt numb. "Stop!"

"She said stop!"

Jason stopped and smiled against my neck. "Just in time, Tandler."


"What are you doing here?" I recognize that voice.

Jason whipped around to face Blade. He must have forcefully made it in since the door is chipped on the side.

"All your questions will be answered in a nick of time."

I've heard that sentence before. Déjà vu.

"There's no 'nick of time.' I want to know why your here ready to attack, and why your after Sarah."

Did he just call me by my first name?

"You want to know? I'll tell you. But first of all, I'll tell you about this little one and then she's going to sleep."

"What d-do you mean asleep?"

"Oh you'll find out. Ask away."

"Why are you after her?"

"Because of her ancestors. I'll take you back years ago, to your great, great grandparents."

He threw me towards Ramose. He grasped my arm and yanked me towards him. I wrap my arms around his waist glad that I'm in his grasp. He stroke my back for comfort. Moving so I'm facing Jason.

"It begins when your great, great grandfather came onto our land. He was the leader and he kept killing off our vamps. Tandler, you won't know this."

"Now you decide to call me Tandler."

"I always have, the others haven't. Anyways, one day, we had enough. We caught him and his team snooping through our land and captured them. We brought them into our home and each gave them karma. We snapped every neck until it was your great, great grandfather. He begged and begged to not kill him. After killing our group he doesn't want to die?"

Jason chuckles.

"Karma really is a bitch. He begged for hours and we toyed with him. Until we made a deal. The deal is that four generations later, the kid is to be ours and we can do what we want. Of course without thinking, he said yes just to live.

He agreed and we let him live . . . Until he broke the deal. He somehow recruited people and came back to attack us. Of course we still wanted the girl but we had to kill him off. He attacked us and wanted us dead, on our territory!"

I jumped into Blade's arms when he shouted. Jason has paved the room but when he saw me jump, he stared at me and laughed a crackling one.

"We still wanted you, Sarah Harper. It was just a matter of time before all hell breaks loose."

"I'm still confused," I say.

"I'll break it down, your great, great grandfather used to kill us on our land. We caught them and killed every single one them by snapping their neck. Your grandfather watched until he was the last one. He begged and begged to live. So we made a deal by giving us the first child of the fourth generation, which is you, to you know, to eat. Of course he agreed as a selfish one. He couldn't kill anyone on our land.

"Of course he broke and recruited people to hunt. So he came back on our land and killed almost everyone. We, Vanetts, have recruited more and a big war set out. Just like the one with the Tandlers. Everyone in that team died that night. Of course we still wanted the child. We've been careful not to be spotted. Once you came along we knew we had our target. At the time we found you, you were still too young.

"You were being protected by not only your family, but Tandler here."

I take a glance at Blade and his jaw gritted. Glancing at the ground to soak everything he told us. Finally travelling my eyes back to Jason.

"He would get the opportunity he could to protect you. He stopped every Vanett from getting you. And of course when you escaped from one of my guys when he bit your neighbour, that was a set up from him. It's like he could predict the future. Even when you were a tike and we were trying to get to you."

"No, no. That's not possible. We always end up fighting."

"You end up fighting him. He just puts on an act, which really he should get an award for."

I turn to him. "Is this true?"

Finally locking eyes, his face soften and he sighed. "Yes, yes this is true."

"Not only do we get our deal, but we can also get our revenge on the Tandlers. We knew how much he loves you and won't let any danger come your way. So going after you, even as the fourth generation child we've been waiting for, is the perfect plan."

"All of this because of my great, great, grandfathers' doing?"

"Yes. And now it's time for both of them to pay the price."

Jason lounged at me but in a split second, Blade nudged me gently to the side and grabbed onto Jason. Of course he didn't want it.

Jason grabbed onto Blade's arms and shoved him into the desks where he fell. I saw him wince in pain where he's quickly taking off the belt.

"Almost forgot, the accessories that you Tandlers got on, it's deactivated so anytime now you'll be free to drink as much blood you want. Your welcome."

He turned to me.

"Now let's get this show on the road."

Prisoning me against the wall and between his arms, I knew this was it. Lowering to my neck, I sneakily grab a small wooden stake that's hidden in my dress.


You think I'll be going out without some sort of protection? If that's what you thought then you thought wrong.

I could feel his fangs making a puncture in my neck. Stabbing him in the side just above his waist, he shot back and looked down at what I've done.

He shot daggers through his eyes.

"You bitch!"

"I'm the daughter of the vampire hunter. You think I wouldn't be carrying a weapon?"

"You will pay for this. Wait until this war breaks out. Yes the war. It's happening tonight where everyone will be in danger. You can't save anyone."

Grabbing onto my wrist, I try to pry myself out but he twisted it toward me and stabbed me just above the belly button. Laughing with a mixture of coughing, he smiled then left the room.

In shock, I bend down to cover my wound.


Blade runs to me. When I look into his eyes, I can see hunger rising as his golden eyes turn blood red.

"Sarah, it's going to be okay."

"Your eyes," I gasp. "Your hungry, aren't you?" I barely made out.

"Don't worry about me, I'm getting you an ambulance. He places his phone between his ear and shoulder as he takes off his sweater, rips it in half to place it gently around my waist.

He then proceeds to pick me up and take me outside.

"It's okay, your going to be okay."

That was the last thing I heard before the world around me went black.

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