Deadly Affairs



She stared at me in confusion before her eyes widened in shock when she finally understood what I meant.

“What?? You don’t mean it.” She said trying to contain her shock.

“I am serious.” I answered.

“Okay. Where did you see him?” She asked.

“At Molly’s school. After dropping her off, I was on my way to the hospital when I saw him staring at me.” I explained.

“What if it was just an hallucination. You said you usually have nightmares about him. What if your mind was just playing tricks on you because of how frightened you are of him?” She asked again.

“No. That isn’t what it was. It was no hallucination. I know what I saw that day. It felt so real that thinking about it still gives me goosebumps. I couldn’t just seat around and do nothing when I was aware of the fact that he knows where my daughter is. So I hed to change her schools and also move out.” I explained.

“Alright. Did you tell your parents the real reason you moved out?” She asked making me turn silent.

“Wait… you didn’t tell them??” She asked.

“I didn’t want to drag them into my problems.” I replied.

“That isn’t a good excuse to hide something important as this is from them. With what you have told me, I can tell that your ex husband is a very dangerous man. You could barely escape from him then but now, you have a child, someone to take care of but he is back. Don’t you think you should tell your parents or better still, report him to the authorities?” She asked.

“It hasn’t reached the extent of reporting him.” I said.

“It has. This man molested and assaulted you when you were married to him. After you have managed to escape from him, he turns up again. That’s more then enough reason to report him.” She argued.

“But it has been really silent for the past weeks. I’m not sure he followed me here.” I said.

“It is usually calm before the storm starts. At least tell your parents before It’s too late.” She warned.

“Don’t worry, if he shows up again, that would only mean his following me, then I would report him myself.” I said.

“Good. I just hope it wouldn’t be too late.” She said.

“It won’t. Just don’t tell my parents. I don’t want them to be worried.” I pleaded.

“Okay. I won’t but if it gets really serious, I won’t hesitate to tell them.” She said, leaving no room for any arguments.

“Okay. Only when things get really serious.” I reminded so she wouldn’t tattle on me later.

“I’ve heard you already. I almost forgot, the main reason I came here.” She said before she placed envelope on the table.

“What is this?” I asked as I opened it.

“It is on invitation to a ball being hosted by one of the investors that funds this hospital. Since I am already an old woman and parties aren’t really my forte, you’ll have to go in my place.” She said.

“Okay, when is it taking place?” I asked her.

“In two weeks time. You have to dress very sexy. Who knows, you might meet your soulmate there.” She remarked making me chuckle.

“I doubt it. Who would want to have an old woman who’s also a single mother like me?” I asked.

“You are not old. You are just thirty one. You are still in your prime, very young and beautiful. Besides, a child means nothing if the person really loves you and is equally loaded.” She joked and the both of us erupted into a fit of laughter.

“Even if I do find someone, I’d still prefer to be single. I have had enough of men as it is.” I said after I was able to hold down my laughter.

“Not everyone is like your ex husband.” She stated.

“I know that. But Jason didn’t go crazy from day one. He was once caring. We were both in love with each other before he started seeking pleasure outside our home then things went south.” I reminded.

“That doesn’t mean that all relationships are bound to end like that.” She said.

“I know that. But I can’t go through something like that again. I won’t be able to handle it.” I answered.

“Okay. If you say so. I just wish you will finally be happy with your life.” She said.

“I am happy.” I argued.

“Doesn’t seem that way to me but I won’t argue with you.” She said. I was about to argue with her when she cut me off.

“Also, the investor that’s hosting the party would like to have lunch with you.” She informed.

“Why?” I asked.

“He just wants to get to know the director. He has set everything up for your meeting, it just remains your approval.” She said.

“Alright then. I’ll go.” Even though I didn’t want to, I couldn’t reject an invitation from one of our investors.

“Good. His secretary will give you a call and let you know about the venue before the weekend so you’ll be able to go there on Saturday.” She said.

“Okay.” I answered.

“I’ll take my leave now. I have done what I came here for.” She said as she stood up.

“Okay. I’ll escort you out.” I said as I stood up with her.

“No need to disturb yourself. I’ll go on my own. Just don’t forget about Saturday. Make sure to dress up nicely.” She reminded.

“I will.” I answered.

“And also make sure to bring Molly to visit me one of these days. Even though you don’t want to see me, you can’t keep my great grand daughter away from me.” She said.

“It isn’t like that. We will surely visit you.” I said.

“You better.” She warned before she left the office.

I went towards the window in my office and stood there, waiting for when she would come out of the building. After some minutes, she finally came out and the driver opened the back seat’s door for her.

She was about to enter inside when she looked up to my direction and waved at me. I smiled and waved back. Then, she entered the car and the driver drove off.

I kept watching till the car was out of sight before I sat down on my seat and started working.


~Later in the evening~

I left the hospital late so I wasn’t able to pick up Molly from school. Thankfully, nanny Abigail had already done that. I got home only to see Aligail, walking around with paranoia written all over her face.

“What’s wrong? Where’s Molly” I asked her when I couldn’t find her. She stared at me in fear before she finally spoke up.

“I left her playing in the compound and went inside to continue cleaning but when I came back, I couldn’t find her again and the gate was opened.” She said.

“What?? Since when did this happen?” I asked.

“About thirty minutes ago.” She answered.

“What the hell!! Molly has been missing for that long and you didn’t even bother to tell me? You had just one job to watch her but you couldn’t even to that.” I said angrily.

She wanted to explain herself but I didn’t want to listen to anything she had to say. Different thoughts started to rush in at the same time. They were mostly bad thoughts.

What if Jason had taken her?? Fear gripped the immediately and I ran out of the compound and started screaming her name.

After searching around the neighborhood for about twenty minutes, I still

couldn’t find her. Conniption gripped me hard and I was finding it hard to breath.

“My baby… where are you?” I muttered as my eyes started to get blurry. I was about crying when I heard her voice.Têxt © NôvelDrama.Org.

“Mommy.” She called. I turned back immediately when I saw her running towards me

My happiness turned into anger when I saw Ryan coming with her. He was the one that took her? After all my warnings, he still went close to her.

“Haven’t I warned you not to come close to me or my daughter??” I asked.

“It isn’t what you think, I was just…”

I didnt let him finish, I walked towards him and kicked him very hard in the place thad doesn’t shine. He fell on the floor immediately.

He groaned in pain as he held his shaft. It seemed painful but I didn’t care. I warned him not to come close to my daughter but he just wouldn’t listen. I held Molly’s hand as I took her home.

She tried to talk to me but I didn’t listen. No one dares to mess with my daughter.


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