Daddies Brat

Chapter 163


Avery was awake and in the kitchen; I heard Harper chatting with him before leaving to go to the planetarium. I waited in Harper’s room for my chance to escape, while examining the contents of his room with sober eyes. There was a Radiohead poster on the wall next to the window, and another with a photo of Carl Sagan next to a quote about the mysteries of the universe. His desk was organized and neat, with two flat-screen monitors connected to a laptop on a docking station. I glanced at the objects next to the keyboard without trying to snoop: a bottle of allergy pills, a reusable water bottle, and a wireless phone charger.

I heard Avery in the other room. Using the ice dispenser, and then pouring water from the tap. He was going for his morning run. A few seconds later, the front door opened, then closed.

I cocked my ear, straining to hear any other noises in the silent house. After counting to thirty, I hurried out of Harper’s room.

My Saturday morning was full of giddiness as I showered, then carried my books out to the campus lawn. There was a chill in the air, but the sun was shining and warming everything up to a pleasant 75 degrees. Perfect weather, and Thanksgiving is next week. Going to school in California has its perks.

I opened one of my psychology textbooks to study, but I soon found myself re-reading the same page over and over without absorbing the material. My mind kept drifting back to my three roommates. I had a relationship with each of them. That would have seemed insane when I moved in over two months ago, but it didn’t feel strange now. Maybe that was because I knew about their relationship with Jess previously. How they shared her.

Was that what I wanted? To be shared by three men? I never saw myself as the kind of woman to juggle more than one guy at a time, but now I didn’t know what to think. I couldn’t imagine picking any one of them over the others. They were all wonderful in their own unique ways.

Would they even want to share me? Just because they had done it once before didn’t mean they wanted to do it again. Especially considering how badly it ended. Harper especially might be averse to that kind of arrangement.

Before I knew it, the sun was overhead and it was noon. I popped over to the campus dining hall to get a sandwich, then returned to my blanket on the lawn with my book still open to the same page as when I started. Rather than dive back into studying, I pulled out my phone while eating.

Me: How did your game go today?

Riley: We’re stuck in a rain delay right now. Coach moved my start to tomorrow.

Me: Aww. That sucks.

A photo came through showing Riley’s point of view. He was sitting on a bench in a baseball dugout, looking out at a field covered by a blue tarp. I couldn’t see the rain in the photo, but there were pools of water on the tarp.

But that wasn’t the part of the photo I was focused on.

Me: I love how you look in tight white pants.

Riley: I love how you look with no clothes on.

Me: Really? That’s surprising information. You can’t see it right now, but my face is shocked.

Riley: I could see it if you sent me a photo

I held the camera out and took a few selfies, then sent Riley the best one.

Riley: Fuck, you look good.

Me: Even though I have clothes on?

Riley: In spite of that, yes.

Riley: I wish I was there with you right now.

Me: What would you do if you were?

Riley: I think you know.

Me: I have a horrible imagination. Why don’t you describe it to me?

Riley: I would tear those clothes off, first.

Me: Right here on the campus lawn? In front of everyone?

Riley: Fuck yes. Being in public wouldn’t stop me. I would bury my face in your pussy, devouring you. I wish I was tasting you right now.

Me: Mmm hmm

Riley: I’d be stroking myself while I do it. Eating you out turns me on.

Me: Does it?

Riley: More than anything in the world. And then, when you’re absolutely drenched, I’ll pin your arms down in the grass and sink my cock into you until you scream.

Riley: Shit, we’re taking the tarp off the field. Got to go. Bye!

“Damnit,” I muttered out loud. “Why couldn’t the rain have lasted a little longer?”

I didn’t get much studying done that day, but I didn’t mind. I had a bad case of senioritis: the lack of motivation that afflicted seniors who were going to graduate. I knew I could coast in all my classes and still get my degree. I had already been accepted to three different graduate psychology programs-the one here at the Three-C, one at UCLA, and one program closer to home in Arizona. I hadn’t decided where I was going yet, but the important thing was I had already gotten in. Whether I got an A or a C in my psychology classes didn’t matter, so long as I passed.

I’d had tests in every one of my classes this past Thursday and Friday, and I was confident that I had aced them all. As long as I didn’t slack in Astronomy, I was golden.

More important than my grades was figuring out what specialization I wanted to focus on. There was clinical psychology, which involved diagnosing and treating patients. Developmental psychology, focusing on children. Counseling psychology, which was more akin to therapy. Or Industrial and commercial psychology in the workplace. I didn’t need to decide on a specialization now, but that would help me pick which graduate program to choose.

It feels good to relax a bit, I thought. Especially after busting my butt for three years.

Still, I picked up my books and other things and headed back to the house, with the firm intent to study that evening… until Harper told us he was going to see the new Dune movie with friends, leaving the house to me and Avery. I shared a look with Avery; we had to take advantage of the solitude while we could.

The brunette stoner was all over me as soon as Harper drove away, leading me into his bedroom. We stayed in there for three straight hours, kissing and fucking and licking and squeezing in every position imaginable. The only thing that eventually forced us to leave was a text from Harper asking if we wanted anything from In-N-Out on the way home.

“It was nice having the place to ourselves,” Avery said while cracking open two beers.

“Making as much noise as we want. Not worrying about anyone walking in on us.” I sighed and accepted one of the beers. “Wish we had more nights like this.”

He clinked his beer against mine. “Nature documentary?”

“Nature documentary,” I agreed, forgetting all about my plans to study.

The next day, the Three-C was playing a home football game against

UCLA. College games were normally played on Saturday, but this game had been moved to Sunday due to some scheduling issue that I didn’t care enough to look up. “Want to go?” Harper asked us that morning. “Students get in for free.”

I was looking for an excuse to avoid studying, so I said, “Yeah, that would be fun. I haven’t been to a game since I was a freshman. I should take advantage of the opportunity before I graduate.” “Avery?” Harper asked.

“Ehh,” Avery replied with a shrug. “I don’t like watching football in person. It’s tough to see where the ball is, and what’s going on. I’d rather watch it on TV. You two have fun.”

The football stadium was on the other side of campus, a twenty-minute walk from our house. The closer we got to the stadium, the more students we saw walking to the game. Eventually it was like a mass exodus of fans, many of whom were clearly drunk already, even though it was barely even noon.

“So is this a date?” I asked.

“I genuinely meant it as a roommate outing,” he replied. “Just roommates hanging out at an important game.” “It’s important?” I asked.

He frowned over at me. “I guess? Riley said it was. And UCLA is a big school.”

Harper and I sat in the student section during the first half. He casually placed his hand on my thigh and let it linger there, but didn’t make any moves beyond that.

“Is that all you’ve got?” I asked after a few minutes.

He shrugged. “I’ve got more than that. I just didn’t want to presume anything.”

“Sweet, but unnecessary,” I replied. I checked my watch. “I’m going to hit the ladies room before the halftime rush.”

“I’ll go with you-I want to buy a burger.”

“Oh, a burger sounds good.”

We went down the bleachers and up underneath the stadium. When I came out of the bathroom, I found Harper standing between two food stands.

“I’m debating between a burger and a hot dog,” he said.

“Why choose?” I replied. “We’ll get one of each, and split them.”

Harper grinned at me. “You’re really smart, you know that?”

I shrugged. “That’s the first thing I learned in my Theory of Concession Stand Junk Food class.”

He tilted his head back and laughed heartily, then looked at me with a glimmer in his eyes. He adjusted his glasses, looked around, then grabbed my hand and led me down the concourse.

“I thought you wanted food?” I asked.

“I’m hungry for something else, first.” He turned down a narrow passageway that looked like it was reserved for stadium employees. Sure enough, we passed an open door leading into the kitchen behind a concession stand. The next door was slightly ajar, and opened into a supply closet.

Harper closed the door behind us and flipped the deadbolt.

“What are you doing?” I asked, though my body tingled with anticipation at what I suspected.

“Showing you what I’ve got.” With an exuberance that I had never seen from the man, Harper pushed me up against the wall and crushed his lips against mine. I moaned in surprise, then pleasure as his body pressed me against the wall. His fingers were a blur at my jeans, pulling down the zipper so his fingers could dive into my panties. I sighed as he began rubbing my clit.

“This isn’t just roommate stuff,” I managed to grit out as his fingers played across my pussy.

“We’re roommates, and we’ve already had sex,” he murmured into my neck. “So, by definition, this is roommate stuff.”Exclusive © content by N(ô)ve/l/Drama.Org.

“You make a convincing argument.”

Harper yanked my jeans down and then spun me around, pushing my face down into a box of industrial paper towels. I gasped with surprise as he buried his cock into me from behind, then began fucking me without delay.

God, it was good. Harper was normally reserved, so it turned me on to see him so insatiable. Especially knowing that it was me who brought out that side of him. The noise of the crowd rose to a crescendo above us in the stadium, drowning out our gasps and cries of ecstasy.

“Okay, now I want that burger,” I said as we hastily put our clothes back on. The box of paper towels came in handy for cleaning up.

“Half a burger,” Harper clarified, holding up a finger. “And half a hotdog.”

“How about half an order of fries, too?”

He kissed me on the nose. “I like the way you think. Meet you back at the seats.”

There was a skip in my step as I climbed the bleachers in our section. I had never had sex in public before. I never even knew I would like that sort of thing. But oh baby, was it hot. Sharing an intimate moment in a supply closet while tens of thousands of fans cheered around us, none of them aware of what we were doing. It scratched an itch I never knew I had.

My phone vibrated in my pocket. I expected it to be Harper asking about condiments for our food, but it was from Riley.

Riley: You’re going to be an amazing psychologist.

Me: Aww, what prompted that?

Riley: Just thinking about you. Can’t wait to see you tonight.

Me: Is your game over? How did you do?

Riley: I’ll tell you about it tonight [kissy emoji]

I didn’t know why Riley had randomly sent that text, but it filled me with warm confidence. Nobody had ever commented on whether or not I would be a good psychologist before. The compliment was a reminder that I had chosen the right field.

“Why are you all smiley?” Harper asked, handing me a tray with a hotdog and fries.

“Why do you think?” I replied.

Harper shrugged casually while gazing out at the field. The sunlight hit his glasses at just the right angle, making his face shine. “Probably not because you just had an orgasm.” “Two orgasms,” I corrected.

He whipped his head around to me, burger frozen halfway to his mouth. “Two?”

“Apparently I like having sexy fun time in public places,” I said, wrapping my mouth around the hotdog. I held his gaze for two long seconds before biting into it. “Who’d have thought?”

Harper chuckled to himself as the marching band began to play.

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