Crazy Seduction(erotica)


“His energy is extremely potent. I can go much longer between feedings. I went to the club last night to see if I could find a suitable Human to ensure I could still feed on their energy. Then I got the text and had to leave.”

Sigrid wanted to get the conversation back to Henry’s resistance to speak with them. Marisa had been the closest of them. So she was the first to answer. “He didn’t speak to you about dreams he was having?”

Marisa looked at her curiously. “He told me earlier that he’s still having nightmares of his time with Queen Mab.”

“He’s more resilient than he knows. Most go mad when they spend extended periods of alone time with Mab,” Sigrid grumbled. “Nothing about the suicide?”

Marisa’s face fell. “As I said, recently we haven’t been as close as we were before.”

Sigrid sighed. “Do me a favor? Speak with him. Let him know what’s going on with you. Tell him your fears and let him figure it out for himself.”

Marisa nodded and looked down at her hands in shame.

“Hey, this isn’t all on you! He didn’t come to me to talk about it either, and I thought he knew he could talk to me about anything. I’m going to ask him about that tomorrow when he gets in,” Sigrid told her to ease the young woman’s self-recrimination.

That got a small smile from Marisa.

“Thank you, Sigrid.”

The tall blonde just nodded and smiled in return. With a nod, Marisa stood and left the office.

Sigrid turned her mind to the task of finding professional help for Henry. It hurt that he hadn’t come to her about it, but she put that aside. They’d have their talk later.

She called Henry’s number but hung up before it rang. She scolded herself. He needed his rest.

She sighed as her mind kept returning to him. Truth be told she was a little addicted herself, but it was his charm that had her hooked.

Giving herself a shake, she turned her mind back to the task at hand.

She had work to do. Work that would help Henry heal.


Nate slowly surfaced from a dark pit. His head felt like it might shatter with the least movement, so he held still and breathed in and out in slow deep breaths.

“When will he wake up?” rasped an irritated voice. Nate heard a lot of stress in the female’s voice.

“I’ve never personally experienced a shock stick to the base of my skull so I can’t say for sure. We can try that out on our return journey if you like.”

That voice Nate recognized. He’d hoped he’d never hear it again. Oletha! He fought to control his breathing.

“I’d rather fly home! I despise traveling by ship!” snapped the other woman.

Nate suddenly realized the odd swaying movements he’d thought was a symptom of his being shocked had an external cause. That was a relief!

Oletha snorted dismissively. “That would be rather awkward for you considering they have no record of you entering the country.”

The other female growled and for a second Nate swore some breed of big cat was in the room with them. Maybe a tiger or a leopard.

“I can’t believe I let you convince me to join you! Three weeks on this bloody ship and when we finally get here you don’t even let me join the hunt!”

“Don’t pout, Chantelle. I explained that. The team I hired found our Mr. Walker here weeks ago. The hunt was over before we arrived. However, I do have a little treat for you. You get to collect the blond.”

From the purr in Oletha’s voice, Nate suddenly felt uneasy about the fate of this blond.

“She’s coming with us?” Chantelle asked with a strained voice. Nate’s unease flared into worry.

“Yes, and she’ll be in your care, so I expect you to be on your best behavior.”

“Of course,” Chantelle said in an offhand way. A promise with no intent. Worry became dread. He heard a sigh.

“Still, I can’t believe all this effort just for a fuck!” Chantelle said, the pout back in her tone.

Oletha chuckled. “While he is an amazing fuck, that’s not why I collected him. I have big plans for him, but that’s a tale for the return trip. I may even give you a demonstration if you behave. For now, though, you have to get moving if you’re going to collect your traveling companion. I’ve texted you the address. Straight there and back, please. We have a schedule to keep. The ship sails tonight! Off you go.”

Nate heard the door close. He wasn’t sure if he was alone, so he continued to breathe in and out slowly, willing himself to relax.

He was almost undone when fingers pressed down on his cock through his pants, but he kept the hitch in his breathing minimal, and she missed it as she gently rubbed his dormant cock.

“Oh, the future I have planned for our people, Nathan. We’re going to do big things,” she sighed quietly.

Her hand lifted, and moments later he heard the door close again. He waited to the count of thirty before slowly opening his eyes and this time he was alone. He glanced around, but he saw no obvious cameras. What he did see was a very beautiful bedroom. He also noticed he was chained once more but this time spread-eagled to a bed. The cuffs on his wrists and ankles were very strong, but the bed itself seemed weaker. He might be able to free himself if he destroyed what looked like a very expensive piece of furniture. His freedom was worth more than the bed but it was going to make a lot of noise when- if, it broke.

He slowly pulled his legs and arms in to take up the slack on the chains and discovered there wasn’t much.

“It’s not going to break.”

Nate jumped at the sound of Oletha’s voice then tugged sharply. The bed frame bent, but as Oletha said, it didn’t break. What Nate has assumed was deeply polished wood was enameled and lacquered metal instead. Both were shiny, but metal wouldn’t shatter.

“LET ME GO!” Nate yelled in frustration, looking for her. She didn’t appear to be in the room, so that answered his question about the hidden camera. He spotted the ceiling mounted speaker.

“Let you go? Don’t be silly! I just caught you. This time I’m keeping you. Settle back and relax,” she purred.

“I’d rather die than be you’re slave!” Nate yelled, surprising himself with the brutal honesty in that statement.

The speaker was silent for a bit. He went back to tugging on his restraints.

“Would you live to protect Jo Hart?”

Nate froze. What did Oletha know about his best friend? The blonde! They were going to kidnap her too! He had to escape to protect her! He pulled harder on the chains, and the bed creaked.

Oletha pushed through the door, and his eyes went to her. She was as lovely as she’d appeared when he’d met her at the art gallery the previous October. Tall and svelte, pale skin and long straight jet black hair. Black lipstick and eyeshadow. Large, pale grey eyes that looked deep into your soul. He tore his eyes away from hers when he felt her slipping into his mind. He yanked on the chains and metal squealed. He risked another glance at her and saw her frustration as she thrust the stun rod against his neck.

The world lit up once more. Then nothing.

-=-Material © NôvelDrama.Org.

Henry was having that weird dream again. The one where he was floating over the earth watching the little tears in the globe as it turned below him. With a giddy smile, he reached out to gently touch them as they passed by, seeing them flare with color and widen temporarily. He suddenly wondered if he should be doing that, so he pulled back to just watched the lovely colors. Crazy rainbows! He grinned at his ability to interact with these dreams.

A strange trill sound dragged him to the surface of his mind and into awareness. He found himself looking up at the living room ceiling. He was on his couch, but he couldn’t recall how he got there. Rolling his head to the side, he saw a bottle of painkillers on the table and a half-finished bottle of water. The room swam a little, and he blinked stupidly at his cell phone which was ringing. He reached for it, but it stopped just before he got his fingers on it. He picked it up anyway and went back to staring at the ceiling.

When the room stopped moving, he looked at the phone. The screen was shattered, but he could barely make out the name of the last caller. Sandy. Shit! He was supposed to have dinner with her! He sat up and held his head. He was still only wearing the shorts he slept in, so he needed to get dressed.

A thumping headache he’d woken up with was gone, but in its place, he had quite the buzz. He looked over at the painkillers and wondered how many he’d taken. He must have walked to the bathroom for the pills, the kitchen for the bottle of water, and made it as far as the couch where he took them.

He tried calling Sandy back, but the screen was unresponsive. He couldn’t have answered if he’d tried.

There was a knock on his door.


That was Sandy. He pushed himself to his feet and staggered down the hall. He opened the door, and big blue eyes looked at him then panned down his body before snapping back up to his face.

“You didn’t answer your phone,” she squeaked.

“Sorry. It’s broken and I- I had a headache. Bad one. I think… I took too many pills,” he said.

She moved into the doorway and gently pulled him into his kitchen and turned on the light. She tipped his face down and checked his eyes. She pressed fingers to his neck and felt the strong, healthy heartbeat. “How do you feel?” she asked.

“My headache is gone. I feel totally loopy though,” he sighed.

“How many pills did you take?”

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