Crazy Seduction(erotica)


Then there was Henry. He continued to sit and stare at this new amazing being. He was more than a little mesmerized by the shimmering colors of the sari she wore over her upper half and the gleaming deep green, blue and gold-flecked scales on her snake lower half. Her lustrous black hair rose up and fanned out behind her head much like a cobra’s hood.

“You will show me the proper respect, or I will make you understand the severity of your mistake,” she hissed at the three before her.

Threatening his friends was a splash of reality to clear Henry’s dazed brain. He frowned and stood as well, switching into his Satyr form in a blink.

Glowing eyes twitched to him, and he saw them widen.

“It’s true…” Mahati murmured as she scanned his body top to bot- Her eyes stopped at his very obvious nudity.

“Damn it, Henry! Can’t you wear pants, underwear, even a fucking apron to hide that thing?” Roy growled in annoyance.

He looked down and groaned. “Oh sorry, I forgot to put my kilt on this morning before I switched.”

He looked up to see Mahati muttering something as her four hands made odd and intricate gestures. The small hairs on his neck began to stand on end as he felt the energies building. He found himself stepping forward to reach out and grab her hands just as she brought her lefts and rights together.

“NO!” Camila screamed, but it was too late.

The spell Mahati had primed collapsed as Henry’s tight grip broke her control over it. The resulting blast wave of energy exploded outwards, tossing Henry and Mahati away from each other.

Sigrid snapped her shield in place just as she pulled Camila to her side. The wave deflected around them, but Roy was blown back against the wall and fell to the floor unconscious.

The moment it passed, Camila’s claws were out, and she was striding towards Mahati with murderous intent. Sigrid’s cooler mind prevailed, and she stopped her friend from gutting the great-great-grand-daughter of someone important. They stared down at the Nāgi and saw she was breathing but out cold.

They moved to Roy and saw he was coming around. He appeared uninjured aside from a nasty bump on the head. His rapid healing response would take care of that, so he waved them off as he got to his feet holding his head.

Henry had tumbled head over hooves to stop against the far wall of the room. Camila and Sigrid knelt on either side of him and gently eased his heavy body away from the wall and laid him out on the soft carpet.

“How are his hands?” Sigrid asked. She was worried he would have deep burns.

Camila gently turned his palm upwards, but there wasn’t a mark on him. Sigrid found the same thing on his other hand.

“How does he do that?” The tall blond said as she looked across his body to her friend.

“It’s the second time I’ve heard of him blocking magic. The first time was with Yuko-”

“YUKO!” Henry yelped as he suddenly sat up, causing Camila and Sigrid to fall back onto their butts. He hissed and shook his hands as they were tingling badly, like hundreds of tiny needles were pricking them.

He glanced over to look at the two ladies staring back at him in surprise. “Are you ok?” he asked.

Sigrid climbed to her feet and moved to help Camila up. She looked back at Henry who remained sitting on the floor. He was rubbing his hands on his legs and grimacing. “We’re fine. What’s wrong with you?”

“Feels like my hands fell asleep. They’re all prickly! What happened?” he asked as they helped him stand.

“You don’t remember grabbing Mahati’s hands as she prepared to launch a spell?” Camila said then swatted his shoulder in frustration. “You have to stop doing that!”

Henry blinked at her and rubbed his shoulder. “I- I don’t remember doing that.”

Sigrid shared a worried glance with Camila and led them back to stand next to Mahati who was beginning to show signs of waking.

“Owww…” the prone Nāgi moaned. She lifted her hands, all four of them, and they looked badly sunburned.

“What spell were you trying to cast on Henry?” Camila asked calmly.

Mahati suddenly sat up and looked around wildly. Her eyes stopped when they found Henry standing before her with a concerned look on his face. He showed no signs of damage yet her hands felt like they were on fire! She winced and shrank back from him. With her hands in this condition, she couldn’t use her magic. “What are you?!?” she whimpered.

He glanced at Sigrid in confusion then back at the Nāga. “Uh, I’m a Satyr. The only one.”

Sigrid stepped a little closer and glared at her. “You see now? He’s immune to your magic so no more stupid stunts like that one. Got it?” she barked, and Mahati nodded pitifully.

“Are you going to be ok?” Henry asked gently, and she looked into his eyes for a moment before nodding.

“You are… not what I expected,” she said quietly. “My sister said you were… kind. I did not believe her.”

Henry’s eyebrows went up. He’d met her sister?

Camila frowned and nodded. “Yet you seemed to be ready for a fight the moment you arrived. Care to explain why?”

Mahati collected her thoughts and coiled her tail underneath herself. This raised her head slightly above the others which made her feel a little better. “The Hidden Races Council came to my family to ask my mother to take the position of VRL’s external legal counsel. She refused as was her right, being the matriarch of the family and far too important to work for a company as insignificant as VRL.” Camila bristled but held her tongue. “Instead, I was appointed in her place.” Mahati took a deep breath and continued. “I- I’ve never worked outside of the family practice. I’m an expert in corporate and civil law, both Human and Hidden Races but… I’ve never worked directly with a client before. I read the dossier and familiarized myself with the case and… I thought I understood the threat Mr. Gable represented for the stability of our society-”

“So you thought you’d just take him out quick with a lethal spell and solve everyone’s troubles, especially your own,” Sigrid growled and saw from the lawyer’s widening eyes that she’d gotten it right. The Valkyrie’s armor snapped into place flooding the room with light. The spear looked especially intimidating in her fist.

“Sigrid! Please! Put your weapons away. There’s been enough violence today, and it’s not even lunch-time yet!” Henry pleaded. “She made a mistake. She paid for it. Let’s put it behind us and move forward.” He turned his eyes to Mahati. “Please don’t try to kill me anymore. I’m not a bad guy. I only want to live my life in peace. There was also some stuff missing in that file like if you kill me, the Fae race might perish as well.”

Her eyes flew wide, and he realized he was right about the file.

“What? How?” the lawyer gasped.

Henry looked uncomfortable as Camila and Sigrid were scowling at him. He was speaking on things he was not allowed to discuss. “Sorry, I’ve said more than the Council allows. Just believe me when I say there would be unexpected ramifications. As Sigrid said, it wouldn’t have worked anyway so- moot point.”

Mahati looked like a light breeze might knock her over. She looked between them and sighed. “I’ve made such a mess of this so far. Mother is going to be most upset with me.”

“We’re not going to say anything,” Henry said and looked into the eyes of Camila, Sigrid and Mr. Duncan who wore a frown on his face but nodded to show he agreed.

“There is still the matter of my burns. I can’t hide these,” Mahati moaned.

“That’s something you’ll need to deal with on your own. You could go to the Fae as they have excellent healers. Just don’t tell them what you were trying to do when you got hurt,” Camila suggested.

She nodded, and once more a flash of light preceded her switch back to her disguise. Everyone followed suit until only humanity was represented in the room. “I’ll have to postpone my meeting with Mr. De Hann,” she said gesturing to her hands.

“I’ll let him know,” Camila said and received a nod.

Mahati began to turn then looked back. “Should either Baba Yaga or Queen Mab attempt to contact you, you must contact me immediately as your legal representative. This is mandatory as a condition of Mr. Gable’s ongoing freedom.”

“What?” Sigrid growled. “There can be no conditions on his freedom!”

“By order of the Hidden Races Council, this condition has been invoked. If you’d like to protest, you may bring your concerns to the attention of the senior members,” the lawyer stated. She looked into Henry’s eyes once more, then nodded to him and walked from the room with as much dignity as she could. She had to deactivate the lock with her elbow; then she was gone.

Once the door closed, Henry looked at the unhappy faces of the others.All rights © NôvelDrama.Org.

“I knew they were acting too supportive. I should have known there’d be a cost,” Camila said quietly.

“It doesn’t seem too daunting a request,” Henry offered.

“It’s not a request! It’s a condition. Just the first of many until you have no freedom left at all,” Roy grumbled. “If we don’t find a way to get them to back off and I mean completely, they won’t stop until you are locked away in a dark pit somewhere, drugged and paralyzed.”

Henry looked at the big man in dismay. “Damn, that’s pretty grim.”

“Sorry, but it’s a possible outcome,” the security man said.

“So my new allies are worse than the Fae?” Henry said with a scowl.

Camila sighed and shared a look with her chief of security. “That’s one outcome and a dark one at that, but that’s what makes Roy so good at his job. He sees potentialities that others block from their perceptions. That doesn’t mean he’s right in this instance. That may be a long way down the line, but I agree that we need to take steps now to show conditions are not acceptable.”

Henry looked at the others in dismay. “Can’t I just go back to being a CIO and keep my head down?”

Sigrid looked at him fondly and nodded. “Why don’t you head back upstairs and get back to that.”

He gave her a grateful smile, nodded to Camila and Roy, grabbed his laptop and hustled away.

He left before they could change their minds.

Once the door closed again, Camila turned to Sigrid. “Would Henry have been immune to the Nāga’s spell?”

Sigrid shook her head doubtfully. “The energy she was channeling would have blown a hole through the back wall after incinerating him if she’d managed to focus it. I don’t know how Henry did it, but he was damn lucky to defocus her spell when he did.” She gave them a grim look. “But she now thinks he’s immune so she won’t try again.”

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