Crazy Seduction(erotica)


He shook his head with a deep frown then pushed his track pants down, stepping out of them. He studiously avoided looking at the women as he knew they were all looking at him and he didn’t want to react to their interest. Once he was naked he stepped away from his clothes and twisted the ring. Reality folded.

“AAAAAIIIEEEE!!!” their guide shrieked and threw herself away from Stanley as she pressed her hands to her eyes. Everyone stared at the woman in shock. She was curled up in a ball on the floor at the base of the stairs, trembling.

“What happened?” Stanley asked Sigrid anxiously. His nerves were buzzing.

Camila moved towards the servant but the petite woman quickly pushed herself to her feet. She kept her face averted from them.

“I am fine. My apologies for the outburst. Please- please enter the chamber when you are ready. I will be here when you return,” she said quickly then rushed up the stairs and was gone.

They looked at each other and turned to walk to the other end of the antechamber. Stanley left his clothes on a bench against the wall and hurried to catch up with the others. Sigrid moved to stand beside him as Marisa helped him put his robe on.


Stanley nodded.

“Before we go in I want to assure you Walter Zhou is no danger to you. We are with you.” Camila said and Sigrid nodded with a serious expression.

“You know, saying stuff like that that just makes me more nervous,” Stanley said in exasperation.

Marisa smiled and took his hand. He sighed.

“This! This is what calms me down,” he said to the two women as he lifted Marisa’s hand in his. They smiled at him and moved to open the doors.

Inside was a rough stone walkway leading downwards. They exited out into a vast cavern the extent of which could not be seen in the inky blackness. The acoustics made the chamber feel vast and it was much warmer than Stanley expected. There was an odd smell and he made a face at Marisa which she nodded to. She found it unpleasant too.

“Ahhhhhhh, you made it! Welcome!”

The voice seemed to come from everywhere.

“Walter, could we tone down the theatrics for Stanley and Marisa’s first visit?” Sigrid growled.

“This is the trouble with Valkyries! No romance in their souls!” the voice sighed but seemed to become focused on a point in front of them… and up.

Stanley raised his eyes and saw two very large gold eyes glowing in the darkness about fifteen feet up. Suddenly two small burst of flame puffed out of the nostrils on its long face. As the smoke dissipated Stanley could see the enormous bearded jaws. It shot tiny spitballs of fire unerringly against some torches and the light level increased to the point where Stanley could see at least some of the… dragon’s long serpentine body.

Its scales were a dark green bordering on black but shimmered iridescently in the firelight. Looking back up at its head Stanley realized the ‘beard’ wasn’t hair or fur but smoke that clung close to his jaws!This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

From the slight grinding noise Stanley looked down and saw its enormous claws scratching the hard stone. It… it was real!

“Oh… You’re a dragon!” Stanley mumbled.

“And you are the impossible come to life! A Satyr? Here? Now? How fascinating!” the dragon’s deep voice purred as its eyes glowed brighter.

“I- I’ve seen the pictures and art pieces but I never understood how beautiful dragons could be in real life!” Stanley said in a daze then snorted in incredulity as he heard what he just said. “Real life,” he mumbled again a little desperately as the room began to tilt.

He dropped to his knees then forward onto his hands as his head spun.

“Stanley!” Marisa cried as she dropped down to her knees beside him.

“Is he alright?” Walter asked as he looked towards Camila.

“Stanley?” Sigrid said as she knelt on his other side.

He was taking deep slow breaths with his eyes closed. “Sorry, I just felt dizzy. It’s just too much all at once… I- I need to take a minute,” he said quietly.

Camila addressed their lawyer. “Stanley only very recently discovered he was a Satyr and that the Hidden Races exist. He was raised as a Human.”

“How awful!” Walter exclaimed and it was clear even in Stanley’s dazed state that it was the idea of being human that disturbed the Dragon the most.

Sigrid and Marisa helped him up onto his hooves and he thanked them quietly.

“Sorry, I never expected… this. I guess there are limits to my ability to deal with shocks,” Stanley said contritely.

“No need to apologize Stanley. At least you didn’t run away screaming or simply go mad. Your mind is far more resilient than you give yourself credit for,” Walter said with a smile.

He felt a little better though the cavern was way too hot to be wearing the heavy cloak. He was burning up so he shrugged it off.

Gold eyes widened as he could now fully see Stanley’s Satyr nature. “Now I see why the Fae are so eager to get their hands on you! You are definitely unique and an intriguing mystery! Valuable indeed!” Walter said smoothly and moved closer.

Sigrid stepped forward, placing herself between the dragon and the others, glaring up at the huge beast. “Resist the temptation Walter or your days of collecting are over.”

Walter’s glowing eyes narrowed as it glared down at the Valkyrie. “Don’t make threats to me in my domain, little one. Especially threats you cannot-”

“Sun.” The huge cavern exploded with brilliant light and Walter cried out in shock. The others had thrown their arms up over their eyes as Sigrid had made them rehearse in the truck on the way to Walter’s.

Sigrid’s huge wings stretched outwards from her back in all their glory, blazing like the sun, extinguishing all shadows.

“ENOUGH! STOP! PLEASE!” Walter bellowed.

“Fine.” Darkness returned instantly and even though they’d protected their eyes they had to blink away the afterimages. Except Sigrid who hadn’t noticed the change at all.

“How- how is it possible for you to contain so much power?” Walter gasped as he looked at the Valkyrie.

Sigrid thought about that a moment. “Stanley. He’s changed me. He’s linked to an alternate realm of magic and has shared that with me. I can feel my own connection to it now as well. The witch changed Stanley when she collected him from his parents. We don’t know how she did that or what her intent was for doing so. She’s a master of not only magic but of the long game. Who knows what her plans were for Stanley.”

“Were?” the dragon asked.

“When we first met, her she told us we’d interfered with her plan and he was now on a new course. She said Stanley’s ‘true destiny may yet come to pass’ but she’s refused to divulge what that might be.”

“You questioned her on it?” Walter asked skeptically. No one pushes Baba Yaga.

“No, Stanley did. She raised him as her own. They have a relationship. She’s very protective of him. Remember that.” Sigrid said firmly.

“You might have opened with that information,” the huge beast grumbled, still upset about her display of power in his home. He turned his attention back to Stanley. “A new realm of magic! That might also explain the Fae’s lust for capturing him! How might I sample this new power?”

“Uh, I’m not-” Stanley began uncomfortably and Camila came to his rescue.

“Stanley isn’t a wielder of magic. He’s a conduit like Succubi and Valkyrie. Marisa’s glamor spell was burned from her core when she over-saturated herself with Stanley’s energy. The wild magic isn’t compatible with the old magic. The Fae who replaced Marisa’s glamor was badly affected by it. I suspect wielders might not be compatible.”

The dragon fell silent as it contemplated the Satyr before it.

“Dragons are magic wielders too,” Marisa explained quietly to Stanley who appeared a little lost.

“The only wielder who might have some idea of how to tap into it is probably Baba Yaga,” Camila offered. She looked within then smiled at Sigrid with wide eyes. “You’re right. I can feel it too. I’m linked to the realm of wild magic. What does that mean?”

“I don’t know. I didn’t feel it after my first time with him,” Sigrid replied.

The two women looked at Marisa who’d been with Stanley more than them.

The young Succubus glanced at Walter who was watching with interest. She looked back to her mother. “I’m connected to the new realm as well. My new glamor is powered by the wild magic.” She kept the existence of her shield to herself.

Sigrid wanted to get on with the question of what to do about the Fae then get the hell out of Walter’s house. “Are the Fae going to press charges? They kidnapped Stanley off the street, drugged him, and took him to that secluded spot to torture answers from him. They don’t have any grounds to defend their actions. All Stanley did was defend himself and escape.”

“There is the matter of the ‘valuable items’. Stanley, did you perhaps take something that did not belong to you?”

He blinked up at the huge face and could almost feel the intense interest in its eyes. “Uh, I grabbed my computer and cell phone which were next to my computer bag. I also took a tablet PC, a leather bound journal, and what I thought was a pen. I think it’s actually an ornate stylus for a touch screen. Probably the tablet.”

“DO YOU STILL HAVE IT?” Walter boomed as he moved closer. Once more Sigrid stepped forward to glare at him and the dragon reluctantly moved back.

“Yes, it’s in my computer bag… in the truck,” Stanley said uneasily.

“Get it! Bring it to me!” he insisted.

“The stylus, what is it really?” Camila asked.

Gold eyes narrowed suspiciously. Camila put her hands on her hips and tilted her head at him. “Seriously, if it belongs to the Fae none of us want it.”

Walter relaxed as he realized something and accepted her answer. “I suppose it wouldn’t work for you anyway now that you’re no longer linked to the same realm of magic as we are.” He passed his eyes over them and came to a decision. The truth it was. “It’s a kind of reliquary. It contains a physical artifact from the realm of magic. They are extremely rare. It was said that Queen Mab had two of them. One she loaned out to special servants, such as the late Leaharin.”

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