Crazy Seduction(erotica)


“Run the authentication process once more,” he said and when she did the connection was made.

“Ah! It’s working! What’s wrong with port 7?”

“I think it was manually configured to use half duplex mode. Do you recall doing that?” he asked.

Her frown turned into barely suppressed rage and Stanley was happy it didn’t seem to be directed at him.

“No, but I know who did it,” she growled. “Someone in my class who said he would help me.”

“Did this person work on your router?” Stanley asked.

“He… had the opportunity,” she said with a blush as she looked away.

“Oh… Ohhhh!” Stanley said as he clued in. She’d had this ‘friend’ in her bedroom. “Why, uh, why would he have sabotaged your assignment?”

“So he could take my place as top of the class,” she said stiffly.

“I’m sorry. I don’t mean to embarrass you. What he did was really mean. The way to get back at him would be-”

“To gut him with a fishing knife!” she snarled.

“No! You show up with your project not only complete but exceeding expectations by implementing military grade encryption.” Stanley said with a grin.

She blinked at him. “We don’t have access to that level of encryption,” she mumbled.

“Pffft! It’s easy. Let me show you how it’s done,” he snorted with a grin.

Stanley spent the next fifteen minutes carefully explaining in great detail how to add next to unbreakable encryption to the data packets on her network. When he was done and sure that she understood he gave her a big smile. “This is the best revenge. This guy thinks your project is busted but you show up with it not only working but more secure than any student’s proje-MMMMppphh!”

Jun pulled Stanley down to the floor with her mouth fastened on his and her tongue thrusting deep inside. She was frighteningly strong and very passionate as she writhed on top of his body, grinding against his groin.

He put his hands on her sides to push her off but that just seemed to excite her more and her kisses became more frenzied. She was moaning and sighing as she pressed herself firmly against him. He couldn’t stop himself from reacting which just made her coo in excitement.

Finally, she pulled back from his mouth to moan loudly as she felt his cock swelling and pressing against her mound.

“Stop!” he gasped.

“What?!? Why? This feels so good!” she moaned as she rubbed herself up and down his shaft.

“I said Stop!” Stanley barked as he pushed at her torso but his hands just landed on her small tits, squeezing them and she cooed once more.


From the floor, Stanley craned his head to look up towards the door. Harumi was standing there with a shocked and angry expression on her face. He tried to pull his hands away from Jun’s tits but she’d pinned them there with an arm.

“Get off of our guest! Immediately!” the angry mother growled.

Jun finally seemed to register that her mother was there, was angry, and Stanley wasn’t participating. She looked down at him. “Yuko said you were good at sex.”Nôvel(D)rama.Org's content.

Stanley frowned. “She also didn’t ask me if I wanted to have sex.”

Jun rolled off of him. Stanley got to his feet and did his best to straighten his clothes. He realized she’d somehow managed to pull his zipper down. He zipped up and turned his red face back to the mother who gestured for him to join her. She turned her attention back to her daughter.

“You will not be joining us for dinner tonight Jun. Apologize to Stanley.”

Jun rose to her feet and did look ashamed. “I am truly sorry for forcing myself upon you. I see now that you are not attracted to me.”

Stanley sputtered. “Wait a minute! I never said that! I think you’re beautiful! It’s- it’s just not a… good time to be… doing that. It’s complicated.”

She caught his eyes with hers and he felt the heat and passion in hers rush through his body. “Some other time then?” For just a second he saw the flash of her fox tail and realized she was also Kitsune.

His mouth dropped open and he found himself nodding as his voice failed him. A gentle hand guided him out of the room and started him down the hallway. He felt the woman walking just a pace behind him as they approached a larger open space. She moved before him, and they stopped at the threshold, still out of sight of the people inside.

“My apologies for how my daughters allowed their passions to guide them so willfully. Let me go in while you… calm yourself,” she said looking at the slight bulge still pushing against his pants.

He blushed and nodded then he was alone. He closed his eyes to take some deep breaths to center himself and felt the first gentle twinges of his need to recharge make itself known. His eyes flashed open. He’d forgotten with the time zone jumping that his sleep cycle was all skewed. The nervous rush was enough to kill any desire he had so he was able to enter the room.

When he rounded the corner he saw Minister Imamura speaking with Camila with his wife at his side. The man turned to him and smiled. He immediately walked over and shook Stanley’s hand.

Stanley returned his smile. He recalled that the man was not aware of the Hidden Races. Blissfully ignorant as Stanley had been not so long ago.

“So you have met my daughter Jun?” the man asked.

Stanley looked him in the eye and saw only a father’s pride. “Yes, she’s very smart and lovely as well.”

“Did you help her with this problem she has?” Yuji asked and Stanley paused for a second.

“Oh! The network issue. Yes, though she would have found it eventually,” he replied honestly.

“It was very important to her for her grade,” the older man said with gravity.

Stanley smiled. “I’m sure she’s going to get top grades for her assignment now. Maybe even bonus points.”

“Bonus points!” Yuji laughed happily and patted Stanley on the shoulder.

He wasn’t sure what was so funny about that but Stanley just grinned and allowed himself to be directed towards the dining room table. He caught Camila’s eye and mouthed the word ‘time’ to her. He was relieved to see she picked up on the cue. She nodded and spoke quietly into Harumi’s ear who glanced at Stanley and nodded to Camila.

They took seats at the table and the servants immediately began bringing out the food. It smelled delicious and Stanley’s mouth watered. He watched Camila for clues on what to do as he’d never dined with government officials in Japan before. He smiled to himself as he thought about how his life had changed so dramatically.

“What amuses you so Stanley-san?” Yuji asked.

“I was just thinking of how much my life has changed in such a short time. Not that long ago I lived in a cottage with no electricity in a swamp while I attended college in New York City. Then I got my first job with Ms. Villamor’s company. Now I’m dining with important government officials in Japan. My head is spinning with how rapidly this all happened.”

“So you come from humble beginnings. This is a good thing! Your progress must make your parent’s very proud,” Yuji said.

Stanley glanced at Camila before addressing him. “I- I never knew my parents. I was raised by my Ba- my grandmother.”

“Humble beginnings, indeed,” the minister said with a sympathetic look.

They turned their attention to the meal and Stanley was pleased to discover it tasted as good as it smelled.

The Minister and his wife took turns asking Stanley questions about his childhood and his enjoyment of working with technology considering his lack of exposure to it early in his life.

When Stanley caught his head dipping to his chest he snapped his eyes open and looked at Camila with a worried look. He felt the need to change in the back of his mind. She nodded to him.

“I think we must cut our visit short. We need to get back to the airport for our flight home and Stanley looks like he’s about to fall asleep at the table,” Camila said smoothly.

Faces smiled in his direction as he struggled to keep his eyes open with a sheepish grin.

“You are welcome to stay the night and fly home tomorrow,” Yuji suggested.

“That’s very gracious of you but business demands we return as quickly as we arrived,” Camila countered graciously.

The Minister nodded as he knew all too well the demands of business. They all stood and once more Yuji took Stanley’s hand in his. “I cannot say how grateful I am for what you did for me today. I understand my daughter Yuko put us all into this unfortunate situation but how you chose to resolve it has solidified my position and authority in the government. Thank you!”

Stanley didn’t know how to respond so he just bowed to Yuji which drew a warm smile from him.

Camila collected him and they headed back to the door. They said their goodbyes and the limousine picked them up to take them to the airport. Stanley fidgeted and did whatever he could to hold back the need to switch. He looked desperately at Camila but she just shook her head indicating it wasn’t safe to talk.

They finally reached the airport and got their bags. After checking in Camila had to explain Stanley’s agitation as a reaction to his jet lag. The security people nodded as they saw his sleepy eyes. They were allowed into the waiting area where they sat by the gate.

“How much longer?” Stanley gasped as he felt a vibration travelling through his body. He adjusted the strap on his computer bag one more time.

“Hang in there. Maybe ten minutes at most,” Camila said with a concerned look.

“What- what happens if I can’t make it? What do we… do?” he groaned.

“We really didn’t think this one through. We’d have to call in support. I have a number… oh, thank god! There’s the flight crew. Stay put, I’ll go speak with them!” Camila said as she jumped to her feet and rushed away to speak with the captain. He and the co-pilot spoke with Camila quietly and both nodded to her. She gestured for Stanley to join them.

He pushed himself to his feet and struggled to walk over to them as he concentrated on maintaining his human shape. He followed the crew down the jet bridge. The pilot and co-pilot turned left to go into the cockpit and Stanley rushed right, dropped his bag on a chair, and made his way directly into the bedroom at the back.

He closed the door behind himself and without bothering with his clothes he spun the ring holding the image of his Satyr form in his mind.

The transition was not smooth this time.

Reality snapped around him with a vengeance and his large form was thrown against the inner wall of the plane with great force.

He crashed to the floor and everything went black.

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