Crazy Seduction(erotica)


Mary crashed into the side panel of the van and the metal bent inwards deeply. She pushed herself free of the indent and was seized once more in the large clawed paws of the monster. The unreal nature of the moment struck her. She should have felt terrified, but instead, she was tingling with energy and struggling not to laugh with the sheer joy of how good she felt. She grinned at the face of the big cat monster. Then she slammed her forehead into its nose. It yanked its face back sharply, so Mary lifted both legs and kicked it in the chest, breaking its grip. She hit the ground and tried to get to her feet, but the beast pounced on her to pound on her with its closed fists, bouncing her head against the paving.

Struggling to keep her giggles under control, she gazed up at the monster which stared at her, confusion and frustration showing in its large yellow eyes. Mary knew she should be terrified but the lack of pain and injury combined with how good she was feeling instead just wiped her cares away.

The beast turned its head to look at the dim street lights in the alley then Mary was flying through the air. Her back slammed against something which gave. A huge explosion of sparks shot out around her. Electricity arced through her body and that hurt very much. She screamed soundlessly as she dropped to the ground and hit the paving. The street lights went out, and Mary slumped, completely stunned by the shock from the power transformer. She struggled to watch the creature, but it was moving up the alley. She could only see parts of it in silhouette.

The numbness in her limbs was slowly dissipating, but she was back to feeling exhausted. She finally connected the dots. Being hit made her feel energized. She needed to get hit. She had no idea why it worked, but she needed it to beat on her.

But she couldn’t even get off the ground.

A deep thud sounded from an impact up the alley, and she turned her eyes in that direction once more. It seemed like something else was in the murky shadows fighting with the monster. They grappled and rolled around, and suddenly one of them was airborne. She watched it tumble through the air in an arc until it crashed down on top of her.

“Yes!” she sighed from under the furry beast as energy flowed into her body. It scrambled to get off of her, and she squinted in the alley’s dim light. She could barely see it, but it seemed to be staring back at her. She thought this one looked more like a monstrous wolf.

“Hit me, fucker!” she growled at it.

It gave her a gentle shove towards the exit to the alley, then it was fighting for its life as the first monster dropped on it from above. Claws flashed, teeth snapped, and fur ripped free.

She tried to get closer, but the damn wolf thing kept pushing her away. Screaming in frustration, she leapt onto the back of the cat thing and pulled on its ears as hard as she could. It spun and slapped her so hard she sailed up the alley and over one of the gates into a backyard to crash against a brick fireplace.

Mary immediately got back on her feet and tried the gate. It was locked, and she was on the wrong side of the wall. Frustrated she kicked the door, tearing it from the hinges and sending it flying into the alley. She stared with wide eyes then ran back down the alley to the fight.

“You call that a hit? Come on bitch!” she bellowed then noticed the wolf monster was in trouble. The big cat had its jaws around its throat and was squeezing.

“Fuck! Hit me-”

The wolf savagely kicked her, and she flew backward through the open back doors of the van to smash out the front windshield. She bounced and skipped a few times but the moment she stopped she was on her feet running back to the fight. She grabbed the jaws of the cat and wrenched them apart with a scream until she heard the crack of bones. It made a choking wail sound and tried to grab her, but she slid onto its back and wrapped an arm under its flopping jaw and squeezed. She poured everything into the effort and heard another loud crack. The monster went still in her arms.

She pushed it off and took deep gasps of breath while staring up at the sky.

Then she heard the cracking of bones and turned her head to see the cat monster was collapsing in on itself. She stared in shock as the fur fell away and the limbs reshaped.

Mary sat up and looked at the dead woman lying on the pavement next to her. She looked up and saw the big redhead watching her wearily. He looked exhausted, but he certainly wasn’t a badly injured wolf monster.

“Oh fuck. Fuck!” Mary moaned as she looked again at the dead woman.

The man tried to say something, but his voice was still raw from- no, that happened to the wolf thing, didn’t it? Shit!

Mary leapt to her feet and looked down at her shredded and bloody clothes. She ran from the alley, dodging the man’s outstretched arm. She got on her motorcycle and sped away. She needed to get her head straight.

She’d just killed a woman- or a monster.

What did that make her?

When Henry woke the next morning, he felt great! He stretched and yawned then glanced down to see he was naked and in Satyr form. Looking around, he saw he was in one of Sigrid’s guest bedrooms. He sat up and tried to recall how he got there.

“Good morning, Henry!”

He turned his head, and his eyes widened in surprise as he pulled the sheet over his nakedness.

“Meixiu? What hap- you changed!” he gasped. Her cheeks pinked up as she glided over to the bed. “You move differently too,” he mumbled as it was a little mesmerizing.

“Yes, I changed yesterday after we… enjoyed each other. I sampled your essence, and it changed me. I’m still getting used to how to walk with this taller body. I feel like I might fall from this great height but I don’t. Everything feels different!”

He blinked at her as he had no memory of them being together. “I- we… were together?”

She stared at him. “You don’t remember?”

His brow furrowed as he tried to remember the last thing- “The marina! Are Camila and Marisa ok? Sigrid? Did they find that guy who’s like me?”

Meixiu looked at him sadly, and his worry grew. “Are they ok?” he said with a small voice.

“Yes! Sorry! Everyone is ok. I’m sad because you have lost some memories,” she said contritely.

He sighed in relief that no one was hurt. “How much time?” he asked cautiously.

“All of yesterday and some of the night before,” she explained.

Henry’s stomach grumbled, and Meixiu’s smile returned. “Would you like me to bring you some breakfast?”

He pushed off the unease from the memory loss. He’d deal with it later. “I’m going to take a shower then I’ll come downstairs,” he replied. Meixiu smiled and turned to leave.

“I think your new look is very attractive,” he said with a smile.

“Thank you, Henry,” she said with a demure smile over her shoulder, then she walked out of the room. He struggled not to gawk.

He slipped out of bed and concentrated on the image of his human self in a dressing gown. His glamor activated and he found himself in an oversized cloak. Not what he asked for but whatever. Good enough to get him to the washroom in the hall.

As he stepped out of the bedroom, he smelled paint fumes. And a chemical cleaning agent. Sigrid must be redecorating.

He grabbed a towel from the linen closet and went into the washroom. He stepped into the shower and reset the glamor to be naked. He got the water running and sighed as the hot water poured over his head. He washed his too long hair and rinsed the shampoo out. He winced as he got a little in his eye.

As he let the water pour over his face to clear the soap from his eyes, he felt hands begin rubbing suds onto his back. He yelped then looked over his shoulder. Camila gave him one of her sexy smiles. Her hands traveled down his back and over the hard muscles of his ass. Then her tits were pressing against his back as her soapy hands slipped around to the front of his body. She pulled him tighter against her tits as she washed his arms, chest, stomach and finally his cock and balls.

He sighed as he grew harder in her skilled hands.

“Henry, I want the real thing. Please?” she pleaded sweetly.NôvelDrama.Org copyrighted © content.

As much of a pain as it was to dry his fur, he couldn’t deny her anything when she sounded like that. With a sigh, he dropped his glamor.

“Oooo fuck, YES!” she gasped as she held his heavy member in her hands.

“I need this inside me!” she whimpered.

Once more, he was her willing servant. He turned and lifted her against his chest. She was trembling and ready, so he positioned the thick head at her opening and gently lowered her onto him as he spread her wide.

She sucked in a long breath, almost a hiss as he sunk deeper and deeper. He was amazed she could take so much, but she wasn’t human, so he didn’t know her limitations. She certainly wasn’t complaining.

“Oh fuck Henry! That feels so good!” she whimpered as she clung to him.

Finally, she reached the bottom and had all of him. “Give me a sec to adjust. Holy fuck Henry, you fill me up so well!”

“What are you doing at Sigrid’s so early?” he asked.

Her eyelids fluttered open. “What? Oh, I slept here last night. We took turns watching you.”

His eyebrows went up. “Watching me?”

“Mmmm… yes, you were having a strong reaction to the painkillers Meixiu gave you, so we watched over you. I need you to move now,” she sighed. She kept the news that unknown assailants might have drugged him to herself.

He squeezed her ass cheeks in his big hands and bounced her against the last inch of his cock in short but rapid strokes each ending with a bump to her clit.


“Who’s ‘we’? How many people watched me?” he asked as he struggled to keep the strokes short.

“Fuck! You’re driving me crazy!” she gasped and looked into his eyes. “Uh, so hard to think! SHIT!” She panted for a bit as the slapping continued. “Muh-me! Sigrid! Shit! Meixiu- AHH! Oh! And Roy! Fuck me!” she pleaded. He was surprised and more than a little touched by the number of people looking after him.

Now Henry started the long strokes, still ending them with a slap against his body.


“Are you close because I’m almost there!” he gasped.

“YES! THERE! OH PLEASE, I’M… THERE!” she pleaded.

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