Crash Into Me

Thirty Three

He had to comply. She had the lock and key when it came to conversations about their relationship. Once she had put the lock in, she threw away the key and he had to comply. One more month, he thought, four more weeks of chances, so he let it go for the time being. He took her back to Andrea’s place after the getaway. Andrea was still away on her business trip. She was going to pack up her things and arrange to go back to her cottage the next day. He had to meet up with his director and go over some script for the next shoot. So he left her there by herself. No more bodyguards, no more rules, things were about to go back to normal. Lucas had been calling her since the getaway, she avoided his calls. He kept calling and she finally took the call when she had settled in. Lucas : Sandy, why didn’t you answer my calls?

Sandy: I was with John … what is it? What’s wrong?

Lucas : Where are you now? John’s not with you?

Sandy: No, he left half an hour ago, I’m at Andrea’s, why?

Lucas : I’m on my way there … lock the doors! I’ll be there in fifteen minutes.

Sandy: What? What’s the matter? Something wrong?

Lucas : It’s Patrick … he never went on the plane, I just got the details yesterday … he’s still on the island.

Sandy: What? Are you sure?

Lucas: I’m in my car right now, 15 minutes tops! She ran to the door and locked it. She closed all the curtains. She’d been in there for half an hour, and then she was scared. She had a bad feeling about it. She peaked through the blinds and there he was in front of Andrea’s doorsteps. He’d been watching her and knew she was alone. “I know you’re in there by yourself, Sandy … might as well just open the goddamn door,” his voice made her wince. “I called the police, they’re on their way here!” she said. “Great! I’ll be finished with you by then … you know how long it takes for them to come, right? You’ll cum twice before they get here …” his laugh was appalling. She was disgusted by it. She started to shiver uncontrollably. She felt dirty, all her trauma came back to her in an instant. She took a knife from the kitchen. “I have a knife … I’ll fucking stab you!” she threatened him. “Good … more resistance than the last time,” he kicked on the door but it didn’t budge. He got angrier by the minute, he kept kicking until it finally broke open. Her first instinct was to run, even though she was holding a knife. He grabbed her by the hair, and threw her against the wall. She dropped the knife. “Oh, I’m gonna have such a good time with you tonight, baby,” he said to her ear and licked the side of her face. She squirmed in disgust, he was too strong for her. He dragged her around while verbally abusing her. “You know what I’m gonna do? I’m gonna fuck you until you fucking cum and then I’m gonna kill you … and I’m gonna kill myself, so we’ll be together in hell remembering this fucking night!” his hand was in her crotch as she was struggling to escape him. “Do you know what they did to me in prison? I don’t think you do … but you will, you fucking bitch! I’m gonna do them all to you right now!” he tore off her dress and her front was exposed. She covered herself with her arms, “Stop it, please, don’t do this,” she pleaded in tears. He mocked her, his eyes were filled with lust and rage towards her. He squeezed her breast as he turned her around and held her from behind. “Too bad your actor boyfriend is not here, maybe we should record this just for fun … and he can watch it later,” he took his phone while his mouth ran through her neck and ear. Sandy wriggled and kicked but it was pointless, she started to scream but he covered her mouth. He tackled her down to the floor, he went down with her. She was face down, he was on top of her. “The only scream you should be screaming out of your mouth are your moans when I fuck you, do you understand?” She was crying, she couldn’t move, he pinned her down so hard, she could hardly breathe. He put the phone beside them with the right angle to record. She was struggling to breathe with his hand covering her mouth. He lifted her skirt and pulled down her panty. She shook her head and cried even harder. She felt him unzipping his pants and pulled out his penis. “Oooh it’s hard baby … so hard it’s gonna be good … just try to relax, you might as well enjoy this,” he rubbed himself on her. She screamed her lungs out, she couldn’t believe it was going to happen to her again. She was giving up there was no more strength left in her, only terror and despair. She bawled her hands into a fist, she tried to wriggle away one last time. She felt light, a weight was lifted from her back. Vaguely, she realized Patrick was pulled away. She was still in shock, it took her some time to be aware, Lucas was there. He was the one who pulled Patrick away from her. They were fighting, they wrestled and threw punches at each other. Her eyes were clouded with tears, her head was fuzzy from being terrified. She was still sobbing, and curled up on the floor, frozen in fear. Lucas punched Patrick and choked him. Lucas pushed him against the wall and banged his head to it. Patrick struck his knee at Lucas’s stomach and pushed him to the ground. They wrestled again. Lucas punched him on the side of his ribs but then Patrick managed to grab the knife on the floor. Lucas held his arm with all his strength to stop him from stabbing him, while his other hand tried to prevent Patrick from choking him to death. Patrick fell on the floor, his eyes turned white right before he hit the ground. Sandy had hit his head with a stone statue from the side table. Lucas stood up and held her shaking body, “Oh my God, are you alright?” She sobbed in his arms, screaming and crying. “It’s alright … I’m here … it’s over now,” he was teary when he said it. He wasn’t so sure before, he thought he was going to lose the fight. He kissed her forehead, thank the universe he was there just in time. He looked at Patrick on the floor, he didn’t seem to be moving. “Is he dead?” Sandy asked, still in tears. Lucas asked her to step back as he kneeled and check on Patrick. He checked three times to make sure. Sandy covered her mouth, she was on the verge of panicking. “No pulse … I think he’s dead,” Lucas said. “Oh my God! Oh God! I killed him?” she started to hyperventilate. Lucas ran to the door and closed it, blocked it with a chair. He ran back to Sandy to hold her, “Ssh … calm down, it’s gonna be okay …” “What are we gonna do, Lucas? I just killed a man? Oh God!” she covered her face. “No … you didn’t … I’ll take care of it … I’ll take care of it,” he calmed her down. She dropped down on the floor and wept. She was overwhelmed. Lucas knew he had to take over the situation. He took off his jacket to cover her half naked body. “Do you want to call John?” he asked. She shook her head, “No … No … I don’t want to get him in trouble, he can’t be involved in something like this … oh … Lucas … I don’t know what to do,” she cried. He held her in his arms, “First … we need to get you cleaned up … did he …?” She shook her head again, “He was rubbing himself on me … when you came in …. uurgh … God … he almost did,” she clenched on Lucas, cringing over what almost happened. He was somewhat relieved to hear that, but she was terribly shaken nonetheless. “We need to get you cleaned up … can you stand and walk to the bathroom?” She shook her head and clanged on to Lucas. Her system had dropped, it was as if she couldn’t move her joints after the shock it went through. Lucas took her in his arms and carried her to the bathroom. He filled the bathtub with warm water, “I’m gonna have to take your clothes, Sandy … can you do it yourself?” She nodded. He looked away while she took off her torn dress, her torn bra and her panty was still in the living room. Lucas was about to step out of the bathroom when she grabbed his hand, “Stay with me, please … I need someone to stay with me,” she was trembling. He slowly turned, he looked down to avoid looking at her naked body. She got into the bathtub holding his hand, he sat on the floor next to the bathtub, she was squeezing his hand and cried. He ran his fingers through her hair, “I need you to be strong, Sandy, no one can know about this,” he said softly. She looked up to him and nodded. “Do you have any bruises and scratches? Something that John might notice?” She cupped her breasts with her hands and kneeled in the tub, she slowly turned 360 degree so Lucas can check for bruises. He soon regretted his question, it was the first time he had seen her naked and it gave him mixed emotions. He looked closely at every inch of her body, her skin was smooth like porcelain just as he’d imagined. He swallowed every thought that came in his head. After she turned a full circle, she saw it in his eyes, briefly before he looked away. “What’s your plan, Lucas?” she submerged herself back in the water. “This never happened … as far as you’re concerned, he was never here, I was never here … I’ll fix the place up like it was never touched … I’ll take care of it,” he explained. He was fidgeting, his mind raced, he was figuring it out as they were talking. “What are you gonna do with his body?” she was still holding his hand. “This never happened, you don’t need to know that,” he spoke gently. He hadn’t had the answer for it, but he will. “I’m scared … what if they find out?” “You mustn’t tell anyone, not even John … Can you do that? I need you to promise me that … or it’ll never work,” he needed her to understand the ramification of the event. She nodded, “I promise … you saved me … why are you doing all this, Lucas? You’d get in trouble.” He was in trouble. He would’ve killed Patrick himself if he had the chance. He didn’t, but he would take the blame for her, he would cover it up for her, he would do just about anything for her. He was silent for a moment, he kissed her hand, “Because I love you,” he said. She looked deep into his eyes, he was telling her the truth. It was the first time she ever felt anything for him. His eyes were gentle and longing, he’d been through hell and he’ll go even further for her. She approached slowly and kissed his lips. Her soft lips on his felt like heaven amidst the hell they were trapped in. He needed it too, some comfort that they were going through this together. The kiss was a surge of calm in the middle of chaos, it was comforting, it was calming their nerves. He touched her face, pulled her closer and engulfed her mouth in his. The only sound they could hear was their breaths tangled with each other. He brushed his face against hers, eyes closed, he absorbed every moment of that kiss like the last drop of water in the Savannah. He kissed her forehead, long and hard. He loved her like nothing else in the world. They knew it was a kiss in the moment. They just went through something traumatic together, and they were going to keep this between themselves. The kiss was a thank you and a secret they will never tell.This content © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

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