Contract marriage: My billionaire’s cure


“Oh my goodness Camilla. You are killing me” I quickly got off her with a huge grin plastered on my face.

“What are you doing here?” I asked happily while she dusted off her work dress that I just ruined.

“I work part time here”

“You have lot of jobs”

“Yeah I need money” Suddenly I felt bad for her. I didn’t know her very well but yet I felt a sense of protection towards her. If I’m able to help her in any possible way I would willingly take the chance.

“If you are in a hurry or money is an emergency you can ask me. I know that makes you feel as if I’m belittling you. It’s not what I mean. I really wants to help you because I really really like you and if you feel bad you can pay me back another time” I said with pleading eyes hoping that I didn’t ruin the friendship we had.

“I know what you mean. Thanks but don’t worry I have everything under control” she said merrily but I saw the sadness washing over her eyes as if she was really in need of help.

We talked for few hours and I exaggerated about how great Jake was because I really wanted her to get along with him. We were talking on the balcony in the third floor till her manager decided to call for her. I waved her a bye and looked down at the parking lot, sighing in despair.

A familiar black car came into my view and I instantly knew who it belonged to. Marcus parked the car and got out, his keys dangling in his fingers. But before he could come inside I ran downstairs into the parking lot.

Marcus eyes widened seeing me but before he could open his mouth to tease me with some joke I jumped on to his arms, taking him a few steps back. Giving a laugh with his husky voice he lifted me off the ground and kept me on his car’s hood.

I wrapped my hands around his neck and pulled him closer. I was afraid that if I let go he would disappear. The pain he had on his eyes yesterday was too much for me to take and I promised myself that I would do anything to make him smile again. Not only for him but also for me. A second away from him was torture and everyday I wished he would confess to me.

It still hurts that he didn’t say those three words for me but I decided to brush it off. I was afraid if I confessed he would reject me and I didn’t want my stupidity to ruin our relationship. Even though deep down in my heart I felt like he loved me but in reality I was afraid of saying it out loud.

“Someone’s missing me” his lips tugged into a small smirk as he leaned his forheard on mine.

“Hmm” I didn’t even bother to deny it as I was too busy trailing my lips along his ear.

“You know that from every balcony you can see the parking lot right?” I leaned back in confusion. Marcus smirked at me and pointed his finger at the balconies filled with his staff members, all staring at us.

“Oh my goodness”Content held by NôvelDrama.Org.

My face flushed in embarrassment and I griped Marcus’s coat to hide my face in it. He chuckled lowly and wrapped his arms around me holding me tightly so that the staff won’t see my crimson red face.

He helped me get down from the hood and we started walking to the hotel with me hiding behind his back, holding on to his sleeves like a child. When we reached inside I saw Blair cleaning the tables.

“She works part time here” I said surprising Marcus. “Really?” I nodded my head and grabbed his arm, dragging him to where Blair was.

“Blair” she looked up and waved at me happily. “Oh you both are here. Having a day for yourselves? Well this hotel is pretty fucking expensive but I guess you can afford it”

“Yeah we can” I said with a small sarcastic laugh while thinking whether to tell her it’s Marcus’s or not.

“You busy?” I asked since she seemed to be doing the cleaning in a hurry.

“Yeah there’s this contest taking place today and the manager said the owner of this hotel will be coming today. So I need to do my job perfectly if I want to keep it”

“But I don’t think he will scold you” I said teasingly, nudging Marcus on the arm to which he narrowed his eyes and glared at me.

“Oh no. I heard he’s a selfish ruthless snob. He always expects us to be punctual. The rest of the staff said that whenever he comes he always roar the German word Punktlich and make everyone stand in line like we are the freaking SS ”

As soon as the words left her mouth I chocked laughing out loud, my eyes tearing up as my laughs echoed the hall.

Marcus was glaring at both of us the entire time so I decided to tease him more. “Really? I also have heard that he’s damn ugly”

Marcus huffed angrily and stomped on my foot. I yelled out in pain and pinched his stomach angrily.

“Ouch” he swatted my hand and moved away from me while fixing his creased shirt. I looked straight ahead to see Blair staring at us in amusement. “How cute. You guys are meant for each other”

Before I could say something a hoarse voice shouted.

“Blair I told you to clean the tables over there-” The manager’s eyes widened seeing Marcus. He quickly fixed his tie and walked towards us, slightly limping in fright.

“Sir” he squeaked and looked at Marcus who was towering over him like a boulder.

“Mr. Wells I know these two. Maybe we can pull some strings and give them the best rooms?” Blair asked expectedly, pointing at the two of us.

“No Blair. We are fine. You don’t have to do that”

“Really? I wish I could do something but I’m afraid our good for nothing arrogant boss would let me do so”

The manager’s eyes opened wide in panic, all the colour draining from his face as he looked back and forth between Marcus and Blair.

“Bla- Blair” the manger breathed loudly, clutching on to the table next to him as if he was having a fit.


“Th-th-the owner is here”

Blair closed her mouth with her hand and looked around in panic.

She slowly leaned in and whispered in my ear while eyeing the entire room in alarm. “Camilla, have you seen him before? Do you know how he looks like? Is he near? Did he hear me? Shit I’m dead”

My face was a deep shade of red as I tried to withhold my laughter The scowl on Marcus’s face was priceless. If this was a cartoon he’ll definitely have smoke coming out of his nostrils.

The manager leaned in and whispered something to Blair in a hushed toned. Her eyes quickly rose up to Marcus in fright. Gulping loudly she looked at the manager for help.

She then closed her eyes and inhaled sharply to clam herself.

“I’msorryIdidn’tknowyouweremyboss. I’mstupidandadumbbitchbutcan’thelpit”Blair said in a rush that I had to blink several times to grasp what she said.

“Unfortunately I have to say my good byes for now. Nice serving you SIR!” Blair gave Marcus the army salute and marched toward the kitchen in a steady pace. But when she reached the kitchen she quickly ran off like a chicken on fire and closed the door with a loud thud.

I snorted like a pig trying to control the laughter but failing miserably earning angry glares from Marcus. If looks could kill I would’ve be already buried teen feet under.

“What?” I asked innocently. He narrowed his eyes in annoyance and walked past me. Following him close behind I held his hand and gave him a cheshire grin, showing him all my teeth. He rolled his eyes at my actions before tightening his fingers around mine.

As soon as we reached the room I jumped on to bed earning a chuckle from Marcus. He removed his coat and sat on the bed beside me to remove his shoes. His back was facing me and all I could think about was his whip marks.

Involuntarily my hands traced the marks through his shirt. I felt him tense before turning to look at me.

“I’m sorry” I quickly pulled my hand back and looked away not willing to see his furious face. But surprisingly he held my chin and turned my head to look at him. “It’s okay. You are my wife and one day you’ll have to see it”

Sighing loudly I held his hand that was holding my chin and stroked it with my thumb up to his sleeves. “Will you tell me how you got those marks?” Marcus face faltered and he looked down, deep in thought.

“My stepfather”

My eyes widened in surprise knowing that he finally decided to open up to me. “I’m sorry” I whispered not knowing what to tell. My heart was bleeding just by thinking what he had gone through in his childhood. And I hate myself for being helpless. If I could do something I won’t hesitate.

“It’s okay but that’s all I can say for now.

He met my eyes and it was filled with pain and hurt causing an ache in my heart seeing him like this.

Suddenly a thought came to my mind. All the unusual things happening to me, the attack and the fire. It all happened after I married him. Maybe his stepfather had something to do with it.

“Um- do you think your stepfather has something to do with the fire and the attack?” His eyes darkened and he stared at me with an unknown emotion.

“It’s impossible”


“Because it’s impossible. Please don’t ask me further” he closed his eyes and breathed hastily to calm himself.

I gently grabbed his arm and pulled him to the bed to which he willingly complied. Wrapping his arm around my waist he adjusted himself closer to me and kept his chin on my head.

Suddenly my phone vibrated in my pocket and I picked it up to see Sarah calling me.

“Hey Sarah is everything all right?”

“Yeah yeah we just got ashore and the media is screaming on our face. So annoying” Sarah was practically shouting through the phone trying to over power the loud voices of the media, yelling her to answer some questions.

“When will you be coming here?”

“Probably within few hours. We’ll come as soon as possible because your lover boy is dying to see you”

“My lover boy?” I felt Marcus grip around my waist tightened. He lifted his eyebrows asking me what I meant and I mouthed that I will tell him.

“Yeah Andrew. He has been bothering me asking me when we will get to the hotel and whether you will be there. He is clearly in love with you” Sarah huffed in annoyance as the screaming in the background got louder.

“I don’t know what to do with him. I know he likes me but what can I do? I’m gonna avoid him so I won’t hurt his feelings”

Marcus kissed my cheeks and his face formed into a small annoyed pout begging me to tell what I was talking about.

“Whatever. I don’t like him. He’s stupid and annoying. Well I gotta go now. I’ll call you when we are near the hotel”

“Okay” after cutting the call I turned to Marcus who was waiting expectedly for an explanation.

“Who’s the lover boy?”

“Andrew. He has been trying to talk with me for the last few days”

“So you talked with him?” Marcus asked in displeasure.

“Of course not. I was avoiding him the entire time. He likes me and I don’t want him get hurt. It’s so confusing”

“You realised he likes you?” Marcus asked with wide eyes.

“Of course he was making it obvious”

“And you only see his love?” I was baffled by his question. What does he mean by only his love?

“Um-I told you it’s s-so obvious” I stuttered trying to find a proper answer.

Marcus stared at me for a while before closing his eyes and leaning his forehead on mine.

“You are a silly girl”

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