Consumed (Blood Ties Book 9)

Consumed: Chapter 13

My hands shook as we pulled up outside London’s house. I’d never been nervous about seeing him before, not like this, at least. I’d hardly slept after the revelation of Kat and the real father of her baby hit me. Instead, I stared at the ceiling, trying to figure out how in the hell could someone like Kat have had a child with a monster like Hale.

In the end, I came to the only conclusion I could. She had been forced to. I clamped my thighs together as we sat in the car. Still, the thought of that…the thought of him on top of me, forcing his seed inside me. Or, God forbid, him standing there while his team of doctors forced my knees apart and inserted his semen inside. A chill raced through me, making me shiver. Now we were faced with another problem, how the hell to tell London what we’d found out.

“We need to tell him, Trouble. He has a right to know.” Riven murmured beside me in the driver’s seat.

“A right yes, but we have no idea how this will impact my sister.” I stared at the entrance to London’s home. “She’s so goddamn vulnerable, Riven. This could tip her over the edge.”

Cars and motorcycles lined both sides of the street in this cul-de-sac. Black SUVs and gleaming Harleys in all different types. These were the men London had bought for our war. No doubt there’d be many more before this was done.

Riven reached over, gripped the back of my neck, and turned my head to force my gaze to his. “We’re doing the right thing here.” My damn lip trembled until I pinned it with my teeth. He fixed his focus on the movement. “Jesus Christ, you’re sexy right now.” His hold eased, his thumb finding my lower lip and dragging across the soft flesh. “You get this done, Trouble, and I’m taking you home. Our real home in the city. How would you like that?”

“Blackwood?” I whispered.

He gave a slow nod. Those dark eyes were already glinting with excitement.

Heat raced with his stare. I knew exactly the kinds of things he was planning. Memories of our first few days together rose inside my mind. If anyone knew the depraved things he’d done to me, he’d be the one tied up and beaten. But that was him, wasn’t it. So controlled. So dangerous. My pulse thundered with the thoughts.

“You ready to do this,” he asked.

For a moment, I’d forgotten why we were here. That’s how much this man affected me. I gave a nod, then Riven climbed out of the four-wheel drive and I followed. God, I didn’t want to do this. I inhaled hard as London’s armed men stepped out, eyeing Riven, then me.

“Ms. King.” One gave a nod.

I forced a smile, heading for the back of the house. “Gentlemen.”

There were men everywhere, filling up the external garage until there was no room. I eyed London’s gray Audi sitting outside as Riven made his way through the back door and disappeared inside.

I can do this.

I can do this.

I pushed through the door and headed down the hall. The armory door was open. One of Guild’s men packed away a new case full of ammunition. I stopped, my gaze moving over the stacks of handguns and semi-automatic weapons. “Holy shit, he really is going to war, isn’t he?”

Guild’s man just met my stare. “Yes, ma’am. He really is.”

Jesus. I turned away, hurrying after Riven as he stopped and spoke to someone in London’s study. I slowed, catching Guild’s voice, and gave him a smile when I reached the doorway. “Hey there, how’s my sister?”

But there was no smile in response. He just stared at me with the most gut-wrenching look and said carefully. “She’s doing well.”

That didn’t give me any confidence. Instead, it spurred me to leave them both behind and head for the east wing of the massive house.

“Viv!” I called as Colt stepped out of the doorway and into my path, stopping me cold. “Oh, hey.” I glanced around him. “Where is she?”

“Resting. She’s not to be disturbed.”

Fear rose, causing me to focus on his unflinching stare. He was the same as his brother. Actually, he was the same as all the Sons. When he focused on you, there wasn’t a moment of hesitation. He was a predator, honing in on his next kill. At that moment, I was glad we were on the same side.

“Is everything okay with her?”

“Colt.” Came my sister’s exhausted voice as she stepped into the doorway behind him. “It’s fine.”

“Sorry. I ah, didn’t realize you were sleeping.” I moved around the unflinching giant and wrapped my arms around her trembling body.

She shook all the time now. Her dark eyes were almost black, spilling into the creases around them. She looked haunted and exhausted and terrified all wrapped in one.

“You okay?” I pulled away and brushed the stuck strands of hair from her damp forehead. “You’re not sick or anything, are you?”

“No.” She gave a hint of a smirk and pulled away. “I’m not sick.”

“London,” Riven said behind me.

I turned, to find London’s long strides carrying him toward us. “Riven,” he said carefully, then turned to me. “I wasn’t expecting you.”

“Sorry,” I said. “We should’ve called ahead.”

“What’s up?” London asked carefully as he stopped in front of Vivienne.

I moved back a bit, listening to that deep baritone voice soften as he stared into her eyes. “You okay, Wildcat?”

She gave a nod, but you could see she was lying, trying her best to ease everyone’s fears. That reason alone made every male around her dangerous.

“We have to talk,” Riven started.

“And it’s not something that could’ve been discussed over the phone?” London inquired as he slowly shifted his gaze from my sister.

“No, it isn’t.”

The way Riven answered made everyone look his way. There was a graveness about it.

“Very well.” London caressed Vivienne’s cheek. “You look pale. Why don’t I get Guild to make you some of those fluffy banana pancakes you love and some orange juice?”

Vivienne turned almost green. She shook her head. “No, no food.”

“Ice chips, then?”

Viv gave a slow nod.

Jesus, is that all she consumed? No wonder they were frantic. No one can live on just ice, let alone a woman carrying twins under the strain of our traumatic world.

“Maybe you should head back to bed?”

“Don’t keep me in the dark, London.” She glanced my way. “You know how it upsets me.”

“Fuck’s sake, woman.” His tone was desperate and pleading.

I’d never heard London plead. I hadn’t even thought he was capable. But here he was, swallowing hard before he tried again. “Just…just please, for the love of God, be careful.”

“I will.” She caressed his cheek and stared into his eyes.

The moment seemed so intimate and raw. My cheeks burned before I glanced away.

“I will, I promise. Just don’t shut me out, London. Whatever this is, I can handle it.”

“The moment your pulse starts to race or you⁠—”

“I’ll leave. I promise.”

I glanced at him, catching his gentle nod. “Riven,” he called and headed for the gymnasium.

Riven looked my way. “Ah, we’re going to do this in your birthing room?”

London stopped walking. “Unless you have somewhere else in mind?”

“No,” Riven muttered, then followed.

We all did. I waited for Vivienne and walked beside her.

“Ten days,” she muttered, waddling after them. “Ten goddamn days, then I can get these kids out and be goddamn normal.”

“You can do this.” I reached for her hand. “We will help you.”

We made our way slowly into the gym. Vivienne took a seat and moaned with relief.

“Well?” London muttered. “What was so important?”

“The Rossis have gone to ground.” Riven started.

London swiveled around, his glare instant. “Is he pulling his men?”

“Pulling his men? No.” Riven answered. “It’s because of Kat and the baby.”

“Kat and the baby?” London snapped. “What the hell has that got to do with them?”

“Everything.” I whispered. “Because Kat’s baby is Hale’s.”

London froze. Vivienne’s head snapped toward me.

“What?” she whispered. “What did you say?”

“Kat’s baby is Hale’s.”

“No.” She shook her head. “That’s not right.”

“She was already pregnant when Laz met her on the Cosa Nostra island and with a place like that, there’s only a few reasons you’d go. One, to murder another. Two, to make a name for yourself, and three, to hide. I can’t see someone like Kat waiting for either of the first two.”

“I knew her father was associated with Hale,” London murmured, running his fingers through his hair. “It makes sense.”

“It makes sense?” Vivienne repeated and winced. “Jesus Christ, can you imagine how terrified she must’ve been? How…sickened. That poor woman. That poor woman.”

“Which makes perfect sense why they’re going to ground.” Riven added. “Because they suspect, or have a reason to suspect, Hale is coming for them.”

“Oh God.” Vivienne whispered. “Do we reach out to them?”

“No,” London answered. “We wait for them to come to us. The Rossis are ruthless, both of them. They won’t just sit back and wait for him to tear their world apart. They’ll be making moves of their own, and as long as we are fighting the same man, then we do nothing.”

Doing nothing felt like hell.

Doing nothing felt like abandonment.

Riven glanced my way. His dark eyes told me the same thing my own mind was. He didn’t like it. None of us liked it, but we had no choice. Until the Rossis called, we had to focus on our own battle.

The conversation moved into what men we had arriving. The list of allies was growing. Still, it wasn’t enough.

You need more men, Principal, if you plan on surviving. The rogue Son’s words replayed in my head and that panicked feeling returned as London and Riven talked.

We did need more men.

But we also needed to work together.

“Call us if you hear anything else,” London murmured, then glanced my way before shifting his focus to Vivienne.

We all did, finding her brow glistening with sweat. I walked over to her, leaned down and pulled her against me.

“Ten motherfucking days,” she whispered. “Then I’ll be good.”

I hoped to God she lasted that long. I hoped even more that we’d find Hale, then take the bastard and his vile men out and be done with all this. Then my sister could have her babies and we’d all just move on.

But as I pulled away, giving her a smile, a heaviness moved through me. I had a feeling it wasn’t going to be that easy.

“Take care of yourself, Vivienne,” Riven murmured as he placed his hand against the small of my back. “Please, reach out if you need anything at all, day or night. If you need your sister, I’ll make sure she gets here in record time.”

Her mouth dropped open, staring at him as though he’d suddenly grown a second head. As London moved to the doorway, Riven followed, leaving me behind.

“That’s actually the sweetest thing he’s ever said to me.” She shifted her gaze to mine.

“Honey, that’s the sweetest thing Riven’s ever said to anyone,” I answered, ruffling her hair. “He means it, too. Day or night, call me.”

“I will.” She gave a smile.

As I left, Colt was there, hovering in the background, more in tune with her body than anyone could be. That unflinching stare met mine as I passed.

“Be careful,” he murmured.

My steps stuttered. “I will.” I said over my shoulder and was gone, heading along the hallway and outside.

Riven and London talked in hushed tones, until I neared. Then Riven headed for the car. When I climbed in and closed the door behind me, I just sat there.

“Holy shit,” I whispered and slowly turned my gaze to him. “That just happened.”

Riven started the engine before meeting my stare. “It did. Now we need to focus on the future and the things we can do to get this done.” He turned his attention back to the road, pulled out, and accelerated. “Like finding Hale.”

We did. That was my only priority now. Because my sister’s health was deteriorating, that was easy to see, and I wasn’t sure how much longer she could hold on. All I hoped was she made it out of this okay and the babies were healthy. But that fear…that fear festered, growing inside me. Just hold on, Viv. Just hold on.

The car turned, taking different streets as it made its way out of the opulent and deadly streets to a more secluded area with more trees and lush grounds until I lifted my gaze and saw the house in the distance.


My pulse skipped, racing as I jerked my gaze his way. He never flinched, just reached up and pressed the button, causing the garage door to lift. This was the house he’d brought me to on the night of the abduction. The same house I’d fought hard to escape, going so far as to knock this man out cold.

But I hadn’t run…I’d needed him.

I licked my lips.

Wanted him too, if I was honest.

He pulled the car in and killed the engine, waiting for the garage door to close behind us before he glanced my way. “You want me to carry you in, Trouble?”

He meant like that night, right after I’d cut my foot on the smashed headlight of his car. I shook my head and yanked the handle before climbing out of the car. I knew exactly why he’d brought me here. This whole fight to survive was consuming everything, including us.

I closed the door as Riven climbed out and stood beside the car, watching me round the front of the four-wheel drive.

“Are you reliving those moments?” he murmured.

I nodded as the thunder in my chest grew bolder. Flickers of images pushed in, his hunger and my desperate battle with my own sick need. I made my way through the house. It looked exactly the same, green and lush and breathtaking. I reached out and trailed my fingers along the thick, luscious green foliage of the indoor ferns as I headed for the kitchen.

My lips curled into a smile, remembering the look on Riven’s face as he’d cooked me my first vegan meal of oat flour pancakes, then I’d told him they were dry.

“The pancakes, isn’t it?” he murmured behind me.

I dragged my fingers along the counter, then stopped and turned around. “Yes.”

He wasn’t smiling, in fact he was scowling, no doubt reminding himself how he’d failed.

He hadn’t. I just wanted him to believe that.

“They were perfect, you know,” I declared. “The best I’d ever had.”

One brow rose quickly “They were?”

I nodded. “They were.”

“And yet you led me to believe they were dry and tasteless. I’m pretty sure your words were ‘I’ve had better.’”

Fear thrummed through me. His slow step was all predatory, making me instinctively step backwards. He knew how to ignite that adrenaline in me, how he made me want to run, and fight…and beg. He reached up and gripped my throat, driving me back along the hallway to the bedroom.

“You lied,” he murmured. “And you know how that annoys me.”

“Oh, yeah?” I jutted my chin higher, whispering. “So, what are you going to do about it?”

There was a long, slow, snarl with a twitch in the corner of his mouth. He drove me backwards through the room until I smacked into the foot of the bed. With his shove, I flew backwards and landed with a bounce. He was on me in an instant, grabbing my hand as he straddled me.

The cuffs attached to the bed above my head snapped around my wrist. I jerked and pushed upwards. “Riven, let me out of these!”

He grinned and grabbed my other hand. I fought him, bucked my hips and thrashed my body, but he was too strong for me.

The metal cuff clenched around my other wrist, splaying both my arms wide until I hung suspended. Riven breathed heavily, looking down at me as he pulled away.

“You still fight like a demon, Trouble.”

Anger burned as I gripped the cuffs and bared my teeth. “Come closer and I’ll show you just how much.”

He smiled and reached out, brushing his thumb across my cheek. “You think I don’t know how strong you’ve become with the help of my brother’s training?”

I glared as he leaned closer, so close he could kiss me. But he didn’t. Instead, he leaned up, and pecked me on the end of my nose.

“Boop,” he murmured.

I lunged, slamming forward. “Fuck you! Don’t you goddamn BOOP ME!”

His chuckle pissed me off even more. I lunged again. “Let me go, Riven, or so help me God…”

He gripped my ankles, pulling them until my head dropped and hit the pillow. “Go on.” He climbed onto the bed and in between my legs. “Fight and spit and scream.”

He ran his hands up my legs to the juncture of my jeans. His thumbs pushed in, rubbing along my crease. I writhed, moving out of his touch. He didn’t even hesitate, just reached up, opened the button of my jeans, and grasped the zipper tab before I realized it.

The zipper slid slowly down.

“Riven!” I roared.

Cool air brushed my thighs as he dragged my jeans down. I kicked, slamming my boots against the bed. He slid his thumbs under the waistband of my panties and pulled. My breaths raced. My thrashing slowed as he tugged my panties to my knees, then even lower.

His attention turned serious. His ravenous stare focused on my pussy as he frantically tugged my jeans and panties down around my ankles, then moved in.

“Riven.” I moaned as he ran his thumb along the soft flesh of my pussy.

“There’s no being dominant with me, Trouble.” His other hand joined in, rubbing up my lips until he massaged my clit. “I’m not Thomas.”

“I know,” I said, breathlessly as he rubbed back down, making me moan. “I know you’re not.”

“And so.” He leaned down, parted the top of my slit, and sucked. “You’ll lie there and take what I give you.”

“Fuck you,” I whimpered and closed my eyes.

His fingers pushed inside me. “No, Trouble. Fuck you.”

My spine curled as he stroked, then leaned down once more, his tongue finding that trembling, tiny nub and dragging it into his mouth. I rotated my hands and gripped the cuffs, the fight slowly sliding away.

“That’s the way, Trouble,” he murmured. “Look how wet you are.”

I licked my lips and looked down as he lifted his head. His fingers shone as they withdrew, which made me whimper. “I need…I need to come.”

“I know you do.” He murmured, those dark eyes annihilating me. “You want to give in to the feel of my fingers and the slickness of my tongue. You would grip those cuffs and come against my mouth. But that’s not going to happen, Trouble. You see, I need more than just my taste of you. I need to fuck this pretty pussy.” He dropped his hand to the bed and pushed backwards, climbing from the bed as his gaze moved over me. “Fuck, you look so goddamn good right now.”

I sucked in heavy breaths, watching him as he slowly peeled his shirt away and kicked off his shoes. “It’s just like before.” His fingers worked the button of his pants and slid them down, boxers and all, leaving the thick bulge of his cock to spring free. “You all tied up and helpless and me…in control.”

Fire lashed inside me. I jerked my gaze to his, curling my lips. “If you unlock the cuffs, I’ll show you how much things have changed.”

He chuckled and moved to the foot of the bed, then grabbed one of my boots and yanked it off before moving to the other. One hard jerk and it, too, was gone, leaving me with my jeans and panties bunched around my ankles.

“I’m sure you’d love to show me just how unpredictable you can be, Helene.”Text property © Nôvel(D)ra/ma.Org.

God, I loved it when he said my name like that.

My breaths became panting. “Unpredictable and can still kick your ass.”

His smile grew wider as he pulled my jeans and panties off, leaving me in just socks, bra, and shirt. “I’m sure you can.” He climbed back onto the bed and prowled toward me. “But right now, I’m a little more interested in yours.”

“What?” I jerked as he pushed my knees together and rolled me onto my side.

“You heard me.” He said, his hand sliding over my ass until he dipped into the crease. He lowered his head, working the spittle in his mouth. Slick saliva ran down, tickling me, until he used that slick to push against the tight ring of muscle. “That’s the way, baby…breathe.”

I tried to focus, releasing that tension as he pushed deeper. This wasn’t the first time Riven had driven his fingers inside. He was working me, stretching me. Getting me ready for⁠—

He reached over, tugged open the drawer on his nightstand. I couldn’t see what he was getting. “Riven.”

“Trust me, baby,” he said and eased back, lifting my knee until I splayed wide for him.

“Trust?” I yanked on the cuffs, pulling myself upwards until he pushed harder against my ass.

“Breathe,” he repeated.

I released a breath, slowly drawing another in and, at the height of that inhale…Riven pushed in.

“Jesus fucking Christ.” He groaned.

That tight ring of muscle burned as it stretched. I gripped the cuffs, holding on as he eased out.

“This ass is mine.” He groaned, gently driving in once more. “You hear me, Trouble? Goddamn fucking perfect pussy and ass. I want to own every goddamn inch of you.”

I closed my eyes and dropped my head back. Panic mingled with desire until I couldn’t tell them apart. I was terrified and aroused all at once.


Keep going.

My mind and my body were at war, but as he pushed harder, letting the thick head of his cock slide all the way in, I lost all ability to care.

“That’s it.” He purred. “Look at you taking me. Christ, you’re a good girl. Open for me, baby. Make me proud.”

Those words ignited something debased and desperate inside me. I rocked as he thrust, bearing down, releasing all the tension so he could force his way in further.

“You’re so good, look at you taking my cock all the way in this pretty ass of yours. I’m going to fill you, Trouble. By the time I’m done, you’ll be dripping.”

A moan tore free, guttural and pathetic. My clit pulsed, desperate and needing. “Please,” I begged. “Riven, for God’s sake, please.”

“Fuck, I love it when you beg.”

He pulled my knee higher. I looked down, watching his fingers finding that hooded nub. One brush and I jerked with the sensation. My ass clenched, gripping him as he slowly withdrew and thrust back in, only this time harder.

“Oh, fuck,” he moaned, his fingers brushing my clit once more.

My body trembled, stretched and throbbed.

“That’s…my…good…girl.” He grunted, shoving his cock all the way inside, using me as only Riven could.

I wanted him to use me…anyway he wanted.

My body quivered, clenching around him. I closed my eyes.

“The hell you do,” he grunted. “Look at me while I fucking own you.”

I turned my head, meeting his stare.

“That’s it.” His lips curled as he thrust harder.

I couldn’t hold on. That dark, consuming stare. The delicious stretch as he slammed his cock all the way inside and his fingers, the way they rubbed and slipped along my clit before pushing into my pussy. That tremble turned into a quake.

I cried out, gripping the cuffs as my body took over, clenching hard. White sparks exploded, and through the flickering glare, I saw Riven’s desperate look of ecstasy. He bared his teeth, grunting as he drove all the way inside and stilled.

I felt everything. The thick head of his cock and the pulsing vein along his length as he came, filling me with warmth.

“Mine.” He gasped. “You understand that?”

I sucked in hard breaths. If I didn’t remember that before…I sure did now.

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