Coming Home For Christmas

Chapter 24

Lacey's POV.

Oh my god. what have 1 done? Did seriously just agree to mary Logan. tomorrow? After 55d yes to Logan, he happily and excitedly put the ring on my finger before ising me ike both of ur ves depended on t.

1 could resist this Kiss andl 1 foun myself melting into him 21 ran my hands through his once perfectly syled hate.

1 don't know how long we kissed for but we eventually pulled away from one ancther and Logan rested his forehead against mine as bis hot breath mingied vith my own “Youve just made me the happiest man alve, sweetheart “Haver” H— Logan smile whist biting hi lower lp an this made me se because he genuinely looked happy and excite in fac, he looked happier than Dylan did when 1 sid yes to him “Are you serious about marrying me tomorrow” “Yeah, am. 1 know this may pi you of love but heady made arrangements for us to get married before we go back to New York” He says shocking me.

Seriously? when did you make plans for us to get marred?” “When left here earlier on?” What the hell

“One of the other things I overheard Logan Junior say earlier was how worried he was that Id hurt you and break your heart and it made me wanna storm in there and tell him Id never do anything to hurt you but 1 knew words are useless and our kids would want more than Just that so when 1 lft here, 1 called your grandfather hoping he could help me and he did, apparently he owes some guy down at the council a favour and he was able to get us an opening at ten clack in the morning” “My grandparents know about this?" Yep He says with a smirk “Why do you think Bunny kept bringing up our wedding so much?” He asks me and 1 gasp.

That sneaky litle rabbit.

“Your gramps already knew Iwas planning to propose to you because I had asked him for his permission to marry you before I left New.


The more Logan spoke the more his words shocked me but they also saddened me because he asked my grandfather for permission to marry me, shouldnt he have asked my dct Lknow my fther and are on the best of terms right now but it would ve meant the world to me and it wouldve been a great firs step to mending our broken bon if he given Logan his permission to mary me.

“Whats wrong, babe? why are you so sad ll of sudden?” Twas just thinking about my dad. a tradition that you ask the father of the bride f you can marry his daughter not the grandfather” “Babe, 1d ask your dad He says and 1 nap my head up to look at him.

“What? you die?”

“Yeah did, Lalso asked Justin as well” “Wow you ae being serous” say with a slight chuckle and his smile got brighter “Yeah 1am and now youve got no reason to back out o it, tomorrow you're becoming Mrs Black and there's nothing you can do about it” “Thats what you think, sweetheart” Lsay while standing up Logan looked at me with a shocked intrigued expression “Really? and what ar you gonna do to stop our wedding love?” “Im a woman, Logan, we've got many tricks up our sleeves” “Care to share some of those trick with me?” He asks 2 he stands up slowly and walks towards me looking ike a sexy and intimidating wolf stalking is prey.

“Uhh, a smart lady never reveal her ticks” “Even to her husband?” Logan asked me and my chest ied with warmth as a swarm of butterflies lew around in my stomach when h referred to himself as my husband know Ive been hesitant to explore anything with Logan and Ive been allowing my insecurities to dominate my decisions regarding him but can' deny how much love him and the thought of marrying him is actual really exciting an it feel surreal hat in just over twelve hours, 1m gonna be the wife of the world-famous billionaire Logan Black.

“Even my husband” said with 2 smile

Logan then gently cupped my face and kissed my forehead and I closed my eyes as a content sigh escaped my mouth.

“This is gonna sound crazy considering were eral engaged now but are you staying here toigh or are you going back to your hotel?” ask and Logan chuckles as he looks down at me like Im his whole world “Tm staying here, babe, f you dont mind" “Of course 1 dors, Tm prety sure the kid wil love it when they wake up tomorrow and find you here” “I hope sor Logan ssid as he caressed my cheek with is thu.

“Tlove you Lacey” “Ilove youtoo, Logan” L5ay with a smile feeling ike a weight had been lft off my shoulders ater finally confessing my love to him.

Logan seemed shocked but happy to hear my confession and felt his rip on me tighten just a ite “Say it again “Tlove you Logan”

“And again” He says and 1 chuckle.

“Logan stop. youre gonna hear ta lt in your life, you don't wanna get bored of hearing me say love you 50 on, do you?® “Til never get bored of hearing i, love” Logan whispers against my lips before kissing me.

ur kis id as ong because we were iternupted by a nise coming from the hal Inamrowed my eyes in confusion a looked between Logan and the door Talked over and opened t and! found myself smiling when saw my mischievous ite princess standing there with a ile on her face.

She's wesring her blue Lite Mermaid pyjamas an her hai has been put in two brads which i odd because her hair wasn' styled this way before she went to bed zo when id this happen”.

“Teddy what are you doing up? you shouid be in bec “wanted to kiss daddy goodnight before he leaves” She says sweetly as she tres to look past me to see her dad Logan came up behind me and wrapped his arm around my waist 2 he looked down at our baby gir with an amused expression.

“Hi princess” “Hi, daddy. are you leaving now?” “No baby Im not, Im staying here tonight” “With mummy?”

Teddy ask with a raised eyebrow and a smug litle look on her cute face “Yes vith mommy; why have you got a problem with that” “Nope: “Good because Iwas staying here whether you ike it or not” Logan says sassy and 1 chuckle “If you say s0,dadely. amp ight, night Teddy waved as she ran avy.

“Hey: thought you wanted a goochight kis from your dad?” “Oh yest Teddy ran back towards us and ran straight nto her father’s arms Logan picked his daughter up and snuggled her close to him he kissed her cheek before nuzzing his face in her litle neck.

twas a sweet sight to see and I could tll from both of thir faces that they were happy and content with each other twas heartwarming to see my baby ir being held by her dad butt alo tugged painfully at my heartstrings because of the uit was feeling fo keeping them apart

Tknow none of them blame me but still, 1 do and 1 really wish this guilt would ease up a little but I doubt it ever will felt something warm touch my hand and when 1 ooked down, aw Logan was holding my hand again. Content is © by NôvelDrama.Org.

Hooked up at him and: saw him looking at me with concer as he mouthed are you ok? to me, just led and nodded my head “We should get you back to bed, baby we've gotta get up early inthe morning” “Why? thought ie were leaving after dinner” “We are but firs your mommy and 1 have got a surprise for you al before we eave” Teddy looked between the two of us looking very excited and kind of intrigued.

“Wht the surprise?” “Its secret we'e keeping unti you wake up tomorrow” “Thats not far, dadely” “know Logan said a he kissed our daughter.

“Come on, the sooner we go to sleep the sooner we can wake up and find out what the surprise i” “Whats with the we, daddy? you lreal know what the surprise is “Oh yest Logan said vith a chuckle and Teddy rolled her eyes.

Seeing these two together is honesty cute

Seeing these two together is honestly cute.

Logan, Teddy and headed upstairs an Logan tucked our daughter bck into bed and read her bedtime sory while went to my room and got ready for bed had already showered and changed nto some fesh pyjamas when Logan came nto my room and approached me from behind in the bathvoom He wrapped his arms around my waist and nuzle is face into my neck as h lt outa tired sigh.

“are you ok” Lack him “No, our hid i tiresome, she made me rea The Litle Mermaid to her tice” He says and 1 chuckle “Ifthis i your reaction to Teddy then Dayton is gonna leave you catatonic” Logan fed his head out of my neck and rested his chin on top of my shoulder a he looked at me inthe mirror “How did you cope for five years on your own, babe?” “Twain ahways on my own, had Carmella hee to help me most of the time” “Well, you don't need Carmella anymore love youve got me” Logan ssid before kising my temple.

twas gonna take alot of geting used to having a man around again but was willing to do it for not only Logan and our kids but aso for myself because 1 deserve to be happy with the man Im in love with

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