Chapter 53 


She has nothing of mine? 

She has nothing of mine?! 

I crane my neck back, laughing without an ounce of humor whilst the water continue running down my body. 

She’s delusional if she thinks that she isn’t mine. Her existence is mine, that body is mine, those eyes are mine and should be kept on me, those lips are mine. Everything she has is mine. 

Everything she is and will ever be belongs to me. 

Especially those two angels. 

I’ve always known Mirabella to be nothing less than perfection, and now, she has blessed me with the most perfect children. They’re out of this world with their peculiar features and I made that. 

I made that

I have two fucking kids and I made them with the love of my life! 

This is going to be so much fun. 

I laugh some more, wrapping the towel around my waist, hurrying to get ready for the dinner that’s about to begin in less than thirty minutes… I cannot wait to speak to my children. I have a shit ton of questions to ask them and I know very well how pissed Mirabella will get by the time 1 set my plans in motion. 

She has nothing of mine? We shall see then. 

Walking down the stairs, my eyes lock with Mirabella’s. I hold her stare for about a minute before shifting my gaze to my son who’s looking at me in awe with his mouth gaped open. He gasps, widening his eyes when he notices me staring back at him. The action draws an amused chuckle out of my throat. With a shake of my head, I shift my gaze to my daughter. 

The devil herself. She’s glaring into my soul, her eyes drilling holes into my skull and her bottom lip caught viscously between her teeth. I raise a brow at her in warning and she does the same. 


My daughter is warning me to look away from her and she’s like what? Five? 

I love her already. 

Don’t get me wrong, Пlove both my children equally but I think I have so much fun with the little devil. She’s my alter ego. 

The Ettle version 

of me. 

With a clear to my throat, I take my seat directly opposite my children and the helps begin serving everyone on the table their own portion of 


“So you’re Mariana and he’s Mariano, like twins?” I direct my question to the kids and they nod frantically 

Mariana swallows her food, “I’m the oldest and the strongest Mamá said I almost ate my brother in the wombl That’s how strong I am!” She giggles and I raise a brow, turning my head to peek a glance at Mirabella. 



Chapter 53 

She’s looking at me–scratch that- she’s glaring at me, shaking her head and silently warning me to stop speaking to her kids. I scoff. 


“Well, it’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance Mariana, Mariano. They both take a glance at themselves, giggling happily as though they have something mischievous up their sleeves. “I’m Matteo, that’s my mother Maria and that beautiful lady is my sister Julia. I’m your 


“Friend! Friend…” My wife intervenes, chuckling uncomfortably. “He’s my long time friend. Now let’s all eat quietly, okay? She glares at me and I shrug my shoulders. 

What does she take me for? Does she really think that I’d burden my kids with that heavy knowledge without her permission? 

dare you guys?* 

I clear my throat. “So, how old are you 

“Fivel” They both bellow. 

“You’re pretty big for your age.” 

  1. Your 

“Mmhmm…Mamá says we have our father’s genes.” Mariana mutters, causing me to chuckle. I suppose your mamá acknowledges) father’s perfection then. 

I hold Mirabella’s stare when I ask, “you know who your father is?” 

Her nose flare. “That’s enough, Matteol Stop bombarding my children with questions that’d discomfort them.” Her palm slaps against the table surface and she gets off her seat, fuming with anger, 

“Come on children, we’ll finish dinner upstairs.” She grasps Mariana’s and Mariano’s hands, pulling them away from the dining area and heading upstairs to their room. “Get me a box of pizza!” She yells and one of the kid’s nanny grabs one box of pizza, running after them. 

I can feel everyone’s judging eyes on me but I would be a liar if I said that it bothered me the slightest bit. 

I have one goal and one goal only. Getting to know my children is all that I so desperately desire. 

My desperation is so deep rooted that it has me shaking tremendously in my seat whilst my eyes follow their retreating backs. 

I wait for long minutes, somehow stalling, waiting for them to be out of sight and inside a room before getting off my seat and running after 


I follow through until I’m standing directly in front of the door to my children’s room. I suppose. 

A minute pass. 




And for approximately thirty minutes, I stand by the door, my shoulder leaned against the wall and my lips stretched into a toothy smile whilst I listen to my wife’s and children’s interaction. 

They converse with so much love and joy and freedom. 

It warms my heart to hear Mirabella laugh so carelessly after such a long time. But it kills me that I’m not participating in their happiness, it unnerves me. It drives me to a point of tears that I might’ve ruined my chances at experiencing the comfort that comes with having a complete family. 

12:24 Sat, 22 Jun 

Chapter 53 

“Hey mama?” I hear Mariana call out and Mirabella hums at her. “That man is our father, is he not?” 

Ch God. 

She’s smart. 

They’re incredibly smart. 

“Baby, how do you-” 

“You can tell us the truth mama. Remember you’ve always taught us to be truthful even if it’ll hurt.” Mariano butts in and a few minutes of silence ensues amongst them, 

Mirabella heaves out a defeated sigh, “yes he is. That man…Matteo is 

is your 


“Then why did he leave us mama?” Mariano asks and a lone tear slides my cheek. 

I was a fool! 

Tam a fooll 

I want to scream but force myself into silence. 

“You papa didn’t leave us. Matteo is a wonderful man and if anything, he wanted us with him but me and your papá had our differences and mama had to travel for a bit. Sometimes, it is good to stay apart from the person you care about in order for things to work out, do you understand?” 

“But you’re angry at him mamá. I see it in your eyes. And the way you screamed at him during dinner…did he hurt you in the past?” Mariana enquires further and my knees threaten to give out on me. 

My wife clears her throat. “We have our differences baby. You know how you and your brother get into fights but reconcile later? That’s the situation with me and your papá. He hurt me and I hurt him twice as much but he really is a good man and it was with him that I found profound happiness.” 

My heart shatters at her words. 

I want to scream and tell her to paint a bad picture of me to our kids, I want them to hate me, I expected her to scream at them never to speak of me but she’s killing me slowly by making all these beautiful and unrealistic assumptions about me. 

She found profound happiness with me? 

It couldn’t be because if I remember it correctly, Mirabella suffered a great deal under my roof. She suffered so much that it has become both a wonder and a miracle that she’s alive and well today. 

Why didn’t he come sooner, mama?” Mariano asks. 

Well, your father is a man with lots of demons. He doesn’t have the same psychological mechanism as every other normal person so things tend to take him a little longer to get through.” 

The twins giggle in mockery, probably at the use of big english words. Perhaps their inability to understand the depth of the situation. “What are demons, mamá?” 

“They’re like the things that keep you up at night for the wrong reasons.” Mirabella answers and the twins hum in understanding. 

“Go to sleep guys. Hove you both so much!” She bellows and they both scream, “we love you more mam in unison. 

12:24 Sat, 22 Jun 

Chapter 53 


Mirabella’s footsteps begins approaching the door but the moment she twists the door knob, one of the kids calls out to her and she has. 

“Is Matteo your demon?” This question comes from Mariano and I suck in a breath as I await her answer, “We’re asking because we’ve you crying at night while looking at pictures of him.” Mariana comments, gaining a chuckle from their mother. 

“You can say that, yes.” She pulls the door open and I immediately blend with the darkness, quietly following behind her until she’s in front of 

her door, 

“It’s very wrong to eavesdrop on other people’s conversations, Matteo.” She whispers, looking back at me. 


She’s gotten good. 

I let out a chuckle. “So? Your demons, hmm?” She ignores me and pushes her door open, walking in before attempting to shut it against my face but I swiftly maneuver my way in.. 

“They’re my kids after all, I breathe out, causing her features to morph into something demonic. “I have nothing of yours, Matteo, and I quite frankly hate that you’re parading all around my house without my consent. I could very well kick you out if I will it” 

Laughter bubbles out of me. “You speak 

k to me as though I’m some broke, helpless boy you’ve picked up on the street!” I growl in her face, backing her up until she’s trapped in between the wall and my body. “Don’t be in hurry to forget who the fuck I am just because you saved my life.” 

o control mysel NôvelDrama.Org holds © this.


I’m unable to 


Control. My subconscious singsongs but 

dangerously close proximity with me. 

Shit! She’s incredible. 

She’s beautiful. 

She’s alluring 


wurge has become too strong that ble to overlook the goddess standing at this 

My hand involuntarily cups her breast, squeezing so hard. My head burrows into the nook of her neck and I suck in a deep breath, allowing myself bask in her fragrance. 


I’ve missed this feeling. 

“You’re mine Mirabella…” I breathe out and a low moan slips her lips when my thumb swipes across her nipple. “Your heart is mine, your body belongs to me, you’re still my wife.” Low chuckle bubbles out of my throat. “You’re right though. You were right when you said you have nothing of mine. Do you know why that is?” 

Both our eyes lock in a way that convinces me that a battle has ensued between my wife and I. Her unique orbs almost bring me to my knees but I hold strong 

With a low chuckle, I murmur, “You have nothing of mine because your whole existence belongs to me.* 

Her orbs flash with rebellion. 

12-24 Sat, 22 Jun 

Chapter 53 

“No.She breathes in a low whisper and my teeth immediately sinks into her skin, my hand sliding underneath her garment. My fingers dip into her pussy and I find her wet, throbbing and ready to be taken. She moans when I tease her clit. 

“Even your pussy agrees that you belong to me. Look how wet you are and I haven’t even touched you properly.” I muffle. 

your stupid self out of this part of 

“It’s out of my control.” She grips my hair and yanks my head off her. “You have less than five minutes to get yo the mansion, else, I’ll release my little friends on you.” 

I chuckle. “Dogs? You of all people should know that I have such beastly friends roaming around in my own home. They don’t scare me, I 

scare them.” 

Pulling her door open, I flash her a mischievous smirk that causes her to swallow hard on nothing. “There’s no shame in admitting that I’m your demon. Because the truth is that you Mirabella are my demon too and I’ve embraced the truth of the matter.” 

With that, I bolt out the door speedily with my brain moving in circles. I walk into my room and the only thought in my head is how to win my family back. 

She’s my demon and it’s time I faced her head on. 


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