Claiming The Rejected Omega

Chapter Sixty Five

As Mr. Thomas calls Max to the stand, the courtroom falls into a hush of anticipation. The veteran lawyer knows how to put a witness through the wringer, and Max’s body language betrays his nerves as he takes the stand.

“Mr. Wallace,” Mr. Thomas begins in a tone that oozes with practiced authority, “you have provided us with quite a story. A story about a woman so consumed by jealousy that she resorted to poisoning her best friend. And you, Mr. Wallace, are the star witness in this little drama.”

Max swallows hard, his eyes flickering around the room as if seeking an escape. Mr. Thomas leans in, his piercing eyes boring into Max’s.

“I have to ask, Mr. Wallace, what makes you such an expert on Emily’s innermost thoughts and motivations? How do we know that you’re not the one with the axe to grind?”Owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

Max’s eyes widen in surprise, and he stammers for a moment before finally managing to get his words out.

“I-I don’t have any kind of grudge against Emily. I’m just telling the truth.”

“The truth,” Mr. Thomas repeats, his tone dripping with skepticism. “How convenient. And what, pray tell, was your relationship with Emily like?”

Max hesitates for a moment before admitting that he and Emily had been involved romantically before she started dating Liam. The courtroom erupts in murmurs of shock and disbelief, and Chloe feels a cold sweat break out on her forehead.

“Ah, I see,” Mr. Thomas says, his voice dripping with sarcasm. “So you had a little fling with Emily, and now you’re willing to throw her under the bus in order to save your own skin. How very noble of you, Mr. Wallace.”

Max’s face reddens with anger and embarrassment, but he can’t seem to find the words to defend himself. Chloe can see the doubt etched on the faces of the jurors, and she feels a sense of dread settling over her.

Mr. Thomas presses on, his voice rising in intensity.

“And what about your visit to Emily in prison, Mr. Wallace? Did you offer to take the fall for her in exchange for a little romance?”

Max’s face turns beet red as Mr. Thomas reveals the sordid details of his conversation with Emily. Chloe can barely contain her anger and disgust as she realizes just how manipulative Max has been.

“Objection!” Lucas’s voice rings out from the back of the courtroom. “Mr. Thomas is badgering the witness and trying to lead the jury with insinuations.”

The judge bangs his gavel and calls for order, but the damage has already been done. Max’s credibility has been severely undermined, and Chloe can feel the case slipping away from her.

As the judge calls for a recess, Chloe makes her way outside, desperate for some fresh air. Aiden follows close behind, his face etched with concern.

“Chloe, are you okay?” he asks, his hand on her shoulder.

She shakes her head, tears of frustration streaming down her cheeks.

“I can’t believe this is happening. I thought we had a solid case, but now everything’s falling apart.”

Aiden pulls her into a hug, offering what little comfort he can.

“We’ll figure it out,” he says, his voice firm and reassuring. “We’ll find a way to get to the truth.”

Chloe nods, but deep down she knows that things are more complicated than they seem. As she and Aiden sit on the bench, lost in thought, the sound of the courtroom doors slamming shut echoes in the background, sealing their fate for the next phase of the trial.

Lucas stood up and began his cross-examination of Max, his demeanor oozing with confidence and cunning. “Mr. Max, do you deny that you were in a romantic relationship with Emily, while she was still involved with Mr. Liam?” Lucas asked, his voice dripping with accusation.

Max shifted uneasily on the stand, feeling the weight of the courtroom’s scrutiny. “I don’t deny it,” he said, his voice shaking slightly.

Lucas pounced on his answer. “Ah, so you admit to being a cheater and a liar? How do we know that you’re not lying right now, in order to implicate my client?”

Max’s face reddened with indignation. “I’m not lying,” he said firmly.

Lucas gave a sly grin. “But why did you really come forward with this information? Did someone pay you to do it?”

Max’s eyes widened in disbelief. “No, of course not! Why would anyone pay me to do that?”

Lucas leaned in, his eyes piercing. “Well, perhaps someone had a motive to pin this crime on my client, and they needed a fall guy to do it.”

Max shook his head, feeling frustrated. “That’s ridiculous. I came forward because it was the right thing to do.”

Lucas scoffed. “Oh, so now you’re a hero, is that it? I find that hard to believe, especially given your track record with Emily.”

Max’s fists clenched in anger. “I already admitted my mistake with Emily, but that has nothing to do with this trial!”

Lucas continued to hammer away at him, using every trick in the book to sow doubt and confusion in the minds of the jury. Max tried his best to stay calm and collected, but it was clear that Lucas was getting under his skin.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Lucas sat down, looking satisfied with his performance. The judge called for a recess, and Max stumbled off the stand, feeling exhausted and defeated.

As he walked out of the courtroom, he was met with a barrage of reporters, all shouting questions at him. He tried his best to answer them, but his mind was a blur. He just wanted to get out of there and forget about the whole ordeal.

Meanwhile, Aiden watched the proceedings from the back of the courtroom, his face etched with concern. He knew that Lucas was a skilled lawyer, and that he would stop at nothing to clear his client’s name.

But Aiden was not about to give up without a fight. He knew that he had to come up with a solid defense strategy, and quickly. He went over to Chloe, who was sitting with her head in her hands, looking distraught.

“We’ll get through this, Chloe,” he said, trying to reassure her. “We just have to stay strong and stick together.”

Chloe looked up at him, her eyes filled with tears. “I don’t know if I can handle this, Aiden. It’s all just too much.”

Aiden put a hand on her shoulder, trying to comfort her. “We’ll get through it, I promise. We’ll find a way to prove Emily’s guilt and clear your name.”

Chloe nodded, still looking doubtful. But Aiden was determined to see this through to the end. He knew that it would be a tough road ahead, but he was willing to do whatever it takes to help his friend.

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