Claiming His Resisting Mate

Chapter 45 – Planning For The Battle


“Where were you last night? I thought you had returned after us” Savannah asked.

“I spent the night there,” I smiled.

“Wait, you say, you spent the night there with your mate?” Tanea asked.

I nodded again, “yeah, well I planned something for him. I thought to give him a special treatment since he has been so loving towards me”

“Wow, I appreciate your efforts Reese, I mean yes, though those men look dark and dangerous but they are too loving” Savannah giggled.

“Of course, I can see the love on your body” Tanea laughed and Savannah covered her neck with a blush. I shook my head. It’s good I wore a halter neck dress or the love bites would have been exposed. And Tanea would not leave a chance to tease.

“As if you are free from it” Savannah rolled her eyes. “My brother is kind of wild isn’t he? He even didn’t spared your arms and legs”

Tanea groaned “do you have to bring up this matter when I am in a good mood. Come on that man only knows how to use teeth, I guess he never learned to be a gentle”

“Are you cursing your own mate?” Savannah raised an eyebrow.

“Well…. I am doing it openly” Tanea shrugged while Savannah and I laughed.

“What are you laughing at?” A yawing Adriana walked in. Currently we are in the dining room. Adriana looked exhausted and she was still wearing her night suit and her hair was messy.

“Aw… what happened to you, you look really…. umm…” Tanea frowned.

Adriana sat down on the chair and yawned again “what?”

“You looked weird today” I told her, “tell me is it your mate’s doing?”

“Hmm…” Adriana nodded, “that man, he took revenge on me. He said I was the mastermind behind those plans and I needed to be punished” she rolled her eyes, “I mean come on can’t we girls have some good moments and enjoy life a little? He used his animalistic ways on me”

“He is already an animal. Remember he is the Alpha here” Tanea knocked on the table.

“I think we need to enjoy the morning coffee first then talk about it” I said as the maid brought hot coffee for us.

“I was craving it. I really needed to build my energy and think of a way to take revenge on him” Adriana glared at her cup.

“Are you getting revenge?” Savannah asked.

“Why not?” Adriana shrugged, “though he was powerful last night but I am not letting him to manhandle me like that. Arrggghhh… What does he think of himself? I will definitely kill him” she said angrily and grabbed her cup and drank the coffee but suddenly puked, sticking her tongue out, “so hot…” She fanned her tongue with her hand.

I rolled my eyes, “you can think of that later, I told you let’s enjoy the coffee time instead of thinking about them”

“Yeah right” Tanea blew her coffee before taking a sip. “Umm… it’s good”

“That man is still torturing me” Adriana groaned as we looked at eachother and rolled our eyes. She says she will take revenge while she can’t stop talking about her mate.

Adriana is the biggest weirdo.


“Here, can you see this? These snaps were taken when he was lurking around. I first thought it was a rogue but his face was revealed later” Jordan placed the pictures on the table.

I looked at the picture and clenched my fist, “were you able to catch him?”

“Not possible, he was clever to stay outside the boundary. He knows how to play cards John and the way he was sneaking around, I guess he was trying to find something or trying to checking the area” he pointed to another picture, “here see this picture, look at how he was looking around”

I pursed my lips as I looked at those pictures. I grabbed it and told him, “I need to talk to Alpha about it. In the meantime make sure to watch the border area closely. Any slight movement should be noticed”

“Okay , I will take care of it,” he nodded.

“Good, double the security at the border and around the pack. I will go and meet the Alpha” with those words I walked out of the room. I walked directly towards the study room while I heard a laughing sound. I stopped and tilted my head to look only to find my mate laughing with other girls. They were sitting in the dining room while talking about something. Seeing her smiling and laughing made me smile. No matter what, I will never let her away from me. This time I will make sure of it. With that I walked towards the study again.

Hardwick, Devak were already there, they were talking about something else. When I walked inside they looked at me.

“We were about to call you. Where have you been?” Cassius asked.

“Jordan captured a few snaps yesterday and he brought them in the morning. I went to see it” I said as I walked towards them then threw the pictures on the table.

“Fuck, isn’t he the man who attacked in my pack?” Hardwick glared at the picture.

“Hmm… he is Kole, the beta of Hell Hound,” Cassius replied and looked at me, “he was sneaking around the territory?”

“He was searching I guess. Trying to find a place or something” I replied.

“Wait” Devak grabbed one picture and looked seriously “I guess he was here to look for the right place to execute their plan”

“What?” Cassius frowned.

“I mean, he must be looking for the right place from where they can start the underground attack technique. It must be” Devak shook his head.NôvelDrama.Org content.

“Looks like they are getting ready to attack” Hardwick frowned.

“We need to speed up our plan too. We need to make a web to reverse their underground attack. Demon is ambitious and impatient now. We need to prepare ahead or it will lead us to disadvantage” Cassius said and we nodded in agreement. The tension of war is going on and it won’t stop until Demon dies. This Hell Hound is creating troubles all the time and I hate to say I couldn’t kill him.

Soon we are standing in the training field. Our men gathered in raw while Cassius stood at front and Hardwick, Devak and I stood at side.

“Today we are here to discuss something important. It has been long since Silver Shine has engaged in any battle. But I guess this time we needed to fight to save the pack again. The Hell Hound Pack is lurking around calling for danger. If we aren’t prepared enough then it will only lead the whole pack into destruction. The main problem is that Hell Hound has secret fighting techniques which we don’t know. This technique is called underground attack, we hadn’t had any defense against it but now I think we can beat it for sure. So we are here today to train how to defend ourselves against this attack. I want to know what my pack had to say. Are you ready?” Cassius shouted.

“Ready…. We are willing to do anything to defend the pack” the crowd cheered back.

Cassius nodded, “this is what I expected from my pack. Silver Shine will never bow to their enemies, we will fight till we have the last drop of blood in our body”

“Yes” the crowd raised their hands as they shouted back.

“Good, Alpha Hardwick and Devak will guide you to learn the defense technique, and I want you all to cooperate with them. Is that clear?”

“Yes” the crowd cheered again.

Cassius turned to look at Hardwick and Devak “it’s your turn now”

Devak walked forward, “let’s do this. And defeat those morons once for all” he yelled, raising his fist in the air while The crowd did the same.

“You look tired,” Reese said as soon as I stepped into the room.

“The training was hard today. A new technique was proposed and we tried the whole day to make it work” I sat on bed and unbuttoned my shirt.

“A new technique?” She frowned.

I nodded, “Kole was seen on the border again which raised the question of the battle against them”

She gasped, “you mean the war is finally happening?”

I nodded, “Hell Hound is strong with their attack style so Hardwick and Devak also proposed a defense technique. We have bee training in the field to see how effective it could be”

She walked to me and sat beside me, “so what happened? Did it work?”

“Though it was not bad, we will know it after a few days of training. Hardwick and Devak decided to stay here because of the danger around. I guess the battle could happen anytime which is why we need to prepare in advance and stay close to each other to be strong”

She sighed, “though I was expecting it but I never thought it would happen this fast. Sigh, this battle and everything I am seriously tired of it” she frowned.

I chuckled, “are you scared darling?”

She turned her head throwing a glare “what nonsense are you asking? Why should I be scared?”

“You just said it”

She rolled her eyes, “let me remind you, I said tired, and you got the wrong point. I have been training myself in the woods when I wandered around to improve my wolf’s skills and abilities. If this battle is bound to happen and I am bound to join this fight and kill those bastards”

“I like that spirit” I smirked and leaned closer to her.

“Ewww…. you stink, go and have a shower first” she pushed me away while I laughed.

“Your man is hard working darling” I got up from bed and forwarded my hand “wanna join me?”

She glanced my hand and tilted her head before smiling, “ay, with a pleasure”

She laughed when I threw her over my shoulder and walked towards the bathroom.

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