Claimed By The Don

Chapter 8

Ava p. o. v

it’s unusual to see four expensive cars packed in front of our house, it’s not like we always have visitors. And with cars. Not that we didn’t have relatives that are rich and have cars but they don’t necessarily come visiting us, I personally think it’s because dad isn’t who he was before.

He’s partially normal now, not that ambitious and carefree man they benefit from anymore, that makes him useless to them. I mean he already lost his sanity, they couldn’t get anything from him, so why stress themselves visiting.

I don’t particularly hate them, I just hate how ungrateful they are. After everything he did for them, he lost everything he works so hard for just because he was building their lives. But look how they pay him back, turning their backs at him when he needed them the most.

All this thinking about their betrayal adds to all the furstration and heartbreak he’s having.

I want to make them pay for what they did, to feel the pain of the person they trust turned their back on.

With so much anger buried deeply in my heart, why won’t I want to make them pay. No body should criticize me for not being forgiving, screw that shit. when you watch your once sweet dad turn into something else, and your mom struggling to put food on your table then you will understand where I’m coming from.

I mentally shook my head removing those disturbing thoughts from my head.

As if the cars packed in front of our isn’t shocking enough, then this would shock you more, standing like a giant statue in front of our house blocking the entrance are two men dressed in all black suit and an equal intimidating black glasses on, hands behind their backs staring straight ahead.

Fear gripped me, many questions swam in my head.

What happened, is the most outstanding one, are they here to seize our only shelter away? what trouble did dad stir up this time.

I shared a confused look with Alex.

“Can you make way for us?” Alex said or more like ask, even I wasn’t bold enough to speak up, scared that they might hurt us.

“State your names and reasons for being here.” The most bulky one among the two said blankly, they both wore blank expression like they been controlled.

Ridiculous right? How you get questioned before entering your own home, as for me it’s rather serious than it look.

What on planet Earth is going on.

“This our home! let us through.” Grace high pitched voice snapped, snappy baby I cooed inwardly, but that might bring us harm rather than good. I held her closer to me when the men glare at her, their gaze making her cower.

“State your names and reasons for being here.” The other man repeat more calmer than the first one.

“We aren’t telling you no shit.” Alex sometimes scare me with this boldness of his, like now stepping in front of me and Grace blocking us from any incoming psychical harm, it’s heart warming but also terrifying. Especially, when the people he’s up against are twice his seize. He won’t be able to fight them all alone, so I did the one thing anyone would.

I gently dragged him aside, then smile apologically at them.

“Could you at least go in and confirm if we aren’t supposed to be here?” The taller and bulkier one eyed me suspiciously before pushing a button on the Bluetooth in his ear.

“Boss there are three kids here claiming they live here.” He spoke.

Not even a minute later the door open revealing Mom and a man, which I instantly recognise as one of the men that came with Dario to the cafe, no, not the middle one.

What the hell is he doing here, I didn’t offend them the other day and if I did why coming here instead of just dealing with my fucked up back there.

Mom is anything but calm, she’s completely the opposite, Terrified. Hands shaking and lips quivering, she looks paled like all the blood had been drain from her. She nod once and the door was open wide for us to enter.

Once inside I glanced around taking in the situation in the house, a sober dad stood like an image almost afraid to move. Then sitting on Dad’s favorite and personal chair which nobody is allowed to, is none other than the scary God like man from the cafe, Yes, the middle one. He sat comfortably leg crossed on each other on the small center table in the living room, too concentrated on his phone to even acknowledge our presence.

“Mom what’s going on.” Alex broke the thick silence that has stretch in the room not minding if he offend anyone, mom shook her head at Alex silently telling him not to say a word.

What the hell, why isn’t mom saying anything, did I really offend them or is it something else I’m obviously missing out on?.

“Dear boy, your dad here borrowed money from us but had refuse to pay us back, what do you think we should do.”  The man that led us in spoke since none of our parents were bold enough to do so.

I was shock as hell.

Dad borrowed money? for what? How come none of us knew about it until now.

Wait a minute, Mom knew. That’s what she has warned me about, Incase of dad’s creditors.

“How much.” Alex sneered glaring daggers at dad who hung his head down in shame.

“How much?” He chuckled humorlessly, ” five million dollars only.” he said coldly, emphasizing on the ‘Only’ in mockery.

I received the shock of my life for the second time today.

Holy shit.

Five fucking million shitty dollars? what on Earth did he use it for. Why did he need to borrow such huge amount of money, for what, gambling? or drinking? maybe both.

Why, I want to yell in his face. Such amount of money could have change our lives for good, but what did he use it for, unprofitable things.

“What the hell! Dad.” Alex snarl loudly, nobody should blame him for been rude and snappy to dad, He’s just plain angry.

I tore my glaring gaze from dad to the scary man sitting on Dad’s chair as he made an irritated sound but still not looking away from his phone.

“Bring your voices down.” He command, dad visible tense at his command, he glare at Alex for be so nosy.

If I wasn’t scared out of my mind, I would have given dad a piece of my mind. He have no right to get angry at Alex, if he didn’t borrowed money from these people, we wouldn’t be in this situation in the first place.

First, you have to state your name and your reason for being here before been granted access to your own home, then we’re been restricted from speaking in loud tone.


“How are we suppose to get such amount money.” I wonder out softly and quietly, directing my question to no one in particular, I had thought I spoke quietly but I end up gaining everyone’s attention.

For the first time since I entered the living room, He lifted his face from his phone staring straight at me.  I couldn’t move or even lift a finger. I felt trapped in his dark gaze, His eyes were as that of an empty room, dark and lifeless.

Those eyes of his are soul piercing, digging deep into my soul, I shift uncomfortably from one feet to the other nervously, did I say something wrong?

I felt uneasy under his intense stare, I couldn’t continue the stare so I drop my eye to the floor.

“You.” He called roughly, I freeze, my breath cut short in my throat.

He called someone, who? I dare not look up to see who, Nobody should call me a scared bunny. When you are in my position, you would be scared to even breath in his presence.

Mom nudge me, I squint at her, confused as she made a gesture to him as if telling me I’m the one being called.

Wait, What?

He call me, why. Yes I was foolish to speak when he was indirectly telling us to shut it, I Know I’m foolish at times but now I’m stupid.

Slowly, I met his eyes again, I resist the urge to flinch when he waved a finger at me to come to him. But me being me, remain frozen in my place, just staring at him eyes wide,  mouth hung open like an idiot. I couldn’t move, I couldn’t even breath, I continue standing as fear burn it’s way over my body.

“Ava.” I heard dad call, I shift my stare to him,  his eyes dart from to him then back at me. as if remaining me that I’m being called and silently warning me to complie.

Pathetic, how you create a mess and expect someone else to clean it for you.

Shakenly, I paddle my way to him, all the way I could feel his stare boring holes in my face, my face was down clearly avoiding eye contact with him.

Dumbly, I stood before him not knowing what to do, so I settled with fiddling with my fingers.

“Sit.” He spoke, if I have said it before then this is a reminder, his voice can send anyone down to their knees, women to be precise. His voice is alluring yet thick and rough, my knees buckle at the sound of it.Content (C) Nôv/elDra/ma.Org.

I could tell from our previous encounter and this one that he is a man of few words.

Wait a sec, He said something, but I miss it too focused on his voice.

“Huh?” I ask foolishly, can you blame me, when you are in the presence of an insanely handsome man, who is pissed at your family, I have no doubt you would do worst.

“Sit.” He repeated patting his lap.

What the heck.

He wants me to sit on his lap? how crazy, I want yell at him ‘ hey Mr man didn’t your mama teach you how to respect a lady?’ but oh boy that would be a death mission on my path, and I’m not about to embark on that mission.

I made to step back but stop, when I caught his stare and it’s send cold shivers down my spine. I stare back at him for some seconds, his eyes were telling me not to disobey him and I’m pretty sure I’m not going to like the consequences if I do.

I reluctantly complie and sat on his lap like an obedient dog, his arms are quick to wrap themselves around my waist, pulling me close to him. I gasp at his actions, this is totally inappropriate and definitely not on my to do list.

I felt his hot breathe on my neck, causing the hair there to stand. I went stiff when I felt his lips in the nape of my neck, who could have guess that his lips will be this soft.

A moan almost escape me  and that snap me back to the present situation, I shivered in fear and distaste. not that my body is on the same page with me, cause my body is telling me it feels good to be this close to him. like I was supposed to be there, but my mind is screaming at me to run for the hills.

He most have noticed my discomfort and remove his face from my neck, I instantly miss the heat of his lips, I quietly and mentally slap myself for feeling that way .

“MARRY ME” He blanted out casually.

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