Claimed By The Don

Chapter 64

Ava p. o. v

Three years later.

I woke up with a dormat pain wrapped around my abdomen, I groan knowing I have to deal with it for some moment. The first time I felt this kind of pain, I freaked out.

I thought I was losing this baby as well, I alarmed Vince foolishly thinking he could give me some reassurance, but that man freaked out more than I did.

“Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Baby I’m so sorry, tell me what should I do.” I couldn’t resist laughing at the memory.

We went to the hospital and our doctor confirm it’s was normal to feel such pains, as I was close to my due date. I still remembered Vince disturbed face, he made himself clear that he doesn’t like the fact that I have to be in pains, and ask the doctor if he can stop the pain.

He cursed at himself when the doctor told him No.

Vince made it his mission to be personal bodyguard and Nanny, he’s around me everytime and everywhere, his figure looming over me like a shadow. I thought I was going to hate his overprotectiveness, but surprisingly, I’m loving every bit of it, sometimes I even crave it.

Right now I’m in the main Mansion, Vince brought me here to stay since he’s going out of town for business, but I’m going to be staying here until I put to birth.

I shook my head at the sweet memory, coming back from my day dream, luckily the pain has completely die down. I sighed relieved, I slowly start to sit up only to noticed my left leg is stiff.

Oh God! not again.

I groan, I pull myself in a sitting position and just remain, waiting for my leg to free me. I can’t even massage it myself, since my stomach is now a huge round ball to bend.

I grunt feeling as the numbness in my left leg starts tingling in discomfort, feeling like a handful of ants are crawling on it.

I rest my head on the headboard, feeling the need to go back to sleep, but I forced my eyes to stay open. The door to the room open, revealing Marco and a one year old Camila clinging onto Marco.

Her tiny hands are tightly clasped around Marco’s neck, who also wrap around her body to support her weight. Camila is Tricia’s and Dario’s child, they got married a year after that incident and Tricia gave birth to camila last year.

A pregnant Tricia is fun to watch, she will be cute when you saw her rubbing on swallowed stomach tenderly, with motherly affection. But extremely funny when she’s cursing and swearing at Dario for putting her through this, and more annoying when she starts crying for no absolute reason.

I have to give it up for Tricia, been pregnant and still schooling is hella stressful, thankfully, I graduated before I became this full. At that time, I have caught Vince countless times staring at Tricia, I know he wants me pregnant as well but resist from saying it out or doing anything about it.

He promised me that I can get pregnant whenever I’m ready, even went as far as buying my pills and reminding me to have them everyday. When told him I was pregnant, he kept asking me if I was sure I’m ready.

And Man! Vince now worship the ground I walk on.

Ever since Camila’s birth, Marco and camila has been inseparable. Where there’s Marco, there’s camila and where there’s Camila there’s Marco. He was very happy, he finally have a sibling that he can play with, he’s been carrying her every where he went.

“Good morning Mom.” Marco greets smiling cheekily.

I smile at them as Marco walk into the room, Marco dropped Camila on the bed beside me, and she immediately rest head on my tummy. Marco climb into the bed and crawl to my feet, and he started massaging my feets.

It has been our morning routine, Marco always come to my room every morning not falling to come with camila, who always lay her head on my tummy leaving Marco to his work.

The first he did it, I was supper shock and when I ask him to stop, he refused.

“I want my little brother to come out quick, he has been in there for too long and he’s stressing you.” My eight years old Marco had stated with a cute pout.

Yes! It’s a baby boy, I’ve went to check out the gender. I closed my eyes savouring the relieve his massage brought.

Suddenly, I felt a strong wave of pain wash over my lower back again, but this time, it was extreme causing me to double over, startling Camila as she jerk away from me.

I was breathless, I felt tightness on my abdomen, and my hips felt like they were being pulled apart.

Shit! What the hell is going on.

Oh my God! I gasp for air.

“Mom, what’s wrong.” Marco panicked, he quickly got on a kneeing position and held my face. I couldn’t respond, I can only pant, my throat is suddenly dried up.

“Mom please what’s wrong, you’re scaring me.” The pain progressively becomes more intense, my internal organs twist, pulled and squeezed. It felt like all the contents in my body wants to squeeze their way out.

“Ca…. Call… Forrr help…..” I managed out, Even I was not able to recognize what I just said, but Marco seem to understand as was already running out of the door screaming for help.

Camila burst out crying, confused of what was going on.

I felt liquid spilling out of my vaginal, I look down to saw it was water, I immediately understand that I was already into labor, I was already at the edge of the bed.

After my water broke is when the real pain started, it was more of a tightening that got worse and worse until it peaked, then dropped off. If I could have had this particular pain once an hour or even once every ten minutes, I’d have been able to tolerate it. But the fact that just as soon as I get through one contraction another one comes up, it’s tiring and highly intolerable.

The pain was so bad that in the middle of one contraction, I imagined that I walk away from my own body.

I got hopefully when I heard footsteps rushing to my side, hands gripped me and I was carried in a bridal style. I didn’t know who was carrying me, and I don’t care because I assume it must be either, Dante, Dario or Lucas.

I was panting heavily by the time we got to the car, as if I was the one that carried myself here. The engine came to life and speed off.

The drive to the hospital seem to have took forever, but in reality it took just ten minutes to get here. Considering the distance from our house to the hospital, whoever was driving must have broke the speed limit.

I didn’t allow the driver to finish parking, before I fling the door open. Nurses were already waiting for me, four of them help me to lay on the stretcher trolley. I screamed at them to get me inside, and they hurriedly took in the room design for delivery babies.

Doctor and nurses were present in the room waiting, they assist me to lay on the delivery bed and got me into a maternity gown.

“Pus….” I cut the doctor off with a scream as I push, already feeling the baby coming out. Immediately, I felt like all my insides had forced their way out, I relaxed back on the bed exhausted but relieved.

I smiled, hearing the joyful cry of my baby, and all the pains I went was worth. One of the nurse brought my baby boy to me, I cried as I held him for the first time. I hugged him gently to my chest, even though he was not cleaned yet.

My heart swell with pride, just as I couldn’t believe a live was growing inside me, I still can’t believe I’m finally holding him in my arms. Now I understand the feeling of finally begin a mother, I can’t stop staring at him, so tender, small, cute and mine.

“Ma’am.” A nurse called, I look at her stretched hands waiting for me to hand over my baby, but I was reluctant. But I know they have to clean him, so even though I was reluctant, I still hand over but not without a lingering kiss.

After both of us has being cleaned, we were transported to a private room. I cuddle my baby to my chest as he sleeps peacefully, I sigh content.

This is all new to me but I welcomed it my whole heart.

The door open and the whole family floods in, I smile happily as they each carry the baby and rock him back and forth. My parents and siblings are yet to reach here, but I’m sure they’ll be here soon.

Mom was squealing over the phone and promise to be on their way immediately.

“Can I hold him?” Marco whispered as if scared to disturb the baby, I nod and gently place the baby on his arms.

“He’s small and cute.” Marco remarks adorably, he was staring at him intensive, almost not believing he’s little brother is really here.

“Do you like him?” Kara squats besides them, smiling brightly I fear her cheeks will hurt.

“No, I love him.” Marco declares. My Joy is even greater seeing my boys together, there’s nothing that can compare to it.

“Marco!” I called a bit harsher than I intend to, everywhere quiet down as I was now the center of attention.

“Yes Mommy.” He looked confused at my tone.

“Won’t you tell us his name?” I laughed softly as I watch everyone’s face turned surprised, well they might have assumed I will be hating on Marco now that I have my own child. But what everyone didn’t understand is that, Marco is my child, my first son before this baby, and I will love both my kids equally.

“I get to name him?” Marco all but screamed excitedly, I gave him a nod of approval.

“Well…” My mother-in-law ask Marco, as he was still wearing a shock expression, he recovered and made a thinking face.

“Okay… Okay… Luciano. How is that?” He grinned hopefully.

“Perfect.” I placed a kiss on his head, even if he had named him the worst name, I’d have still loved it.

Everyone was smiling happily, chatting amongst themselves, while I rest on the bed smiling not being able to contain my happiness.

Until the door to my ward flung open, I swore the door almost came out of it’s hinges. We all stare wide eyed, waiting for whoever was he/she. We didn’t have to wait for long, because a scared looking Vince stormed in, his eyes searching the room until they lands on me.

“Fucking woman! You’re going to kill me off one day.” He grunt as he rush to my side, he pulled me into him.

“Are you alright, why is there fucking needle in your hand. Tell what happened here baby.” His tone was fearful.

Oh My God! What have I turned the mighty Mafia Don into, he can be scary and mighty to the world, but to us he’s just a big softy.

“Our baby is here.” I told him, I point to the cradle the hospital provides, with Luciano resting in it at my other side. He remained frozen, and stare at the cradle not completely see the baby but can get a glimpse of him.

Vince stood and rush to see our baby, I was given the shock of my life when a single tears slipped from his eyes.

Who would’ve thought.

I cried too as I watch him, he gently pick Luciano in his arms.

“Dad, his name is Luciano, I named him.” Marco boast, chuckled at him and open my arms for him, he quickly came into my arms. Vince cry harder upon hearing what Marco said.Content © copyrighted by NôvelDrama.Org.

This is my family and I can’t be more proud to call them mine.

No matter how many twists and turns, how many ups and downs, and how many threats there is, we survived and came out stronger and together.

And happy.

I couldn’t have it any other way, my family will always be my pride and joy, and my love for my cold, bossy, possessive and overbearing husband will never fade.

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