Claimed By The Don

Chapter 59

Ava p. o. v

I wake up, well my subconscious mind did. I couldn’t open my eyes, neither can I move my body, not even my fingers. I felt someone holding my hand tightly, not too tight that it becomes painfully, but gently tight. It was as if the person wanted some assurance, or was trying to give me some assurance.

From the grip and the fingers, I know the owner of the hand is a female, hopefully, Mom. I really wanted to open my eyes now, to see whoever was here with me, but since my limbs wouldn’t cooperate with me, I can only remain still.

The door open and closed, and two more people came in, they stopped at the foot of my bed.

“Why isn’t she awake yet.” It was Vince, I can recognize his voice in any situation. Only this time, his tone was dark. Like he was barely hang on, I can’t see his face but I know he must be wearing a deep frown on his face.

“She will wake up when her body allows her to, the body still needs time to heal.” The other person who I’m assuming is a doctor replied, from the shaking in the doctors voice, I can tell that Vince is closed to snapping.

“I don’t care what you have to do, but I want her back and breathing.” He hissed, I felt the hold on my hand leaving, and standing up.

“I know you’re worried about her, we all are. But I think you should calm down, I mean the doctor is doing his best.” I know it was Mom by my side earlier, and my doubt has been confirmed.

“Not good enough if she’s not awake.” Vince grumbles, his tone definitely not as before. He respects my Mom, I smiled inwardly at that.

“I think you should go home and freshen up, Ava wouldn’t want to see you like this when she wakes up, right.” Mom said to Vince, who I assume gave a nod since he didn’t respond, rather turned to leave.

I want to see him once before he leaves, but my eyelids weight more than a thousand pounds. I can feel myself struggling with my body, and growing frustrated and angry when I couldn’t open those damn eyes.

“Oh my God, what’s happening to her, doctor.” Mom called out to the doctor, I frown.

What’s happening.This is from NôvelDrama.Org.

“She’s having a panicked attack.” The doctor simply said, what? Who’s having a panick attack, definitely not me. But then the sting on my hand, told me that I’m been injected, and I was the one panicking.

Before I knew what was happening, I slipped into complete darkness, again.

I woke up again with a sore and dry throat, dying for a drop of water, I don’t know if my eyes were open, because the whole place was dark. The only thing that convinced me that my eyes are wide open, were the faint object I can see around the room, as my eyes slowly adjust to the darkness.

I breathe in relief, I realized I can now moved my body. I tried bringing myself up into a sitting position, getting into the said position was a hella difficult job, as my entire body hurts.

I was panting by the time I had manage to get myself sitting, my eyes watered from the pain, I bit my lip stopping any painful sound from coming out. But wasn’t successful, as I released a pained gasped, my back hurts the most.

Those guys were brutal, I didn’t expect to get hospitalized, I was actually hoping we could escape without any of us getting hurt.

“Ava?” Lights flooding into the room, I groan fluttering my eyes closed, I open my eyes slowly letting it gets used to the light.

I brought my gaze to the person who turn on the light, and met with a stunned Tricia. It was as if she couldn’t believe what she’s seeing, she blink, once, twice before rushing to me.

“Ava! You’re finally awake.” She pulled me into a hug, I missed her too no doubt, but her hug is killing me, plus my throat is as dry as a desert.

“Wa… Wat… Water.” My voice was hoarse but it passed my message, Tricia quick unhooked us and served me water from the jug on the nightstand. I gulp down the entire content, with Tricia watching me like a hawk.

I rolled my eyes at her, not been able to resist it. I stretched the glass at Tricia and nod for a refill, she got into action, again I finish the whole water. I burped silently, handing the glass out to Tricia, she dropped the glass on the nightstand and faced me.

It was as if she couldn’t get over the fact that I’m truly awake, that actually got me questioning how long I have been unconscious.

“How long was I out.” I couldn’t resist asking.

“Out? You’re were in coma for four days, the doctor predicted you will wake in the next fourty eight hours, but you didn’t. You won’t believe how scared we were.” Tricia explain, tears rolling down her cheeks.

“You went into shock countless times, we were all really scared. Vincenzo almost lost his mind, for his own safety they locked him up in his room.” I can’t begin to imagine what they all went through, it must be hell watching one’s love one at the doorstep of death.

“Where’s everyone.” I ask when I noticed we were the only ones in the room.

“Your Mom went out for fresh air, and the rest went home.” Tricia informed, I nod.

“What about Vince.” I held my breath, waiting for her reply, she had said Vince was locked in the room, is he okay now?

“He hasn’t been seen since two days ago, that was the last time you went into shock, ever since he hasn’t come to the hospital. But I’m sure he’ll be here the minute he found out you’re awake.” Tricia shook her head.

I just hope he’s ok, and I wish to see him soon, I miss he like hell.

Suddenly, I still, My baby!

My hands immediately went around my stomach, wrapping it protectively. Tricia stare followed my action, understanding my unsaid question.

“I’m sorry Ava, they could only save one of you.” She answered.

And I lost consciousness.

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