Claimed By The Don

Chapter 5

Ava p. o. v

I didn’t realize how much I’ve missed my Mom and siblings until now, the day passed by painfully slow, I’ve been waiting anxiously for this day. Now I’m sitting in the taxi my feet bouncing off the floor eagerly as we move down the familiar street I’ve spent all my life in.

The three hours ride from the University located in the main city of Seattle is already killing me, and this short ride from the bus stop to our house just seems to be taking forever. This is the time I regret ever deciding to school so far away from home, well in my defense. I have to be far away because of a particular person.

You know him, no need for a reminder.

If I had my ways, I wouldn’t be coming back to this place, but I’m missing the people that means the world to me.

Finally the taxi pulled up in front of my home, the single story white building that stood proudly before me. Hurriedly paid the driver, I raced up the small stairs of the front yard of the house.

The door swung open before I could reach it revealing the most handsome young man ever, my brother pulled me in a bone crushing hug.

Wow guess I wasn’t the only one missing them.

“Hey sis” Alex greets warmly, unwrapping himself from the hug.

“What’s up kiddo” I ruffled his neatly combed brown hair.

“Not my hair” he grumble slapping my hand away fixing his hair. He always careful and angry when it comes to anyone messes with his hair.

“I’m most definitely not a kid, I’m seventeen” He claim, shooting his chest out to make him look taller and intimidating. I roll my eyes and shove him to the side, then proceed to walk inside. I heard Alex grumble about how I don’t know how many girls are drooling because of him.

He’s good looking for a seventeen years old but I’m not gonna tell him that to boost his already big ego.

He’s even towering over my 5’4 completely, and has also gain some muscles to compliment his handsome face. I remember before going away to school, some girls from his school both juniors and seniors won’t stop hanging around our home.

Mom didn’t notice though or else she would have run for the hills. I chuckled softly and walk into the living area to find Grace watching one of her favorite cartoon, vamperina. She’s too engrossed in the cartoon to even notice anything in her surrounding.

Alex and I have being standing behind her for almost three minutes now, snickering at each other every now and then.

“Boom” Alex voice rang in the air followed by a fearful scream from Grace, she jump too oblivious of our presence behind her. She turn around sharply ready to defend herself. But then race to me the instant she realized I am here.

“Ava” she squeal joyfully, I pick her up and spin around with giggling. How much I’ve missed this little beauty.

Behind me I hear Alex whining from our loud squealing and excessive hugging, as if he hadn’t just almost crushed me a while ago.

“You came Ava, I’ve missed you so much” Grace choke out swallowing a sob.

“Hey, I’m here now okay?” I cooed, running my hand up and down her back soothing her. I walk to the sofa she had previously occupy and sat down with her still in my arms.Content © provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

“Where is Mom” I direct to Alex, his face sour at my question.

“She’s at work and won’t be back till eight” Alex almost snapped not at me though. I know what’s on his mind, Mom should be home taking care of us instead she working late, now he’s stuck with the responsibility of caring for Grace.

All the credits goes to my so called Dad.

Who is lurking around drinking and gambling away wasting his life in such an unpleasant things, I wonder what he gain from all of that.

I shook my head, throwing away the useless thought.

“And Dad” Alex groan pissed from my question, from the look on his face, he’s barely hiding his irritation for Dad.

“The usual” He spat with venom dripping from the words, disgust and anger flash through his eyes. Only God what he’s thinking, I pray he doesn’t grow up to hate Dad more.

Suddenly, the front door burst open to reveal a very drunk dad, He staggered his way in slamming the door lock in the process startling both Grace and I. Meanwhile, Alex stood still unaffected by him but one would be able to tell his anger has fuel up by the clenching and unclenching of his hands.

He was about to walk pass us but halted and glance my way then turned fully to me, of course I won’t go unnoticed. I haven’t been in the house for over two months so it’s unlikely I would go unnoticed.

I groan mentally when his drunkful gaze remain on me, I brace myself prepared for the harsh words he will throw at me.

But what happened next left me stunned.

It’s not what I’ve prepared for, more like opposite of what I’m expecting it’s totally took me off guard.

I remain frozen on my spot still not able to comprehend what just happened, if someone told me before that this would happen. I would have laugh on their faces telling them to keep dreaming.

The world most impossible thing happening is dad pulling me into a hug and saying sorry, it made me almost think he’s not my Dad.

“I’m sorry my child” His words made me more tense than earlier.

What happened to the dad I left two months ago, why all of a sudden he is sorry, after all these years.

Don’t blame for being surprise because it’s not everyday my dad hug me, heck he never did not anymore so why now.

And now he’s sorry? What would that change.

The damages has already been done there is no need for all this sorry stuff.

“I’m so sorry, please forgive me” and like that he passed out on my shoulder.


Now I have to drag him upstairs to his room, which Incase is not an easy task. It’s just like dragged sack of granite across the road, I shudder at the mere thought of climbing those stairs with him.

I look to Alex for help but I met an empty spot, then the front door slam shot announcing his leave.

Now I’m all myself.

I don’t know how but I somehow managed to drag him up and lay him on his bed, I turned to leave but he caught my hand.

Then muttered two words before finally slipping into unconsciousness.

“I’m sorry”

Quit saying that, I groan inwardly.

I shrugged his hand off and left, I went down stairs to find Grace continue watching her cartoon, taking a seat beside her I blew out air of relief.

The silence that has stretch between me and a very focus Grace was rudely disturb by the slamming of the front door again.

What’s everyone slamming the door.

“Ava Sophie Marcus” Mom March in towards us like a lightening, a scowl settling on her face with a mindless Alex trailing after her.

“Why are you out from school” mom seethe, obviously irritated with me for leaving school when it’s not a break or holiday.

“Mom” I pout like a kid, “I just missed you guys so much” that’s not a total lie, I really do miss them.

“That’s not an excuse young lady” she hissed, here we go with her long lecture, she would make a good teacher if she wants to.

“Did you even take permission from your department head?” And ladies and gentlemen that where the bulb go off.

Crap. I didn’t, what would I tell her now and lying isn’t an option she would see through me and give me an earful about not rising a liar.

I’m so dead.

“You did not” Mom stated, taking my silence for a yes. “How could you be so irresponsible Ava, I raised you better than that. Do you want to get yourself suspended or even worst expelled?” I stayed silent not to prolong the conversation so badly.

“You’re going back on Sunday” Mom declare leaving no room for agruement. I open my mouth to protest but one look from shut me up.

No need to offend her more.


“Dad said he’s sorry” I brought it up during dinner, dad hasn’t said that word in such a long time and sure enough he wasn’t planning on doing so anytime soon. Something isn’t right, and Mom knows about it. I just hope she would tell me.

“Did he say anything else” she narrowed her eyes but I’m guessing it’s not from the beaming light that flooded the kitchen, her brows were drawn together with a worry. Her voice thick with tension even a blind man could tell that she is worried about something.

It’s kills me not knowing and sharing her burden, for the first time dad said something odd and now one who is always the calm and relaxed person in the house is anything but calm.

Something is definitely not right.

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