Chosen By The Dragon Kings

Sixty Three

Sixty Three

Matitus POV

I follow after Silas, his burning rage radiating out of him as he storms into the castle heading for the

library. When I approach, he had upturned the entire room in a matter of seconds, once again I would

have to clean up his mess, his anger always getting the better of him.

“What the fuck is your problem?” I demand making him turn around and glare at me.

“I will not give the Fae our kingdom” He argues.

“Is this what your so pissed off about? Because she is Fae, what did you expect her to be, a bedroom

toy? We are kings either way she would be our Queen”

“That’s exactly what I expect, she is Fae. This is my kingdom, we built it. I won’t just hand it over to the

Fae to do as they please”

“What are you talking about? You’re not giving the Fae our kingdom, you are just agreeing to let Elora

rule alongside us, they listen to her. This is a good thing Silas”

“You blinded by her; you don’t even see what is happening” Silas retorts. I did see, clearly saw what is

happening, change was happening, and he couldn’t handle it, his ego getting in the way, his burning

hatred for the Fae consuming his head.

“So, what you expected Elora, just to remain by side and have no say in anything?” I ask.

“Yes, she is ours, she shouldn’t be challenging us, challenging our titles, she is to be seen not heard”

Silas screams at me before throwing a chair against the wall. I laugh I can’t help it. He really expects a

woman like her to be stuck in a corner and do as she is told.

“I can’t believe your laughing, there is nothing funny about this, this goes against everything. She is

going against us” Silas yells the temperature rising with his anger.

“Is this about Elora or the Fae?”

“The Fae, what else would it be about?”

“Well sorry to break it to you Silas, Elora is Fae. She can’t change who she is”

‘I won’t hand my kingdom over to the Fae, I don’t care what she is to us. This was supposed to break

the curse on the Dragon’s not the Fae, her sacrifice was wasted and then this bullshit threatening to

take our kingdom”

“She isn’t taking anything, why can’t you see that? You are right she made a sacrifice so did Claire, the

curse on the dragons? Fuck the curse Silas, I don’t give a damn about the curse with her by our side” I

scream back at him.

“Maybe the curse on the dragon’s wasn’t a sacrifice she is supposed to make” Dragus says

overhearing the conversation as he walked in.

“What are you talking about, the book said the chosen one had to make the sacrifice” He argues back

against Dragus.

“Think about it Silas, why would a Fae have to make a sacrifice for the Dragons. Elora doesn’t owe us

anything. If anything, you owe her a fucking apology, you just denounced her in front of the entire

kingdom all because she is Fae. Her being Fae does not affect her ability to rule alongside us” Dragus

tells him.

“She is not our equal” He screams back at him. His entire body trembling and I could see scales

rippling up his arms as he fought to not shift where we stood.

“Maybe that’s the problem, you two have been fighting against each other the moment she got here.

You want her to be our mate, yet she is to sit below us. That’s not how it is supposed to be, she is to

stand beside us, not behind us, equal’s Silas”

“Fae will never be equal to the Dragons” He says turning away.

Dragus and I both stare at him, nothing we say was getting through to him. What I didn’t realise was

that Elora had heard everything, didn’t realise she was watching from the doorway, she remained

silent, if it weren’t for the hurt hitting me through the bond, I wouldn’t have even noticed she was there.

What Silas said hurt her.

“If that’s how you feel Silas, I will take my people and leave” Her voice strong, yet I could feel how

much she was struggling to remain that way, not wanting him to see how deeply his words cut her, she

felt rejected by him, by us.

Silas spins around at the sound of her voice, I could tell he didn’t mean for her to overhear, yet she NôvelDrama.Org holds this content.

had, and he was to stubborn to admit he was wrong, to stubborn to give into her.

“And go where Elora, you’re not leaving this kingdom?”

“If you don’t want the Fae here means you don’t want me here” She tells him.

“That’s not what I said” He says stepping forward, but she puts up her hand warding him off and he

stops, regret shining in his eyes.

“I am Fae, Silas. I can’t change and I wouldn’t even if I could. My people will follow me. Your kingdom

means that much to you? have it. I never asked for this. You brought me here. I didn’t want to rule, I

didn’t ask for this, it just happened. Either let me in or let me go. I will not turn my back on my people”

She tells him before walking away.

“She won’t go, there is no where to go. She will get over it” He says before sighing. I shake my head; I

know Elora enough to know she will do as she says.

“You’re really going to let her leave?” I ask incredulous. Dragus thinking the same thing.

“She can’t leave, there is nothing out the there. Everyone know not to cross the borders”

“So, you told her what’s out there then?” I ask folding my arms across my chest. His head snapping

toward me and I knew he hadn’t. No one knows except the Lycans and us.

“She knows it’s not safe” He says sitting down on the ground, placing his arms on his knees. I nod well

that’s one thing I suppose. Elora won’t risk the Fae, not when she only just found them.

“So, what next then, this is your plan?” I ask.

“We show them who has control, we don’t need another rebellion from them. Either Fae fall in line or

we get rid of them” He states. This shit again, this grudge against the Fae needs to end.

“Elora won’t allow that; she won’t bow down to you again Silas, why can’t you see that?” Dragus tells


“She won’t have a choice; she belongs to us. This is our kingdom, our home. She will see it as a good

thing, the bond will make sure of it” He says. I am done, he honestly believes she will stand idly by and

allow him to control her, control everything.

Not able to handle any more of his nonsense I leave. I won’t lose my mate again; won’t lose her over a

hundred-year-old grudge he can’t seem to drop.

Heading upstairs, I walk to our bedroom. I could hear her sobbing behind the door. I hesitated what if

she hated us now because of him? Taking a deep breath, I enter to find her rummaging in the cupboard

for some clothes after hers were torn from her wings.

“What’s wrong?”

“Don’t pretend you don’t know Matitus” She says. I wanted to go to her, but I could tell she was mad,

hurt by what happened with Silas. I watch as she strips what’s left of her clothes off and gasp at what I

see. She was magnificent. Her skin was gorgeous, etched with the markings of the Fae. Elora looks

down when she notices my stare and I feel her shock hit me, the violet markings spreading from her

temple down her cheek and across one entire side of her body, the markings of her magic, our mate

markings but there was more, I know the more markings a fae has, mean the more powerful they are,

but this was something else. These weren’t just Fae markings but the markings I had only seen in

books. Dragon books.

Something changed when she came back or was reborn as Claire had said. Running down her side

were violet swirls, swirls I realised were mine and Dragus markings spreading across her ribs to the

side of her stomach, they were mesmerising, and I never liked tattoo’s, especially on woman but on

her, they were beautiful like a part of her, they enhanced her beauty, and I was in awe of her.

“I wonder what they mean?” She asks softly tracing her fingers down her side of the blossoms and


“May I” I ask, and she looks up at me. Her eyebrows furrowing before she nods. Kneeling in front her I

trace my fingers over the new markings, they glow under my touch, reacting to me. I knew it. These

were our markings, she had been blessed with our magic, when we pledged our loyalty to her it sealed

us to her, giving her a piece of us, though I could tell it wasn’t complete because of the way it suddenly

cut off. She was missing one piece. That piece was Silas.

“It’s our magic” I tell her, looking up at her. She stared back down not understanding.

“When we stood before you pledging ourselves to you, it gave you a part of us” I tell her.

“But I am Fae, not Dragon?” She says.

“I doesn’t matter, you’re our mate we are part of you and you us” I tell her.

“So, you sacrificed a piece of your magic and gave it to me?” She asks. Her words hitting me like a

tonne of bricks and Dragus’s words earlier, that he said to Silas. It finally made sense.

I knew he was right. It was never Elora who had to make the sacrifice, it was us. Only we could break

the curse. We had to surrender to her, give ourselves wholly to her. Yet I knew the curse would never

be broken because I know Silas would never surrender to a Fae, even if she is our mate. Even if it

meant breaking the curse.

I laugh at my newfound knowledge, Blaire was cunning, she knew he would never submit to the Fae;

therefore, the curse would never be broken. She knew he would kill them off, yet she must have

misunderstood the Fae’s ability to survive, or she knew they would, but his stubbornness would see to

the curse never being broken.

Blaire knew, no matter what Silas would be his own downfall, the ultimate revenge. We could have

broken the curse all along we just didn’t see it.

“What’s so funny?” She asks staring down at me. I kiss her hip and she shivers; I love how reactive she

is to us, love how her body reacts even when she doesn’t want to.

“Nothing little one, nothing you need to worry about”

Author Note

Let me know what you think.

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