Chosen By The Dragon Kings

Chapter 44

Chapter 44

Chasing after Matitus, I watch as he places Abigail on her bed. Walking down the corridor, I go into the

kitchen and retrieve some leftover soup from the fridge. Matitus walks in while I place it in a Pot on the


“Hungry Little one?” he asks, but I shake my head.

“No, I am making it for Abigail,” I tell him before grabbing a tray out and a bowl. I sit on the bench

waiting for the pot to heat up. Matitus moves between my legs. “Thank you for helping Abigail,” I tell

him, and he looks away guiltily.

“What?” I ask, confused by his reaction.

“I went to Abigail’s to find her family for Silas” he says, and I shove him away.

“You were going to help him, and what would you have done if they were home?” I ask, disgusted that

he would use her family against her after promising he wouldn’t.

“I wouldn’t have let him hurt them,” he says.

“No, just Abbie, right? Get away from me Matitus you're just as bad as him,” I tell him before getting up

and checking the soup. I hear Matitus growl before walking out.

Pouring the soup in the bowl, I grab a spoon and a bottle of water before walking toward Abigail’s

room. Using my hips, I nudge the door open and find Marian sitting next to her, her head in hands as

she stares down at Abigail worriedly. Placing the tray on her bedside table. I brush Abigail’s hair from

her face. Her eyes snap open, and Marian looks relieved. “My Claire,” she whispers tears in her eyes.

“Claire is fine, I promise I won’t let them harm her.”

“No, Elora, you don’t understand,” she gasps before sitting up.

“Understand what?” I ask, looking back at the door.

“I promise Abigail, I won’t let them take her from you.”

Abigail went to say something else before her eyes darted over my shoulder and I felt his presence

before I even turned around.

Silas was leaning against the doorframe, watching us, I turned back to Abigail ignoring him.

“Come Elora, Marian will look after Abigail.”

“I am not going anywhere with you,” I tell him, not even trying to hold the venom from my voice. Silas

growls before stepping into the room. Abigail’s eyes go wide and Marian nudges me with her arm, and I

know Silas is directly behind me. Feeling him lean down next to me, daring me to go against him.

“Go, I will stay with her” Marian says, looking up at Silas nervously. Leaning over the bed, I kiss Abigail

on the cheek. “I will come back in the morning, I promise,” I tell her before turning around. Silas steps

to the side motioning to the door with his hand and I walk out. I can feel him following behind me and

goosebumps rise on my skin. I go to walk towards the office when I feel Silas grip my arm, making me


“What?” I ask, confused. “Matitus and Dragus are upstairs, dinner is ready. You need to eat.”

“I’m not hungry,” I tell him before shaking his arm off. Silas crosses his arms across his chest, staring at

me, making me groan before I walk past him and up the stairs.

“Good” Silas mutters and I fight the urge to smack him. Walking in the bedroom, I see the chain on the

floor still attached to the bed. Stopping, Silas walks into me. Turning around, I pull on his pants.

“Little early for that isn’t it” he says, a smile on his face. I roll my eyes, digging through his pocket and

finding a little silver key. I then march over to the bed and undo the lock attached to the end of the

chain holding it to the bed before picking up the chain. Walking over to the window, I shove it up,

opening it. Matitus and Dragus watching me with silly grins on their faces. I then look out the window

and see a couple of guards below, annoyed I grab the chain before singing out the window.

“Watch your heads” And I turf it out, watching as they quickly sidestep, and it lands in the snow. I hear

them growl, but they say nothing. Shutting the window, I turn around and Silas is shaking his head and

Matitus laughs before looking down at the floor.

“What?” I ask, crossing my arms across my chest. Silas steps forward and I watch him.

“You just threw the key out the window with the chain,” he says. Property belongs to Nôvel(D)r/ama.Org.

“So?” I ask. Silas looks down at my ankle, making me look down. Argh I groaned, realising Dragus only

broke the chain, not the padlock, and it was still attached to my ankle like an anklet. Great, now I am

going to have to walk all the way down there. I go to move toward the door before Silas arm wraps

around my waist before he places me on the end of the bed. “And where are you going?”

“To get the bloody key,” I tell him. Silas raises an eyebrow at my tone of voice before grabbing my

ankle, making me fall backwards at the force. Silas grips the chain twisting it and I scream out at it

pinching my skin. “Stay still,” he says before hooking his finger under enough to get his other finger on

his other hand under it. He quickly yanks it and the chain snaps but also sends me flying off the bed,

making me land on the floor. I glare up at him and he has a smirk on his face.

“Asshole, you didn’t need to yank it like that” I snapped at him. Feeling hands under my arms, I look up

as Dragus leans over the bed before picking me up and placing me back on it next to him. Silas grabs

a cheese cube before sitting on the bed next to me. I shuffle closer to Dragus and lean against him.

“So, you will sit with him, but not me?” Silas asks.

“He didn’t help torture my friend,” I tell him, Dragus hands me something that resembles snot in a shell.

“Try that?” he says.

“What is it?” I ask, looking at it disgusted.

“An Oyster, I promise they taste better than they look” I sniff it before placing it in my mouth. Nearly

throwing up at the texture. Not only did it look like snot, but it also felt like snot. I swallow the slimy

sucker down and Dragus offers me another.

“No thanks,” I tell him, pushing his hand away. He shrugs before eating it. My stomach turned while

remembering how slimy it felt going down my throat. I wondered who the hell cracked one of them

open and thought it looked good enough to eat. Or were they so hungry that they ate the gross-looking

thing out of desperation?

Laying down on the bed, Silas, Dragus and Matitus keep trying to get me to try things, but I refuse not

hungry. All I could think about was what Abigail said about me not understanding something.

“What’s on your mind?” Silas asks, lying next to me. I ignore him, keeping my walls up so he doesn’t

get in my head. Dragus hops off the bed, putting the tray outside the door on the trolley before walking

in. He climbs back on the bed before pushing my legs apart and resting his head and arms on my lower

abdomen, looking up at me. Silas rolls on his side, looking at me, and so does Matitus.

“Can you not stare at me like that? You’re creeping me out,” I tell them, looking up at the ceiling and

ignoring them. Dragus lifts himself before pushing my shirt up and kissing my stomach. I gasp at the

sparks before pushing him away.

“Elora you said you wouldn’t fight against the bond” Silas warns but I move forcing Dragus to hop up

before I knee him in the face. I hear Silas sigh before I feel Dragus squeeze in beside me. “How many

fae are alive?” I ask. The room goes completely silent as everyone stops moving.

“Why?” Silas asks.

“I want to know,” I tell him, wondering how many they have come across.

“Besides you?” Silas asks.

“Well, obviously” I mutter.

“Four then” Silas answers.

“What do you mean only four?” I ask, sitting up and looking over Dragus' shoulder at him.

“Well Marian, Abigail and her family” Well technically two because they weren’t really Fae, I thought to


“You said you have come across them before, how can there be only four?”

Silas looks at me and for a second I thought I saw guilt flash across his eyes before he pressed his lips


“You killed every single one you found, didn’t you?”

“Does it matter? It is done now; I can’t change what I already did” Silas states.

“Can I ask what you have against witches?” I ask curiously. Silas eyes snap to me and I can feel

Matitus eyes boring into my back. Dragus tugs me back down, wrapping his arm across my waist.

“Why do you want to know about witches?” Dragus asks.

“I don’t, I just want to know why you hate them” I lie, one thing I liked about having magic was that I

could now keep things from them. It was such a struggle to grow up without the ability to lie or always

trying to answer without lying and also without answering if that makes sense.

“Witches were the ones that helped Blaire find the curse, it was one of their spells” Silas tells me.

“You blame them for what a fae did?” I ask.

“Yes, they knew what she wanted it for, and they still gave it to her” Silas says. Yawning, I ask another.

“So, Blaire was my great grandmother, and she cursed you for being her Mates?”

“No, she cursed us because I killed her husband” Silas says with a growl.


“Because she rejected us, Elora. Okay now, drop the subject”

“So, because she didn’t want to give up her husband for you, you killed her” I ask shocked. That’s

horrible. It's one thing to have a mate let alone three and to top it off to already have a family with

someone else and be expected to just throw them away because some strangers claim to be your


“So, what happened to Blaire?”

Silas doesn’t answer, just rolls over, ignoring my question. Yawning, I close my eyes, giving up on

getting answers, and I feel Dragus pull the blanket up. Finally, giving into exhaustion.

Tossing and turning all night until something wakes me, heat pulling me from my slumber as I toss the

blanket off.

“Stop moving” Dragus growls half asleep. My entire body feels restless, and I can’t stop wriggling. I feel

my entire body heating from my toes, creeping up my legs making me kick them, my clothes feeling

uncomfortable as I try to remove them. Matitus moves rolling into me and sparks fly over my body in a

wave, making me moan loudly and my toes curl. I feel him freeze before hearing Dragus sniff the air

and freeze as well.

“Get them off, get them off” I scream, clawing at my shirt that felt like it was suffocating me. Silas

groans before flicking the light on and I squint, the light burning my eyes as I rub them trying to stop the

blinding light that was irritating them. Silas dims the light by chucking a shirt over the lamp beside him.

Both Matitus and Dragus frozen still before Silas looks over worried before growling. Just the sound of

it washing over me makes arousal flood me, confusing me. “Shit” I hear him snap. Making my eyes dart

to him. Everything feels heightened and my skin feels so sensitive to touch.

“Don’t move, Elora” Silas says, making me confused. Looking at Dragus his eyes are pitch black and I

gasp turning my head I noticed Matitus eyes glowing dangerously, and I feel sick to my stomach with

dread. Just as another wave of whatever this weird heat is washes over me. I moan loudly as tingles

spread over my body before I am suddenly yanked from the bed. Dragus growls loudly, but all I can

think of is Silas skin touching me, relieving the sensation. Wrapping my legs around him, I press closer

to him, sighing in relief from the feel of his skin.

Feeling him move, I moan rubbing myself against him making him groan loudly. “Elora stop or they may

attack you” Silas growls at me, his grip tightening.

“What?” I murmur, confused but also not caring because all I can think about is touching him.

“You are in heat, so I suggest you stop rubbing against me” Silas says before walking into the

bathroom, he locks the door before flicking the shower on when I hear growling in the bedroom before

the sounds of moaning which make me moan. Feeling their arousal wash over me, I try to get down

from Silas, wanting to go to them. Silas grip tightens on me.

“You are making this harder on me Little one, stop wiggling, my self-control ain’t that good”

“Let me go,” I tell him when suddenly I feel his lips smash into mine hungrily, I kiss him back forcefully,

gripping onto him and devouring his lips. Silas chuckles before suddenly I am under cold water making

me gasp. Silas sits on the shower floor with my legs straddled around him. I try to stand when he yanks

me back down.

“Stay in here, you’re safe in here,” he says before kissing me and I clutch his shoulders, my fingernails

digging into him, but he doesn’t seem to mind. “You’re a virgin Elora, in mating heat and they won’t be

gentle. They will hurt you by accident” His whispers between kissing me and I move my hips and feel

his erection pressing against my tights. Silas groans and I feel my core throb, I feel crazed as I move

my hips against him. Silas grips my hips, holding me in place before growling.

“Elora, stop” he shudders but I can’t help it. I need his touch, need something before I erupt...

“God you smell good” he groans before kissing me, his tongue fighting mine for dominance.

“I can make it stop, I can give you what you want,” he says as I try to move my hips against him.

“Elora, do you want me to make it stop for now” he asks. Right now, I would have let him do anything

as long as his body was touching mine.

“Yes” I moaned before gripping his shoulder and digging my nails in as another wave washes over me,

making my toes curl from the intense pleasure but it wasn’t enough.

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