Chasing His Kickass Luna Back

Chapter 0437

Chapter 0437


The training session with Karl leaves me feeling both exhilarated and exhausted. We've both worked up a good sweat by the time we’re finished, and as we stand there wiping our foreheads with our towels, | can’t help but feel a sense of accomplishment.

It's been a long time since I’ve pushed myself to train like this, and I’m determined to get better. And hell, maybe I’m not quite as weak as | thought | was.

“Thanks for this, Karl,” | say, my voice a little breathless. “I really appreciate your help.”

Karl smirks, his chest rising and falling with his own exertion. “You've still got a long way to go, Abby,” he replies. “But you're making progress.”

| nod, taking a deep breath. “Yeah, well, | might be here for a while anyway, as long as this restaurant case is still open. Officer Martinez told me it’s probably best if | stay out of the city for the time being.”

Karl’s expression changes, and for a moment, | can’t quite read it. But then he seems almost... pleased, his eyes softening. “Well, you know you're always welcome here,” he says. “And besides... | like having you around. But | guess you already knew that.”

| blush at his words and quickly look away. “I don’t mind staying here either,” | admit. “But it’s just not fair that my poor restaurant staff is suffering because of this whole thing. | wish there was something | could do to make it up to them, you know?”

Karl furrows his brow, deep in thought. He seems to be mulling something over, and | can’t help but wonder what exactly is going on inside his head. After a moment, though, he finally speaks.

“You know, Abby,” he says slowly, “there might be something you can do to help your staff.” | raise an eyebrow, intrigued. “What do you mean?”

Karl sighs, grabbing his bag off of the floor. “I have a meeting to attend right now,” he says. “But when I get back, | might have a proposal for you. Something that might just solve your problem.”

I'm taken aback by his cryptic response. “A proposal? What kind of proposal?”

Karl smirks, his lips curving into a mischievous smile. “Not sure yet,” he says, already walking backwards toward the door as he taps the side of his head. “I can feel it cooking, though.”

With that, he turns and walks away, leaving me standing there feeling both curious and a little confused. | watch him go, wondering what he has in mind and how it might help my restaurant staff.

| sigh as | make my way back to my room. The training session with Karl has left me feeling a nS an confusin emagtions! Pate keep Reestant events in my head. The way our bodies brushed against each other, the intensity of our close proximity, and the undeniable attraction between us—all of it is impossible to ignore. Please read the original content at NovelDrama.Org.

My wolf prods at me, as if taunting me with unspoken thoughts. | know what she’s thinking: that | w ean Karl earli tA shakey head, trying to push Abby thoughts away for the time being. “It’s not... like that,” | mutter to myself. “Of course | know he’s attractive and | want him, but it’s more complicated than that.” Please read the original content at NovelDrama.Org.

But my wolf doesn't seem satisfied with my response. “But you two made the decision to keep hooking up,” she says. “That has to mean something.”

Original content from NôvelDrama.Org.

| can feel my cheeks heating up at the mention of our little arrangement, and | glance around m ona ffl | typtipawenneal pers. “Well,” | admit aloud, my voice barely above a whisper, “I know he’s hot. Of course | know that. Why else would | be hooking up with him despite everything?” Please read the original content at NovelDrama.Org.

My wolf responds with a knowing chuckle. “Is that all it is, Abby?” she asks. “Just physical attraction? Nothing else?”

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