Chasing His Kickass Luna Back

Chapter 0435

Chapter 0435


Karl and | are in the kitchen after our run, making breakfast. The smell of sizzling bacon and fresh coffee fills the air, and after that run, | can’t deny the fact that I’m starving.

| glance over at Karl, who is engrossed in flipping pancakes on the stove. At least he’s wearing a shirt by now, but his biceps bulge against the sleeves and his chest muscles pop beneath the white fabric. It’s hard not to be attracted to him, but at the same time, | wish | wasn’t. I’m still upset after everything that happened.

| can’t seem to stop thinking about how he suddenly announced a ‘relationship’ and an intent to have a family with me at the holiday party this weekend without ever discussing it with me first. Sure, his reasons for doing it like that wound up making a modicum of sense in the end, but it still hurt.

Honestly, the whole ordeal left me feeling blindsided and confused. | hate feeling like a pawn in this, and | hate myself even more for being so attracted to the man who started all of it. But | decide to keep it to myself, sipping my coffee to try and calm my frayed nerves.

However, Karl’s most recent transgressions aren't the only thing on my mind right now. | keep thinking about that strange couple from the party, the ones who seemed to be talking about some sort of conspiracy involving children.

Officer Martinez was adamant that the police are going to do their best to handle it, but it still nags at me. The idea of children being in danger fills me with a whole host of emotions—rage, frustration, and fear included.

| must have been zoning out pretty hard, because I’m suddenly pulled back to reality by the clatter of a plate in front of me and Karl’s voice cutting through my thoughts.

“Earth to Abby.” Karl's voice breaks through my reverie, followed by the scent of pancakes and bacon right under my nose. “You good?”

| jump a little as I’m pulled back to reality, realizing I've been staring intently—and completely unintentionally, or at least, that’s what | tell myself—at his bicep muscles for who knows how long. Heat rushes to my cheeks as | sheepishly thank him for breakfast and quickly avert my gaze.

Karl takes a seat across from me and takes a sip of his own coffee. Even though | keep my gaze fixed on my plate, | can still feel him staring at me for a few moments before he finally speaks. “

“You seemed lost in thought just now,” he remarks, his eyes searching mine. “Look, if this is about Dr. Armitage—"

“It's not about him,” | interrupt, maybe a little too harshly. | sigh, setting my coffee mug down. “I was thinking, though,” | admit reluctantly, my voice a little softer now. “There’s a lot on my mind right now.”

He raises an eyebrow, his expression one of genuine concern. “Do you want to talk about it?”

| hesitate for a moment, torn between my desire to confide in him and my lingering frustration. But in the end, | can’t keep the truth from him any longer.Têxt © NôvelDrama.Org.

| take a deep breath and begin to recount everything—the strange couple at the party, their ominous conversation, and Officer Martinez’s warning about my safety. Karl listens attentively, his gaze unwavering.

When | finish, there’s a heavy silence between us. It feels as though | can practically see the gears turning in Karl’s head as he processes the information. His jaw tightens, and his brows furrow.

“Abby,” he finally says, his voice low and reassuring, “you're safe here. | won't let anything happen to you. I'll even hire you a bodyguard, if that’s what you want.”

His words offer some comfort, but | can’t shake the feeling of vulnerability. The incident that happened in the blizzard is just proof of how defenseless | am.

“| appreciate that,” | say, “but | can’t always rely on others to protect me all the time. | want to be able to defend myself if the need arises, you know?”

“| understand completely,” Karl says quietly. | poke at my arm with a sigh, gesturing to my lack of muscle tone. “I’ve grown flabby and weak. | should be ashamed.”

Karl’s eyes soften, and he reaches across the table to gently cover my hand with his own. Even though I’m still mad at him, | can’t seem to bring myself to pull away.

“Abby, you're not flabby or weak,” he says earnestly. “But | understand your predicament. It’s important for anyone, especially a woman, to know how to defend themselves in this fucked up world.”

I'm taken aback by his understanding and willingness to help. “You really think so?” | ask, surprised.

He nods, his thumb rubbing soothing circles on the back of my hand. “Absolutely,” he replies. “Both with firearms and hand-to- hand combat.”

The mention of firearms makes my heart race. Guns have always frightened me, but I can’t deny that Karl’s offer has a certain appeal. “Firearms?” | ask, a hint of uncertainty in my voice.

Karl leans back in his chair, his expression thoughtful. “Yes,” he says. “| could take you to the shooting \\\ range so etime TsAeh you ow to enue Sot It's an essential skill, especially in this world. And | think after what happened in the blizzard, you might want to consider having multiple ways to defend yourself.” Please read the original content at NovelDrama.Org.

| chew my lower lip, torn between fear and curiosity. But in the end, | figure that it’s not theaworst idea) tS bt legge tyr tnit. Ras right; it is important to have multiple methods of defense. “Okay,” | say with a nod. “I'll give it a shot... No pun intended.” Please read the original content at NovelDrama.Org.

Karl chuckles. “Good,” he says. “I think you'll find you feel a lot safer with a gun. Especially in the city, too.” “And the hand-to-hand combat?” | find myself asking next. “What about that?”

He nods and takes another sip of his coffee. “Don’t worry, | haven't forgotten,” he says, ‘Startingc O"! toner El thabryou in hand-to-hand combat if you'd like. It’s an important skill to have, especially if you ever find yourself in a dangerous situation.” Please read the original content at NovelDrama.Org.

“You mean... You’re going to train me? Yourself?” | ask. Karl smirks at me over his coffee cup. “Is that a problem?” he says.

| quickly shake my head, pursing my lips as another ripple of heat rises into my face. “Erm, no,” | say. “I guess | just figured you're busy, so you might want to hire a trainer or something.”

But much to my surprise, Karl shrugs. “I could use the training, too,” he says with a soft smile. “I need to brush up on my skills. Wanna be able to defend you, too, if the need arises.”

His words make me blush even harder, and | avert my gaze back to my half-eaten pancakes and bacon. We continue eating in silence after that, but my mind is anything but quiet. | keep thinking about the upcoming prospects, the possibilities, and most importantly...

Karl’s body tangling with mine, our exerted breaths mingling as we grapple on the floor.

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