Chasing His Kickass Luna Back

Chapter 0427

Abby | take a few moments to collect myself, wiping away the last of my tears with the back of my hand. | need to understand what's going on, even if Karl's sudden announcement still stings like a fresh wound, and even if all of this makes me angrier than I've ever been. Finally, | manage to calm myself the tiniest bit and sink down onto the edge of the bed, my eyes fixed on him. “Alright,” | say, my voice trembling with a mix of anger and frustration. “Tell me all about your grand plan, Karl. And it had better be good because you might have just destroyed all of my trust in you.” Karl sighs and sits down beside me, his shoulders slumped with weariness. He looks at me with a hint of regret in his eyes, and it causes a pang in my chest. “I know | should have discussed this with you first,” he admits, “and | was going to, really. | was going to talk to you about it after the party.” “Oh, were you?" | scoff. “So why did you decide to announce it tonight, right in front of the entire pack? Another sigh escapes Karl's lips. | watch as he leans forward with his elbows on his knees, just like he always does when he’s thinking deeply. Even when I'm angry with him, | can’t help but think how handsome he looks when he’s like this, and it just adds to my fury. “I decided on a whim to announce it tonight, in front of everyone, to protect you from further scrutiny,” he finally says. | raise an incredulous eyebrow. “Protect me?” | hiss. “By trapping me in a fake relationship that | never agreed to?" Karl runs a hand through his hair, his frustration evident. “Abby, | understand that you're upset, and | don’t blame you for feeling that way. Hell, I'd be just as angry as you are if | were in your position. But there are reasons behind what | did.” | open my mouth to respond with some sort of retort, but none comes. Part of me, no matter how small, wants to hear him out even though a much larger part of me wants to send him away, go home to the city, and never speak to him again. “Go on,” | murmur, even though every fiber of my being is screaming at me not to listen. “I need to show that | have plans for a family if | want to win this election,” he says quietly. | scoff, my anger flaring up again. “And how the hell does this benefit me? All it's done is trap me in a fake relationship that | never asked for. If | pull out, I'll be the one who has to take the fall, as usual. Everyone always disproportionately looks down on me because I'm a woman, and my reputation is already in the dirt.” Karl turns toward me then, taking my hand in his. | pull away out of instinct, recoiling at his touch despite the fact that there's a shred of my being, the same shred that let him make love to me in the snow earlier, that wants to lean into him and hear him out. “Abby, | know how hard it is, and I'm truly sorry,” he murmurs. “But this could also save your restaurant. This wasn’t something | just came up with out of nowhere. It's been on my mind for a while; the only whim is how | announced it tonight.” “Tell me how this bullshit could save my restaurant,” | growl in response. He sighs. “With the support of the pack and the appearance of a stable relationship,” he explains, “we can face this together. We can make that Alpha lose in the case. We'll present ourselves as a united front. We'll support each other, vouch for each other if we need to. Whoever plotted all of this won't stand a chance, so long as we stand together.” | scoff again and fold my arms across my chest. “Is that it?” “No, that's not it,” he says, shaking my head. “Abby, | think | can give you the baby you've always wanted.” I'm taken aback, my head reeling at his words. “A baby?” | whisper, my voice trembling. “What are you saying?” “I've been looking into experimental treatments,” he says softly, his brown eyes meeting mine. “Abby, there might be a way to restore your dead ovary and help you get pregnant.” “I never asked for this,” | say with a shake of my head. “And I've already told you | don’t want IVF.” “It's not IVF,” he says. “And | know you didn't ask outright, but | know how badly you've always wanted to be a mom. That's why, in exchange for this deal, | can do my best to give you a baby.” “And what makes you think I'd want to have a baby with you after everything you've done?” | ask, my heart pounding with a mixture of frustration, anger, and confusion.

“| figured you would say that,” he says gently. “And Abby, | understand. That's why | only offer to help yo restore your o ONULCAL help you dey pragiant. ii baby would be yours; if you wanted to be a single mom, | wouldn't stop you. I'd support you as much as you would allow me, of course, but | won't lay claim to our child unless that's what you would want.” Please read the original content at NovelDrama.Org. Karl's words give me pause. The idea of having a baby, a baby of my own, fills my heart with joy.

But at the same time, I'm still too angry. | can't believe that he's preying on my desire to be am er n(rder t Lyyhache vents and it stings re than anything. | stand, pointing at the door. “Get out,” | murmur, my voice nearly a growl. “| don't want to discuss this right now.” Please read the original content at NovelDrama.Org.This content provided by N(o)velDrama].[Org.

Karl nods, standing slowly. But he doesn't leave right away; instead, he steps forward, LUE his arms around me one ash tiokand- Fassing 8 gentle kiss against my forehead before | can stop him. I'm left reeling, feeling caught somewhere between wanting to give in to his touch and wanting to pummel him to death. Please read the original content at NovelDrama.Org. “Just consider it,” he says gently. “A temporary arrangement, and nothing more. I'd win the election, and your restaurant would be saved—and you might just be able to have the baby you've always wanted.” | push against his chest, trying to free myself from his embrace, but he holds onto me, his grip gentle but firm. “| need some time to think,” | mutter, my voice strained with conflicting emotions. “Please go away. Leave me alone.” Karl smiles, and it's a reassuring expression despite everything. He takes a step back, releasing me from his iron grip. “Of course. Take all the time you need,” he says, his voice hardly more than a whisper. “I'll be at the party whenever you would like to rejoin me.” With that, he turns on his heel and leaves the room, closing the door with a soft click behind him. | watch him go, my heart pounding in my chest as his words echo in my mind. Could I really bring myself to go through with this twisted arrangement, all to save my restaurant... and to finally get the chance to be a mother?

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